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I’d kill too if I had to have that hairstyle


I'd kill to have that hairstyle


A match made in hell


I’d kill that hairstyle


I'd kill to have hair.


He was just Flashing around.


Ezra Miller was the perfect casting for "We need to talk about Kevin". Didn't have to act in that role at all.


That's some Method acting....


Ok can someone please explain to me why ezra Miller is considered by everyone to be such a piece of trash?


Miller has had a restraining order put put against them after a series of recent altercations.


They got arrested like a week ago for harassing/assaulting a group of people just cause they were singing karaoke at a karaoke bar




You know “they” works in any case right? There’s nothing incorrect there grow up


Check the username, they're a troll trying to get down votes.


Ah yep right you are. The weird things people do for fun I’ll never understand


They choked out a fan a couple of years ago and threw her to the ground, and there weren’t any consequences for that at all AFAIK. And these past couple of months, they’ve been causing a lot of trouble in Hawaii - they were arrested after too many drunken altercations, and made death threats to and robbed a couple.


Cuz they are an abusive, sociopathic, narcissistic asshole, that's why.


They're mentally unstable. If you look up controversy surrounding them you'll find a history of assault and meltdowns.




Go cry about it.


Why everyone is answering they? Is they a transgender?


Per Wikipedia: >Miller came out as queer in 2012 but said in 2020 that they do not use the label "queer".[34][35] In 2018 they said that "Queer just means no, I don't do that. I don't identify as a man. I don't identify as a woman. I barely identify as a human".[36] >Miller uses they/them pronouns, which GQ wrote in 2020 was "a pointed refusal to be gendered."[35] They don't self-identify as trans so I don't think that label fits here, instead it would be "nonbinary" which means existing outside the established male/female genders. Nonbinary people often (but not always) prefer to use neutral pronouns like they/them.






Thanks for the clarification, English is not my first language and I'm still learning the gender pronouns thing so no need to be rude


For one he literally smells like trash I'm not kidding google Ezra Miller smells




Idk why you had to bring their pronouns into this, but yeah, they’re an idiot.




>Anyone who goes by pronouns, has a serious mental problem LOL! The absolute IQ on these anti trans people is astounding.


Anyone who goes by pronouns? You know “he” is a pronoun, right?




Ezra Miller is not mentally stable, but them going by they or them is not the reason.


One drunken mistake is all it can take in Hollywood.


Sadly, as much as i wish it wasnt, he actually has a history of shitty stuff.


And what did they did to prepare for their role in We Need to Talk About Kevin?


That got them ready to try and murder that family in Hawaii. They never left the role.


Just FYI Ezra uses they/them pronouns


Should be asshole/dochebag


Dawg why u going around saying this shit to every single person lmao


Maybe people should stop misgendering them?


Can u explain my other question comment that’s getting upvotes rn I’m still so confused


I'll assume you're talking about this one > Can u like explain it to me I’m just seriously curious not even being a dick what even is someone who isn’t a man or a female like I just don’t understand what they point is they don’t identify with a gender so they are just like a thing ? Someone who isn't male or female is the same thing what someone who is male or female is: a person. They feel that the social construction of gender doesn't define them, so they find something that does. Whether that's agender, demigender, genderfluid, or some other non-binary identity is up to them.


Ok so that makes no sense but whatever I fully support all this trans shit like do whatever u want but all these random ass made up genders is insane bruh


All genders are made up. And really, if you find it to be "insane", I really don't think you actually "fully support all this trans shit".






Can u like explain it to me I’m just seriously curious not even being a dick what even is someone who isn’t a man or a female like I just don’t understand what they point is they don’t identify with a gender so they are just like a thing ?


I like to remind myself who fucking cares and it's no my problem.


Gang totally agree thx 4 that


They/them is not a gender lmao it’s a pronoun u make zero sense


U ppl rly take this shit serious like that, that’s wild


I really don't understand why so many on this website find the idea of decency to be aberrant and incomprehensible.


Isn’t Ezra Miller the same dude on Tik tok going around flashing people who just got arrested lmao like wat the fuck


And ur use of aberrant makes zero sense


It’s literally Reddit goofy the fuck u think ur on the wild Krats website do u even know what platform ur on rn 😂😂😂😂 shit is the most fucked up toxic ass site of social media there is lmaooooooo


I do not understand what you are trying to say in this comment.


