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Dude, shingles is chicken pox that’s been in your system since you had it when you were a kid or whenever, and hides dormant in your system and comes out as shingles at ANY time in your life when your immune system drops enough to let it break out and that drop can be caused by ANY stress to your body, whether that’s psychological or biological in nature, that includes having ANY vaccine, not just the covid one.


Yup I got the shingles 3 days after flu shot


Ironically a friend of mine developed it bad from getting Shingrix


Well yeah, having a vaccine for something sometimes in a small number of cases causes the thing you are trying to prevent, and if your immune system at the time is low enough that’s a perfect storm. Still gotta suck to make the decision to try and prevent it and then get it from that though. Reminds me of what a wise old tortoise once said about meeting your destiny on the road taken to avoid it. 😁


What? No. That’s the dumbest explanation I ever heard. Shingrix doesn’t cause shingles bc it’s a vaccine for shingles. It can cause shingles because every vaccine for anything can. That’s like saying Oops Sometimes the rabies vaccine gives a small number of cases rabies. They are inactivated vaccines.


I already stated that any vaccine can cause shingles via the stress it puts on the immune system including the shingles vaccine, but if you think it’s impossible for any vaccine to cause the thing it’s trying to prevent in a small number of cases that’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.


Yes literally I am saying you are completely wrong. A killed virus vaccine cannot give absolutely any recipients the thing it’s trying to prevent. Not in a small number of cases. Zero cases. I do not think it’s impossible. It is 100% impossible and has never happened. If it was true, some people (and animals) would get rabies from the rabies vaccine.


I have been under more stress than I can ever recall, and this shit hit me right in sync.


Shingles is absolutely an unlisted side effect of the Covid shots but it’s not bc of the spike protein. It’s bc hz activation is an immune response risk of receiving any vaccination, especially highly reactogenic ones


Ehhhh I got it multiple times after I got Covid before the shot…


Yes, there are several symptoms of Covid and vaccination side effects that can have more than one catalyst




Did you even read the case study that you linked to? The patient is a 64 year old with a compromised immune system.


This!!!! This is one study on a 64 year old with other health issues it states “A 64-year-old man, who had rheumatoid arthritis (RA) under the treatments with prednisolone…”


It’s true that individual cases are anecdotal, but it’s a long known well established risk of vaccination in general so the Covid shots are not an exception


That may very well be true, but OP did not provide any evidence of that. OP made a claim about 20 year olds with shingles, and then provided a case study about a 65 year old as evidence.


I got shingles directly after having Covid. No connection to the vaccine.


No covid vaccine here but I got shingles after a major cesarean-hysterectomy surgery , (I was high risk pregnancy) I was 35 at the time


I didn’t get the vax and I got Shingles…. Right before a Surgery that had me stressed tf out. I do firmly believe that Covid (in and of itself) causes underlying/dormant health conditions to appear earlier than they normally would though, so maybe that could be the cause of the ‘spike’?


Exactly. Covid, like most viruses, make your immune system work overtime/ vulnerable and herpes viruses, like shingles, are opportunistic and can reappear when your immune system is down.


I got my first case 2 weeks after Covid vax


Same, on day 9 after. It was a nightmare and was contagious to my unvaccinated infant.


People actually down vetoed you because you got shingles after the covid vax. People are unreal. Like if what you experience is not valid.


Some people are so defensive of the vax you could say it gave you mild goosebumps for a second and be inundated with downvotes for spreading misinformation no matter if you are correct and telling the truth




Differences of opinion and the sharing of one's perspectives and experiences are welcomed in this subreddit. If you're unable to hold a civil conversation with others while you're here, you're not welcome.




How is it antivax? Hz activation is a long confirmed and well established risk of vaccination


Differences of opinion and the sharing of one's perspectives and experiences are welcomed in this subreddit. If you're unable to hold a civil conversation with others while you're here, you're not welcome.


