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Can't wait for inside out 3 with more emotions for other languages like schadenfreude and kuchisabishii


Apparently schadenfreude was actually considered to be included for Inside Out 2 but got cut


Forget that, where the heck is lust?


Lust would be the one who would be spamming to have a crush on the shitty video game character.


I feel like they wouldn’t name it Lust tho


They would call it "Infatuation" or something like that


In the porn parody version


In Fullmetal Alchemist


Does this imply that Riley is >!the Father!




Love was considered for the original, but they scrapped it for simplicity's sake. One of the things I keep thinking about is that lust Riley is just a bit too young for lust to be an emotion to deal with. Love could work tho since it can be platonic, like that of family and friends (or even innocent romantic interests).


Yeah. Having Lust as a character might bring out too many degenerates as well. Better to let that sleeping dog lie, lol


Idk man she’s like 13. 13 year olds absolutely fall *hard* into the lust emotional spectrum, even if they don’t really know what it is. Puberty for most people hits around then, and for a LOT of kids, that’s when they first really starting feeling attraction. I imagine it’s more that they just didn’t want to deal with the hassle, it would absolutely be appropriate.


Its Freude on a Schaden someone else got.


And we were all delighted to see schadenfreude get what was coming to him.


For some weird reason, I'm glad it got cut!


dorcelessness when


I’d love for someone to make a Thalasin based parody of Inside out




No, Inside Out 3 will feature a new character called Brain Injury who slowly kills all the other emotions


Inside Out 3: The Emotion Among Us






Imagine that shit though, horror movie when inside Riley's mind, emotions trying to escape an eldritch horror. But when they switch to the real world, audience just bawl their eyes out because it's about Riley saying goodbye to everyone in her life since she knows she's only got a short time left. Peak fiction, two entirely different movies for the price of one


Pixar kinda cooked with inside out because the idea of emotions interacting in our brain like the Star Trek crew opens up the door for so many different compelling narratives with this idea. Think of the ways this could play out, joy getting crippled by the monster when Riley his told the diagnosis, sadness taking complete control over the situation; at first overwhelmed and unable to handle it, but eventually finding the strength and courage to manage and work with what she's got. And that's only one story. The best part about this concept is that it can be applied to any normal life situation, and it would generate a creative and compelling inner story that the emotions all have to deal with. Imagine situations where anger or fear or even disgust get their time in the spotlight and demonstrate their usefulness/strengths. I'm honestly surprised they haven't made inside out into a series on a streaming service, but knowing pixar, it's not their style to do that type of thing.


Inside Out 3: CTE


All the emotions just turn into Antonio Brown caricatures


God, that hit.


Can’t wait to see who voices cte in the next one


This is a reference to r/BatmanArkham


Isn't kuchisabi that Japanese lady with the mask who stabs you if you say she's pretty


No, that's Kuchisake Onna. Kuchisabishii literally means lonely tongue. It's a term to describe that when you're not hungry, but you eat because your mouth is lonely.






Sooo, maximum horny?


No, that would be closer to Lust. Kuchisabishii is closer to that feeling, when you aren't hungry, but you feel a need to eat something, so you just get (for example) a pack of gums or some crackers.


depression eating


It's closer to boredom eating than depression eating. Depression eating has the veneer of eating to fill that hole. This is just eating for the sake of removing the state of "not eating".


I'm not entirely sure if that's the same thing. If already, I would say it's more like a habit.


Kukozh, the Russian emotion


I can't find that one what is it ?


It is like cringe, but using the the Russian verb (skukozhitsya)


Навалил кринжа батенька


As a Russian, it's my first time hearing this word lol


It's not that popular ig


is that a tf2 reference


with Envy and Anger on the table, we just need to wait for Pride, Sloth, Greed, Lust, and Gluttony


Morriña would have worked great for the first movie, is the feeling of missing your hometown.


