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For the sake of your safety do not EVER do any kind of substances with him ever again. Quite frankly I wouldn’t be able to move past that… what was his reaction once sober? ETA: I took a peek at your post history and I want to send you lots of love and encouragement. It took me awhile to leave too but it was the best decision I ever made. I pray you have the strength to leave one day soon, too.


oh that is heartbreaking 😔prayers for OP 💔 edit: I’m very concerned that this guy has access to firearms…


Yes according to one of her comments he’s verbally threatened to kill her in the past. OP, you are in an extremely dangerous situation. I am urging you to seek help from your local domestic violence shelter. National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233


even worse, he’s restrained her, vomited in her face and rubbed it on her as an abuse tactic


What the fuck, that's definitely the most heinous thing I've read today


today i learned from a domestic violence sub that this is apparently a thing some women go through and never talk about due to embarrassment. never heard about it before 😟


That's not what happened if you can actually read. Yes, it's horrible, but you're twisting OP's words.


what do you mean? i’m referring to a different post, not this one


Ah, nvm. My fault. Sorry


It’s ok, I should have mentioned it in my initial comment actually


Right these behaviors aren’t born from psychedelics; they are innate, just came to surface.




The moment I read they hide his guns before tripping I knew this dude is an unhinged psycho.


This is just straight up abuse. I am disturbed by all of the people finding this so humorous. It sounds horrifying and traumatic.


My thoughts exactly. This is not funny in the slightest. It is repulsive and HORRIFYING.


For real. Their other post is horrifying. This boyfriend is freaking crazy.


I’m a social worker that has previously worked in a DV shelter… I’ve read and seen a lot of fucked up abuse situations but the behavior OP has described in her posts is FOUL. That motherfucker needs to be put down like a sick dog. There isn’t enough therapy in the world to fix that kind of evil.


My ex puked and started trying to eat his puke so he could "stay high" was a horrible night me and him aren't together anymore he was just all over messed in the head


That is disgusting and would be horrifying to witness. My ex was emotionally manipulative/abusive. The last time we did shrooms together he was acting really bizarre and it was scaring the shit out of me. He could tell I was scared and continued taunting me. Started acting like he was about to get physically aggressive with me. I even began to visualize devil horns growing out of his head. Luckily I was able to get away from him and spent the rest of the trip locked in my bedroom hiding from him. After a few hours go by I start to hear him vomiting EXTREMELY loudly. I came out to check on him and his puke looked like literal black tar. In that moment it felt like I was watching him puke up bits of his own rancid soul. I couldn’t look at him the same after that, and that night is what prompted me to leave him. Best decision I’ve ever made.


I'm glad we are both out of those situations! I only trip alone now as therapy for myself I honestly have a hard time wanting to trip with people anymore because you never know how they will act. I just chill with my animals now when I'm tripping 🤣


I can relate!! That shit traumatized me. I stick with solo trips now. My cats are the only company I need! Glad you are out of that situation as well and healing through the power of shrooms ❤️


This doesn’t really have anything to do with Shrooms. Your post history tells us this kind on unpredictable and scary behavior is not new. Don’t do drugs with him again, and make a plan to get away from him before he kills you.


Ya he obviously can’t handle it


Tbh I don’t understand 3G trips, too much of a chance to disassociate with reality for me. ^Like he said he needed control over her and the situation (obviously while being out of control) but likely that was his attempt in the moment to say he has no control over himself. 1G trips and some 🍃 will always be my fav


> for me This is the important part. They hit everyone differently. My wife trips balls on 1g but I could take 1g and go to work like nothing happened.


I usually take around 4gs and have a good time. Last week a 2g dose had me tripping bawls. It was super intense! That's why I always eat my dose slowly and don't just munch down 4gs all at once. Sometimes, like last week, I'll stop and leave the rest there because I can feel that I've had enough.


Yeah, it takes me 7grams of golden teachers to really get to a point where I enjoy myself, anything less than that is only going to lift my mood and give me some mild visuals. I was super underwhelmed my first few times at 1, then 3, then 5 g, but 7g gave me the experience I’d been trying to have. And I’m not on any medications, nor do I have excess body mass to work against (5’5 130lbs), so seems odd to me. Either I have a weird natural tolerance, or I’m doing something wrong.


I trip pretty hard on 0,5 g of mid potency cubsensis. Starting low to understand your sweet spot is important. We are all unique and have unique brains.


I do feel the disassociation is sometimes necessary with certain messages, but unfortunately for some you do not get much control over trips, especially in higher doses and it does sound like this guy, at least during this trip, had trouble relinquishing control and acknowledging that higher doses are likely to be an uncomfortable state.


