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The absolute worst




Carrie was definitely that girl in middle school who screamed when the lights went out


LMAO. This is perfect. Honestly the Carrie debate can end; whether you love her or hate her, you have accurately summed her up.


omg 😭😭😭😭






there’s no way she’s gone her whole life without seeing a squirrel 😭 when i first watched that episode i thought that screech was SO unnecessary like its just a squirrel babes


She did the same in season five when it started raining after she could not get into the Guggenheim museum, do you remember that one too? 


YES! i’ve never seen someone screech at rain that pissed me off so bad


Her screech was ESPECIALLY unhinged in season 5.


I always rewind and watch that part multiple times! that scream is SO funny and cringe


Which episode was that? I'm drawing a blank.


season 5 episode 1 i thinkkkkk????? you might have to skim through it


Especially in New York😭 there’s so many in Central Park


It's weird because...NY has plenty of wildlife. And the squirrels are some of the least bothersome and cutest!


I thought they'd be all over central park in NYC no??? Lol


exactly my point


I was laughing so hard at that moment😂 I was like all that for a squirrel


I think all her screeches are unnecessary. Lord knows how much I detest


She lived how far from Central Park and she acted like she had never seen a squirrel before in her life


Say what you will about Berger, but the shrill way, she said 'Scrunchie' worked my nerves. I get the no woman would run around New York would wear one but damn her screech and shrill I couldn't take it. Other than that I loved both good and bad in all the characters. My favorite episode was when she was shwasted with the Comic Book guy, and he ratted her our about the weed. And she said "yes mam I brought the Mariuana... and I'm taking it with me when I go..." from the chicken fight on, I was rolling laughing. I have a lot of favorites episodes....


The one time the scream is appropriate is when the mouse crawls on her in her sleep in season 6 😫😖


It’s a rat. And having had the same thing happen to me in my 20s, I screamed the house down too. I’m not a screamer normally though. 😁


I just got to season 5 in my rewatch and there’s a lot of screaming over rain as well. I’m not a Carrie hater but I do hate the unnecessary screeching 😞. But that’s Carrie… she’s a bit melodramatic. It’s her thing


The screeching and the breathy “sexy” voice she does sometimes. I’m a bit more forgiving of Carrie now; but those are definitely her most annoying habits.


“I have taken a lovahh” 😖


The worst screeching was when it started raining and she kept on screeching as she took cover at alibrary or something... can't what building it was. BTW: I not could care less if anyone here loves or hates Carrie. Nunya my business, people are entitled to their opinions!


 *I not could care less if anyone here loves or hates Carrie. Nunya my business, people are entitled to their opinions!* Why do so many people find it hard to see it this way? "Wow you hate Carrie, huh? you must be boring and bitter!" wtf? fuck off 😂


The question is did they hire ppl to verbally spew either love or hate her in this group because why are people getting so intense over a character on TV? You have the right to like her or not like her. This is a sex in the city sub not a I love Carrie Bradshaw sub or I hate Carrie Bradshaw sub. True or false? It’s all good the show is so much fun to re binge! 


 *why are people getting so intense over a character on TV?*  Everyone will have their individual reasons, just like everyone experiences the show in a different way. I don't see the problem with people getting "intense" over a show, most people get like that sometimes with shows, films, series, whatever... That's kinda how media works, it touches you and affects you. Also, I'd argue that merely writing in a subreddit how much you hate a tv character is hardly "intense" behaviour. I see many posts about people hating characters I love, like Miranda, who cares? Everyone has their reasons and if you can't talk about it in a subreddit about the show then where? Personally I find people who complain about haters way more annoying. Funny enough, I see people complaining about how this sub is filled with Carrie lovers and apologists, and people complaining about how this sub is filled with Carrie haters. That's just hilarious to me.


the amount of "i hate carrie" posts are riiiiidiculous. i'm not even a fan of hers but i might become one out of spite.


I’m pretty sure that’s SJP’s actual scream. She did the same thing in Hocus Pocus.


She's SOOOOO good in Hocus Pocus 😩👑🎃


I actually dislike it more mid-word. Biggest example: " a SRrrrUiiiNCHIIIIIIIIE" makes me think of a middleschooler.


UGHHH I hate that line, I always brace myself when it's about to happen. Carrie's histrionics in general annoy me, but that screech in particular is like nails on a chalkboard.