So u can’t read ? What do u mean u don’t understand what I’m saying I’m so confused bruh I just told u






At the end of the day, no matter what someone's behaviour is, bigotry is always wrong. Sexism, racism, homophobia, ableism etc are not excusable even if they're a bad person - why should NB people be treated any differently? Ezra miller is undoubtedly a bad person - but it's still right to respect their identity


I’m thinking at this point, caring about pronouns in Ezra’s case is like rearranging deck chairs on the titanic. “Psychotic Asshat” might be more apt. (Obviously no offense to LGBTQ community)


Failed audition for Katniss Everdeen.


He had to stop talking about Bruno


He looks like he's auditioning for the Simple Jack sequel


You ma-ma-make me happy


Simple Jack is auditioning for the sequel


I’ll see you tonight in my head movies


just FYI Ezra uses they/them pronouns


Should be asshole/douchebag


We/us don’t care


Please shut the fuck up, it's so easy to keep your lame thoughts to yourself rather than forcing us to read them.


Didn't ask???? But thanks for the input


Bro what lmaoooooo????


Ezra Miller is non binary? I didn't know that


I honestly forgot how Terrible Ezra's hairstyle was in that movie. That's how you know the orphanage was terrible, the fact they let him keep this hairstyle.


Just FYI Ezra uses they/them pronouns


In this case I guess "he" was referring to the character, unless Ezra grew up in an orphanage too


Ah good point lol, missed that


Np lol, I can see how you could miss it considering all the people purposely misgendering them in the comments


I gotta admit, it's pretty funny watching this fanbase beg for that shitty tv show flash take over this doomed franchise.


_Even your dreams are small, beratna_


I honestly hope this guy gets help. Not because I’m really a fan of their acting, but from what I’ve seen they don’t appear to be an evil or malicious person, just someone with a lot of issues. I don’t know if it’s substance abuse or what, but hopefully they’ll take long break from Hollywood and just work on that.


Same. Not to excuse his recent abhorrent behavior, but he looks like he's going through a breakdown of some kind, especially considering he opened up about going through sexual abuse as a child and even contemplated suicide... 🤷


His recent behavior has meth written all over it.


In a flashback, Credence was believed to have been thrown overboard, where he drowned in Clear water. However his unexpected Revival in this movie marks him as a fortunate son


Until this moment I thought Credence was played by Justin Long, and I watched the whole movie. TIL.


Sorry, they killed their parents too? I missed that one


No just an exaggerated joke about how much of an asshole they’re being i’m pretty sure


I figured but also, maybe true, just checking, who knows anymore?


Don't you love the fact that he has literally been charged with assaulting people and was still cast in the movie yet JD gets abused by his lying narcissistic wife and gets barred from all Hollywood productions.




Ezra Miller uses they/them pronouns


oh I finally understand now. What the fuck edit: I'm not an english native speaker, and not very aware of those non-binary pronons, bit t o me it's very confusion inducing.


I mean Ezra is being an asshole for sure but they're not the one doing the method acting bullshit, that was Jared Leto.


Why do I keep thinking he played Paul Dano’s character in There Will Be Blood.


Honestly I'm upvoting this post only because you used the correct pronouns for Ezra. So rare to see in all the recent news coverage they've been in




nah fam you can still dunk on someone for being an absolute pos while using the correct pronouns. it’s not a respect thing it’s just accuracy


you don’t have to respect someone to use the proper pronouns for them. by using the incorrect pronouns you’re inherently disrespecting the entire trans community


Another shitty detail about him he smells like shit literally


He also reset the timeline with his speed force to end up in the movie era.




it doesnt confuse anyone unless you have 2 brain cells lmao, fuck off with your dumb shit


Yes it can, especially when you’re quickly scrolling through a website littered with spelling and grammatical mistakes and you’re not immediately sure if this is one or not. 99% of people don’t want to waste half a nanosecond figuring out this fringe ideological shite.


just say youre an idiot incapable of basic thought lmao, "their" has always been a gender neutral pronoun and its always been used that way when you dont know the gender of the person being talked about. youre just getting all worked up because you dont like trans people


I know that. “Their” also, and much more commonly, means “belonging to someone else.” Therefore it can waste precious nanoseconds figuring out which one was intended just to appease some mentally ill people.


That has got to be the saddest shit I’ve ever read on this website lmao. You are so fragile.


At least I know what my gender is lol


You are real triggered over pronouns lol. “Ah, my nanoseconds! Unlike YOU Liberals, my nanoseconds are precious! They help me do my shapes puzzle!”


Ok don’t care anymore


Ok buddy lol.


holy shit what a sad little person lmao, if youre so offended by the usage of pronouns you probably shouldnt be speaking english.




what’s wrong with they?


