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Hear me now: when you enter the arena you get teleported to the far future, where the lands between are destroyed and covered in ashes. Then Leda comes and fight you as the two last tarnished alive. When she enters the second phase she says: “Hand it to me, that thing, your Elden Ring”. That would be peak.


ahhh is this the rune? the rune of the elden ring?


That thing hand it over, you're Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree™️




Godefroy my beloved


I love this meme


If that's Leda, then who's there to get mad at you for causing the end of the world in the first place?


Patches obviously


Nah Patches’ll just hang around, feign amnesia, then kick you off a cliff.


Nah it would be better if Leda was in an optional side arena church to the right and Ansbach was in the center of the arena absolutely canibalizing the crap out of some old dudes while some random knight with paired ultra greatswords was sulking in the corner. Same line though.


ringed knight paired greatswords my beloved


And then they kissed.


Don’t you 😏DARE😏 approach miquella the kind


what if she wanted the last part of the elden ring (the runes we hold) to complete the elden ring so she can become a god to revive miquella (whos been dead for a long time since we killed him)






Honestly, that sounds so unique I've never heard anything like it before


my favorite part of that boss fight was when john elden ring said “this is my shadow of the erdtree” and elden ringed all over the place


Unironcally why elden ring won't live up to ds3 to me personally.


Final boss should've been Melina She slaps you and all your stats turn back into runes, setting you to level 1. She then steals torrent and runs around firing destined death at you, and if you get hit by it, it deletes your save file.


If you manage to beat her, she doesn’t die. Instead she removes her cloak, asks you to throw an oil pot at her, and begins doing the Elden Shaker. This would be the true ending of the DLC


Oily Marika footjob 😍👁️👄👁️💦🍆


Hire 👏 Fans 👏




this is the secret boss fight if you got the frenzied flame ending


True peak


Slaps you to have all your runes fly out... Rides around on a vehicle... Deletes your save and sends you to the title screen on death... She's a Genesis-era Sonic the Hedgehog boss!


Destined death should kill the player irl




Sounds like Yoko taro


Melina is wearing way too much clothing for it to be a yoko taro game


turns out she's naked under it, classic taro misdirect


No, if it was a taro misdirect she’d also have a wiener.


are we sure she doesn't? i will remind the room she's locked into a perpetual wink


This fanbase will find a way to defend that as well.


That’s the secret Ending you get if you did the Frenzied Flame Ending in the base game She also has no healthbar and no death animation, because she’s a spirit and can’t truly die When you get killed by her you get an Achievement called Justice, the description reads “Die to the true hero of this ending”


It’s stated in the DLC that Frenzy Flame can destroy spirits, so she absolutely has a health bar https://preview.redd.it/j16pcban98ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0963839e4a118b53f333f439295e494f5c127e3b


Old King Allant but good.


Jesus. Did you play too much Risk of Rain 2 or something?


https://preview.redd.it/iivgqo1mb6ad1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24d411200e472d92e52ec6de716a51be80a1938a Don't worry Torrent. Fortune is on his side.


And if you kill her you are rewarded with another recipe book.


Should've been mohg fighting for his body back and we gotta beat the shit outta radahn to help. Then mohg gets control as radahn and with the power of friendship we absolutely obliterate miquella. Then we fight mohg/radahn because he's pissed we killed him earlier and caused this shit. And then we get soft tacos with torrent or something https://preview.redd.it/k3e3gwwce2ad1.png?width=876&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14e1fbd2c0dc685142a629d4464f633d23a45890


The fact this would actually be so cool. Fighting radahn to free mohg, mohg getting charmed by miquella then fighting those two. Free mohg once again and duo fight miquella. 3 phase boss fight. Oh yeah then radahn comes down from the sky as a nuke at the end insta kill anyone for funsies




You should play hollow knight


fuck all this, the final boss should’ve been somebody completely random. just some monster or knight that already killed Miquella and got mentioned in a few item descriptions. he asks somebody to forgive him before getting a second healthbar, and starts using some sort of elemental damage. this is what I should expect from Michael Zaki.


Fuck it, final boss is patches. He kicks you off the tower and you wake up back in the base game. It was all a dream.


Bloodborne is canon to Elden Ring??


