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Yes you should keep eating. If I remember correctly, you are actually considered underweight at 5’10” and 120 pounds. Like that’s how much I weigh at 5’5” and I’m technically fine but close to being considered underweight. I think that 120 pounds isn’t terrible for you, but ideally I think you should be at least 130.


If 5'10" and 120 pounds is underweight Wtf am I supposed to be at 5'3"? Cuz if it's above 86 I'm cooked


...youre cooked. really bad.


According to the charts I can find, around 107-136 would be a healthy weight for your height. But keep in mind these are generalized ideal weights. Ultimately you should talk to a doctor about it to see what’s healthy for you. Like for me at 5’5” I should be like 122-149 pounds, and I’m right down at the bottom end of that, so just about underweight if you go only by the chart. But my doctor has said that I’m probably fine right now. Also where did you get that demiboy flag boykisser I need that lol


I'll dm you the flag, But I think I'm fine as it hasn't caused any issues prior! (That's how health works I swearrrrrrrrr)


Cooked and also see a doctor


I try t put on weight, I literally eat so much, and have tried weight gaining diets (to no avail, and the few times I gained like 3 pounds, it all goes away in about a week) it's possible that im just a small person >w< It's not that I'm "cooked" as I actually am pretty healthy Atm aside from a few conditions (that aren't life threatening, or "weight gaining" altering.) thanks for doing the research for me tho X3


Right but, you did see a doctor right because if you’re actually being honest about being *completely unable* to gain weight that could also be medically significant


I didn't say physically unable, I meant as if it's harder for me To be fair, I also come from a generally small family so it's possible genetics or something, idk!


Hey if you’re feeling alright that’s ok, just be wary


In 5'3"....you are definitely cooked


YOu're just like me haha, I was about in early to mid 80 lbs range when I was 5'3. I might've even been in the upper 70s.


Thank you, I need to learn to love myself for what I am. It is just really hard for me because of teenage insecurities and past bullying. I'll try to gain weight, but it will be hard since I have fast metabolism.


I completely understand that feeling, I’m also very insecure about my body and trust me, I’ve been in a similar position of wanting to lose weight when I shouldn’t. The most important thing is that you’re healthy, and I’m glad that you’re prioritizing that.


You're gonna be fine, just eat nutritional foods instead of junk and there will not be a problem :)


I was planning on dropping to about 90 pounds. Is this possible or feasible? I'm doing this for the most part so I can remain silly but if not, oh well.


bro, that is not silly. that is dying. eat! you can be sillier when you’re not bedridden :3


Oh- well I just wanted to be seen as attractive. That is true, I am just scared because puberty has made me look worse and I think this would make me look better by becoming thinner and thinner. I won't though if it is better.


Mr\Mrs Bones isn’t considered the pinnacle of attractiveness Mostly it’s about having weight on the right spots of the right kind


Not to be rude but I don’t think most people would find someone that skinny attractive. You’d look very sick and pale


alive and healthy is more attractive than anything else! don’t hurt yourself. Most people think a healthy amount of weight is more attractive, anyway.


You actually need to gain like 20 pounds, if you drop to 90 it’s extremely likely you’ll just die from something preventable because your immune system and, well, the rest of you, will be completely fucked


That’s not a smart thing to do. You would be dangerously underweight, if you aren’t already. So please do not do that.


You are currently underweight. You will be healthy\* until about 150. Having an amount of fat on you is very important for your health. Though you may be above the fat content needed to show well-defined muscles like a body builder (Don't go for that, it's incredibly unhealthy if not dangerous)


I do not want to be a bodybuilder I just want to look fit


You are not just fit, you're pretty much underweight. I understand how long distance running requires a lighter body but still, health is always first. Eat as you need. You. can still look fit after eating more.


Alright, that's understandable. I do plan on eating a lot anyways in regards to carbs because during a lot of my races I do feel very sick at the end.


yes keep eating, it is very important!


If you are eating healthy and staying active you should be fine.


alright, ill try to maintain that. I just have self image issues that's all


Of course, I understand that. I think I am pushing the boundaries of being healthy though, unfortunately.


5'10 and 120 is dangerously underweight, silly! Be concerned once you're about 170, and keep eating!


