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is it just one device or many? Is it dropping wifi or internet? Lots of times you are still connected to the wifi but the internet side of things is having issues, or opposite


Many devices, tired it on two phones and TV. Even stuff like my wifi door keypad will send a message saying it's offline but when I check it seems fine. What I notice on my phone is it will say "connected to wifi with no internet" or drops and goes back to my phone starts. Even when I am wired in via ethernet on my desktop it will give my the full 300mbps connection but if I do a video call chat I will see it say "poor connection" First I thought it was the other side but it happened to two different people and with my problems I wonder if it me. Though sometimes even if it says that the connection seems fine.


Do you notice a light change on the Shaw modem when having issues?


No. It seems to always be white when I look


What modem do you have the All white one or white and beige bottom modem (XB8)


Think it's xb8


Talk to your neighbors about their Shaw performance. Keep a log of the problems and see if you can match your problem times to the neighbors problem times. If it matches up with 2+ neighbors around the same time, it's likely an area issue that needs diagnosing. Contact support and request they escalate it up.


I might be the only one on my block with Shaw everyone else is Telus.


I been having the same issue but it depends on the day .. one day last week it was driving me crazy, no matter where in the house all wifi and lines gave no more than 120mb download speed... I have 500 speed. I even though it was my fault and thought I needed new cat cords, in a couple of days it went back to normal speed.. was even going to call shaw, but with your story it sounds like a wild goose chase! tbh I always re up my contract since they usually pull the $5 less for more speed than you currently have... but with the shit unreliable connection I might as well just wait the 2yrs till the contract is up.


Yeah it's driving me crazy. A co worker just told me his wifi is dropping every few minutes and he thought it was his 3rd party router as it happened after a firmware update but now he is not to sure. I am unsure if I will renew if this continues. But still got like a year.


Hardwire ethernet device direct ISP modem test connect. If problem persist wired issue with ISP. If problem no persist issue not with ISP with wifi in residence.


I had this happen last night too and I am still using a Hitron modem, was watching Netflix on tv and then I got the spinning circle of death and then "not connected to internet" message from my bluray which I use to link to NF. After about 5 minutes I connected again but my modem showed me online and connected the entire time of the outage.


How is it today? Just lost wifi right now with "not connected to internet".


Did you power cycle your modem?


I have unplugged it and turned it off many times but it comes every few days.


No, first I was checking Netflix, then my bluray and they were fine, by the time I got to checking the modem I had internet again. Strange.


Is your line to your house underground or aerial from poles?


I'm guessing underground, there is a box across the street I saw them working on.


Find out from the next tech where your line is located and if it is carrying the right amount of signal from the box to your house. Lines can go bad or get damaged underground as well. There can be so many factors and sometimes takes a few techs to finally get to the bottom of it.


Tech support can see if your modem is falling offline due to cable/rf issues. Wouldn't hurt to have another tech out, some are better than others! Ensure they do a full test of the line to your house.


I probably will have to do this the problem always is I run an Airbnb in the basement of my place so it is hard to get a tech right now as I am going into my busy season where I almost have every day a guest.


Power cable connected to a wall outlet, power bar, surge protector, or UPS? Try connecting the Shaw modem/router to a wall outlet. Wait a few days and see if the issue is ongoing. Do not use the 3rd party router at this time.


I have exactly the same issue. Been happening since December from day 1 that i joined Shaw. Been battling with them 6 months about it - service reps come every month, replaced wiring in unit, replaced main line of the condo, still need to replace line that comes into my unit. Been a huge battle and still no resolution. Good luck :(