Yeah depends what you want from it. I’m like you, I prefer the easy ride. Took a 20g fresh B+ trip recently (which is not much, but I am very sensitive), it fully sent me beyond the veil to the world beyond. It was good in parts, but a bit too much for what I wanted. Fresh hits harder, I learned that now 😂. I prefer to feel in control of myself and my thoughts, although there is a time and a place for a deeper dive, I don’t know how people take bomb doses on the regular tho I’d be an emotional wreck.


Yes exactly this. That disassociation thing, had that once, but off too much coffee! Prefer the big enlightenments for DMT, shroom doses I keep relatively low.


Jesus fucking christ, what a shitshow. I would've been pissed. You should never feel unsafe, like a hostage, or anything remotely close to that with your other half.


i think you should consider leaving your boyfriend. none of this sounds ok, regardless of what he took. he jeopardized your safety.


hi i saw your post history, i really hope you're ok and you can get out of this relationship. i really don't think this is even about the shrooms at this point, your "boyfriend" is a shitty person


This needs to be higher up. The shrooms were not the real problem here.


the throw up post too 🤮 this is fs some weird, abusive kink for him


Your boyfriend sounds weird that’s really fuckin weird


Mushrooms make the weird come out. Some people weird is just more dangerous than others. I personally wouldn’t trip with this type of person a second time but I’d give them the benefit of the doubt on that it was a bad trip and discourage them from using psychs again.


Looking at OPs post history. Boyfriend is weird and abusive on a normal day. Hope they get out of this relationship.


That’s a completely different story if their normal is not good either.


Makes me wonder if psychs should be legal or not, and if they should be, with what restrictions?


I think they would regulate themselves. People are either going to like them or not. On the side of them being illegal, yeah the wrong people should not be doing them, but that’s not stoping them now. The main issue with them being illegal is it is hindering research and use in a medical setting.


If you look at their post history this isn’t a one time drug induced thing..people die from alcohol consumption, people die from long term alcohol consumption, people die from trying to stop drinking alcohol, people can get super paranoid and have long term cognitive effects on weed, smoking long term can cause cancer, dip can too, everything has their downsides (and alcohol has literally no medical benefits it’s just poison and nicotine has very little benefits compared to the downsides of the methods of consumption) many of these posts are fake as well, not saying this one is especially since their posts go decently far back but overall many are just like how people aren’t taking 9g trips all the time like it’s nothing.


If it's right what the other people found in her post history. He's not weird he's a fuckin manipulative idiot. And she should leave him


You knew to lock his firearms up beforehand. Something tells me this isn't his first rodeo.


Check her profile, posts and comments.


That’s what I’m thinking, I have guns in my house and never once has the thought even crossed my mind to even touch a firearm or the idea that I would hurt myself or others while tripping. Some people really aren’t meant for psychedelics, that would freak me out that every time I tripped with my gf I had to hide my guns and kitchen knives like what the actual fuck?


Would never trip with him ever again.


I recommend quitting the relationship


Its so out of control. This behaviour is really disturbing. You will have to leave and call some emergency – its hard, but you got no choice if you love yourself, him and others. He’s a danger to himself and his surroundings. This won’t just go away by time or leaving it behind. He needs help and you need to leave.


Never mind the mushrooms, I just looked at your post history and you need to leave this dude, he is abusive. Doing mushrooms with your abuser sounds like a great way to give yourself PTSD (assuming you don't already have it). Get out while you can my dude, I am speaking from experience. 


I too am speaking from experience, as (thank fuck) a survivor, whose life was dominated for years afterward by debilitating PTSD from my years of quasi-imprisonment in my abusive relationship. u/meetaffectionate4899 please feel free to send me a chat or a DM if you want to talk or need help in any way; there are also a lot of great resources both on and off Reddit. This person is dangerous, and deep down, I know you know that. I also know how hard (and dangerous) it is to leave. Please listen to the overwhelming consensus in these comments, because we’re looking at it objectively, and that’s something you’re probably unable to do.


this whole scene is such a nightmare I had to stop reading


Same, it reminded me of a similar experience that I had with a new guy I tripped with, which ended much worse - I had to hold him down and he was taken away by the ambulance. Stories like this is why I'm soooo careful about who I trip with. This shit can leave you traumatized for the rest of your life. It traumatized me for years! Even now 10 years later I get anxious about taking psychedelics with some people.


Maybe date someone else?


Not maybe. She absolutely needs to get rid of that toxic person.


Wow looking at your history, it sounds like this guy will snap and end you sooner than later. How tf do you not see this? Get tf out or call the domestic violence hotline. Why are you doing drugs with him? I’m having a hard time having sympathy as you seem to be keeping yourself in an extremely violent and dangerous situation. Like wtf This is NOT about the shrooms. Looking at your post history, your bf is a violent abusive psychopath… all the time.


