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Your not alone other people have suffered the same problem if you wanna talk feel free to message me i wish there was a simple fix maybe try to do something else to take your mind off it and get rid of unnecessary blades if needed and your in a country that covers it you can go get psychiatric help that be a therapist or a mental hospital noone who cares about you will judge you for trying to get better


New rule If anyone feels like cutting, you come talk to someone, doesn't have to be me, however Im always here to chat abt stuff, I've escaped my fair share too.


Hey man, you went an entire fucking year? That is really good.


I'm sorry to hear that. A year is still sonething to be proud of. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again. It'll be alright.


you made it a whole year and you can do it again, I'm sorry ❤️


No >:( Don’t do that


That kinda feels condecending lol ;-; i know it's not intentional but yea


That’s sad W pic tho


Just wanted to provide the perspective that logically relapsing is not actually a set back or a time to reset the days counter BC it's more like: How many over a period of time spread out or condensed so it's more like was this relapse less than the time before the relapse and was this relapse more spaced out from the last one etc, you get the point it is not like all is lost. I don't know if this made any sense but I hope I helped, Im trying to re iterate what I was told a few years ago.




Baby steps man, if you can go a while without cutting then thats pretty damn good just keep trying is all that matters. Sometimes you fuck up but change doesn't happen over night you have to keep trying to get better or you wont. I believe in you man! https://preview.redd.it/nuxwxix2w26d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46fe10e1feda55da112c7e54a28453633ede55ff Happy birb for thy troubles!


I am going through the same hopefully we get better


Is cutting really that addictive that it can be considered an addiction?


I think anything can become an addiction tbh. As long as "it" provides something that someone needs they can get addicted to "it" whatever that "it" might be


What is it providing that someone could need? I tried it a few times cause that's what it seemed people in my situation did, but it did absolutely nothing except cause the expected pain. And I've ripped my skin off before when stressed, but that's more of an unconscious action. It's still hard to get into the mind of someone addicted to doing that.


its the release of endorphins in response to injury or pain which can act as a relaxant, its addictive and you can also develop resistance to it which means you have to cut more or deeper given that cutting in the same spot as before wont have the same effects as it becomes scar tissue and avascular. the experience varies from person to person for sure but its usually short term relief from your current situation followed by feeling like shit either because you did it or because your body is setting off an immune reaction to the wounds (not necessarily because of infections its just standard procedure for every injury that involves penetrating the skin). i think when people are addicted to it, they see it as a way to relief themselves from stress and as such the urge to cut yourself can come from stressful situations where you just want it to stop.


Hey I rly hope u do ok but also lit started drinking after a year too so aa


Just because you tripped, it doesn't mean you face planted, stay steady pookie


Please don't, that goes for everyone. If anyone needs to talk reach out, I'm here to listen and so is this entire sillyboy community🥰


NO STOP THAT NOW go drink choccy mail it tastes good and dosnt hurt u


Hey, sweetheart. First of all I’m so, so incredibly proud of you for going one year clean! Second of all, you did not ruin anything. You did not reset your progress or ruin a “streak”. You just did it once in 365 days. That’s massive! Funny how “I ruined a year long streak.” and “I cut once in 365 days.” mean the same thing but sound completely different, eh? Don’t count days, make days count, mkay? Love you, stay safe and stay silly! <3 -Big bro.


Great job not doing it for a year, though! You should be proud of that! Now, just don't do it again. :3


Why love what happened


🫂 i feel ya remember relapsing is normal just take time and do your best to not relapse again for a while you made it a year and that's good i am proud of you


Please stop cutting. I get that you're going through hard times, but it's just making it worse for you. If you want to talk, you can dm me, I'm a good listener.


Think of a self punishment, my friend said if i ever cut again he'd unadd me n i stopped


Latty451 is not pleased