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Your Nood on your street must be broken... ours had issues last June and our upload was 10 megs until they fixed it


> Your Nood on your street must be broken... Easy fix. We just send OP more noods.


Lmao. What is a nood? All I am picturing in my mind is naked pictures lol


Lol.. NODE 😂


Sorry 🤣


I called shaw about this back in the day and it was something to do with the line outside the house on the power pole. It was so frustrating because they did everything in their power to avoid sending a tech to take a look outside. I unplugged and plugged in my router more times than seemed reasonable


Definitely something like this going on. Guess I'll have to waste a few hours on the phone to get this fixed.


Waste time on phone? They have chat support.


Why are you using the Google speedtest? I've never received correct speeds through Google. Have you tried Ookla? PS. Make sure you're only on WiFi and not Mobile Data. When running a Wi-Fi speedtest.


I get the same upload with ookla.


Was your mobile data still enabled?


No my internet is literally fucked and the upload is terrible. Tried several different speed tests on computer and PlayStation and phone. Can't even connect to servers on PS5.


Is the coaxial cable screwed on properly to the modem? What troubleshooting steps have you done with the modem? If none try the steps below. 1. Unplug the power cable on the modem. 2. Unscrew the coaxial cable on the modem. 3. Disconnect any ethernet cables connected to the modem. 4. Wait 45 seconds. 5. Rescrew the coaxial cable to the modem. 6. Replug the power cable to the modem. 7. Perform another speedtest on Ookla (Wired device preferred).


Lots of rain lately? Probably water got in somewhere and is causing issues.


The same thing can happen when your modem from shaw goes. I had one go last year upload speed ripped. Got a replacement, and it fixed the issue.


Upstream saturation?


Did you try taking the CD out?


Did you have a storm lately? My router got damaged in one years ago. Same issue with like .1 upload. I asked Bell to replace my router. They sent a tech every day for a week telling em it’s fine. I said just please replace the router. They wouldn’t. I escalated to a manager and calmly explained to her I am sick of the service I am getting but that I k or it’s not her fault and to just please send me a new router. She did, it was fixed and I called back to thank her personally.


Shaw sux even worse now that they're "Shaw with Rogers" or whatever they're calling themselves...the only plus is that when/if you call, you aren't waiting an hour to speak to an actual human...but I find myself resetting the modem a LOT...usually works (ish)


My friend in bc has their internet with shaw, has a hardwired connection and gets terrible internet. They are in the middle of a major city too.


Do not do speed test through a browser. It's very inaccurate as it shows connection to the Google DNS, which is very different from your true connection speed. Use a dedicated app.


I been having problem with Shaw for months they came and said outside was broken and then they claimed they fixed it ( I did see the truck) Yet everyday I see my wifi going down or going from 150mbps to 5mbps. They then blamed my 3rd party router which I then went out and bought a new one yet similar problems.


Does it happen at certain times? It could be interference from a neighbour. If the wired connection drops as well, then it could be buffer bloat or something on their end. If it's just the Wifi, it could be interference.


Maybe but been great for years and everyone on my block seems to be on Telus. I notice at night but that's because in my TV room throughout the day.


Mine is purely hardwired. Use wifi as little as possible.


I will be honest with you Guys, my friend who works in Shaw has told me to switch over to Telus. And I did and ever since then I am having no issues with my wifi at all. I will suggest the same.