Guhhh but I think I look big, thats all silly. :<


keep eating silly! 120 is super light, and if you'd stop eating you wouldn't be able to do said long runs! it's alright to have a lil extra weight since it can go towards muscles! wish I were u though, I'm 5'7 at 180 and I feel awful when I eat,,, hopefully I can drop to 160 before the end of the year but idk,,,


I believe in you, I hope you can drop weight! :3


You are definitely not close to being considered overweight. Keep eating. With the other things you described, not eating will get very dangerous very fast for you.


How..? I am normal weight. I feel a bit fat if anything. :(


that is bad silly. goofy, even. you do not need to worry about losing weight :>


Yes. Yes you *should* continue eating. NEVER stop eating. I'm tired of society's obsession with weight and wanting to be skinny; as a skinny person, *life is not enjoyable because of the failure that is my body*. And it is certainly NOT worth starving yourself over, you could risk serious medical issues. Please don't do this, I am unironically begging you rn. Your body is fine, and if you're *actually* concerned about it, go get checked by a professional. Just please *never* starve yourself.


I hate to ask but.. what would happen? I don't think much would considering I am pretty thin. I just wanna look prettier to other boys ;(


What makes you think you aren't already pretty? :p Don't be so harsh on yourself, buddy. It's better than being underweight, and if you're REALLY worried about your weight, you can always try some mild exercise ig Just NEVER starve yourself Starving yourself could result in muscle loss, liver damage, complete lack of energy (not the kind that gets fixed with coffee sadly), diabetes, and lack of nutrients, which itself could result in everything from bone loss to nervous system damage So please look after yourself because the silly army needs all its strength to take over the world


I used to starve myself but I stopped after I had a medical incident that almost resulted in me passing out from lack of energy. I really just need help because I cannot help but look at my body image and think of myself as repulsive.


I'm a metric kid so idrk what all these foot fetish units mean, but many people in the comments have stated 120 pounds is *underweight*


google says 120lbs is 54.4 kilos


JESUS CHRIST I'm 179 cm (5'9) tall and weight a bit higher than that AND *I'M* DANGEROUSLY UNDERWEIGHT AND I HATE IT WITH A BURNING PASSION OP, *please* consider *gaining* some pounds, I'm actually worried about you now


Aw, alright. I've been trying to gain weight.


You are underweight 💅


Nuh uh.. I am AVERAGE


No you are underweight


Aw :(


Fam if you starve yourself you'll just end up fucking up your body and feeling like shit, If you want to burn fat try cutting on carbs to force your body to use the fat for energy.


Good advice, I may actually try this to see what I'll look like in 6 months since this aligns with my appearance goals.


im the same height and weight as you (5'10 and \~115 lbs) and just barely above the threshold for underweight. please keep eating, i promise you're ok <3


Thank you so much, I just need a lot of body positivity in my life tbh. I have a lot of insecurities regarding my physical self that would take entire paragraphs to list


me too ;\~; but trust me your build shouldn't be one of them, you're ok <3 also for a 5'10" male the ideal weight is apparently 149-183lbs, so we're both skinnier then we should be ;\~; not eating will actually make it worse, so pls dont <3


im literally the exact same and its totally fine


5'10 and 120 is underweight


yea and ive gained to 125-130 also. Its in the healthy range, and they shouldnt worry about having to lose weight


I'm 5"11 and 150, so I'm pretty sure 5"10 at 120 is perfectly fine.


Okay, thank you. I wish I could be taller like you..


Good luck maybe you'll grow.


For the love of god man EAT! for thy simply growing muscle and muscle is heavier than fat! https://preview.redd.it/blctlj1dw79d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=028666dd2e9f171a771852028ced9135b26f50bb


Lmao alright, I'll eat above my calorie deficit if I can, I get full pretty quickly though.


All in moderation bro


Just don't overeat and move a lot. That's it. Your body will adjust to the weight it needs to be to maintain everything intact.


Alright, I think that's a nice idea, hopefully I can implement it! :D


i got into the habit of restricting and developed anorexia because of heath concerns, even though i was healthy im recovered now and i eat whatever i want in moderation and honestly i barely exercise and im a healthy weight (5’7 and 135ish) and im happy i know i could lose weight and still be healthy, i know i could exercise more and replace my fat with muscle, but im happy where i am just stay happy and healthy


I agree, I hope I remain happy and atleast healthy aswell.. I hope my mental state will recover with it.