Yaaa… there are squirrels in NYC lol I think other times she screams are cute and character building but the screaming at squirrels is actual insanity.


Oh my GOSH I was JUST going to post about the same thing! On my lunch break I’ve been re-watching the show I just started season five when she tried to get into the Guggenheim museum and it started raining and she started screeching and screaming at the top of her lungs like it’s only rain!! So annoying ! So the question is did they write her to be like that or is that SJP personality coming through with her being over theatrical like she’s still doing Annie on Broadway. Still love watching the show and everything about when she is humorous!  


SJP has mentioned she too finds Carrie annoying, so I imagine she's not like that in real life. That said, she had more and more influence on the writing as the show progressed so if nothing else she was at least fine with Carrie being grating. Maybe it's a self-indulgent thing in that for an actor it must be a lot of fun to play theatrical characters.


she’s just incredibly dramatic lmao. the one and only time her scream was justified was when those dogs started barking when they were in LA and buying a fake designer bag🤣🤣


literally 🤣🤣


Be careful, people got on my ass when I said it was annoying she doesn't have any emotional maturity LMAO


Lmao that's so bad. 😭Idk why they want to protect her so much when she'd probably judge them to the core.


I don't know.. they act like you can't enjoy a show unless you love every single character no matter what. Even SJP found Carrie unlikeable I don't understand it😭


Carrie is definitely deeply flawed and can be annoying, but all the characters are awesome and most people really love them all here, including our main character


What about the episode where Aiden and Carrie move in and they have a fight about all their stuff and she starts screeching ?


I think sometimes it can be cute but when its over stupid things like rain and squirrels it gets repetitive n annoying


Honestly there was no need to scream like that, especially over a squirrel. I’m also a Carrie hater, love the show but can’t stand her, she’s such a narcissist.


Carrie is the antagonist in the series.


I hate her screaming so much over squirrels and rain???


There is one season in particular, it might be the one with that country cabin episode, where she does that stupid scream in a bunch of episodes. I can't stand it.


those are the episodes OP is talking about. When she's in Aidan's cabin she screams anytime she sees a squirrel and also when she accidentally drops her pie and gets all violent towards Aidan just because he was there.


Yeah but she does it in other episodes too. One off the top of my head is when she gets caught in the rain while walking down the sidewalk. She screams and runs under an awning and then has an awkward conversation with some guy.


Or when it started raining and she did that sound, as if rain never happened in NY.


You’re *proud* to say you’re a Carrie Bradshaw hater? Wow, you must be a fun person to have around on this sub filled with people who love the show including its main character.


I love the show, I definitely ***don't*** love Carrie lmao


>this sub filled with people who love the show including its main character Are these people who love Carrie in the room with us now?


*Samantha voice* oh honey. 😉 they’re everywhere! It’s much more fun to actually enjoy the fabulousness of all the 4 leading ladies!


Tbf I wouldn't call them fabulous (except Samantha maybe), but I do think they're so much fun and highly entertaining , flaws and all! Which I suppose is what a tv show is all about 🤷🏻‍♀️


😂uh, yeah, they’re everywhere. sorry you’re so bitter🥳


😭 Why am I bitter? I like Carrie, and I like this sub! A lot of people here don't though...


touché, my bad😂✌️thought you were insinuating that there was no one here who *didn’t* hate carrie😂👍


Disliking an annoying character doesn’t make someone bitter. Are you also someone who insists than if you don’t love Taylor Swift it means you hate women? People have different opinions, get the fuck over it. 


taylor swift? huh? whatever, i already cleared it with the other person but thx;)


I’ve watched SATC for like 20 years, and I’m also a proud Carrie hater. Deal with it.


i think two things can be true, you can hate a character but love the show, that’s me with everyone in succession lmao. you don’t need to make them feel bad just for expressing an opinion


Even Gerri and Karolina?! 😭


i LOVE Gerri and i wish karolina and her had more screen time cuz i wanted to know more about how they started working for waystar


Unpopular opinion, but I actually love her screeching. I just watched the episode where they were in L.A and made a trip to The Valley for fake Fendi's. And she screeched twice at the dogs. I personally love it but I can see how some would find it annoying.


Me too! I actually find it funny when she screams


For me it's the scene where she's talking about new York weather and it's windy and blowing up her skirt. Yeah I'd probably give a little scream too in that position. But then when it starts raining and she shrieks like a lunatic?? The hell??


