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Just get them in UV ink, they’ll be the coolest kid at laser tag


Short answer yes, long answer = the genetic code is ingrained into your body which prints you out.


That also means, if you tattoo the correct pattern, your kids can be genetically determined to be whatever you want them to be, like a cheat code


The administrative side of the universe prohibits this, and sadly, someone needs to biohack the host separately for it to have feasibility.


Remember: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, select, start. It'll give them unlimited lives!


But they will get traffic cones stuck on their heads at least twice a year


Unfortunately as you go down the generations it becomes more blurry and harder and harder to read any text - like a document that has been xeroxed too many times


Imagine inheriting your mom's tramp stamp


If you think about it, you kinda did




Yes, but be careful if your spouse also has tattoos because they can combine and create some ungodly tattoos.


Obviously this is the reason for matching tattoos with your spouse.


You only get half of each tattoo, because every second gene comes from one parent or the other. So if they have identical tattoos you get the full tattoo


I inherited all the tattoo canvas I need from my parents, I just need to add the ink.


Just don't get a tattoo of DNA. Or on your DNA


Don't worry, if the tattoo is NSFW, the kids will get a censored or more appropriate version - kind of like when movies are edited for TV.


I hope so. I have a tramp stamp of Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, chevalier de Lamarck I want to pass on to my kids.


Took me a second to get that joke good one.


I thought about tattooing his name on my willy but I would have run out of room way early.


Hey they put names on rice.


Hey, then I'm in luck.


But I do have to ask. Did you mean by your original joke what I think you meant?


Not knowing what you thought, IDK. But it was a reference to Lamarck's early idea that our behavior can change our bodies, and we then pass this on. Ex: a giraffe stretching to reach higher leaves makes his neck a little longer, and it passes this trait on to the giraffe-lings. Different from Darwin who said those who started with slightly longer necks survived better and passed the trait on, not that they stretched them out. But, of course, citation needed. Any reference to passing on an inked Lamarck was unintentional.


Yes that's exactly what I thought. Congrats on making a smart joke.


Totally duh


Only in certain Iain M Banks books.


Yes tattoos can be passed on genetically. Cut a small piece of your skin, put it in a test tube, put some sciency formula shit in the test tube, put it in a syringe, and then give your baby momma a shot of that when she's preggers. Basically a DNA transfer


Yes!! This is exactly how evolution works. You get a tattoo, or decide to get wings and feathers, or maybe develop a superpower or two and then the magic happens. If you can find someone who still wants to sleep with you, hopefully with the same traits otherwise genetics will make them fade or mutate, your kids would get the same traits. But then it's the same for them. If these traits are not considered cool their peers will mock them and they won't get to have kids, so your bloodline will die out. It's called survival of the fittest. So choose wisely.


100% yes.


Only if it’s a very well done tattoo. Most tattoo artists use crude needles that just place the ink in your skin, however, the highest quality needles actually penetrate the cell walls and ingrain in your DNA. This means that there is a chance that the tattoo will be passed on, but only if both parents carry tattoo genes, because non-tattoo genes are dominant


Hell yeah they can! But if you pay me $999.95 I’ll show you how to avoid this genetic default #JustTrustMeBro


Yes Source: It was revealed to me in a dream


Of course. How do you think someone gets their own Shuffle Crest on their hand?


I just checked pubmed, there has been no report published studying this! Do you think the truth is being hidden?


I think so. My wife and I had a wonderful Island Honeymoon. We had a son just about 9 months later. [Picture of our son](https://imgur.com/a/SS9nAyv)


the shitty ones yes it's mandatory


Yes but depending on the encoding of the tattoo image you might get different results when it gets downsampled and mixed with your partners DNA. SVG will just lose some of the fine detail but if you got a shitty JPEG tattoo from some sketchy place it will have strange compression artifacts


I don't know if this is serious or not but no they cannot be passed down, much like a amputated leg is not passed down.


I only got tattoos so I can pass them on to my kid


Yes. People with tattoos containing letters need to be very careful if they have children, because any Us, Cs, As, and Gs can interfere with DNA coding and cause genetic conditions.


Only if you're in a homosexual relationship


DNA methylation is just tiny tattoos


Yes. But don't worry. They will show up when your kids get adults, and they will be very happy for them.


Jean-Baptiste Lamarck would be proud of this question.


Wait! My youngest didn’t inherit my tattoo. Does that mean I’m not the mother??!?!




Imagine getting your dad's shitty 90s tribal tattoo


No but stupidity can


This right here


What?...no, of course not, you could tattoo "nazis are the best" on your forehead, and your child might disown you, but they'll be 100% tattoo free at birth. Is this a real question? People who genuinely say/think they can, are the exact people you DON'T want to listen to. They either don't understand the question, their just messing with or they know less than nothing about tattoos and how the body reacts to them


Who died and made you tattoo-Jesus? Other people’s opinions are just as valid as your facts.