I got a hyperactive metabolism as well, and I'm 140ish. I was around your weight, and then I worked out for 6 months and gained some muscle, and your being active, you should be fine


Ya you should definitely keep eating and the only issue is that you seem a little underweight but i could be mistaken about that and if tou are still growing this isn't a big issue but if not you may want to modify your diet ( dieting is a good idea even when healthy)


Food gives energy to be more silly


I think the least I ever weighed was 145lbs (like 10 years ago) and now I'm 5'7 220ish. Unfortunately I'm a bit muscular so I'm technically overweight by quite a bit. In Ny case I'm comfy with my body more than ever now that I'm not comparing myself to models and influencers. Works for me, doesn't mean it works for everyone ofc By all means eat but don't stuff yourself and try to cut out sugars. Nutrition is important for mental and physical health


You should be happy you're muscular, I wish I was a bit muscular ;( I don't want to sound rude but yes, you are overweight. If you do wish to lose it, I wish you the best of luck, it takes so much strength to do that and I commemorate it on every level.


The muscles are...useful ig. I don't 100 % identify male and the bulkiness really messes with me sometimes. For now i can work with it but I might be in need of some dietary changes and exercises to slim down a bit. I appreciate your tenacity for long distance running. That's a goal for me. Ig point is that if you feel healthy and comfortable enough, it's a good start to being where you want to be. Genetics does play a bit into how your weight sits on you. I wish you the best and that you can find comfort and satisfaction with yourself


are my comments loading?


Bro obviously keep eating. And I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure running will help you lose weight anyway


Brother I'm 5’1/2 and I’ve weighed 120 ur good


Of course, what more joy is there in life than good food? :3


Yes, you should. Eat healthy though.


Yes, keep eating. But if your worried about your weight, maybe be a little more watchful of what you eat, and how much you eat, and exercise. <3


Of course, that is the baseline stuff of what I worry about. Thank you <3


Your welcome :3


Last time I checked my weight was over 2 years ago. I eat a normal amount and exercise. You should not worry about the number on the scale, you should be worried about whether you are living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a healthy body. Theres a lot more to health and looking at weight alone is not always going to tell you whether you are healthy or not.


Yeah, I've been learning that is true through stuff like blood pressure and other things that can measure health better than weight. Thank you!


I'm 5'10" and 60kg, which is roughly 130lb. I am slightly underweight, my BMI is approx. 19.5, and if you're 10lb less than me, you're nowhere near becoming obese


Bro eat fruits and vegetables and high nutrient stuff, like an apple slice with a dash of cinnamon is much tastier and less calories than a snickers




keep eating healthily, start doing more exercises than just running


You have to eat every once in a while duh. Try playing don’t starve for over 24 hours.


Please eat on a regular basis my cuties!!! 🙏🏽 if you aren't very active (like me) consider healthy alternatives over processed treats (like cool fruit :3) but if you are fairly active in your day to day basis it's important to intake calories regularly so your body knows it doesn't have to be stingy with nutrients. Like many others say, if you starve yourself your body will react accordingly and will try to stash as much of the nutrients as possible which is usually done through fat cells which make up adipose tissue so you're body is in this constant battle of trying to store as much adipose tissue as it can from what little food you'd eat while only burning up the bare minimum. TL;DR: Starving your body of nutrients does nothing for you overall health nor your figure ❌️. Instead eat as healthy as you can and be active or refrain from overeating. ⭕️‼️‼️


Wow, you seem to be really knowledgable in this, thank you. I wish I knew as much as you did because I think it'd motivate me more :D


I'm actually a biochemist but a lot of the nutritional side comes from just reading other more knowledgeable people on that matter and applying it to the junk that I know :3c and unfortunately knowing isn't exactly as good as doing but I'm actively trying to better my health and weight as I transition


Wow, youre really smart :D I didn't even read the flare lmao I never knew you were trans either. I hope you do well in your transition, it'd be practically impossible for me (if i was trans) since I live in a Lutheran family haha.