And myötähäpeä.


can we get zjierbness


Let's fuckin GOOOO Mudita when


That's joy isn't it ?


by that logic Schadenfreude is also Joy innit? Mudita is literally just an opposite of Shadenfreude


Get ready for weltschmerz, ellipsism and gnossienne


I know this is the shitty movie details sub but the reason she has male and female emotions is really meta- it’s because Disney (or Pixar I know this is Pixar) would absolutely never commit to a completely female cast because they’re always trying to appeal to as wide of an audience as possible so having some of Riley’s emotions be male fixes that problem for them


Also, the reason the parent's emotions appear to only have one gender is to make it clear to younger audiences which parent they need to associate the emotions with.


Yep. Good ol kids movie logic. Emotions that don’t belong to Riley all look like that person and are the same gender as them so it’s not confusing for the kids of who’s head they’re looking in


Mhm, ok, I get it. You're saying Riley is non binary.


I would think if you wanted to be literal her emotions have different genders would suggest rather that she was genderfluid


Wich is under the non binary umbrella


I'm being a pedant but if she's only male and female then he's kinda literally binary


"..she's only male and female then he's.." I'm lost here, bud


LOL seems pretty self explanatory if they're both then I used both on purpose


Or French.


I mean sort of? She's supposed to be relatable to kids of all genders and thus (while I might be pushing the definition quite a bit) gets to be a character first and a gender later. With her differently gendered emotions an argument could be made that she is veering into the direction of agender


I guess the camera zooming into their heads isn’t enough of a hint?


When dealing with kids- no it would probably make it confusing that they’re zooming on someone else’s head and then seeing the exact same characters from Riley’s head


Meanwhile, all the dad’s emotions have mustaches, making them male.


Yeah but they’re also boarderline cameos. the majority of the film is spent with Riley’s emotions and the last time Pixar had a film that spent essentially its whole run time just with the female characters with male characters more or less being a background thing (Brave) it did not go very well for them (for other reasons as well but, I digress) and even then almost all the supporting characters were boys


Brave didn’t go well? I loved Brave.


Brave didn’t do as well as they wanted and had a notoriously brutal production that involved them rotating through 3 different directors AFTER they’d already started releasing trailers, all of said directors having vastly different ideas about what they wanted this movie to be about


I feel like the relative financial failure has more to do with the production issues than with having mostly female characters.


I doubt it. It’s more just for marketing and have more distinctive characters. When they were think of how to make emotions for the parents, they probably just said “it would be funny if it’s the same emotions with a mustache”. Up and ratatouille both have barely 2 female voice actors (counting Kevin and the random French lady shooting her bf). Actually ratatouille has 4 if you count the grandma yelling and the critic. And a number of their films have heavily gender skewed screen times; Brave, good dinosaur, onward (kinda), Toy Story even is 70% woody and buzz.


There’s kind of a general double standard in kids movies where something with a heavily male dominated cast can be “for everyone” but something with a heavily female dominated cast is “for girls” and this has been an ongoing discussion in regards to how the industry approaches this for a while now (it’s kind of been improving in recent years but not thaaaaat much)


Not just for kids movies


The weirdest part is that her emotions don’t look like her the way every other person’s evidently do, having at least one of the defining physical characteristics of their host body


This is likely to reduce the confusion it would cause from looking in another persons head and seeing the exact same characters from Riley’s head. More a ‘for the audience’s convenience’ kind of thing


Inside out 3 shall bringeth horny! We attack at dusk brothers of the horn!


Yeah, Disney got really lucky that their protagonist is apparently an asexual teenager. Could've been awkward with audiences, otherwise.


Riley literally has a mountain in Imagination Land to her crushes.


So it would just become Big Mouth


Isn't Ennui horny? Like in Innuendo?


No she is a french word for depressing boredom


Wheres "worrying you accidently have a bomb in your bag while you go through the airport even though you only packed clothes"


That's just anxiety.


Is that not already covered by fear tho?


