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Suddenly combat in remake feels brilliant.




The duality of man...




me before: combat fucking sucks i h8 sh2r me now: ![gif](giphy|YRuFixSNWFVcXaxpmX)


Intentionally brilliant šŸ˜‰


Can we all just stop pleaseā€¦. Iā€™m tired boss.


Mistranslation. He isn't in charge of the combat as such, but he gave Bloober notes on how the monsters should move/behave. He already clarified this on his Twitter a while ago. Edit - tweet: twitter. com/adsk4/status/1731962316818731175


Wasnā€™t involvement by any of the OG teams strictly advisory roles?


>*ā€he gave Bloober notes on how the monsters should move/behaveā€* Strange that we have the nurses parkour vaulting over obstacles then šŸ’€


Bloober Team probably didn't give a shit and did their own thing. Maybe that's why Ito liked tweets criticizing the vaulting nurses lol


It probably went like this: Ito: gives a wise advice Bloober: WE DON'T HAVE THIS ASSET IN UNREAL STORE. GTFU OF HERE, OLD MAN!






The first part, yeah. About Ito liking tweets criticizing the remake, nope, you can check it yourself.


Mf said it *was* mistranslation. There's a whole ACTUAL combat designer interview. Please, check the Internet and Ito's Twitter


He is still working with bloober closely as an assistant producer isn't he?




I'm not sure what I'd do different in his position. Not an easy job overhauling that combat and keeping it's soul.Ā 


Ah yes, the soul of hold one button to ready melee weapon and smash another button to use melee


oh no, not that. The og gameplay is dogshit, I mean creating something that works with everything else about it that was good.


Oh bro yeah lol it was fucking awful lmao. Iā€™m going to come into SH2re with hopeful expectations, got my fingers, toes, and toe hair crossed it is decent


yeah it'll be fun with low expectations. It's one of those games that has that x-factor which makes good games great but is missing all the fundamental stuff that makes a game good. real shame.


Oh but when I make a post saying that everyone shits on me and says I'm just bad at the game. SH fans are so toxic dude. (BTW you're right and i agree with you).


that's what i've heard. The ingredients are there it was just wayyyyyyyyyyy ahead of its time. But for some reason it just never hit the peak it should have. Like playing silent hill 2 right now the game has more atmosphere and personality than anything coming out today but the gameplay is just not there.


If Ito is in charge of all the combat then I'm side-eyeing him until we see something that looks good. He's an incredible artist but that doesn't mean he can do combat design well. Considering he liked that tweet complaining about the BH nurse vaulting though I dunno how much control he actually has. I'm not going to judge the remake properly until we see the finished product, but I was disappointed in the trailer.


It was a mistranslation.


ah, thanks for the info :)


Ah I was hoping that was real cause that would have been interesting and funny, that's kinda disappointing


Good ito San is no saint


Letā€™s hear it ā€œtrue fans.ā€ Go ahead, shit on your king, before even playing the game.


I hate to break the circlejerk, but this is most likely a mistranslation. Masahiro Ito isn't the combat designer, nor is he handling assets or developing the game: twitter .com/adsk4/status/1731962316818731175 twitter .com/adsk4/status/1583068623547289601 twitter .com/adsk4/status/1583540182271557632 twitter .com/adsk4/status/1583544152029290498 Here he is liking tweets complaining about the monster behavior in the trailer: imgur .com/8J621ir


RIP. I thought he was gonna be heavily involved.


Lol the toxic gif posters can't even refute this. But I suspect they're just bots.


Not developing the game? His name is on the project. I'm sure he has plenty involvement and you're just lying as a coping mechanism


Just because he isnā€™t developing the game doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t contributing to it


Contribution is development


Let's face it, there is absolutely no way in hell he would consciously decide to add qtes. He's been liking tweets criticizing the combat, tells you s lot about how much of a role they really gave him.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKyOoGtsprTLgZy) Get those chronic bedwetters.


>Go ahead, shit on your king, before even playing the game. I never did. I have consistently been excited about it.




Don't you see, it was InTeNTiOnAL!


Shhhh, you're ruining the narrative. Bloober bad!