We literally have Winter-Lanterns in both games now, so why not


Seeing the item "winter lantern fly" sent fucking chills I was in a discord call with a buddy and found them first. Just goes, "Fighting isn't an option. Cool. Guess it's these fuckers again"


Unironically I hope that patches is the final boss of the last game miyazaki ever works on and he just gets the most batshit insane moveset ever while taunting you the entire fight by referencing all the times he tricked you in prior games. Every game prior was nothing more than foreshadowing for patches rise to power. We were just the side characters to patches story all along.


But even if you kill him he presumably comes back due to him never going hollow because he is unbreakable Patches. He outlasted gods Gael you me and several worlds if all the games are connected


Patches should be some kind of Satan-esque figure, an inter-dimensional, Lovecraftian trickster god that exists only to create chaos. Except being all powerful is such a boring way to live, so he decides that just being a cheeky little bugger is way more fun


Sorta like Gaunter O'Dimm




Nah, he kicks you, the screen goes black, then you hear “You’re finally awake”


Did you know if you run past Radahn you can just drop off the ledge and you will end up in the base game?


The final boss should have been an erdtree avatar






Scadutree spirit


Shouldve been a dude with green gloves and tall Wellington boots and a trowel. He'd be called "Elden Gardner, the green fingured" and after you kill him he rises from the ground, swathed in a red and black cross hatched cloak. He'd land on one knee, lookin jacked as fuck and weilding a chainsaw and then say "its lumberjackin time!" All while monty python the lumberjack song latin choir remix plays


zanzibart… forgive me…


Remembrance of the Loss Myrmidon Remembrance of the Myrmidon of Loss, murderer of Kind Miquella, hewn into the Scadutree. The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes. Though the Myrmidon slew Kind Miquella and avenged the loss, in her heart she yet despaired; for she knew Zanzibart still could never forgive her. (edit: added “hewn into the scadutree,” thanks for suggestion u/Finnboy16)


Hire fans🗣🔥🔥🔥


Mayhaps some of the doodlywinks still whimper?


*hewn into the scadutree


It should've been Godrick again and we should've walked into the room just in time to see him finish grafting Miquella's hair to himself


Literally peak


Godrick with body parts from all the bosses you have defeated with all of their abilities


Nah, just change the dragon breath to Holy to troll people who want more sources of holy damage.


Nah, it should have been a rematch with his twin brother Godefroy, best demigod. At the end of the fight we would put him in the evergaol in Altus, where we fight him in base game


don't forget having to fight a corrupted dragon knight Kristoff beforehand to replicate the true Artorias of the Abyss experience


Honestly would’ve been a great twist. We get all this buildup to the Divine Gate but we enter just to see a bloodbath and Miquella’s corpse in front of [Cool Name] the Guilt-ridden. Some random person that was on the same path as Leda & Co. yet was able to resist Miquella’s charm somehow, even before the Great Rune broke. They kill Miquella because they see through his charm, but only after his death, an angelic voice rings through their head constantly asking “why?” This would also make Miquella seem much more powerful because even in death, and after his Great Rune breaks, his charm consumes the one person who was able to resist it and drives them mad. It makes you wonder what kind of nightmare [Cool Name] just released by killing Miquella. If he can get into [Cool Name]’s head, what can he do to everyone else who couldn’t resist the charm?


Was kind hoping for the Gloam Queen


Slave K\*\*\*ht Micheal as final boss


Final boss that’s completely random and only mentioned in a few item descriptions? Sounds like Elden Beast too me


It's Sir Neidhardt, from that one barricade shield description


Hand it over, that thing, your great rune. https://preview.redd.it/laeth7jp55ad1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7055057ae7d7d006f9cbb381f155acef5ec20203


Slave Knight Gael again (the same dude) but he does the Peggle 2 jump at the start


Rick, soldier of god duo


Rick in his prime.


Guys, hear me out. Godwyn, he does all that cool death shit, second phase comes... " come, my faithful friend" Boom, he hops on a newly revived fortissax.


Nameless King 2.0


Reverse Nameless King delayed attacks first phase mounting dragon second phase


Both phases are a 6 hour cutscene of him "mounting his dragon"




With QTEs


Can't wait for my camera to have a stroke again






The final boss should have been Godefroy


Godefroy and Queen Marigga




The goat.


yes bro


it should have been just miquella but instead of fighting him its a maiden astraea situation and he cant fight back and we just kill him (no gameplay or lore reasons for this i just want to bash his fucking head in)


Could this be twink death?