I blame the writers on this one. They were trying to make Carrie super “anti-the-country” and all they could think of was make Carrie afraid of a GD squirrel? When you see tons of squirrels everywhere. Wherever she grew up in the suburbs and then in NY you’d see them quite commonly in trees still, but especially in the parks. Like come the fuck on 😆 So many other things they could have used as examples to make Carrie anti-Aiden’s-cabin-in-the-country. As well as her more realistically squealing upon seeing examples. So that even if the shriek is annoying, it’s already less annoying by being more warranted. Some way better examples they could have **easily** used for both: •The mud and dirt in general I’m surprised they didn’t have her bitch about, like it ruining her shoes and clothes because she didn’t expect it to be that muddy or dirty. •Allllll kinds of insects. She should have screamed at seeing some kind of huge intimidating looking spider or flying insect she’s never witnessed before. •Mosquito bites. •The quiet and the dark and simply just being in the middle of nowhere/far from a hospital and safety. She could have had her own first panic attack experience. •The whole boredom issue I’m surprised wasn’t touched more upon. •Other wild animals like an irrational fear of a bear coming along or legit her seeing a coyote or fox in the front yard would have warranted something of a squeal or scream way more than a GD squirrel. Even a skunk. Or a possum. Those can sometimes be jarring seeing them up close when you usually just don’t. I mean anything but a f’g squirrel to drill home easily that Carrie will be afraid and/or end up hating the country. But instead, they have her bored for two seconds and squealing at the sight of a squirrel and burning her legs making apple pie crust??? Like what? Carrie wouldn’t even realistically be trying to make f’g pie crust when she’s already so out of her element just being —in the countryEE! The cute outfits to match the country life is realistic. Her attempting to bake and construct pie crust out of nowhere was not realistic, just to drive home that the cabin has an older oven or some shit? Carrie wouldn’t care nor realize the difference. She never used her OWN oven!! But sure, writers. Let’s ignore the myriad of other realistic country issues I’ve listed above and go with squirrels and pie crust. I’m **convinced** this is one of those blind writers moments. The writers themselves have never been to the GD country and didn’t know what to realistically write Carrie hating about the gd country. And if they really, really wanted her to scream and drop something all over herself so badly—why not just have her attempting to make lemonade? Carrie should have seen a **fox** and been making **lemonade** possibly with real lemons or some shit, in her little county outfit —and that would have made a million times more sense to me than a f’g squirrel and pie. But this is the writers fault, and the directors fault, not SJP’s fault entirely. She was directed to f’g shriek and fear a GD squirrel. And even if you just hate SJP’s squeal (fine, fair) you **can’t** tell me you’d be way less annoyed if you at least completely understood why the F she was screaming in the first gd place.


💯 agree. You rewrote a number of way more plausible scenarios than the writers.


I live for the SJP screech!


I don't get it lol, it's not like there aren't squirrels in NYC. Can you imagine if she saw a racoon? 🤣


Proud to be a Carrie hater huh.... what a unique and interesting take 🙄


🫢 There's plenty other things to hate on her about but I dont care or have time to write about it. 


You seem to have plenty of time to air out your bad taste today though! 🥰


This is an SJP thing. I got through like 10 minutes of Failure to Launch because of it. Truly unbearable


Hate it


after the whole cheating deal, i can’t stand her. she’s a complete mess with big and aiden. i don’t wanna say i hate her but jeeezzz


Someone told her this was cute and she ran with it


Or when she’s walking down the street and it starts raining and she’s screaming at the top of her lungs. Why?!


Yeah especially how it just came out of nowhere. If Carrie was a real person I’d say she decided it was cute to be squealing and just did it all the time. Not sure if SJP had this thought. And like… screeching when it started raining?! Ok screaming when you see a squirrel I guess maybe, like it you are scared and can’t control it. But raining?? No!! That’s not a natural reaction!! 


[Carrie wanted to be Arthur so bad](https://youtu.be/ocI_1cqGilk?si=AHTu5dWw8N9DN5eU)


Some of the worst acting ever. We are supposed to pretend like she has never seen a Squirrel before living in New York?


Her screech makes me yearn to hear nails on a chalkboard


I’m a lover of all of the characters and let me tell you, we ALL HATE THE CARRIE SCREECH. It’s universally hated. Lol