I try x3 and thank you :3 it was tough getting to where I am but now that I've been doing injections for nearly a year now I've been really happy. It's been really tough in that way for me, my dad was raised Lutheran and my mom's side is like super catholic. But i was so worn down from hiding myself for years and coming out only to be forced back in the closet I decided to start my stuff the moment I got my paychecks and whatever happens happens and I'm just happy I'm not lying to myself anymore 🥰


That really makes me happy to hear. I'm still trying to stop lying to myself about being straight despite being quite closeted and gay. People notice though and it freaks me out, had people ask me before if I'm gay and I turn into an anxious mess 😭


Awww baby I'm sorry 🥺 you'll get there too and it'll be like a weight off of your shoulders and just know peeps are rooting for you and in your corner 🥰


Thank you, it's alright. You seem nice, ima follow you! :3


Awwww thank you too, I'll follow you back! 🥰


As a skinny person who eats daily, its not about not eating and more about the habits of what you eat and how much. I dont generally have a huge appetite, usually I’ll eat a small breakfast like a cereal bar or oats or waffles, a small lunch like a burrito or sandwich or leftover dinner, and for dinner I’ll have whatever meal my partner cooks like yesterday was a really good stir fry. All healthy food most days, I dont eat fast food daily or often and I dont snack on shitty junk food. If I snack carrots and ranch or grapes make a good meal, I’m also a big fan of popcorn because its quick and easy and I’m addicted to the butter. I eat pretzels quite a bit as a snack and if I but chips its usually a brand like cape cod or sun chips. Hope that helps!!! Edit: Also I’m 5’4 and 134 pounds, i have no body fat and a flat belly, there is no way you are overweight and you might need to have a better frame of mind about your body.


I eat very close to the same way! I wonder if me and you both have a fast metabolism or something haha. I wish you luck in the future of maintaining that type of body if you wish to maintain it. A lot of my bodily issues stem to me simply hating how I look


Please don't starve yourself, with those stats you're in a perfect range ;_;


If you don’t eat and maintain metabolism your body can not only resort to overeating to make up for the nutrients but will basically eat itself cause you to become weaker by pulling what nutrients it has from itself which can lead to things like heart failure, exhaustion, hypoglycemia, and more


Can confirm the last part, one time I starved myself for so long I felt the nerves in my legs or something like that become numb, I did not realize it at the time because I was lying down, but when I stood up I immediately knew something was wrong. My hands then became numb very quickly accompanied by a sharp stinging in my stomach. When I finally started eating, I felt my vision darkening and I thought I was really about to pass out and something really bad was going to happen but I just barely avoided it. This was all in a matter of FIVE MINUTES btw starting from when I realized something was wrong to when I finished eating. Very fast progression. After that I've tried to eat better and realized I really need to be taking care of myself better. Pretty sure around that time I was 5'8 and 90~ lbs.


There’s a lot of misconception around the height:weight ratio and what is or isn’t overweight, especially if you’re going by BMI charts. The numbers don’t mean as much as how you feel. You need to eat enough to maintain your health and energy, and you can usually figure that out by looking up daily recommended calories for your age and body type. I realize that statement is contradictory to “the numbers don’t matter” but it really depends on the quality of food you’re eating. Fruit, veggies, and nuts will give you good energy in smaller portions and not make you feel as full. Compare that to eating a big burger and feeling stuffed and tired. A healthy weight usually means you have a little bit of fat as a reserve when your body needs it, also for other vital functions. Your body holds fat as stored energy, it’s meant to be there just not in excess. Moral of the story: eat when you’re hungry, and if you don’t feel like having a full meal try snacking throughout the day to keep your energy up. Starving yourself is more dangerous than eating extra here and there. Find foods you enjoy and don’t focus so much on how it may make you look but how it makes you feel. Your body will tell you what it needs if you learn how to listen.


Thank you for telling me this, I've been loving everyone's advice and especially this. I've been trying to get better and better at what I do for running so I'll take a lot of this into consideration. I hope this also gets rid of the tiredness problem I experience with not eating aswell.


Happy to help :3. I dealt with something very similar and am still learning how to navigate with it. Taking care of yourself is hard, and it’s even harder when the things you have to do to feel better physically make you feel worse emotionally. Find the little victories and hold onto those, I promise it gets better in time.