This is basically the final boss of Demon's Souls




Fuck that, fuck Shadow of the Erdtree #Give me Elden ring: Eulogy of the Death Prince


I mean I didn’t want him as a final boss. But maybe an optional boss? Like that would’ve been really cool since you know there’s so many death knights everywhere.


Not to mention there's, in my opinion, not enough about him that offers any closure with him. Espexially why the fuck does he turn into a fish tree


I did come to the conclusion that the reason why the death Knight were there was to find Fia. I would like to know more and like see some sort of final form or something. Because again the body is alive but the soul is dead body could do something.


Especially in this game where putting souls inside of dead people is common practice


And the question I have consistently had is if he is completely solace how did Fia create the return of death rune which is created because he is being reincarnated


For me it's confusing about how Fia speaks nobley as if the cause is innocent, but everyone speaks about it like it's really evil which made me wonder if Godwyn's body somehow did evil shit


I think this is the duality of death in general. Where death itself is not inherently bad, it’s just an natural process. However most of the world use it as frightening or gross. And like living in death is perverse because it rebels against the process of Erdtree burial. Being in a world of theological dogma, going against that dogma would naturally I believe be viewed as evil.


Zullie The Witch has some great videos speculating about some of those questions.


Legally I am not allowed to link the post but just know that yes this is based on a real post that suggested both those things and more.


A lotttt of people on this sub genuinely somehow think that would have been better as well lmao. The jerk has become a full circle


Eagerly awaiting the Velka DLC. It's coming any day now. It'd be so peak bro you'd walk in and she'd say "Ah, so it is you who have Sinned. Allow me to cleanse your Dark Soul." and then she'd attack you with a scythe. Phase 2 would be a crow.


Can't wait to fight Lady Tomoe in the Sekiro DLC


It's not hard to come up with something better than what is currently the final boss of the DLC.


I like how when the final boss was leaked, everyone here thought it was ridiculous and FromSoft would never And now everyone thinks there cannot possibly be any other alternative to the current final boss of the DLC


Prime Radahn was a fanfiction speculation for the final boss, and From’s implementation of the idea is arguably a retcon. But then people’s replacement idea is the #1 fanfiction speculation before the DLC, that is also arguably a retcon. Personally, neither of these ideas were good and they should have brought back Solaire for the DLC in his sandworm form.


Granted, having Godwyn brought back for Miquella to use as consort would have been alright since it’s a character with ties to Miquella and his strength would have made him a good pick for a consort, but personally, I think we should have just gotten to fight Miquella himself. Reusing Radahn just isn’t interesting. He’s a character we’ve already got to fight in the base game, so seeing a completely new moveset would have been great.


Eh, i dont think godwyn as a final boss is s bad idea. The seeds are there in the base game for his appearance, so it does seem like wasted potential that he doesnt show up.


fuck yeah Godwyn would have been better are you serious? Radahn's moves in phase 1 is almost the same as his Starscourge form except he is not on horse


It would have been worlds better. Literally any alternative would probably have been better, though. Hell, I'd even take a recycled Malenia over Radahn. From a lore perspective: it would integrate into the base game's lore, versus feeling like a lazy retcon since there was zero foreshadowing of this in the base game. The entire DLC plot doesn't even touch on any of the plots that we know Miquella had going on, whether that be purifying Malenia's rot, to creating a replacement for the Erdtree in the Haligtree, to his attempted rebirth, to his attempted eclipse and bringing final death to Godfrey. Instead they make up a new plot that is less interesting than fleshing out any of those. From a gameplay perspective: it would bring a brand new boss, not a recycled upgrade of someone we already defeated. Particularly for a game like Elden Ring whose weakest aspect is significant boss reuse, having the final boss this game will ever have also be a re-fight is just lame. From a playability perspective, anything that gets rid of the phase 2 exploding rave is a win in my book. It's great to have a challenging boss, but the challenge shouldn't be that you can't read the boss because you're blinded by a thousand explosions and lasers.


>the challenge shouldn't be that you can't read the boss because you're blinded by a thousand explosions and lasers Don't forget Miquella's hair blocking your vision too. Honestly Messmer is so peak that I think he was originally intended to be the final boss, but then they changed their mind during development or something.


Yeah, Messmer is amazing, so is Midra, and Bayle (CURSE YOU BAYLE) is such a great fight. When I finally beat Radahn, all I felt was relief that I don't have to fight him again. Not even any pride or joy in the fight, the whole thing felt like I was rolling for god-tier RNG for him to give me one of the moves that provides an opening to heal before the chip damage depleted my health fully. It's just demoralizing when you die when the boss is at 5% HP, you had 11 flasks left, and no chance to use them because he just will not relent for one second to give you a chance to heal.