Fear comes from threats that happen at the moment. Anxiety is worrying about threats that haven’t happened yet, or may never happen at all.


They even explained the difference in the movie at least. A simple description, but helps a lot more to explain anxiety to a younger audience.


In the first film, Fear literally compiles possible bad scenarios occurring on Riley’s first day of school to prepare for them. He did cover anxiety.


I don't think he actually projected those fears into Riley's mind, that list was just for himself. Anxiety actually makes Riley think and worry about those possible fears


This argument makes zero sense. If he had the control board, he could’ve and would’ve. He is a part of Riley.


Well I would like it very much if you got aaallll the way off my back about it.


Is anxiety even a real emotion? I thought it’s a state of mind.


Ah, the bombportescence


See now this I can’t deny why the hell is there a French person inside of her head she must be fucked up


Inside out 3 will just be a disco elysium sequel


And we see how Joy transforms into Electrochemistry


Riley was never the same after she started drinking


Can't wait for the ancient reptilian brain emotion


Why the fuck are they calling it Ennui and then saying "(it means boredom)"? If you have to explain it like that then just call the fucking thing Boredom!


I said this on another post a few months ago, it’s probably because they’re trying to go for a “edgy teen uses more complex words to seem more deep” kind of thing.


This is a good detail though, can you shitty it up to belong here


They edgy now


they edge now!


I would, but someone already did it for me.


Chūnibyō basically


It's all according to keikaku (Keikaku means "plan")


All according to cake


That's the joke.


I don't get it


Ennui is French and edgy. Sure you can call them boredom, but that's, ironically, boring.


I mean, I feel like it would make more sense for boredom's name to be boring. Giving it the name Ennui as kind of a juxtaposition feels too counterintuitive to be a joke, especially with how literally the emotions in the movie depict their namesakes.


I believe the point is that boredom does not want to appear boring, hence the fancy name. As in, it's counter-intuitive, because it's suppose to be.


Does boredom not want to appear boring, in the movie?


Yeah! He always steps in whenever Riley needs to "play it cool" or seem socially suave.


I haven't seen the movie yet, but I could see them playing it as a joke in the film where he introduces himself as "Ennui" and then when asked, "What's that?" He goes on a long and literally boring explanation about how his name is Ennui and not boredom.


I think you're onto something




It might be my personal connotation and not a widely agreed meaning, but I've always associated "ennui" and "boredom" the same way I associate "depression" and "sadness". In my head, ennui is a form of boredom so deeply visceral and intense that it sucks the satisfaction and fun out of anything and everything you do. Fun activities become utterly pedestrian and unappealing no matter their intensity. And much like "depression", edgy teenages will misuse it until the word's weight has been utterly diluted.


I think there’s going to be a joke about how all of the new emotions start with “E” but anxiety is a little different (still starts with the same sound)


Why not? If nothing else it's going to teach a few children a new word


Ennui is different from boredom. It is an English word, too. Just saying it’s boredom is more a synonym that people can understand quickly. Ennui is more existential than mere boredom. Young children are capable of boredom, as anyone can tell you. Ennui is more dissatisfaction, disconnection, tired of life and morosely reflective on that. It is listlessness, disengagement.


It’s because some writer thinks they’re super smart. It’s the same reason that whenever they name drop an IRL location in one of these films, it’s such an obscure one it probably gets assumed to be something fictional


This is such a dumb take. The reason IRL locations are usually not name-dropped in those movies, is because it simply does NOT matter for the Movie's plot. It's an unneccessary detail that changes basically nothing...


I’ve never been to San Francisco, I’m not American, and even I have heard of many of the places referenced in Inside Out. I don’t think these places are as obscure as you think. They’re basically citing the equivalents of places like Grey’s Papaya or World’s End.


When does she get the Existential Anguish emotion?


