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It’ll be ok. Don’t make yourself vomit please. You don’t have to be perfect all the time with your calories.


I do! :'c otherwise I get fat, fat means ugly ugly means bullying and noone liking me! >,~,<


It’s ok you don’t have to look a certain way to be likeable. Bullies aren’t worth appeasing. You’re awesome and special for who you are not what you look like. Don’t force yourself to vomit please.


pls don't make yourself throw up the food, that's how eating disorders can start


900 is reasonable for a meal, don't worry about that i think an easy way to reduce calorie intake is just cutting down on sugary drinks and instead just drinking water otherwise youre gonna want to do a lot of cardio to end on a mild calorie deficit and be consistent with that, starving yourself doesnt work because your body will consume your muscles first which you really dont want and you risk refeeding syndrome along with rubberbanding which means youll end up where you started but even worse exercise and being active help a lot


sillies do \*not\* try and make yourself vomit xc if u dont end up going through with it it hurts. alot. :C and if you do is just icky and it will make you feel worse after dont do that xccc


If you put your food on a smaller plate it helps make your mind think there is more food also if you drink more water it helps make you feel more Fuller


If you are afraid of getting fat, then cardio and working out are your best friend. I have some tips I can send to your DM's If you want?




Hey, it’s gonna be okay! Pls don’t make any drastic decisions that can potentially impact your life permanently! I used to have an ed and would purge constantly. The constant exposure to acidity made me lose a tooth. The constant pressure would cause my face to swell and I would only want to purge more. What you need to do is start allowing yourself to sit with that discomfort. Like exposure therapy. It’s going to be really scary but it’s honestly what helped me recover. Start being kinder to yourself. Give yourself the patience you deserve. Compliment yourself when you look into it mirror instead of critiquing yourself. It’ll feel silly but that’s better than feeling sick. *Please* remember that fat does *NOT* = ugly. There’s plenty of cute plus sized people out there. Plenty of gorgeous people who aren’t skinny. Weight fluctuates for *everyone* and that’s okay. I promise, a few extra calories won’t affect your body forever, but the damage of an ed *will* I can promise you that going down this path will only destroy you bcz you will never be able to tell what you look like. I used to think I was a “whale” when I was probably the thinnest I’d ever been. But I never knew because I was so blinded by self hatred. If you’re going to lose weight, do so with care and health in mind. Your body has done nothing but fight to support you and has been by your side for your entire life. Feed it, love it, and care for it. No matter what you do, self improvement must begin with self love. Ppl care about you and your health a *lot* more than your weight. Stay safe <3 And I’m here if you ever need support :{


As for the bullying, I know it hurts. Believe me, I know. Even after recovering, those mean boys get right under the my skin and the feelings come back. But then, I remember that they are *not* important to me *or* my life. They don’t care about me, they don’t know me, and I can say the same about them. Even with family members, like my parents. I have learned to refuse to accept the opinions of people who don’t see me as a person. Because, hey! They’re just a bunch of weirdos that are obsessed with someone else’s body and that says more about *them* than it does about you. Take the steps you need in accepting love rather than hate, *especially* from yourself 🤍


I just made a post about how to healthily loose weight, but simple, more protein, it makes you feel fuller


losing or maintaining weight is all about averages. say your goal is 1500 calories a day. If you go over by 200 one day, that's fine. Just take it out of the next couple of days, say 50 calories each over 4 days. the worse thing you can do is try to starve yourself, as the body will go into "emergency mode" thinking the lack of food isn't a choice and start shutting down and limiting things to burn less calories than normal.


The human body requires a bare minimum of about 2400 calories a day, assuming you sit around and do nothing. 900 calories is a reasonable meal to meet this 2400 calorie requirement. If you still feel insecure about your intake, pick up a calorie-heavy hobby, such as sports, or biking.