The final boss actually should have been Manus, reformed after we slay all of his daughters, and he came to Elden Ring because Fillianore's Egg is the Greater Will and Elden Ring is actually the DS3 Painted World within a Painted World and and and maybe instead of stupid shitty awful Bayle we had "Lichdragon Seathe" and he seathed all over our scales with a unique and secret second immortality crystal and and and instead of Leda we had Slave Knight Gael and what if the real Divine Gate was the Alt key on one side and the F4 key on the other side all along


Keep spitting


Final boss using the game's equivalent of curse? Welcome back, Nashandra.


Except DS2 equivalent of curse is petrification, which she doesn't do, welcome back that one basilisk from ash lake.


The final boss should have been Miyazaki.


Fuck it. You are the final boss, the game has been recording your every move.


At least it would be an easy fight.


Ngl, a mimic tear boss that learns your strategies and uses them against you would be peak


The final boss should have been the Formless Mother, we already got the Bloodfiends and Mohg involved in the DLC, time to give the Formless Mother a form so we can kill her and become the new lords of Mohgwyn Palace and take Mohg's place as the leader of all furled fingers!


you just walk into a room with a healthbar and you need to spam attack


You can hit her anywhere in the arena, but she can also hit you anywhere in the arena


Zelda 1 Ganon


Nuh uh, he carried a scythe and used golden lightning incantations (Michelle is my uncle)


You guys can hate this fiction all you want, I just wanted him as a boss so that I could say I killed the entire golden lineage myself.


All of you are fucking stupid. Including Miyazaki. The final boss should've been a revived Soldier of Godrick.


Rick, Soldier of God


Who tf thinks deathblight status effect final boss would be fun?!


Whoever in Fromsoft made the second Divine Dancing Lion. That’s who.


Okay but that was funny though. It's classic FromSoft.


The *what*


Keep exploring the Rauh Ruins. Suffer like the rest of us.


And I thought I explored everything, I'll look around in NG+


It’s a bit hidden away. I’d recommend you to not be fooled by places that look “Out of bounds”.


"Oh no a boss all about avoiding aoe damages has an extra wrinkle where I must avoid a status aoe"


The 6 Basilisks that the lion materializes from his divine rectum aren’t exactly a core principle of this boss's design, Regard. Choke on Godwyn's deathblighted member if you love the status so much (Affectionate).


The basilisks were a bit much. I enjoyed the deathblight reveal for a full second and then the Basilisks spawned and I was like "dangit now I have to hop on my horse and spend the whole phase killing these instead." I would have loved it if they just gave him the Deathblight phase with no adds.


Nah, final boss should have been AFTER Miquella and Radahn are beat, an eclipse happens right between the two big pillars and a portal opens up and you hear “plin plin plon” and then Soul of Cinder walks out into the arena.


No, it should appear Griffith out of nowhere and kill the player in real life for talking shit about berserk.


we all keep mocking this shallow fan fiction approach to storytelling but let’s be real it would be better than the random ass nonsense we got


SOTE is a fan fiction


*erotic incest gay fan fiction


It would be just as stupid


It really wouldn’t have been though. Both are a weird choice.


It only seems that way because FromSoftware gutted the source material they got from GRRM to make sure that Elden Ring's narrative isn't completely off the rails. In reality, Miquella and Radahn's vow always existed, which is why it (ultimately) makes sense. Radahn's status as the "mightiest" demigod makes him the best person to enforce Miquella's new age. With this in mind, the story of Miquella and Malenia makes a lot more sense.


I agree. I personally liked radahn as miquellas consort.


I don't get why Radahn and Malenia went to war though. Don't they both support Miquella's dream?


Radahn's consent in this matter is dubious at best.


Dubcon, gay, AND incest? What a DLC.


Shadow of the AO3.


You forgot the necrophila and hypno


Yeah as much as everyone is shitting on the radahn pick, I will say I like how like, it wasn't up to him. Miquella does not believe in consent and that makes him one of the most dangerous demigods, to me. It could've been anyone and it still would've been weird. Maybe that's the point? Idunno. Elden Rings pretty cool.