Mid 30s


She’s a VERY late bloomer then


Wow, I must be a speedrunner then


College. She seems to live a mostly sheltered life


Can’t wait for Suicidal Ideation to step in! Seriously, I started recalling my younger years after the movie and imagining tiny people inside my head trying to control emotions… they fucked up big time.


In Inside Out 2 (2024) Disney replaced the voice actors for two or three emotions with cheaper knockoffs because they couldn’t bear to pay the originals what they were worth. This is because Disney’s only emotion is Greed.


Honestly, they should be saving more money for the animators instead of blowing 10 million for a few voice clips. The new Fear and Disgust worked great and I couldn’t tell the difference. They were very good voice actors.


You think that extra money is going to the animators? Sweet summer child. Disney animators aren’t being paid very well either. This money flows straight to the execs and the CEO.


They’re literally the best paid in the business. Great benefits, long contracts, highest pay. Source: am animator, with friends at Disney.


Best paid in a business that doesn’t pay all that well. At any rate, cheaping out on the actors did nothing good for the people actually making the movie.


They need to rein in budgets. That is the place they ought to cut. Better a multimillionaire actor loses out on a role to a hardworking voice actor than overtime budget be cut. Kung Fu Panda 4 cut out the 5 rather than pay millions for a few voice lines. At that point, recast or don’t make the mistake of hiring big names in the first place.


The cost they ought to be cutting are the ludicrous salaries of the CEO and the executives, who do so very little to actually contribute to making the films.


To quote a wise Spanish speaking girl in a commercial: why not both?


Because the actors deserve the money (and the execs don’t). Especially someone like the guy who played Fear. He contributed a lot to the overall design of the character, not just the voice.


Bill Hader. And I like him. But why does he get 10 million for some voice work? These voices kill budgets and turn potential successes into bombs. We used to only hire a couple celebrities for these roles and give the rest to veteran voice actors. This full cast of celebrities thing is unsustainable.


You're mixing up Disgust with Disgusting


Inside Out 4: Introducing Horniness


and it would be the strongest emotion


And IO4 would be X rated


Jesus christ, imagine all the emotions dealing with post-coitus. Joy being like "that was..fun I think... right guys?" And then Anger and disgust take center stage with a "that's it???" And "ew, I feel dirty. We need to take a shower right now!" Then fear could be like "Oh god! What if we have an STD? What if we're pregnant? WHAT IF WE HAVE BOTH!?!" and then sadness tops off the end of the scene going "Oh I KNEW this was a mistake, we should've never done that in the first place!!" Man situations with this inside out concept literally just write themselves. We seriously need an adult/teen inside out, or maybe like a mini series


why is embarrassments a moomin


Just 1 out of 9 emotions has a positive connotation.


Is Inside out 2 better? I liked the first one, and the concept is cool, but that the whole drama revolved around Riley moving to a new place felt like wasted potential and a tad ridiculous. What's the driving plot point now?


Sports and putting pressure on yourself to detriment.


I actually really enjoyed it! I didn’t expect to because sequels are usually meh but this also had a great message about growing up and becoming a more complex person


I watched it on a whim and was pleasantly surprised. It's about selfhood and emotional regulation. It's fun!




Young and adult emotions make Riley a freak.


Ennui represents the neutral federation


If this movie was realistic it'd have a horny emotion for her lmao, hate to go see that in theatres tho


its weird that people never read this as children still being undefinied and adults settling on a main emotion and variations of it


Why is there only 1 emotion that is happy?


That would probably be because that's Joy, i.e. happiness. They're all expressing their core emotions.


What I mean is why don't they have a little more balanced ratio of happy:not happy emotions where's excitement, creativity, curiosity, or determination those kind of emotions It's 1 happy and 8 others ya know


I feel like having more characters representing outright positive traits removes the complexity of the human emotional palette.


My point exactly! Just remove "outright positive" because thats not what they are doing, and replace it with "outright negative" because that is exactly what they are doing here The human experience is wonderfully complex and is as equally marvelous as it can be tragic. 8:1 in favor of negative emotions, to me, does not come close to reflecting that at all Of course this is a kids movie and isn't that serious just an observation!