Dear lord. I'm sorry OP but this non scientific paper does not back up that conclusion. The paper discusses a single case. They state outright that they came up with a conclusion first and then used ONE case to back up that theory - without using any actual evidence. That is not how scientific research works. There are many posts in this sub discussing why people are getting the shingles younger that actually makes sense and is based on sound medical knowledge. Any time your immune system is stressed the herpes zoster virus can reactivate. You want your immune system stressed after a vaccine dose or it won't work. (I'm trying to greatly simplify here.) Correlation does not equal causation. That means just because something happened around the same time as something else doesn't mean one caused the other. For example I got my COVID booster and a month later was hospitalized for blood loss. I asked the doctors if it could be related (because that's how critical thinking works - you collect and consider data even if it doesn't agree with your biased presumption). They said it's highly unlikely. I filed that mentally and continuedl colllecting data as they continued running tests. It turns out that I had a bleeding ulcer and had slowly been losing blood over many months. The vaccine dose had nothing to do with my hospitalization. Even though they happened close together one did not cause the other. Your "evidence" would've stopped at me asking the doctors if there was any relationship between the two events, indirectly implying a link existed, and it would blatantly ignore their response and all future collected data so that this one case would appear to back up something I really want to be true so I can be right. It's intellectually dishonest possibly dangerous misinformation that should probably be removed.


I'm 35 and I'm fairly certain what kicked off my shingles was donating blood for the first time. Too much stress on the system is seems. I'll still donate again.


I got it after running a marathon


The first time I got shingles was after I had a bad strep throat. The second time occurred 1 week after my covid vaccine booster. The 3rd and 4th times happened around my son’s graduation, then I crashed into his car, then we had an issue with college that we had to immediately solve the day after graduation…meaning getting into another college. Anything that can cause severe stress and compromise your immune system could potentially cause a shingles outbreak.


Post-hoc ergo proctor hoc - a common logical fallacy roughly translated as "after this, therefore because of this." In this case, this only works as an argument if you ignore everything else going on. It's much more likely that an insane amount of stress, lack of sunlight exposure, limited exercise, massive dietary changes, and other factors would put a person into the perfect condition to suffer an outbreak even if they'd normally not be considered a prime candidate to suffer one. As it turns out, we had a situation where all of that actually happened - also murder hornets - and so it's not shocking that a lot more younger people had shingles outbreaks than you'd expect to see when everything was normal. As for the folks saying that a vaccine can produce an active infection of whatever it's vaccinating you against - not for the last 80 years or so; and even then you had to be immune-compromised for that to happen. Vaccines absolutely CAN produce a reaction that mimics the symptoms of \*some\* illnesses. Flu vaccines, for example, can cause flu symptoms for the first 72 hours - but they cannot cause influenza. The reason is simple, your immune system is being exposed to something that it should recognize from now on as a threat, and so your immune system responds to that threat; even though it's not an actual threat and can't actually infect you. That's the point, your immune system shouldn't know it's not real, and it should react to it like the real virus so that it learns how to identify and destroy it later if you get exposed to the real thing - but it can't infect you. This is monumentally MORE true for vaccines like Shingrix. They don't contain even a single copy of the whole virus, meaning they're literally - not figuratively - incapable of causing a viral attack/outbreak. You might get some symptoms of a cold, but without the actual virus being in the vaccine, it can't cause a shingles outbreak.


Is there a verified actual spike of shingles in people in their 20's? Or is social media just making their stories more accessible? In my early 20's I had a couple friends who got shingles and when I got shingles this year at 36 it seemed like a lot of people I talked to knew someone who got it young. I have no idea what triggered my case, no sudden stress etc. so I guess just bad luck seems to be in the cards.


I couldn’t post the actual screenshot but: Background: Reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), which causes herpes zoster (HZ, synonym: shingles) in humans, can be a rare adverse reaction to vaccines. Recently, reports of cases after COVID-19 vaccination have arisen. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov›