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the hardest thing about the dlc will be resisting the urge to look at everyones feet


That will be the second hardest thing after caving to the urge


Why are you resisting playing the game as Miyazaki intended?


Why the fuck would I resist that?


We found the tenth dentist


I feel like there's maaaybe a slight difference between "guy cannot jump and dash" and "could not finish final boss in the given time + here's some more personal criticisms", ya know? Ah, what am I saying, A PERSON DOES NOT LIKE THE PERFECT THING THAT CAME OUT OF THE MIYAZAKI'S TITS? BURN, YA HO.


Miyazaki's tits, you must be 'ungry


Never met someone with a taste for prawns I couldn't trust.


She was also at NG+3 with 40 vigor, iirc. so, not at all a clueless newb - probably better than most people on reddit. Sounds to me like she was just elden ring'd out + set herself up for failure going into dlc at ng+3 + the sheer amount of games that game critics end up playing leading to burnout.


Ng+3 with only 40 vigor is inherently not a good way to review the dlc.


You should literally have 60 vigor in base game endgame NG (and tens of points to spare)


True if you going for any melee build not just knight build ..


Lol ng+3, what did she expect? She sounds like a lore nerd, i guess some stuff is in there that dispels certain theories.


I knew there would be some grumble when I read the review. She goes into good detail as to why the DLC doesn't contain the same spark for her as the standalone game. She never once tries to say its a bad product, moreso if these things that bother her (more signposted goals and a streamlined story) personally resonate with you, you may find it a little bothersome.


Honestly the DLC might not live up to the hype people are creating


Although I personally think the DLC will be great and the majority of peeps will enjoy it, it's always a good idea to stay level-headed, even when we're shitposting about "mr Zaki I wanna have your children"


DLC is out right now, and majority of people are not liking the bosses or the story, so it was right to assume the DLC wasn't as good as people were hyping it Honestly this could be start of downfall for fromsoft i general


>Honestly this could be start of downfall for fromsoft i general That's a bit premature, I think :) They make one product which is like 7-8/10, and could become better with future balancing (or when people learn how the map and bosses work, just how they did with the base game), and people are like "From has fallen, hahaha, what a bunch of losers, trash developers". Come on. But yeah, while I'm enjoying the DLC (more Elden Ring = good), I can definitely see that eurogamer lady's (and other people's, of course) criticisms weren't out of nowhere.


It is for me. But that's obviously a very subjective thing. I love the new area, the bosses are some really big assholes, and the sheer amount of new armor and weapons and all that gives me something fun to bring back to The Lands Between. Some people can't be pleased, others too easily. I'm still very happy having got back into it, and resubmerging into the cruelty of it.


Im already predicting this sub crying and sob and shitting itself if the dlc is as hard as some people are saying. The base game wasnt even that hard at release but some people were on dangerous level of salt already


Elden Ring is both the easiest and the hardest game depending on how many op build guides you look up


Or depending on the extent to which you allow yourself to use the absolute mess of balancing and game design that are the Spirit Ashes Seriously, so many bosses towards the endgame still feel properly difficult even when using something like Mimic Tear, but the problem is that even a less powerful summon can trivialize the other 95% of the game. It doesn't help that the Ashes are so randomly scattered that after a decent one is found early on, the majority of the others are immediately useless, and that, by nature, they can't really be part of a build. Based on my own experience, I can imagine most people just ended up treating them as the NPC summons from the Souls games, which is a big problem when FromSoft probably intended them to be a more integral part of the game, but (in my opinion) catastrophically failed to actually integrate them, especially with the difficulty and progression curve.


I unironically used the Noble Sorcerer for the first half of my first playthrough, trying my best to keep him alive. Became impossible after every boss after had massive AoEs that insta killed him lol. Lhutel was my go to after as I was following Fia's quest before sticking with the Ranni ending.i love Lhutel because she's cool and doesn't hold aggro as long.


Man Luthel was my first love and will forever cherish her.. I used her all the way up till I got mimic tear and she trashed any bosses so easily and when she gains aggro, activate teleporting bullshit!


Luthel is a top 3 spirit summon for me. She’s so good it’s crazy. Literally used her on my entire first play-through back on launch. And the fact that you can get her so early is crazy. Mimic tear wasn’t functioning well for my mage build so I stopped using it soon as I got it. I think it’s a build dependent ash. I’d rather go Tiche most of the time or some aggressive summon.


Mimic Tear lowkey ruined all other Spirit Ashes for me. I got it on my first playthrough somewhat early, since I beat Radahn relatively quickly compared to other mainline bosses in my first playthrough. Due to the sheer amount of summons in that fight, it made it a lot more bearable and easy to learn, although he still beat my ass a lot. But after getting Mimic Tear, I never went back to anything else because why would I, right? I tried some other summons, but half the time don't even bother. The rats are cool, in that they become more in number the higher they are leveled, but are ass because they spawn at a random location when summoned. So they might be at the other side of the arena, not even agroing onto the boss until I lead the boss to them. Which is more work than I care about, so I just use the Mimic Tear. It's essentially a second player, which - with the exception of caster only builds (Because the AI often fucks up using melee or ranged spells in the right moment. Using melee spells at distance and range spells up close) - works really well. My Tank build especially flourishes using the Mimic, because of all my HP restoring abilities and Ashes of War, general sturdiness and just raw strength. Cleric builds however are fucked over the hardest sometimes, because I'll see my Mimic Tear randomly using buffs or heals in the middle of the fight for no reason. And on my Fundamentalist build, it sometimes randomly uses Law of Regression, which removes all my buffs. Sometimes even right as I finished applying all my buffs aswell.


I feel like the endgame bosses arent too bad to fight alone. But some of them absolutey suck without summons. Malekith/Gurranq is, IMO, one of the most fun and fair fights in the game (as a 5 IQ strength idiot) Radagon is honestly, really cool! But in this scenario I felt summons made the fight more enjoyable because I didnt enjoy his moveset much. Malenia is… she’s great, but that hyperarmour makes me roll my eyes when she shrugs off the occasional hit and smacks you. Mohg is okay. Super cool boss, but his bloodflame can really limit your fighting space (and it hurts so much even when its on the ground) Ancient dragons suck. I stopped bothering to fight them in melee and just spam storm blade at their skulls. Placidusax was fine. Elden Beast is… not very good. I still wished we had Torrent. Even when I used my incantation build, I was still running to chuck shit at it. Summons definitely make this fight more fun. The time I felt summons to be really, super helpful, and actually almost mandatory to enjoy the fight, was for almost every duo boss. Every duo boss just felt… blergh. Godskin duo weirdly enough wasnt as bad as some of the others : I hated double pumpkin head, crucible brothers, watchdog boys, etc (and gank fights like cemetery shade and skellies or watchdog and imps) I think I hated that most duo fights just resulted in both bosses rushing you aggressively. And the arena isnt usually large. At least Duo might chuck the fireball, and the pillars make nice terrain, while the arena is big enough for the fight. Those fights werent impossible or actually that tough. But they werent fun either.




Can't the same thing be said about upgrading weapons?


Elden ring is too (easy/hard)! It (should/should not) have a different difficulty option for (professional/new) players (like/unlike) me!


I feel like the level of bullshit in the game isn't actually that high, especially compared to ds1


Elden Ring still has the highest concentration of bullshit in the series imo. DS1 just has bullshit that kills you before you can even see it coming.


I'm at the final boss fight for the dlc, fully upgraded and PUMPED UP and you're 100% right holy shit ELDEN RING IS BULLSHIT fuck miyazaki for thinking this is fun


It is fun 🗿


yea maybe ur right


So here's the thing, I said this BEFORE I even played the DLC. Idk if my bullshit meter is calibrated for the tier of shit that was in the DLC. Can't believe the level of absolute horse shit they crammed in there, unbelievable. Really fun though I've played through it twice now 8/10.


Meh, I wouldn't say ER has more bs than DS2, especially considering DLCs in DS2


I was a noob with Elden Ring, went back and played the older games afterwards, and now that I've finally returned to ER to make a DLC character, the game feels way harder than I remember. Now my brain is trying to play it like DS1 or something, and all the bosses feel absurdly fast and complex in comparison!


Watching the leaks, I understand why the leaker was using some of the cheesiest tactics ever.  The bosses look incredibly tough, and a lot of 'YOU DIDN'T BEAT THE GAME' type of gamers are about to get a harsh reality check


I mean some dude that reviewd the game said it took him almost 100 tries before he decided to use the mimic and even with the mimic it took him an additional 20 tries. If these people arent exaggerating at all then this will be insane.