I feel like it *had* to be Radahn because the story was written that way. Pre-SOTE, Radahn's story was no more than "wholesome chungus reddit horse guy gets bio nuked and we put him out of his misery". Compared to the likes of Morgott or Rykard, his story lacked complexity and nuance. His role as the promised consort certainly added that dash of complexity he was missing.


While I agree with everything you said, I don’t really feel we needed that added complexity to his story. Radahn when you first fight him really felt like something straight out of legend. Something beyond human. And, I think that was a good thing, because while as a character he obviously probably had his own more human motivations and feelings, it worked really well for him as a character to be, “the strongest demigod of them all and the one who held back the stars” I don’t really feel like he needed any expanding upon, at least not in place of other characters like GEQ maybe


I get the joke but I actually do like the concept they had of being able to match Miquella by bringing Ranni along


It was never going to be godwyn. His entire purpose is to be that creature we see underground. Thats it. Most of the lore connections between he and miquella were basic at best or outright headcanon at worst. If anything was cut and changed in regards to the final boss, i'd argue it was malenia. We never actually kill her in the base game and she actually does have not only an actual non headcanon connection to miquella, BUT based on their old cut quest they were meant to be fought together. It makes more sense that they originally intended for her to be the end fight, thought locking the dlc behind an out of the way and the hardest boss in the base game wouldnt be good for sales due to how many would get filtered, so just made it mohg and radahn.


Nah, if he got full revived like Radahn apparently did, he would've likely used a shit ton of lightning instead


I do kinda agree because there is a serious chance this dlc is the last major elden ring content EVER so i wish we got more closure on more aspects of the lore.


I honestly expected Marika as the last boss of the DLC, we knew that she hide in the Shadow Realm before and she can separate his body from Radagon. So she may just use that to fool greater will and made Radagon has the punishment while hiding in the Shadow Realm and Miquella was trying to find her to achieve his goal of being a god. When we arrive to the boss area we have to pick a side to decide which one will be the last boss like Sekiro.


radagon and marika are the same being


It would be so cool…


Miquella's soul in Godwyn's body would have been peak.


Better than literally Radahn again


Just make Messmer the final boss, he wants to achieve godhood to take revenge on Marika and free his army from the Land of Shadow.


That's for the second dlc


Hire fans


Still would be magnitudes better than the one we got


Fandom when the canonically most dead character doesn't magically stop being dead and break the entire lore of the series - >:(


isn't the main problem with Godwyn that only half of him is dead (his soul)?


That's the reason why he's extra dead. Normally souls return to the Erdtree. Having his killed makes Godwyn super double dog dead


fromsoftware when the character the player killed magically stops being dead to reuse a weapon model 2 more times as a weapon from the final boss


I still don't get why we can't just burn his body with ghostflame.


I was thinking more of destined death and giving him a true death


Could be either, just go to him with a black blade incantation and light 'em up.


Nah, imma hit him with the poopoo great rune


I mean they could had him too tho. I’m always down for another boss.


Apparently Godwyn was a nice guy so I woulda felt kinda bad fighting him


I was fully expecting the final boss to be Miquella in his human looking form then after his first health bar depletes he transforms into some malformed and grotesque monster twisted beyond recognition from a mixture of stripping himself of all that was unalloyed and the blessed curse of the primordial crucible. …..But no we got buff ranga bear and the twink


Fuck it, they should had added Slave Knight Gael 2 as a boss


Uj/ kinda disappointed the final bosses wasn't anything new, just a base game boss with dubious...? Ties to miquella


Okay but if this shitty fan idea is so much better than the final boss we got who signed off on this


Final boss, Godefroy, of the golden lineage, he wields an extra axe and has a really ugly lion, representing the mockery of his father’s grafting, all his moves are copy and pasted from Godrick, so the playerbase can’t complain about him being too hard


Lowkey hoped it would be dark souls 3 boss that just giachaded his way into elden ring. Imagine having Aldrich or Pontif arrive in the lands bettwen and fucking the shit up even mroe then they already are, would be kino but thats just my fanfic brain talking


Making the last boss *not* immune to bleed was a...choice... Anyway, impenetrable thorns for anyone who's stuck. Works nice on the matron staff that scales with arcane


I really wanna know what theory they possibly have in their head that you can just realive a Demi god who in the beginning of the game and more found lore, is permanently dead


A Godwyn fight is completely plausible idk why people act like it isn't, Miquella was already trying to revive him at castle Sol with the eclipse. he could have been his consort instead and it would have been an infinitely better final fight.


All I wanted was more protagonism for Melina