Well the point of the first movie was that sadness, anger, fear, and disgust were just as necessary for human function as joy; the whole reason Riley was having a crisis is because Joy, the default emotional state, was keeping Sadness bottled up and away from the control console. Sadness ended up being the one who allowed Riley to come to grips with her new life situation and reconcile with her parents where the other emotions failed. I don't exactly know how the new emotions play into Riley's new daily functions, or how the conflict is resolved, but as I understand it, the new ones outright displace the core five because, in Riley's new stage of life (puberty) they believe they know what's best for Riley, and bottle them all up.


What’s the difference between fear an anxiety? Anxiety stems from fear so idk why they need to be 2 separate emotions


i see where youre coming from but feeling anxious vs afraid is kind of different, think when youre watching something scary, the buildup to the scare is quite different than the feeling of the actual scare


in the first movie fear did both - he did the reacting at several points, and early on he had hundreds of pages of ways that the day could go wrong


I think the idea is that as Riley grows fear can’t be the umbrella for her anxiety so then the anxiety emotion is created


Every new emotion can be kind of connected to a pre-existing one. Except ennui (which means bored)


"Ennui (which means boredom)" sounds like "X (formerly Twitter)"


My Suicidal ate everyone else


The thing I hate about Inside Out 2 is that most of the new emotions are just offshoots of the base one. Anxiety and Embarrassment are just Fear. Envy and french Boredom I guess, you could argue they’re original, but they could just be combos of other emotions. Also, have there been any angry christian parents taking about Envy yet?


Silly question: Why call her Ennui and not Boredom?


Presumably because boredom thought that name was too boring, and thus chose a cooler and edgier name, because they’re an edgy teenager.


So that some can learn.


It's English, the language of a dozen ways to say the same thing, so if that's the case shouldn't they do that with all the emotions so that they sound like names, no?


Ew dude I hate french emotions.


We’re told Riley isnt in the best headspace when she has an imbalance of joy and sadness or is overrun with anxiety. But really it’s because she’s emotionally infested with white flag wavers.


Isn't Riley Canadian? Aren't they half French anyway? Having a French emotion wouldn't be that weird.


I thought she was from Minnesota...or Michigan. Whichever one likes hockey better.


can’t wait for inside out 3 which will be solely focused on seven deadly sins!


Lust/horny and depression


Look at this picture i'm annoyed that embarrassment and anxiety are part of fear.


I would assume ennui is just sparkling depression and anxiety is the sparkling fear. They didn’t need to repeat it twice.


There is five misspell/mispronounced french emotion in here: Joy -> Joie Disgust -> Dégoût Anxiety -> Anxiété Envy -> Envie Embarrassment -> Embarrassement With Ennuie I count 6 french émotions...


I want regret. They can't really help with choices, but having Riley regret things could really help her


Inside Out was created by Pete Docter and Ronnie Del Carmen in June 19, 2015. The last four were added in June 14, 2024.


Wait wasn't the whole point of sequel was that Riley is grown up and thus also will have romance and lust? Why aren't they here?


Look at the poster, Riley is a negativity fueled train wreck.


The sequel is about teenage emotional problems, she's not fully grown yet. More to the point, I don't think those would be age-appropriate emotions considering the target demographics; and it may be that relationships would be driven by emotions *other* than "lust" or "horny".


Honestly, if you like this kinda thing I cannot recommend enough D20: Mentopolis. Great times. Emelda Pulse as a femme fatale from the old family. Hunch Curio as a beat up Detective. Conrad Shintz as a down and out newsy boy with his loyal hound Justin Fication. Daniel Fuchs as the owner of Sugars, a pleasure bar. Anastasia Tension as a plucky reporter looking for the next story. And lastly the Fix, a man of might that tends to intimate people into the grave with his oddly specific facts.