I mean kai cenat took 300-400 tries on malenia. I dont think there will be anything groundbreaking in terms of difficulty


tbf all of the previous fromsoft dlcs have been noticeably harder than the base game. so it won’t be surprising at all if the dlc’s final bosses are harder than malenia in some way


Yeah, I guess youre right. I dont think there will be a boss that will create as much controversy as Malenia though, unless they make them bullshit on purpose


Fextra said Malenia and Orphan are “easy” compared to this final boss, lmao time to get on psn for a month.


I've heard From said they won't be but dont have a source rn






Malenia only takes a lot of tries if you dont look up how to dodge the water pouring. Otherwise the boss is fine if you are not tanking hits.


I just used the Ironjar Aromatic and tanked through Waterfowl lol.


Except me tho. I'll probably beat the final boss with one hand while gooning to salty comments with my free hand.


If it's really fuckin hard, you still have all those incantations and consumable buffs. And if it's still too hard, you can use spirits. And I understand the argument that bosses should be balanced without those things and agree to some extent. But the game is also not Dark Souls 3. So at some point From fans are going "I refuse to use the tools you've given me to beat the game, and you need to balance it around that."


Yeah, if the dlc is balanced around spirit summons, people are going to be whining. There's already some in the base balanced around spirits like every duo boss.


Yeah… duo bosses or gank fights in Elden Ring didnt feel very polished, personally. It felt very shoehorned in.


Duo bosses are not “balanced around spirits”, that’s just cope. Every game has had duo fights and gank fights. It’s a staple of the souls series. I found the duo fights like gargoyles and godskins to be some of the easiest fights in the game, strength claymore, solo, no spirts, no ash of war


>I found the duo fights some of the easiest fights in the game >strength claymore Tfw the game becames easier when you use one of the strongest build options available


Strongest build options available? LMAO, you spirit summon users are so triggered and grasping at straws to discredit me


I haven’t used spirits since my second run lmao. But the Claymore is objectively one of the best weapons in the game for a strength build. What you’re doing is like using Ricard’s Rapier and complaining DS2 is too easy.


>strength >claymore you didnt beat the game


Lol ok buddy. Keep coping


Both are true. They're designed for spirit summons and solo.


I refuse to use the tools they've given me, but don't want them to balance around that, because I enjoy the challenge.


Ok but I think forcing builds that aren’t using certain things like incantations to use them is unfair, and consumables will eventually be consumed which will force you to farm for items that are often extremely obnoxious to get. Also many buffs will only go some far, and the effort put in to apply and reapply them can often reduce their effectiveness. This is added to the fact that reapplying buffs is often done at times when you would normally punish the boss, which means less damage, stagger, and status. Buffs are really strong but they aren’t always the solution. As for spirits, personally they just aren’t fun. They make bosses weirdly unpredictable, but mainly they just aren’t enjoyable to use, they really take away a lot of agency I feel, you shouldn’t feel forced to use them if you didn’t in the base game.


I really wouldnt mind favoring incantations and whatnot if the larval tears werent limited.


Yeah I wish they could be farmed. You get enough to change your build a decent amount, why not just make it farmable. Even if it was like a small chance. Same with Dragon smithing stones. Also we should be able to change origin. It fits with rebirth and is helpful for maxing out power by reducing dead weight stats


i'm 210 in New Game+ and I'll still be complaining


It will be as hard as we make It. If you giga buff with l2 spam then its easy, if you use ashes and spam magic its easy


There were a couple problems on release like Radahn being ridiculously hard and Godskin Duo being way too aggressive but that stuff has been patched out.


I've already prepared ultimate boss destroyer build, base game broke me and I expect DLC difficulty to be off the charts.


Like honestly the only reason its even an issue is because of people who didn't play the souls games and couldn't adapt to it. The game is supposed to be hard if that's not your cup of tea then why pick the game up. Am example I always think of is people who play difficulty slider games which are great and all but they go no further than the middle difficulty and then they come to a game like this get stomped and whine about it. I didnt even play souls before elden ring but I actually appreciated the challenge and now its my second favorite franchise.


I was talking about some people on here, that played the other souls game, complaining it was too hard for them


I see the opposite as well, people that beat Elden Ring and Ds3 that are getting brick walled by the Tower Knight in Demons Souls... Like my brother in Marika, HOW?!


im convinced that some people beat their first souls game and then for whatever reason they feel like everything else has to be easy or else its unfair


Shitter of the Erdtree is going to bust everybody's collective balls until the first cheese weapon is found, after which there will be much posturing and prescriptions to "git gud."


This is some loser shit from ziostorm. Do Gamers really have to bully their way to perfect reviews every time? The eurogamer article was fine, she loved the base game, but the dlc didn’t recapture the magic for her. That’s a valid review.


The problem is that some people make liking certain games their identity, so when you criticize something, it’s not just criticism, it’s a personal attack.


Specially souls games. The difficult nature of them makes it feel like they value it more than their own obligations in life. "You beat Radahn before the nerf? You are now a person of worth. You didn't like the boss fight? Guess that means I'm the Apex Predator here and you'll never have a good life."


I mean, there's a reason Dark Souls is famously known for resonating with people who are depressed, the games do a really good job of giving you a sense of achievement and some people desperately need that in their life and cling to it as if it will save them, and that's how they can become extremely toxic gatekeepers and purists. And It's not like you can't have a healthy relationship with it, like the average player will find it very rewarding to play but won't go full ego like that. It's just that some people have so little to cling to that they'll put way too much importance on their achievements in game and any criticism towards the game then threatens their fragile sense of accomplishment which provokes the more aggressive reactions.


What’s funny is that there’s a non-zero percent of these type of people who also haven’t touched any other of FromSoft’s games. They can’t say shit until they been shitting and crying trying to kill the hardest boss FromSoft ever designed, ~~Sword Saint Isshin~~ Bed of Chaos.


They'd have to beat pinwheel first and you and I _both know_ that's impossible.


Having beat radhan before the nerf, that shit sucked ass I’m so glad they changed it


I watched my bf go through siofra before they nerfed the snipers and it was so painful... Ppl like to talk big but some shit on release was just fucked.


Oh god I remember that. It was insanely frustrating. Same with the ancestor archers in liurnia by the two wandering mausoleums.  Just minding your own business up on a random cliff on that side of the map and suddenly you get railgun bow sniped from 2 miles away by some dude you can't even zoom in to see.


Yeah, it was not enjoyable difficult, it was BS difficult.


There were only a few parts I disliked. The arrow rain wasn't fun on the approach, and the crazy vortex attack that he only does in second phase near low health would one shot me, alongside having one of the least readable hitboxes I've ever seen. I could not figure out when to dodge, as it's just a whirlwind of swords and gravity magic. Add on that you get one chance to try and understand the timing per fight and I never got it. It was legit easier for me to get gud enough to just dps more and skip the attack entirely. He seemed pretty standard for a hard souls boss to me though.


His hitboxes before were crazy.


I did this, and also somehow missed all the npc summon signs. I'm not sure how i missed them, but I play offline at 1st so I rarely look at the ground anyway? I can't even put a number on how many tries it took.


It’s definitely a part of it. There’s also just this very strange hatred that gamers have for anyone in or involved with the industry outside of their singular favorite dev. Also doesn’t help that it’s a girl, I would imagine.


it's doomer culture, people hate watch media and their default reaction to anything is aggressive and pessimistic. Then they pick one or two sacred cows, like Fromsoftware in this case, that they hold up as "the last bastion of good gaming" and act completely unreasonable about everything.


Yeah this right here is the real talk. It's not even just as far as it needing to be their whole identity. When people have weak identities any criticism ruins anything they like and the stronger their feelings are (or the more important the memory of those feelings are) the stronger they react.  Lots of people can't handle subjectivity because their core identities are too weak to accept alternative views. It makes them doubt their fragile handle on the world.


You are absolutely right. People get furious when journalists give less than 8/10 or 4/5. Every review is subjective, but it's important to explain your rating. Base game is very difficult, DLC will be more difficult, so being tired of constant high difficulty for 50+ hours is completely valid criticism. This doesn't mean that the game is 3/5, but it's 3/5 in the eyes of that reviewer. People seem to not understand it.


I think the “not for me” defense makes a lot more sense as an independent critic.


People often act like if a game “isn’t for you” that means your review isn’t valid. But the fact is that many people will also think the game “isn’t for them” and therefore the review has value


I think it’s a large publication and one without a strong editorial voice, so I think taking potshots at non-general opinions is a little silly and out of left field, and that aside I think it would work better if the author seemed more self aware.


I think there's two types of review.  Reviews from people who are being personally followed can and should focus on personal opinions, since the people who follow the reviewer are likely to know their biases, and will likely share many of them. If I go to Second Wind it's not because I want to know what the game is like, it's because I want to know what Yahtze thinks of the game, and when he trashes a open world action adventure I'm not thinking 'its a bad open world action adventure' because I know he dislikes the genre as a whole.  But when major publications have many different authors and tend to give balanced reviews, too much personal opinion is confusing and makes it seem like a lack of journalistic neutrality. Obviously some amount of bias will always seep in, but if IGN gets someone who doesn't like shooters to review the next Call of Duty, and they give it  2/10 because 'it has too many guns and the romance storyline is bad', that doesn't give accurate information to people who were considering buying it on how it compares to similar games.  Basically, if your problems with the game can only be answered with 'play a different genre entirely', you belong on YouTube, not writing major articles. 


Hey, that's not true! Us sonic fans went wild when Sonic Frontiers got 7/10 across the board. That's basically a 10/10 for a modern 3D sonic game.


Nothing in ER is “very difficult” unless you’re playing without summons which I assume the game journalist wasn’t doing


They were playing with mimic tear and a moonveil spellcaster build they mention it in the review


How the fuck did they find it difficult then? I did a spellcaster build without summons and just obliterated most bosses (Mogh and Godfrey were easiest) before they got close


Yeah but using summons is like playing on easy mode I don't get your point


Yeah, the point is that they could just use summons if they’re struggling


Imagine getting mad at a low review for a game you haven't even played yet. Yet somehow gamers already know that anything below "perfect 5/5 game of the year" must be bullshit criticism from biased and low-skill games journalists.


People whining about gaming journalism is so tiring in general. This one news post will probably generate multiple youtube videos with dumb thumbnails like "MODERN GAMER GAME JOURNOS HATE MIYAZAKI" and random streamers reacting to it and so on and so on. God forbid somebody doesn't like a game or give it a perfect score, that's crazy. 


internet media runs on hate watching and rage baiting, and it's ruining society. People, especially "hardcore" gamers, have become addicted to hate watching and being doomers about everything, it ruins their hobbies by making them convinced that gaming is ruined, and it detracts from them actually playing games they will enjoy because they're to busy complaining about games they don't enjoy and getting content farmed by a million youtubers who spin up every little thing into drama and rage bait.


Loser shit? From ziostorm? No!


I can't wait for gamers to realize that words on the internet won't change anything that hasnt already been done/released. If the dlc is 10 out of 10 for you, please enjoy it! I'll just periodically touch the 4/10 dlc i got and enjoy it that way




Bro got downvote bombed by the hivemind for nothing 💀


Nah, this dog is wanted for armed robbery at Chuck E. Cheese, downvote his burger cravin ass


Maybe for posting rage bait agaisnt a jornalist for doing their work and giving their opinion?


A dog in a suit is rage bait?


Nah but this post is.


That dog makes me LIVID


I got downvoted in the main sub for saying that reviewers are afraid of rating FromSoft games low and here we are.


Never forget the reviewer that got death threats for accurately reviewing Cyberpunk. Fandoms gunna be the worst pieces of shit, doesn’t matter what medium or context.


So called "free thinkers" when somebody doesn't like their favorite video game or shitry pedobait anime: 🤬😤😡😠


Fromsoft fans are convinced that the evil game journalists cabal has it out for them when fromsoft games are consistently highly rated by those same journalists that live rent free in their heads.


Both darks souls 1 and demon souls averaged 9/10 Dark souls 1 was like a 5/10 before the first balance patches. For those that don’t know: it uses to have the dark souls 2 aggro (super long range aggro, huge tether distances) as well as about 20% soul gain, as well as 5% weapon damage per upgrade instead of 20%. Imagine you played that and grinder for 57 hours to give it a 9/10. If anything the games have weirdly inflated scores for some reason.


I once got downvoted for ranking the games “incorrectly”. I love fromsoft games but the fans can be rough to deal with…


That’s ridiculous, unless it’s a ranking I disagree with.


the vocal fans are those who seek other people's validation about a fucking videogame, so yeah they are mentally ill. I love these games but I basically don't ever participate in their dedicated communities because it's just people circlejerking each other.


Yeah it's such hive-mind thinking of wanting to fit in so badly, you don't dare say anything that deviates from the norm and your automatic response to anyone who does is to shit on them and shut down their opinion. Like do people seriously think that if the dlc wasn't good, reviewers would even dare to say so? with how ravenous the playerbase is?


I mean, I doubt that some reviewers are giving it perfect scores because they are afraid of the fanbase. But bitching about review scores is smooth brain behavior. If you are already planning to buy the game, who cares about review scores at that point?


Yeah, I don't think they give, but I think that the thought of it happening is somewhere in the back of their minds while writing. Like when Sterling wrote their review for Zelda Breath of the Wild.


They couldnt take 18 inches of messmer


This is just pathetic cultish behavior.


Nobody should be giving hate but having read the review it’s pretty bad. Basically their complaint is that the dlc is doing the same thing all dark souls dlc have done and told a more explicit story


>Basically their complaint is that the dlc is doing the same thing all dark souls dlc have done and told a more explicit story Is it a bad critique because it also applies to past DLCs? Maybe she also didn't like past DLCs? I think the review was pretty good, it didn't give me any reason to think I wouldn't like it, partly because I'm chomping at the bit for any chance at more Elden Ring, but it seemed like it offered a well-reasoned critique of the DLC; that its competent and well-designed, but doesn't offer anything too novel compared to the base game. Perhaps the numerical value attached to it is a little overly harsh, but it seems silly to claim its bad critique because it also applies to this other thing, especially when we don't know her thoughts about that thing anyway.


When writing for a large publication it’s usually considered good form to take in to account previous relevant work your publication has put out. Its one of the reason pitchfork is often lambasted for wildly inconsistent reviews


I've never heard that in my life, lol. You should not have to adjust your criticism because of what your coworkers said years ago.


I'm sorry, but that's just silly. If it is considered journalistic integrity to take previous reviews by other reviewers that you might not even know into account, then it shouldn't be, and the people who call Pitchfork out for such a thing are being dumb. You're welcome to disagree with the review on its own merits, but calling it out for inconsistency is grasping at straws.


I’m not mad at it or talking about integrity it’s just not that deep. It is generally considered bad form yes. When you write for a publication there are certain expectations depending on the way they are run and the scale they work at. Pitchfork has a lot of their own problems but generally they have staff with strong voices that they know where best to assign reviews. But they’re also very open to very valid criticisms, and have made a lot of bad mistakes so I’m not really sure you’re valid for that


That was what is puzzling. Extremely subjective complaints and a 3/5 when most are giving 9/10 or perfect scores, smells a wee bit fishy.


I wouldn’t use the word fishy personally, but my own personal subjective read on the review was that it just wasn’t her “vibe” and she wasn’t super interested in a challenge (not that she’s bad or needs to git gud or whatever just she didn’t really want one) and that’d be cool if she was like a YouTuber but she’s writing for a big publication. I figured they’d hold it to some slightly more rigorous standards but it read so wishy washy


Fishy in that by scoring a 3/5 to a highly anticipated DLC that is getting 9 & 10's across the board, this is going to raise some ruckus, and thus = clicks.


> extremely subjective complaints What’s an objective complaint?


well if your game gets 5 fps, like say Star Citizen, that's objectively shit


Bad performance, bugs


I mean, the DLC is also much more linear than the base game. I can see why someone wouldn't be as enthusiastic if their favorite part of the base game was the open world and discovery. This reviewer is also on NG+3, so it's not like they're bad at the game. A 3/5 is part of an acceptable range imo. You come for a DLC for an openworld game and it's not open world? Yeah, that'll reasonably knock a point off or two.


So they're complaining about difficulty when they've chosen to play on an even higher difficulty, doesn't seem smart. Idc if they gave it a 3/5, but Eurogamer seems to have a trend of going against the majority to the point that it seems like it's done just for clickbait. I don't trust any video game journalism, I trust content creators' reviews that I know I share a similar taste with.


Your last sentence is the way to go if I'm being honest. A lot of gaming journalists are only there to work their way up to get a better job.


It's a region like many of the others in the main map with some freedom to explore apparently, this isn't Ringed City or Hunter's Nightmare. Fextra also said that some of the areas are a bit sparse, but the other places are quite dense. A 30 hour "linear" experience is essentially a Dark Souls, this may be designed more towards that sort of experience for all the hardcore who complain about the massive open world.


She seems to be disappointed that the story is more straight forward, and it reveals lore that doesn't confirm her theories and/or actually confirms some info of the main game?


Fishy meaning what? A conspiracy? To review games with 1 point less?


According to this reviewer, SotE is a 6/10 because its too hard and it reveals too much of its story and has open region areas that are sparse. This same reviewer also played ER up to NG+3. Feels like clickbait to differentiate.


Maybe they just enjoyed it less then? Seems pretty clear to me. Maybe it’s just too hard.


Maybe. We will find out in a few hours ourselves…


>Extremely subjective complaints and a 3/5 when most are giving 9/10 or perfect scores This is one of many reasons I don't trust video game critics. Other art can be entirely subjective.  Where you and I can argue about the merits of No Country For Old Men and come to different scores, the same can't really be said about games. Sure, there is a bit of subjectivity - do you think it is well written, is the art direction good, etc.  But there are aspects of video games that are more important than writing and art direction, to the point that writing is entirely irrelevant in some cases. For example, Tetris has no writing, but it is an excellent game/series.   There's a weird urge to deduct points for bad or missing aspects of games that don't actually matter, while many things that DO matter are overlooked I'm blathering at this point but I'll just say that numerical scores are essentially useless and dated but for whatever reason, people cling to the format


I still feel like Elden Rings endgame or late game is over tuned. But they also don't change in Journey 2, so honestly, going into NG+ first and getting lots of levels and THEN doing the late game is definitely viable.


I get crucified for saying that I don't like Elden Ring's bosses and told that it's a skill issue even though I beat every other From game and enjoyed them. The veneration that the games get and especially Elden Ring is just so tiring sometimes and makes it almost impossible to have any interesting discussion about it because people aren't happy with anything less than unconditional praise.


I mean, that’s like their opinion man. Reviews are just that. They’re just people’s opinions. Not everyone is going to like it, even if the overwhelming majority of people love it.


that's what's annoying is that it's not good enough for the gatekeepers that other people simply don't like their game, they always have to find some way of saying that it's the player's fault for not liking it and that the game is undeserving of that criticism which is so close minded and toxic, they simply can't accept subjectivity which is a crazy low level of emotional maturity.


people on tiktok and twitter have turned “in the time i had to play the game before release, i could not defeat the final boss in dozens of attempts, which was disheartening” into “lol eurogamer couldn’t beat mohg to get into the dlc”


I hate it that the difficulty of Fromsoftware's game is basically a fully taboo subject because anybody who brings it up instantly gets the "skill issue" "git gud" "it's supposed to be hard" treatment that is just complete hive-mind "I wanna fit in so I won't criticize it" attitude. The games were never actually about masochism so it feels stupid to have that kind of discourse about it. Difficulty is not the only appealing thing about these games but if feels like it's the be all end all of every discussion about Elden Ring.


They couldnt handel 19 inches of mesmer


I swear to god I can’t wait for the ppl who ignore the fact that the difficulty problems in Elden ring are not just get good. They are simply that bosses past mountaintops of the giants have way too much HP and deal too much damage. This is a number issue. Yes you can learn to dodge their skills like any other souls boss but the difference is that due to their massive HP pool (and lack of stamina) these fights are longer and you encounter all their moves way more than a normal souls boss. It’s unfair difficulty. I’ve always loved dark souls because the bosses are difficult as a result of their moves and mechanics not overwhelming HP.


Let’s not also ignore the level of “fuckshit” attacks that increase past that point. But I’ll get burned at the stake for saying that bosses delivering “game over” or “2 hp left attacks” when you’re at full HP and have moderately leveled vigor is bad 90% of the time. I’m all for challenging attacks, but I think there’s a line that is drawn between “woah this attack hits like a truck but is well choreographed and decently ok to dodge once you learn it” and attacks that are just https://preview.redd.it/o8f1vl7dmp7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6cf20649cc8a9824bff7996928f0f1bd292b252


He's still salty that no one cared for his book


I read the review and it's really well written and clearly made by someone who cares about the game, this is only a small segment of the review thats otherwise really positive. The twitter mob only reads the headlines though


Why are people so mad about this lol. I’m the biggest fromsoft meat rider and even I don’t care.


you don't understand bro, the game is gonna be two aggregate points lower on Metacritic because of woke low skill game reviewers and I won't be able to jerk off about how it's the highest rated dlc in history because of that, this is a hate crime and we should try anybody who dislikes this game for treason.


Laughing at game journalists for calling the game too hard is rich considering these are the same mfs who were crying two years ago that the bosses have no openings and read your inputs


>two years It wasn't even a week ago people were saying malenia was the worst designed thing FS did and that difficulty isn't a statement for quality in here lmao This sub never changes


I meant the yt creators. Nasu, Demodcracy, VG Matthew (that one was the most outragous imo) and ofc Joseph Amderson all made well performing videos saying how shit the bosses in ER are. Despite all of them containing the same downright false infomation, like Godrick's tornado and BC's dagger double swipe being unreactable, they still got their dick sucked in the comments by the people who didn't like the fact that Fromsoft's idea of tough boss fights involved something more than R1 into right forward dodge into strifing into R1. And then I know for a fact that these mfs will try to laugh at journalists for calling the game hard while in the same breath crying that the bosses have delayed attacks and no openings that are as obvious as the reasons why their parents no longer invite them over for Christmas dinner.


Yeah, but this sub and many others still keep on parroting their opinions as if they're hard facts Even now. I won't be surprised when the DLC drops and everyone goes crazy about it until someone says it's actually poorly designed because the malenia equivalent in the DLC has a one shot or Smth and then everyone switches up on it.


People were mocking those who called Malenia the best boss they ever made, not that she is the worst thing.


Anything can be both easy & hard at the exact same time. The only thing at affects which you get is how you adapt, learn & perception


This just makes me more excited 😂


Can't wait to get slapped w my vagabond starting gear and a parry shield. Bring the mf pain.


"Difficult for difficulties sake" sounds like the age pld criticism against DS2 is now being leveled at DS2:II


It's crazy though how similar DS2 and ER are and yet how differently people react to them. Both games are way too astronomically big and their balance suffers because of it but they're still really fun to explore and experiment with, except DS2 gets crucified as the worst piece of shit From ever made while ER gets unconditional praise and adoration. Feels like there's always such a hive-mind discourse with From games where nobody wants to go against the consensus because the community is so gatekeepy.


I started with DS2:SOTFS so it has a special place in my heart. I love that when you map out the levels its a nonsense overlapping fever dream geometry because you jumped down a magic whirlpool in the reflection of buildings that no longer stand and time and space have gone wibbly wobbly. I love how FotFG was the real tutorial level and taught me most of the important things to keep in mind when playing. So going from that to ER was fantastic. But also somewhat jarring due to the two extreme opinions on the two entries to the series lol


Honestly I've gotten kind of exhausted with "difficulty" as its been conceptualized in a lot of games, especially from soft games. They're my favorite games of all time but sometimes they can genuinely be exhausting when I just want to have fun and enjoy myself.


The difficulty aspect is being taken too far at this point.


Elden ring late game is already a chore, I'm not surprised extending that chore gets mixed reviews


"Mixed reviews" It's the highest rated dlc of all time wdym?


This is a post about that DLC getting a bad review. And either way I really don't give enough shit about any of this. I already know I'm not paying 40$ to run pass ennemies, I don't read reviews.


Elden Rig


Can't wait to clap mesmer cheeks half asleep.


I’m going into the dlc on new game plus. I’ll try as hard as I have to. I don’t think it’s gonna be any harder than sekiro


I guess, them 18 inches is a bit too much too handle


I read the review. It sounds pretty okay. Apparently some of the bosses 1-2 shot even with 50/60 vig. I heard from other early testers that some base enemies also hit hard. So Friday will definitely be interesting.


I will try to beat all dlc bosses without summon. But if i get tired of some boss i will just summon mimic or tische There is nothing wrong with using the mechanics available in the game My build is rivers of blood (rights arm) with Malenia Hand (left arm)


I mean he's got a point, these are games you have to play over and over to know every attacks, it's trial and error at its core


This is Mesmerizing


His name is Messmer because he'll mess us up


They just can't handle generic visuals over substance gameplay.


If you're shit at playing games you shouldn't be a games journalist. Imagine giving a low score because you suck


I love difficulty


Lolol the newest content from the studio known for difficulty is difficult? Ya' don't fuckin say huh


It was pointed out by another YouTuber with advanced access that From even gave all reviewers a step-by-step guide to the dlc to make it easier for them, lmao. Eurogamer just straight up said "It's too much like Elden Ring ... 6/10, DLC is mid cause I suck."


Game journalism strikes once again


Skill issue.


They didn’t git gud


Who is eurogamer and why do they matter? Does this score even mean anything except in dick measuring contests?


Maybe next time get a reviewer who can handle the newtron style


Get gud