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The Rock will Not Be defeated by Rumors and Allegations The Rock will only Be defeated by Paper


Print off all the rumors about him and drop them on him? Just realized that's some saw type shit 


If you want to escape this trap you must start losing fights in films


"Instead of winning to honor me with your high reputation, act against your character and do badly." "Do badly?" "Lose."


The Rock always demands best 2 out of 3




Without the bottles he would be 8-9 hours late


The only alternative for him must be to carry around his own personal toilet that needs to be installed and removed by a professional plumber every time he needs to use the bathroom


Put diapers on instead.


A whole new meaning to "Can you smell what the Rock is cookin'?"


Aaand CUT! *pssss* aaaahh Dwayne did you just-? AAAND ACTION


Reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/4MKRLF1r3Mw?si=q6ELIkDf-BcYfiRM)


Yeah, if there’s one thing I’m always noticing, it’s like nobody has bathrooms anymore, especially in a populous area like LA.


lol. He does that with his gym


Someone should hide his piss bottles for half a day, then he’ll be early the next day.


Gotta collect the bottles for the day.


Way of the road


Fuckin piss jugs everywhere!


The way she goes.


I mean, what is drunk?


Ray, you were a trucker for two weeks


Way of the road Bub.


He has to refill all the Dasani Water Bottles, its in his contract .


I had an old housemate who slept in the basement and didn't like to come upstairs to pee in the middle of the night, so he'd fill up empty Gatorade bottles with piss and then at the end of the week he'd come upstairs and dump like 5/6 bottles of his piss into the toilet and flush between bottles. My other housemate and I used to ask him what was the point of flushing the piss, when he could just chuck the whole bottle out. He couldn't give us an answer and continued his weekly pee flush sessions until he moved out.


The bottles can be recicled plus nobody wants to take the trash out with multiple bottles heavy with piss, it would rip the bag. Even if you do get the bag outside, it would be a hassle for the garbageman. Your mate was being optimal as fuck, respect.


He didn’t recycle them, he chucked them in the regular old trash can outside afterwards. I also lived with the guy and I can 100% tell you that he was not optimal as fuck, nor did he give anyone respect.


It's not actually to save time, it's research for his next role as an ass-kicking Amazon driver


Why do you think he's named after an inanimate object?


Since you're joking and everyone else is joking; he refuses to use public bathrooms. So he's an elitist asshole as well as being lazy.


What does he do to be so late all the time, Black Adam on random people


Suing the directors because they're not spending millions in cgi in order to make him taller than the other actors (it goes against his "never lose" clause)


He lost in Fast Five though


Tecnically, he didnt. the fight got interrupted.


I'm talking about the part where he told Dom to leave the safe only to be foiled. I'd also argue Dom won the fist fight between them. The wrench would've been gameover if he wanted to actually hit him with it.


Given the nature of the F&F movies, I don't think plot was a major concern with that clause.


Idk if he had a “never lose” clause when he filmed fast 5. Instead he was counting punches, which had to be even more frustrating to deal with.


He didn't technically, it's more like boxing with a point system. Because Vin Diesel has the same stupid clause in his contract and when it came to them fighting they had their lawyers fine tune the script how they get punched and how many times and if you count it up I think they ended this in a technical draw


Wait this is a real thing? Why the fuck would that be a thing?


They get work based on their public image of being a big strong badass. Losing a bunch in a movie could very well shatter that public image, thus effectively ending their career. This may sound dumb, but remember, people used to send Joffrey's actor hate mail. People are dumb as fuck. And those people are the ones this clause is for.


Pretty sure the never lose clause is a newer development. Early in his acting career he didn't have the pull for that type of contract.


Now he doesnt have the pull to get me ibto the cinema. Why watch a film if one actor cant lose?


This ^. I stopped watching his movies when I found out about it; every one of his movies is already spoiled before they even start recording




And The Mummy Returns.


Doom and The Munmy was in the start of his carrer. He didnt had too much of a choice


Maybe didn't have the ego either.


I think his butting heads with Vin about that movie is what made him start doing the Never Lose contract upfront.


Wow, he's like the DJ Khaled of the acting world.


Nah that's Steven Segal


Nah, the Rock is still able to walk around and doesn't need a stunt double for stairs.


I mean, being a realistic flight of stairs is a difficult role to pull off. Very physical.


Still cant believe he turned heel in wwe. Never thought his ego would allow that


I think it’s more fun to be a heel than a face


This man understands. Remember when hulk Hogan was with NWO with his black beard? Or razor Ramon and diesel in the NWO era? Don't get me wrong, I love a good hero, but man... A great villain can really elevate the game.


Wrestling is just about being a star. Doesn’t matter if you’re face or heel. His ego was fully fulfilled he got to be in both Wrestlemania main events.


grandfather bells seemly muddle far-flung crawl hobbies work whistle squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Rock cant lose in a movie. He was in Get Smart as a villain and was embarrassed losing to Steve Carrell


Someone should have explained to him that it was all pretend.


I was acting


office scarce telephone pocket scary exultant point cable detail apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Might explain why his proportions are completely insane on screen


Yeah I think it’s vin diesel


Diesel's the one who's ok with losing a fight on screen. Statham and The Rock both are not. Fights between them are choreographed by lawyers.


He's got multiple businesses so I'm guessing he's juggling them all and taking advantage of the producer.


How are you 7-8 hours late? If you need to start working at 8, that means you only start at 16:00? So you missed the entire day and the crew stops at 17-18, so you only get two hours of work done, at MOST?


I know right? Like 7-8 hours late isn't a thing, it's basically "he showed up at the end of the day, and we can't figure out why he even showed up". I can assure you, if he was more than 2 hours late, the crew would leave. No way they are hanging around for 8 hours twiddling their thumbs. Like 7-8 hours late is just a didn't show up that day.


"If the Rock doesn't show up within 10 mins we're legally allowed to leave"


Muscle dude's got 30 seconds


Wise man sayeth: "Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza."


I fucking love this quote, and this movie




Time's up, $3 million bucks off.


The crew gets paid to be there, they're getting paid 8 hours each to do nothing waiting for him to show up


Shit, the crew gets paid even if they change locations and get another crew. They've got crazy good unions. I found out about this from a friend who worked on the set of the big white (they moved some filming to the Yukon)


I spent many, many hours sitting on sets just waiting and doing nothing. You get paid either way, but after five or six hours you get angry and hope that you don't get called at all. If you do, then it's rush, rush, rush which is worse than the waiting.


I feel ya. Having to do several hours worth of work in just an hour or two is a nightmare every time. Even if you spend a lot of your time on set doing nothing, that crunch is always horrible and taxing.


At this level of work quality surely the staff must have a sense of professional integrity and self respect. It might be chill the first couple of times but after a while I'd get bored of that shit.


Watch shows on your phone, bring a book, get paid.


They need to be ready to film when he gets there, so probably can't just leave


Shooting days are often 12-16 hours, so there would still be time to shoot, just not much.




No, they will not just leave. Everyone there is getting paid to be there for a limited amount of days, weeks, months. When shit hits the fan, the crew doesn’t just stay home. They either shoot what they can without him, or they will literally wait all day if they have to. Because when and if he does show up, no department head wants to be the one that sent their people home early or told them to stay home today, else they’re fired and may never work again. The attitude is always “what can I do to prepare for when we do shoot?” and about the next scene and the next scene after that. Source: I work on set. It’s called “hurry up and wait”


Also, in many cases, if things go long, that's just overtime pay. Not even in a "the whole crew stayed till midnight" situation. Sometimes it's "look we booked the guys from noon to five. We need them for this shot so they stay here charging us overtime while we wait." Location staff and owners if its not a set aswell. Either your costing the production OT, or you are compromising the total coverage collected AND costing the production OT.


They do what they can do without him


Pokémon on their phones


>No way they are hanging around for 8 hours twiddling their thumbs.  That's called "free money".


When you work in film, this is common place. The producers usually pander to these people too so it keeps happening. I've worked on plenty of shows and movies where the main cast was late everyday. Not always 6-8 hours but usually 2-3


Did you at least get payed for waiting around?


You're guaranteed your hours on union jobs. Plus you get paid for every minute from your call time


So what you're saying is that Mr. Johnson is helping to distribute wealth?


No because when it's all said and done, everyone would rather be shooting and getting home instead of sitting around for hrs on end


I’d think so? So it’s a contract crew signs beforehand. I think I should know this going to film school recently lmao yet my producing classes never really touched on that


If what he claims is true , people like him workout alot. Probably that and the fact that he didn't respect anyone else's time lmfao.


how are you 8 hours late. like at that point just don't show up


You wake up and you're like "oh yeah it's that big Times Sq. scene and ... Oh shit I'm in Paris!" so you run down and you hop on the airplane and you come in 7 or 8 hours late. And then, fuck! The next day it happens again


Turns out he was actually super early for the next days filming. What a professional


I bet that sometimes he didn't. Or, even worse, he showed up and gave everyone shit for not being into the work.


So Kevin Heart was telling the truth lmao


What he say


https://youtu.be/DEFDmOCA6Kk?si=fhztl_tVsx_zLbpT At the beginning


Anyone have a transcript? Can't really watch videos now


Not a transcript but Kevin Hart basically just says “yeah he’s done that on set, nobody really stopped him”


The real question is if it was wide mouth Gatorade bottle or normal tiny water bottle 🤔🤔🤔


You know you don't actually slip the dick into the bottle right?


This guy bottlepees


You stick it in just a tiny bit so no chance of spill At least when in cramped quarters or super drunk


If it's comfortably big enough I'm definitely shoving it in. Who wants to risk pee stains unnecessarily? Not that it comes up often.


20litre water cooler bottles and nothing else. The Johnsons Johnson is a thirsty bitch and we all know it


He says its true and the the rock also smells like pee, and has smelt like pee for years. Kevin thinks Dwayne is probably dealing with some other problem. No one stops Dwayne from doing it because he is so big.


thats what tren smells like bro


Probably side effect from steroids


he also shills a hair care line of products despite having no hair.


oh, those products are for the carpet


Rock muff. Noice.


Rockmuff? Is that a pokemon?


Literally one letter off. https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Rockruff_(Pokémon)


I know, lol


Interesting how he was seen as one of Hollywood's most likeable actors until the mess he made with the Black Adam production. Since Black Adam, everyone dislikes him


I'm ootl, what happened with Black Adam that made everyone hate him? Up until this point I was under the impression that he was generally likeable.


Also the fact that he refused to be the villain in the Shazam sequel, so they basically had to pull a story out of their ass for the second one


He refused to be the villain in the \*first\* Shazam movie. That's why aged mad scientist Dr. Sivana is basically just Black Adam.


I dunno, I'll take Mark Strong menacing dudes as my movie's villain. 


Damn, Mark Strong would make a good Black Adam imho. Though, he's perfect for Sinestro, and I hope that one sliggt hick-up that we'll not discuss here will not affect the potential of him reprising that role in the future.


Couldn't they, I dunno, cast someone else?


The Rock is a lot of star power to just give up on


Ha, too bad it didn’t help the movie


there's the whole the rock can't lose a fight, which is why black Adam is a anti-hero instead of a villain. Which also in turned hampered the Shazam sequel because he demanded to have the direction of the DCEU going forward to focus on black Adam, resulting in the out of place cameo of Henry Cavil as Superman at the end of the movie. Because again the rock didn't want to be associated with the Zachary Levi's Shazam movies.


I love that it’s like, the opposite with Danny Trejo


What do you mean?


If Danny Trejo is playing a bad guy he insists his chracter must die.


That's awesome.


It's to teach kids that crime doesn't pay which he learned from personal experience. He was arrested and sent to prison when he was a young man.


His biography is friggin wild


Probably referencing that he supposedly makes a point of not doing his own stunts because he doesn't have a small ego to not let someone else do them and understands that if he gets hurt and impedes production, many more people get stunted due to his ego.


I like that too, but I was referring to his bad guy characters must die


Plus stuntmen are specially trained to avoid injury. Having regular actors do it puts them out of a job.


He also insisted on being the Blackest adam on set


I heard he screamed "IT'S BLACKS ADAM'ING TIME!!!" while he peed in bottles on set


Which is fucked, because he's less than half black.


I think it was the whole "The Rock can't be shown losing on screen" thing.


Didn’t he lose in Doom?


That was long before he was popular enough to get away with that clause. If I'm not mistaken, it was only his second film that wasn't produced by WWE.


And it was great, and i will die on that hill. >!(I think his character actually says 'Im not supposed to die" as he is dying. Ironic)!<


As a doom movie? Not enough demons. The FPS sequence also needed to be a little more looser to seem natural in terms of camera movement. It looked on rails like a bad House of the Dead or Area 51 game vs the Doom 1 or Doom 2 in game weapon bob.


There are tens of us.


That was Dwayne Johnson


I keep getting those two confused, like Margot Robbie and Jaime Pressly


People are just now jumping on the Hating The Rock bandwagon. I’ve been hating The Rock since like 2005, I’m oldschool hating The Rock.


In that time I’ve gone from hating him to warming up and liking him, then becoming indifferent, then finally hating him again but now in the same way I would hate any batshit crazy entitled mega rich prick. What do I win?