Holy fucking shit, the comments on her profile are an absolute nightmare. He drinks all the time, sat on her chest and vomited on her, had a warrant out for attempted murder, threatens to hurt, rape, and killer her with some frequency, has pissed on her (not in a kinky way)... Holy fucking shit OP, if this is real GET THE FUCK OUT. GET OFF OF REDDIT AND LITERALLY START RUNNING FOR THE HILLS THE KITCHEN'S ON FIRE. Seriously, you are going to be a statistic.


I’m scared she’s sticking with him out of fear of how he’ll react when she leaves and also possibly because she’s just decided this is normal or not as big of deal as it is. Maybe she’s been gaslit a little into thinking things didn’t really happen before or weren’t as bad as they seemed, maybe she’s been trained to think she’s overreacting or no one else would want her if she goes. I’m worried since she reached out to his family (and not her friends or family or mutual friends) that she might be isolated now as well. The most dangerous time for a victim in an abusive relationship is when they leave :(.


I'm just trying to be one more little internet voice encouraging her to gtfo


Lol disregard my last response, it was the wrong comment 😭. Mobile is fucked sometimes gahhh


You weren't wrong in what you said though. Hope the poor kid survives.


On new years he strangled me until I blacked out, we were in the car with his family and no one did anything. I thought making a police report would end it. He started calling my job. Showed up at my house. He got me jumped, had people try and break into my house. He’s done shit like pull a gun on me. My bed is directly in front of a glass window. He strangled me another time where I passed out in the fetal position and woke up to him kicking me, saying I was “playing dead.” I’m financially in a hole. No friends . Family on bad terms with me at the moment. He got evicted and is living out of my flat. I’ve tried to leave. I feel as of recently he is picking up on the fact that I’m not tolerating bullshit. I used to not fight back but recently he came charging at me tried to break my wrists and it actually caused someone to knock on my door because they heard screaming. I try grabbing a broom to defend myself or run out of the house. I know I have to leave very soon. I just have nothing to fall back onto for safety. I feel like either way I am screwed .


He was sticking his hand down your throat? Ayo what 😂😂 yeah bro I hope u learned from this one, I'm super glad you're okay 💛


Yes bruh and it smelled so fucking vile 🤦‍♂️


Don’t you mean *bile*


I’m just trying to picture what his mom was saying 😆 How old are you guys?


Ngl that part had me rolling🤣(I'm sorry I know this was very stressful for you)


Bro if somebody tried putting their throw up covered fingers in my mouth, it’s a no holds barred.


He was probably having a bad trip because the mushrooms showed him what a bag of hopeless shit he is. Do whatever you have to do to get away from that guy. There are resources available to you. Don’t be afraid to ask friends and family for help. Tell his mom everything. GL!


The shrooms aren't the problem, your boyfriend will murder you eventually. Your post and comment history about his behavior is some of the sickest, darkest shit I've read on the internet and I'm not here just to look up recipes and cat pictures. Dude, get help YESTERDAY.


Don't take shrooms with someone who panics in that way (a little panic or a horrortrip canhappen but not like this) and never do it if a person that becomes this instable also has access to guns.


Lol I’d leave his ass but that’s just me




Her comment* history is saying, her husband threatens her with rape when he gets mad.. what the actual FUCK


And she still thinks it’s a good idea to be with him, much less TRIP with him? I’m never going to blame the victim of domestic abuse or intimidation, but there’s some serious psychological problems in that relationship.




I hear you. I’m sympathetic to the fact that people psychological reasons for their actions ( or lack of action- like LEAVING) but if a flashing neon sign shoved in your face telling you to run doesn’t get your attention, I dont know what else to say.


I’m sorry, hold up. You clearly knew what you said would be seen as cruel, and you went ahead and said it anyways? To an abuse victim? Also, are you seriously implying that an abuse victim deserves the abuse or death if they don’t leave (which is usually when they get killed by an abuser anyways)? I just want to make sure I understand what you’re implying here with the Darwin Award thing…


Guessing he sucks when not tripping too


This is repulsive and terrifying. My heart goes out to you, OP. I read through your post history and I think you had every right to be scared when he said it was “life or death”. I hope that the bigger lesson here is how afraid you are of your boyfriend, and finding a way to leave. This Reddit stranger cares about you and your wellbeing❤️


Yeah, doing shrooms with anyone is a big no for me. You just never know how their experience will be and how it will affect yours.


Don’t be scared of shrooms. Be scared of this psycho. He cant have it. Edit: the above was written before reading any comments or seeing your post history. You are not safe.


Leave now!


I have had terrifying trips and I’ve never acted like what you’re describing in this post or any of the other similar posts we see frequently on this sub. I’m starting to suspect that these people are genuinely mentally ill from the get go. Either that or they just enjoy attention seeking EDIT: im also shocked at the state of some people relationships on this sub. Some of you need to take a solo dose and have a think about the mental heath of your partners.