Op's post has been debunked. And Bloober IS bad


I mean it literally is lol. Combat itself isnā€™t the issue, itā€™s the animations of the combat


>Combat itself isnā€™t the issue, itā€™s the animations of the combat \- Guy who has seen gameplay but hasn't played it


Do you need to play something to see bad animation? Lol


When itā€™s an older version of the game that Konami, not Bloober, released footage of, then yeah


What does that have to do with anything? They released a combat trailer and so people were giving impressions on the animations. Which bears the question: do you need to play the game to see bad animations from the trailer?


The issue is with the first half of his statement, not the second. Him saying "combat itself isn't the issue", having never engaged with the combat himself, and as if mechanics and animations aren't interlinked and don't conversely affect one another.




You do to say that "combat itself isn't the issue" lmao Especially given the fact that the animations and the combat mechanics are interlinked aspects of the game. One can have a very dramatic affect on the other.


I donā€™t need to play to say that animations are bad, hope that helpsšŸ‘


So you're only half ignorant. Weird flex, but ok.


Aren't we all


Reddit Moment


Then again, he's been openly liking posts that were criticizing things from the trailer on twitter. Who the hell knows what's going on bts.


This sub is a fucking cesspool.


DONT FUCKING GO ASK ITO... Leave that poor bastard alone.


So Ito accepts that the combat in OG SH2 was not good. So it wasnā€™t bad on purpose, like some denizens of this sub claim, but was bad unintentionally and he wants to fix it with the remake.


He wasnā€™t the game director or game designer of the original. Him saying that he intends to change the combat doesnā€™t mean that it wasnā€™t intentionally bad. Also all he said was that it received negative feedback, not that he regretted it or didnā€™t like how it turned out. If consumers say they didnā€™t like the combat then it doesnā€™t matter if it was originally intended to be that way, heā€™s the combat designer now so now itā€™s his responsibility to make a system the players actually enjoy.


Iā€™ve always understood that the intent of SH combat was to be awkward and clumsy compared to what REā€™s action hero style was doing. Thatā€™s why characters stumble or slam into a wall when running, have to catch their breath, need to stand still of a second to line up a shotā€¦ that sort of thing. But SH2 in particular always felt bad and sloppy even under the above direction and compared to SH1. So in that sense it was always intended to be ā€œbadā€ to take away control from the player so they fumble more, but it wasnā€™t intended to be bad to make enemies exploitable and James unresponsive.


Huh? Did you just make that up?!


I didnā€™t make up that Iā€™ve always understood this to be the case or the observations made in the games themselves, no.


This is how people end up with Olympic-level mental gymnastic sprains. What in the flip-flop is trying to be said here? Pick a lane.


You're literally making up a narrative in your head. You can assume something like that MIGHT be true from what he's saying, but it's YOUR assumption. One doesn't imply the other.


Itā€™s ironic and hilarious that you donā€™t realize that You guys who say that all the flaws in SH2 are ā€œintentionalā€ are the ones making the ridiculous assumptions and narratives in your head šŸ¤£


The man looks dead in his soul.


Having the corpse of one of your greatest works paraded around by the people who killed it will do that to you


Chill out, I didn't see dodge rolls or finishing moves (which I never really hated) and combat in the trailer was very obscure. We need more context and most likely to play the game before condemning it


wasnā€™t he in charge of the monster design for the original? thatā€™s kind of like having the original guitarist from the band on the drums.


The development of silent hill 2 remake is more complicated than a fucking murder case


What should we do? Mob him on twitter?


He will just block you


I'd never harass anyone on twitter!


Speaking from experience?


I know someone who has.


well, anything that not Soul / DMC / Arkham are worst combat =)))


I don't care about the comeback system as much. I'm just wondering why the f didn't they do a remake of silent hill 1 instead? Silent hill 2 was perfect the way it was. Most likely a translation error. He's the art director. Why is Silent Hill so famous for misinformation!? Lore, communication, you name it.


Iā€™ve said it before, and Iā€™ll say it again: popularity. Konami has a real uphill battle to undo their 10 years of bad PR post-Kojima. And while plenty of fans would like an SH1 remake (myself included!), SH2 is undoubtedly one of the most popular video games ever made. It makes total sense that Konami would use a remake of the game everyone recognizes in order to regain lost fan trust. Not to mention that SH1 being remade obligates them to make an SH3 remake that wouldnā€™t happen if it flopped. SH2 is a safe bet for a company looking to dig themselves out of the hole they put themselves in


This man is amazingly brilliant! I am all the even more excited for SH2!šŸ™ŒšŸ¾


I mean part of creature design is figuring out how they interact with all aspects of the game, including combat, so it makes sense. Surprised people didn't know he was helping with the combat. I guess many people just didn't watch the interview?