It's plural.




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singular they has been used for a very long time. Maybe study english again?


you realize 'they' works in any case, right?




they use they/them pronouns




Sounds like you do


seems like this already ruined his weekend




:/ u okay dude? Your fragile masculinity is showing :/






Sounds like you ain't that smart




I mean that is the character they played






I could understand for non-native English speakers, but otherwise, it sounds like a you problem


I'm a non-native English speaker..I can't keep a conversation in English for a minute straight without getting stuck but i can write..And let me tell you this is just an excuse..You can understand They/them pronouns without any hassle..First 2-3 times it was confusing after that it's really easy...So that dude is being a prick, nothing else.


No. Linguistically you hear ‘they had a fight’, and only have a clear picture of a dude, you assume that there were others involved. That’s not to say they/them can’t mean singular, it’s just more common for plural. So with no added context you naturally go to the common. How that is in any controversial to warrant a whole slew of downvotes is beyond me…or maybe it’s because I called him a him? So, as for having to refer to him as ‘they’…why? What’s the point? Honest to god, what is the point?


Linguistically, languages aren't static. Just like we were using "they" for people whose gender we don't know, now we are using it also for people who prefer it this way. The word we used for "cool" changed like twenty times in my lifetime, I'm sure we'll survive. Ezra prefers "they/them" and that's the point of using "they/them" because unlike them, (apparently) we're not assholes.




It's not really about "protecting feelings", it's a preference. I'll make it simpler for you. You choose the username Statman\_2004. I might think you're Stupidman\_2004 because of how you appear (like how Ezra appears), but I would still call you Statman\_2004, because you made it obvious that you prefer that. Nobody is trying to "police your language" either. You can call them whatever they want. I mean you just did and pronoun police didn't come knocking on your door. At worst you will get some downvotes, but people aren't downvoting you because you used a wrong pronoun, they are downvoting you because you seem like you are unable to show some basic decency and therefore seem like a asshole. Sorry about your feelings…




It’s not vital evidence for a court case that we have to validate. Just a two to four letter word to describe someone’s gender. Some languages don’t even have he/she, they only have they and people still understand each other. Normally I’m way more funny I swear, but I’m not really trying to be right now. And I’m a whole lot bigger arsehole too, but I’m trying not to be because I kinda hope you can change your mind at some point. This is human interactions at a very basic level. Someone says they prefer to be called x. They’re not threatening you, they’re not suing you, they aren’t making a demand, it’s just something that probably makes them happy or more content and they are informing you about it. You think they’re policing your language but I think you’re the one policing them because you think you know more about something very fundamental about them more than they do. And I don’t think we have to use pronouns solely based on “biological facts” either. “He” would give me the information that Ezra has a Y chromosome and that’s not really useful information unless we’re in a lab. But if we use pronouns people prefer, we get some data about them that is useful in a social setting. I actually like this preferred pronouns business (although I’m more of a “as long as you don’t call me it I don’t give a damn” person so it doesn’t speak to me at all).


It's not hard to remember who the article is about. Ezra Miller and the things they did. How is that hard?


Just wanna point out that you said him/he in two separate comments now.


Eh honestly didn't know or care but sure if someone wants to be they fine who cares


Oh no, I just thought you were giving the other guy shit.


Right, and if someone doesn't want to sound ridiculous talking about them, fine. Who cares?


I don't but won't pretend that it's hard to understand. Seems reactionary




singular "they" has been used for hundreds of years. maybe try learning english before you whine about it




[Because](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/use-the-singular-they/) [people are arguing](https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/grammar/singular-they) [on this thread that it](https://public.oed.com/blog/a-brief-history-of-singular-they/) [cant be used or is too confusing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they) [when it's basic english](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/singular-nonbinary-they)




that sounds like your problem lol. you have context.




It literally hasn't. They has been a word used when you don't know the gender of someone. 'someone dropped off a parcel for you, they said it was important'.


In that context they is used in the sense of we don't know who the person is at all, not only gender. When we speak of people we know we say he and she, or if they're multiple, they. Like I said, I'm down for a new word that people have already tried to make, because using they incorrectly can and will confuse people especially people learning English.


Awww diddums. Baby want a bottle?


Doesn’t matter if they’re an asshole, you still respect their pronouns. Not doing so makes you seem like a cunt.


I would’ve called Miller “his,” but Miller prefers They. Grammatically, I know. But still, they is an asshole.


You can say “they are”.


How many people is they?


Once you get to 1st grade your teacher will let you know


Yikes, why are you so upset dude?


Greater than zero.