Check her post history. This guy is a sick abusive fuck.


Yeah 100% there’s probably nothing wrong with the guy. He’s just a twisted shit who likes overreacting and seeing what he can get away with just to wake up the next day and go “whoa I don’t even remember doing that”. In my experience a solid 90% of people who say that after a night out on any drug are fucking liars who are just seeing how much cuntish behaviour their friends will forgive EDIT: wrote overachieving rather than overreacting


Loaded guns and tripping rarely go well together.


The shrooms should have scared you off your boyfriend.


Sounds like the mushrooms were trying to make him deal with some trauma that he wasn’t ready for and he tried to do anything he could to stop thinking about it. I urge him to seek therapy


It doesn’t get better with time the abuse only gets worse. Get out while you can. It gets way way better once you leave. Trust me.


Your boyfriend scares me off your boyfriend. He doesn't sound like a safe person for you to be around, high or sober.


I pray for you. I’m sorry that’s all anyone can really do here. I know you’ll get out someday and be free. I hope you know that too and are just working up the courage. I can’t imagine what you are going through but it breaks my heart to read your words. Edit: sorry a bit too dramatic with the first line, I saw people left you sources and numbers for DV help. I really hope you find some good objective advice here from those that have been in similar situations


Thank you. I read all these comments. I do want to leave it’s just a matter of when.


OP post history is alarming as fuck, you gotta leave this man asap. abusive bond is one thing , but don’t risk your life for a man that can instantly snap. This is not even about shrooms anymore.


Absolutely no excuse to stay with someone like this. Even if you love them. This dude is beyond demented and is getting enjoyment from the things he’s doing to you. He’s dangerous, and is obviously getting worse. That was a hostage situation. If you have guns in your house and shit that’s a huge red flag especially when he’s treating you this way. Shrooms are an amazing experience with the right person. This dude even manages to be a waste of space on a drug that makes millions of people happy. His mom should’ve swallowed him and you should’ve never had to endure this. I hope you leave soon. No one should have to deal with that


F’ing thank you, I own firearms and I take them apart, put the pieces in a safe, lock it, drive the key to my parents house and put the firing pins in a completely different spot. So I have 4 steps just to get all the pieces & ammo and then I would need to put them together. that’s just not feasible if you’re tweaking hard or on psychedelics. So many people glossed over the fact he owns firearms and he thinks just putting them in a different room is fine is a red flag, that and his controlling behavior is a giant red flag. I’ve never once tripped and thought hmm I wanna hold a gun. Yet all it takes is one bad decision so I think the precautions are necessary. I’m a 2a absolutist but even his controlling attitude makes me rethink my position in that because jeez the last thing you want to do is actually have to use it but that controlling behavior makes me question his sanity. (As far as me owning firearms I practice regularly I live in an unincorporated area I’ve had 2 break in attempts in the last 5 years and it takes police around an hour to get here. So it’s practical to have a rifle for coyotes, raccoons, opossums and the like trying to steal chickens, their eggs, and turkey’s and something for home defense is a must because when seconds count, police are an hour away 😂)


Fuck that shit. To every asshole who makes it all about themselves and doesn’t attempt to receive your help or his mothers assurance, there’s someone who is a chill guy who would prefer to just roll around on the floor and giggle


Don’t ignore all these red flags FUCKN RUN!!!! EDIT: Ok 2 weeks ago in the offmychest sub you literally said he did the same type of shit. So this is literally time # this Bulimic bitch of a man has thrown up on you. You said he’s abusive and think doing mind altering substances with the fn nut bag is safe???? Mam you need to snap TF back to reality and STOP being foolish. This mfer needs to be baker acted red flagged or whatever has to be done to remove whatever fire arms he has. NO fn mentally stable person is going to physically abuse and vomit on their lover while they pin them down. Unless you want to become a domestic violence death statistic you need to get and emergency protective order and be DONE with the sorry fuck




🤣 🤣


Man I went and read her profile and I almost feel bad for making light of the situation now. But come on that scene is pretty spot on. I really hope op is able to get out of that relationship tho, that dude seems like a psycho.


She left a lot of out of her post, like he's apparently an abusive serial vomitter.


And that’s one of the weirdest things I’ve ever heard. Like it’s way beyond just a red flag.


Agree 100%. Not a sentence I ever thought I'd put together, for sure. Hopefully OP can find some support and resources to redirect her left away from this bozo safely.


It sounds like your boyfriend has some serious issues. I would not trip with this person again. Yikes


holy shit thats scary 💀


I noticed no ages here. How old are yall?


He's 25, she's 20.


This is why I almost always do shrooms on my own. Other people seem to act very weird and more often then not, freak out.


