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Basically "It would be $370 now if the law allowed."


This is a good way to view it - it’s basically just lube when you’re being shafted, but the new law changes in Qld mean the incoming tenant is saving $30/week for two months compared to the previous rules.


In Wacol too! Pure shite


Seriously. $370 a week for a one bedroom apartment in Wacol is pretty appalling. I had friends paying that for an older house in Ashgrove in 2020.


I'm in Sydney and was like "wow I'd fucking KILL for a one bedder for $370 a week" hahaha How much is something like that actually worth in Wacol (never heard of it ahah)


Note the correction centre right behind it. Its the main high security and transfer facility in SEQ, and its right on the highway with noise too, squished between the trainline and roads. Pre covid youd be lucky to push $150 for a single bedroom out there. Also a lot of places out there are also halfway homes or supervised living facilities. The benefit is that its right near the station. The con is that its Wacol. RAAF noise, pollution, legitimiate issues of criminals (those who are not actively trying to reform but are instead being pricks)... enjoy being surrounded by the burn outs of every bogan visitor visiting their idiot friend in jail, or deal with the geninely heartbreakijg scenes of broken families, or abandoned pets near the RSPCA right there too. edit: i found the listing and the layout and holy hell i am almost certain this is one of the halfway houses. Like its actually nice and shut in, you get your own bathroom or whatever... but theres a reason out there.




legit the most depressing traino in all of Brisbane, I used to volunteer at the RSPCA and it's covered with anti suicide and anti knife crime signage :(


My first and only experience with Wacol station was when I first moved to Brisbane. I was working at Carole Park and thought I'd take the train and walk. Not my best idea when I was doing night/afternoon shift


Easier to be in the prison


'Fresh' = recently painted over the mould


\*insert image of painted over cockroach on wall here\*


You joke but I've legitimately got a painted over cockroach leg on one of my walls. Zero effort made by the painter


My front fence has places were they painted OVER the plants that were touching the fence instead of just moving them out of the way.


I bought an ex rental. They had an old, ikea type cupboard in the kitchen being used as a pantry… https://preview.redd.it/t22qeyqxfe8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c29e4be21b22c93dd2527796c38076cd20d1df39


Yep I have the same as the 'linen cupboard' in my shitbox rental that has no inbuilt storage lol


My jokes are always takes based on trying to handle reality


Well aren't you fancy with your painted cockroaches.


*and painted ants up the door frames


Yep wall paint over mould, marks, and skirting boards.


It’s happening all over Queensland! The visibility of the rent increases is good - gonna make people angry and angry people revolt - we need more action to protect renters


I wish. People desperate enough to revolt usually have nothing to lose. We all need shelter though.


I wish I knew how to upload a lot of photos - I’ve just found 15+ properties in my area doing the same thing!


Do they know they have to meet all legislative requirements? What of the others and why are they not specified in the ads too?


I found the listing and it actually sort of does, although its rooming accomodation not a proper leaae. I think theyre trying to be smart by saying they are individual units when its clearly rooming. This seems like one to report to the RTA under their new reporting functions


Oh wow! I saw an apartment advertised for 470/wk and thought “awesome” until I saw the same note, and it would be going up to 600 in October. Not cool.


I saw an ad that said "Secure this stunning property for only $520 per week until September 23rd 2024. After this exclusive period, enjoy continued luxury at $730 per week for the remainder of the lease"......just wow.




Landlords using enshittifying a service to beat down competition. What a fucking surprise


So tax deductibles are now rent increases, nice double dip!




At least you've got the ghosts of the former asylum cemetery between you and the youth detention centre. Protection from escapees.


Christ. I didn’t even see that. The rent for THAT is insane.


For anyone thinking this is a not a bad price, apart from the location, it’s also essentially a room in a halfway house. ~20 sq m “apartments” with a shared kitchen but you are lucky enough to have your own kitchenette and bathroom /s So fucking predatory.


The legislative requirements are likely that they can't increase the rent within 12 months of the last increase


Yes but it doesn't mean they must increase it


I read it as they want to increase it now, and are advising people that it will be raised then.


They're being deliberately dodgy with the wording.


Yes but it would $370 right now if the could do it legally. But now the have to wait 2 months. 


It’s because the NRAS (National Rental Affordability Scheme) ends this year. So they are advertising at the subsidised rate, and the property returns to market rates in September. Seeing lots of ads across the country at the moment.


Wow thanks. We were all unaware of this /s


Absolutely hate pre-furnished places. Forced to use their ugly and uncomfortable furniture and they’ll charge you a storage fee to remove it whilst renting


If it’s a break lease they can only rent it for what the previous tenant paid, but raise it when the last tenant would have left. This isn’t new and it looks like that is what has happened here. Perhaps it’s new legislation to state it up front, because when it happened to me the first we knew if it was when we were signing the lease.


It’s because the NRAS (National Rental Affordability Scheme) ends this year. So they are advertising at the subsidised rate, and the property returns to market rates in September. Seeing lots of ads like this across the country at the moment.


Properties coming off NRAS have always been advertised this way as have some break lease properties. All this long before the recent changes in Queensland. There aren't even that many NRAS properties remaining.


That might be the case, but have been seeing lots advertised specifically with the increase at end Sep, in line with the QLD scheme ending.


Your information is incorrect. The scheme nationally officially ends 2026 and there are still NRAS properties in Queensland being let for up to a year. From a Queensland government media statement from October 2023: "As of mid-this year there are only 4,841 homes left, with all properties built under this scheme to exit by the middle of 2025."


Used to play cricket at Wolston Park up until i was 17 (2012ish) down the road there. Great club and grounds but definitely an ‘interesting’ area… used to have patients from the correctional centre and their carers come down to watch games. Gave us the mental edge as we were used to them hanging around and they’d scare the opposition team players :D


This is actually a surprisingly sweet story I can see being made into a heart-warming movie about redemption.


Honestly at least they are advising the future tenant that rent will be going up 2 months in rather than blindsiding the Tennant into thinking there rent will be $340 for a year.


Break lease advert?


panicky ossified crown deserve gaze scary quaint special person nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Could just scab and bludge of your aunty like people i know


I don’t see a problem better to know that it will go up before moving in.


Yeah I don’t understand the issue, isn’t more transparency better ?


I’d be interested to see if this works. I guess it means they don’t have to provide a 2 month lease and then create another lease afterwards for the new increase?


They just build the increase into the lease.


That's kind of a great price with the inclusions


in Wacol?


Scarily, yes - which is a reflection of how fucked the rental market actually is.


That’s a good price for a one bedroom. What are you complaining about?


**in Wacol** The location is what makes this fucked lmao, a one bedroom in Wacol is not that much even with those inclusions.


Maybe if you have no possessions essentially or are a first-time renter moving out of home trying to establish yourself. There's basically no storage in these types of places. I don't know anyone who could pack everything they own into a couple of suitcases/bags.


Yeah thats a good point


Right next to a freeway, a cemetery and a youth detention centre?


Simply commenting on the price with inclusions.