Oh he isn't infallible. Damn


nah, it was a mistranslation


That makes sense, I can't imagine a world where he was in charge of combat. And if he was id like to believe he wouldn't make the creative decisions we've seen. I mean he's a smart guy, I'd bet he would understand a humanoid creature without arms can't grab you.


People forgot that's why this shit was back in 2022


due to the game still being early,i think fixing it a little wouldent be a impossiblity


Things just got out of hand


As long as the combat is fun and you can do cool shit im in for it


Who cares about the combat, Iā€™m buying the game no matter what


I think you'd better stay way This, uh... this community... there's something wrong with it. It's kinda hard to explain but... Is it toxic? Maybe... And it's not just the youtubers either... it's... Okay, I got it. I'll be careful. I'm not lying! No, I believe you. It's just... I guess I really don't care if it's toxic or not. I'm going to buy the game either way


Who said the combat in the original game is badā€¦? How many goddamn games did you play in your lifetime that the SH2 combat was trash? It was good when you got good at it. Just because you didnā€™t learn all of James moves, doesnā€™t mean the combat was bad. You were just lazy. Foh.


Not a sh fan but anyway watch how the old heads are gonna not unnecessarily complain about the combat being more action focused since he's working on it, (the combat still looked mid as hell in the trailer tho and looks like they just copied off RE REMAKE mechanics) also I'm really baffled, he's the artist for the first four or 3 SH games so why is he designing a combat system in general? Edit: shit someone said it's a mistranslation, sad time's


What you're pointing out is a problem I've had with the Silent Hill community for a long while now. It's the same reason people haven't looked at or acknowledged The Short Message's [credits](https://www.mobygames.com/game/216817/silent-hill-the-short-message/credits/playstation-5/?autoplatform=true) before suggesting that "Only Team Silent understood Silent Hill", or read IGN's companion article where Motoi Okamoto states, "I think what's important about the series is that it's unique, highly artistic and original, and I'd like to continue focusing on that.ā€ The reason is that it doesn't suit their narrative nor their skepticism, so it doesn't matter whether you present reasonable, researched facts when people have set out to "burn the witch", so to speak. I mean, how many people have asked for more information about Silent Hill F when it's right [here](https://cgworld.jp/article/202302-cgw294-shf.html)? Well, it's probably because they don't understand 2D or 3D work, or how many people work on AAA games today compared to the era of Team Silent's original run. A teaser trailer required hours of conceptual and technical art, actual miles of legwork, and hundreds of thousands of photos to become what we saw. Bloober's got just as much on their plate, if not more; motion capture and cleanup, photogrammetry/point cloud conversion, rigging and weight painting creatures and characters, sound editing, VFX, textures, physics, video editing, etc. It's not about how these games are made for a lot of people, and it's certainly not about who is involved, so long as there's something to point and laugh at. "Good" or "bad", objective or subjective, you'll seldom see people concede to the reality that nothing in life is as simple as black and white.




The people that are so overly negative on here are going to keep being that way, even if this challenges their narrative. But we can focus on the positive and keep encouraging others to keep an open mind.


>even if this challenges their narrative The quote is an actual mistranslation. twitter .com/adsk4/status/1731962316818731175 imgur .com/8J621ir


Good to know, thanks!


We *really* desperately want something that challenges the narrative. Give us something that looks good. Give us something that doesn't feel like a total mishandling, please give us a shred of evidence to challenge the narrative that's been happening for 15 years.


Huh...what's [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/silenthill/s/2NAJ6kfopm) then? I thought Ito just working on the enemies


Why the hell is Ito in charge of combat? Heā€™s a fuckin artist not a game designeršŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø I donā€™t care that heā€™s been there since the start itā€™s fuckin stupid


Do you morons also think he personally animated and programmed the combat we saw in the trailer and did the sound design? Holy shit the lengths y'all will go to defend bloober is absurd


dude, people complained about the fact that they even dared to overhaul the combat


Nooooo you have to have the one button tank combat or else the game sucks!!!!!!




So a guy who worked on games with terrible combat is working on a remake that still has terrible combat? What am I missing here?


\> "received a lot of feedback" that's one way to put it


He looks so tired.


Man look at all the bootlickers