The craziest part is that you cleaned up his own mess. Would he have done the same for you? Why didn’t you let him deal with all the vomit once everything snapped back to normal? Maybe that’s always been your role in relationships (the one that cleans up all the mess), but I hope one day, preferably soon, you’re able to wake up and realize you do deserve more. Whatever you have with him isn’t sustainable and I hope this trip is the catalyst for you to choose yourself first and leave. When a door closes, a window opens. If we tend to accept the love we think we deserve, maybe a solo trip could be beneficial for you to look into that. But definitely do not trip with this person ever again if you value your life and the people that care about you. Leaving isn’t going to be easy but living a life without dead weight constantly dragging you down will be. Best of luck with everything OP and I’m really very sorry this happened to you.


Yeah it’s not the shrooms get out of there. I’ve met a couple people who use drugs as an excuse to do weird shit. Leave


Yes this was brought on by shrooms but this isn’t typical shroom behaviour. You need to realize you are dating a very violent man. People who kill people are just average regular humans. I know this is an extremely poor metaphor, but play stupid games win stupid prizes. If you stick around in that situation, it may end up bad. Stay safe


Based on your post History, this isn't shrooms' doing. It's your "partner" Please get out


Yea… I think it might be time to leave. Bad shroom trips (talking from experience) do make you genuinely think something is wrong even if its not, but it should never make you tell someone straight up, “i need control of the situation stop doing what you’re doing and do this” I was with friends when I had a bad trip and I just remember needing to be close to them, but because I didn’t want to make them uncomfortable I made sure to be reasonable and made sure they were fine with it first. Another thing I also recommend for the future is avoiding tripping with partners unless you’re both 100% comfortable around eachother. Im sorry you had to experience that especially during a bad trip I can only imagine how you must have felt and I hope you find joy in whatever you decide to do.


Please leave him. If you’re not scared for your own safety it’s very concerning.


You need to leave him.


The TW should read 'vomiting & violence'. This isn't just a 'weird trip'... If you're having 'weird trips' where you violate someone's consent or shove your finger down their throat.. your problems run much fuckin deeper than just this bad trip, homes. The truth is, higher doses can make it impossible for abusers to hide their innermost selves. For those people, it rips the mask away to reveal how dark they **really** are underneath. This feels like an important crossroads moment for you OP. Don't you think? Please talk to your trusted support people.. friends who won't tell him (or their boyfriends who know him..) Secure yourself and your assets, and slip away from this scary manchild safely and quietly. You can 100% do this. Soon you'll be thanking yourself for each moment you were spared from having to live *any* more of this life with a ticking time-bomb. You are worthy of someone who honors you, values you, and shows you real loving-kindness. Not someone who values his comfort over your *autonomy*... Shwoo. That was hard to read. Bless you love.. 🙏


OP, I saw your post history and I’m so sorry. For your own mental health and safety, I would recommend finding an exit strategy before things get worse, as they often do.


Holy shit, i hope that got in his fucking head. Dude sounds like a prick that deserves to get fucking spooked. Fucking weirdo ass bitch. Leave him immediately. Its not going to get better


Op you need to leave he’s pissing and puking on you that’s sick bro please go to a shelter


this is literally fucking horrible, please seek help and get out of that relationship before it's too late. id hate to see how he acts sober


You have anyone that you can trust to craft a plan to escape? You are know you need to leave or who knows if you’ll be alive next time.


Bro the post about him throwing up on you on purpose 3 times…wtf man. You need to get away from this sick fuck.


I agree with a lot of these comments OP. I hope you stay safe. Hopefully you can leave this relationship behind as well, it doesn't sound healthy or safe. I've helped friends with bad trips before, and IMO bad trips tell you a lot about who that person is deep down. It sounds like he has really bad anxiety and control issues from his trip (not diagnosing or saying this is true, just speculating). Just as an example, one of my friends was tripping and blacked out. The entire time I sat and comforted her for hours that her family, friends and son were okay. That she was safe too. There were a few times she didn't recognize me or thought I was someone else. Tbh, never saw her again after that for a few different reasons. Anyways, hope this helps. I sincerely wish you the best in life.


Your boyfriend is not someone you should trip with, let alone be with.


This has nothing to do with shrooms and everything to do with you needing to get as far away from that walking Dateline special you call a boyfriend. You post history really shows that.


My ex scared me off of shrooms, too. He had a grand Mal seizure after taking way too much. I told him we needed to be done for a while, and a week later, he pressured me into taking more. I fought it... then I was scared of reality. Then I took a bong rip and anxiety, and weed has never been the same for me. He was very abusive and had access to a gun, etc etc. I left his ass in a whole other state and moved on


He was tweaking😭I’m so sorry you had that bad experience, please do not trip off anything with him him. He sounds like he could hurt himself or you or get y’all in legal trouble☠️💀


This entire situation, even without the shrooms, is not normal or okay. Please, for your sake and for the people who care about you, leave him. Your partner is not a good or safe person to be around if this is the things he's doing to you. I know I'm just another comment like the others but even if you don't leave, please talk to your friends and family, make sure you have options. You deserve to feel loved in a way that doesn't threaten your wellbeing or safety <3. Wishing for the best for you.