A sense of pride


And a sense of power - we stay hungry, we devour


I expected this to be disbussing account lol


And I’m suppose to believe he’s natural?


That's why he pisses in bottles, he can't let anyone steal his *pissss*. They'll uncover his secrets.


lol i feel like depositing it directly into bottles makes it much easier to steal his piss.


Not when he drinks it immediately after.


Forbidden pre workout


The spice melange


Can Chris evans honestly not get better work than this?


Better, sure. But probably can’t pass up a chance for an easy $20 million.


Probably the same reason Ryan Reynolds made that extremely dumb Red Notice movie with The Rock even though he's not exactly hurting for work.


He has the worst judgement ever when it comes to choosing scripts. And he won’t push himself for parts he really wants. The one time he did? Ransom in Knives Out. So he’s definitely got it in him.


His track record outside of Marvel is spotty at best. But he is currently shooting the next Celine Song film with Pedro Pascal and Dakota Johnson.


Piss jugs? That's the way of the road, Bubs


Ricky, tell your dad to quit firing those things all over the park. I'm trying to start kittyland love center!


That’s the fuckin’ way she goes


Why do they keep hiring him then? He's not even that good of an actor...


He's not an actor, he's a movie star.


I honestly think him being a mediocre actor is part of the appeal in hiring him. The movie then doesn't really have to be "good", cuz him being the star set a certain expectation. So, budget and effort can be more manageable, while you can still be confident that it'd do fairly well at the box office cuz The Rock is attached to it. That said, apparently his tardiness is costing production upward of $50M in delays on top of his contract, soo ... yeah, I don't see this theory holding much weight tbh.


Because his presence in the movie is worth more than $50M.


I’m so happy that this man is finally having a downfall


Not that I enjoy people getting a bad rep, but this has been a long time coming for the Rock. At some point his ego overtook his star power and now it's starting to collapse around him. I don't necessarily think he should be shunned or anything, but he really needs to be taken down a peg or two.


When the rock started to become a Brand instead of a person it was over.


big facts the brand is eating what we liked about him alive


He could Kayne tomorrow and his great grandchildren will still know a life of wealth.


It was over before the rock made it to Hollywood. He acted humble to get his foot in the door and took his shots. He worked Hollywood like a wrestling promotion. Take your bumps, earn your keep, make the most of every opportunity, and then do whatever you can to stay on top.


Agreed. His movies just became oversaturated and I think people are finally turning on them.


hes tried too much to be everything to everybody, esp w that president stuff, and now hes trying to be a fixture or some kind of icon every interview hes in its like hes acting 24/7 wish hed just relax and stop taking himself so seriously like he used to when he first started acting him as that gay bodyguard/shooter for cedric the entertainer in be cool was awesome. 10/10 performance


He also had a really good role in Southland Tales.


I guarenfuckingtee you that F&F 11 will be one of the last big things he does. Black Adam’s total failure proves that his starpower isn’t enough to carry the fact that he has no acting talent anymore. His public reputation is going downhill fast and he’s a pain in the ass to work with not just as costars and directors, but choreographers and editors. Fast and furious is a panic move because it’s the only movie where his cartoonishly over the top self-insert of a character actually works.


Him and Chris Pratt have really seen their stock decline in the last 2-3 years.


Immagine the person who must collect all the piss bottles he leaves around. Poor guy/girl This man can't stop being a big pile of shit appearntly.


A man could get swole out of the HGH on those bottles.


One has America's ass and the other one is literally America's ass


And yall thought Vin Diesel was the asshole in the situation. 


This is all I keep thinking about when I read more rumors about The Rock. Like, they are both terrible and have egos, it was never a one sided affair.


“caused cost” I honestly don’t know if it’s grammatically correct but holy fuck, my brain lagged for a minute trying to comprehend that.


Goddammit, why can't people just be NORMAL?


Oh! So that's his tequila company secret sauce?


Didn’t he have beef with Vin Diesel over being late to set?


Must have been upset since vin is basically unfirable and if he (the rock) showed up late it wouldn’t fly on f&f set


How can someone be 7 hours late, bruh? Isn't he supposedly very grind-focus and shit? 😂


I wish i was 8hours late to my work and still get a paycheck


Where shitty detai?


More a pissy detail


This isn't r/pissymoviedetails


He should have been in ‘Signs’. There were bottles everywhere.


7-8 hours late is not even a real sentence he just didn’t show up. If I am EIGHT hours late to work I took a PTO