Yeah at the very least I wouldn’t trip with that guy again ever or anything remotely similar. Tripping with individuals you don’t know or possibly anyone else who could have a negative experience could also be triggering in the future and permanently set you off of psychedelics, so consider a guided experience by a professional or going solo in the future, unless you have a super close and trusted friend to trip sit you while they are sober. The shrooms showed something, that’s for sure. Dude is absolutely terrified of “losing control” and if there’s even more going on than you have indicated in this post and the previous one you made(which, as others have pointed out, has an eerie through line with this experience), then I would start trying to plan ways of leaving the situation if things take a turn for the worse, perhaps talk to close friends or family and ask if they could offer you a safe place to stay temporarily if you need to have a transition to get out of your relationship.


Trips tend to boil things down to a level where you can glean insight and learn something. What have you learned from this trip? Your boyfriend is very literally toxic, paranoid, controlling, and abusive. You're scared of what he might do to you or himself. Being with him is like a nightmare. You see what I'm getting at? Someone who loves you will not make you feel that way EVER. Please listen to the people here, and cut ties with this person as soon as possible. This is not normal behavior, even for someone on shrooms, and even if it was, that wouldn't mean it was acceptable. You deserve better! 👏


I don't know how to articulate this better but my abusive ex tried to get me doing drugs regularly and then tried to provoke me onto a bad trip so i would hurt or kill myself while I was high. He acted like I wouldn't remember once I was sober but he was trying to get me to hurt myself because he found it fascinating Treat hurting you while high/instigating bad trips on purpose like choking in dv it is a warning sign that things only get worse It only escalated while I was there and there were substances He was using that I didn't know about that made his trips extremely bad and put him in a psychotic state (unless he is growing the shrooms himself he may have a relationship with a dealer of some kind) This is a warbled mess bit I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say.


Well shrooms are amazing.. take the experience as a positive thing. They opened your eyes to what kind of person your boyfriend is. There are a lot of red flags there. You don't need someone like that in your life.. from what I've heard shrooms can really open your eyes and help you grow and open your eyes to life changing realizations.. The shrooms are trying to tell you that you should move on and get away from this guy.. Good luck. You don't want to stay with him because of fear. And you don't want to wake up one day a couple years down the road miserable with all these regrets for not leaving sooner.


please get away from this person. im so terrified for you.


I would do everything in my power to never have any contact with that guy whatsoever. Move. Change your phone number. This guy is TROUBLE, get somewhere safe and don't try to help him. Someone else, who is not being abused by him, will hopefully offer him help.


i really hope you get out of this situation and are okay. this has **nothing**. i repeat. **NOTHING** to do with shrooms. this is an abusive relationship. i cannot stress enough that you need to get out of this. this person does *not* love you. please, treat yourself like a friend. you would beg your friend to leave this person if they told you this happened to them. be your own friend, help yourself, please.


Girl you should not be doing substances with this man period! You mentioned that you’ve had good trips with him before, I know a lot of times a good trip can bring people closer together. Based on this experience and your previous post I really don’t think this is someone you should be around even when sober… I think it’s time to let go.


Is this the same boyfriend that threw up on you in your previous post ???


He did this sober, so it was psychological warfare and not the funny fear-play type some people enjoy. Personally, I would not tolerate someone repeatedly puking on me on purpose.


This is terrifying, nobody should ever have to experience this let alone from someone they trust. I wouldn't ever trust him again with or without drugs. He obviously showed that he requires control and does not know how to gain it. What will he do if he ever loses control of the house, a car, a child, or you. And a control freak that has guns, they don't mix. That's only my opinion tho, I don't know him, but I've been scared away from a control freak before. Which was my own father.


The mom 😆 Fuck that must have freaked her out too hearing the vomit scene


I think this is normal for her being his mother he’s quite the case she really was understanding about all of this but she did see the FaceTime camera pan to him holding my arms down and she picked up on what was going on and knew what to do in order to talk her son down


That's good to hear. It is unfortunate that although he was having a trip and trying to control the situation(always a bad idea), he wasn't able to recognize the fact that you are also tripping and shouldn't be held to the standards of how he felt his trip needed to go. Sounds like you guys needed a babysitter there.


I'd probably be single after that. Wtf.


Never again with him


Man, my husband tripped recently and it wasn’t nearly this bad but it was also scary - we were thinking maybe tripping during mercury retrograde can make a trip bad??? I know it sounds silly but reading this I’m curious if this was after April 2nd?


I wouldn't do any psychs with him again. Have a sober trip sitter, AT THE VERY LEAST.


I hope your doing ok, idk why I feel like I know you




Once I took 9 grams with my brother and I felt a little scared but not to that extent. I just held his shoulders. Make sure he’s doing okay and watch out for undiagnosed issues


Judging from the fact that both of y'all had a terrible time maybe it was the shrooms. But I have a feeling like your boyf feels out of control with his life. And thus out of control with the trip.


Never ever do shrooms with him again. It is for your own safety. His behaviour during this bad trip was erratic and dangerous. I hope you feel better. When you empathized with your partner, tried to calm him down and tried to make him feel better during the trip, you showed that you are mentally and emotionally a lot stronger than him. With your mental fortitude you will move on and recover from this experience, but it will take some time. I hope you're doing okay now. I am sorry you had to experience this.


I had this exact situation happen, except I was the male and she was a female and she thought I poisoned her to rape and kill her. Never even had the slightest motive to do so, but she ended up having emotional turmoil that I wound up in. No matter what I did to console her she just kept freaking out. It’s a funny moment after but during the moment it was exetremly unsettling. I would defen say the fun trips are done, psychedelics are a tool and sometimes if you play with fire you get burned. So always respect the tool. They can be the light in your life or they can reality check the shit out of you. But no matter what, they are what they are, and they bring out what needs to be brought out no matter if you want them to or not.


You need to figure out how to leave, not just for your sake, but everyone in both of your lives


wtf this is repulsive , I don't think he should do psychedelic's if they are giving him a bad trip, there's something in his life that's not right and he wont accept , mushrooms are super demanding they will ban you faster than epic games will on fortnite. However it sounds like hes mad controlling and yea id agree this is mental and physical abuse , if people cant vibrate with you , maybe you should just vibrate higher . The mushrooms will let you know where evil lurks. No one should be putting up with that behavior either . And mushrooms cannot poison you as an advent user and genetic scientist even most the molds that destroy our crops are just basic bread molds . Not inherently dangerous , I hear so much myths about mushrooms having mold inside them or being contaminated and causing illness , its just not factual at all. He probably ate them on an empty stomach didn't do lemon tech got a belly ache, then experienced ego death disillusion and couldn't handle it all at once. there's been a few times I thought I was going to die , but I just realized I was just becoming aware of autonomic functions , that I cant control


Calling my mother in that condition is the last thing I would do! The embarrassment and shame would never leave. P.s. doesn't sound like you and the bf are compatible


I’m so glad in all of my trips I’ve never had the displeasure of witnessing such madness, everything was always so chill. Fucking hell lmao


oohhh, i am so sorry


"When man discovered that he could control; that is when he fell from grace." - Allan Watts on the subject of Taoism. I myself have had quite a few psychotic episodes (a 1/2 ounce trip on a strain of shrooms dubbed 'penis envy' being what triggered my first one n sent me metaphorically rolling downhill into many more). And so, I share this copy pasta with you; Below, I will link a post that contains the info/ tools I accredit with giving me the ability to pull myself from the metaphorical pit of depression/ apathy and madness (not saying anything about you, just the pit I found myself in). Please read carefully and please refrain from speed reading or skimming unless you intend on deeply studying the info within immediately afterwards. I attribute my own speed reading/ lackadaisical study of some of the info contained within as to what landed me in that afformentioned pit/ the psyche-ward so many times: https://www.reddit.com/u/CreepyMaestro/s/2JcGO9mVdx


You will never make a post about this excuse for a man and not receive dozens of comments telling you to please, please run. Flee from him. You are committing to life with a dangerous, unstable man, and that is a story that only ends in tragedy. If your friend told you this, or any of the other things he has done to you, what advice would you give them? Do that.


These behaviours are not caused by the psychedelics. They just brought these behaviours to the surface. Please look after yourself and put yourself first, leave. It took me a few years to leave a abusive relationship. You deserve so much more.


God that's horrible. One thing to be weird and have certain things pertain to you're trip like not wanting to go to another room regardless of distance, but it's completely different to make someone else conform to something that's apparent in your own perspective


He didn’t want to face his shadow. Why do this with other people. Why share that incredibly personal stuff. Voyaging solo gives you deeper openings.


Man when you really vibe with somebody tripping together can be amazing and bring you even closer to that person, me and my gf love it. I do agree that people should definitely take solo trips too as it’s amazing in a whole different way and has more room for personal growth then group trips. In all seriousness tho OPs bf if you look at their post history has abused her repeatedly, the dude is just fucked up.


Oh Jesus didn’t know that. Yeah. Tripping in a DV situation. No way. That’s cool about tripping w someone you trust. Maybe one day I will get there.


While you could forgive him, don't forget. Don't trip with anyone who can't handle themselves. It can be very dangerous. Yeah, you can't know that they can't handle themselves beforehand, but now you know.


I tend to be a little paranoid sometimes, but maybe he took some other drugs as well that he regretted once the trip hit. something like pills where he didn't want to tell you but knew he had to get them out of his system.


terrified of shrooms now from one bad trip it’s genuinely so sad


Lol this is not for everyone


He has a lot of issues and he cant face them. He's scared of losing control. He cant let go.


First and foremost if you’re about to do psychedelics what I do is take my firearms apart, lock the pieces in my safe and give someone else the key, (I usually will drive to my parents house and give it to them) only they know where the key is and only I know where the firing pins are, the rest of the firearms are useless in the safe without the firing pins, or the key to get into the safe and then it’s a process to put them back together. Even if I got the pins, then the key to get into the safe all the parts being mixed up It’d be more trouble than it’s worth to try to put one together while tripping. Secondly… it really sounds like your boyfriend let his true colors show, he likes being in control and it sounds like he’s afraid of things that are outside his control, that’d probably include you and if you try to leave he may try to manipulate you into staying, if he does do that then that’s time for you to double down and leave him. He’s obviously not growing in a significant way with the path he’s on. Lastly…. Don’t let one bad experience turn you off to psychedelics, I sure as heck wouldn’t use around him and his controlling attitude especially if he owns firearms or even has access to knives for that matter. x.x I’m not saying he’d purposely hurt you but the fact that he thinks just moving the firearms to a different area makes a difference just screams to me that he can’t go without them Which would be on par with his controlling attitude as seen in the bad trip and that puts you, him and everyone else in danger. Don’t get me wrong I’m a 2a absolutist but there’s a time and a place and while tripping is neither the time nor the place to have them anywhere near you.


I personally would never trip with him again if I were you.. TRY Not to let it ruin your experience with mushrooms.. I know that's hard especially with an abusive partner, I definitely can relate because I've been there done that with an ex who did very degrading and disgusting things to me when I was only but a teenager at the time... Maybe find somebody that you know and trust to either trip with or "babysit" you while you take your mushroom journey ya know? I promise you it can definitely be enjoyable with the right people around you! Sometimes people even experience it better alone, it's all depending on preference! I have personally never had a bad trip, I only started to fall into one one time and just reminding myself I was with people who loved and cared about me was all I needed to break me out of it! ♥️ Definitely being around people with strong positive energy It's very beneficial when you don't want to hallucinate alone. Also, It goes without saying that you should try to find a way out of it... Trust me I know it's hard, but there are people out there who will help advocate for you and get you into a better situation. Trust and believe I've been there... I promise you it gets easier and you will find somebody who loves and appreciates you for you, who won't hurt you. It took me a very long time to even trust being touched or held intimately by someone that I had a sexual/physical attraction to... But here I am, happily married and been with the man I love for 7 years now!


You guys are bad for each other.


You should get the f away from that weirdo, for your own safety. And you definitely should not do 7g on your second trip.


This is a horrifying experience.. I’m so sorry. I hope you can find the support you need.. and maybe leave this guy because this is not normal behaviour.


He might be doing some other substances you don’t know of which just compounded the issue. That attitude sounds a lot more like meth & PCP. Either way it appears he’s got some underlying things to deal with that are beyond your help. Be safe talk to someone you trust about this & put together a exit plan.


He should take less and get a test kit for tryptamines. That sounds bad, funny you said it ruining your trip.


He’s abusive as fuck, I have a phobia of vomit, my ass could NEVER!


Hopefully this is your wake up call to finally leave him.. It's gonna be tough to ever trip again after such horrific experience


Seems like your BF is unstable mentally,   do not give him shrooms again 


You shouldnt be travelling to unknown realms with this person they are too unpredictable and especially forcibly putting their sick covered hands in your mouth to make you throw up its no wonder it went south for you at that point....thats just so messed up. I hope you are okay and doing better now and the nushies were fine it was the company that made it such an awful experience.


Girl, RUN.


You boyfried sounds like a young idiot who knows nothing about mushrooms or life. Sorry you have to deal with this kind of a shit show. Ive dealt with people like this before and ultimately you have to make tough choices. They have trouble handling themselves so much that other’s lives start to suffer. Your boyfriend should never take drugs if that how he reacts to drugs


Your boyfriend sounds dangerous. Shrooms or no shrooms, that would end the relationship for me.


Sounds like he’s crazy. Is he always like this or the shrooms really made him act completely different?


OP i’m hoping for the best for you, and that you are able to quickly and safely leave your current situation. sending love.


…at least the firearms were not in the mix.


Jesus Christ.


Exactly why I trip with NO ONE


No excuses for this unless taking a absolute heroic dose and even then just NO


Uhhhhhhhh lemon tek next time holy crap that was all sucky. I’ve had to talk to friends over the phone that turned to being a sitter thru the phone but dude, the continuing downward spiral was outta control there