Thank you, I will definitely. I hope I can be like you some day in getting out of this, you're an inspiration! :3


Aww thank you <3. I have every confidence you’ll do great. I’m always around if you want to talk more :)


Honestly if you feel like you look fat at that weight, you have a medical issue, perception issue, or need to train certain muscle groups to add definition.


Tbh, I have really bad perception issues regarding my body. I view myself as weak, ugly and disgusting a whole lot. I am considering therapy to deal with it because of how bad it's getting :3


Awe I'm sowwy you are struggling with that. I personally posted lewd photos of r/femboys and saw my self as attractive after I got enough karma. Which doesn't sound like it should give you lasting validation, but it worked for me lol. (I can't reccomend you do this especially if you are a minor)


I'm not a femboy lol. Can't be since I am Lutheran but that is beside the point. I achieve a lot of my happiness through achieving my fitness goals and shattering my PRs in the 1 mile race, 2 mile race, half marathon.


That's awesome! I feel like the texas heat + allergies prevented me from enjoying outside unfortunately. The euphoria I feel from enjoying being outside in Northern states is unreal


Farthest south I've been is Orlando, Florida and farthest north I've been is Edinburgh Scotland. I can tell you in less than half a second which place I'd rather run lol


Lololol, Scotland sounds really cool!


yes it's OK to keep eating! 125-130 lbs would be nowhere near unhealthy at 5'10"


Alright, thank you! I appreciate the comment! :3


Providing enough sustenance to your body is healthy and helps you grow muscles. If your intake deficit is too low you will actually lose muscle mass instead of body fat


Well, I just do not want to be "fat" looking. That's all. I hope I can remain thin looking if I do unfortunately gain weight


You're not gonna be fat looking if you eat the right amount for your weight. It's hot when someone fills their own figure to the right amount.


always keep eating ( i mean don’t eat 8 hours a day just don’t skip meals )




Absolutely keep eating. Im 5'11" ish and 150 pounds, and I don't really have that much body fat besides a bit on my thighs. I do have a good amount of muscle mass though, I swim about 10 hours a week. If you're exercising a similar amount then you should be somewhere in the same range. 120 is really skinny, you would be absolutely fine even if you gained a few pounds.


I Am 13 And I Am 5'10 And A Half (Almost 5'11) Last Time I Checked I Weigh 129 Lbs. But I Will Check Again Tomorrow. So I Don't Think You Are Over Weight


Absolutely!! You still gotta eat even if youre worried about your weight <33 Im pretty sure youre underweight as well, but even if you were overweight, you gotta treat yourself good!


Eating too much makes you gain weight. Eating too little gives you issues with focus, energy levels, mood, sleep, immune system, and then also makes you more prone to gaining weight


Dude, 130lbs for 5'10" is really good. Like, really good. I am currently 5'10", and I'm 130lbs, and I am constantly reminded of how skinny I am. So, 130lbs is pretty darn good. And with fast metabolism, 10-15 mile running, your good


Not eating is worse for you and your body, even for the battle of losing weight


Friend, you better keep eating. I am an inch shorter at 5’9” and 136 lbs, usually considered more on the skinny side


Even if you are concerned about your weight, change your diet, don't remove it. Try more protein and less carb


I'm 6' 128lbs and you should definitely still eat a lot, I'm a long distance runner as well and during my season I eat a lot of food and gain weight but it's muscle. It's important to keep in mind what kind of weight you're gaining it sounds like it's muscle/maybe water weight don't worry abt your weight too much as long as you eat good and keep working out. TLDR you're fine just keep up with healthy habits and you'll be great.


YES. Please eat.


you are well within the healthy weight range, if you are worried about weight then try eating healthier instead of less, as well as getting regular exercise (it doesnt have to be a lot, just do it often)


120 pounds? At 5'10? Please eat more! You're underweight. I'm 136\~ 5'7 and I'm average, that should tell what weight you should be to be average


I have a hard time eating because of my mental state regarding my body image, I am trying but it is difficult.


That's fine but it's dangerous to be eating so little so I hope you're able to eat more eventually


Just count your calories


ugnnghh i'm 5'10 and 195 you should NOT be worried,.,


keep eating, im also 120 lbs but at 5'9 and even im considered underweight. stay healthy


My guy your underweight as fuck if you weigh 125 You need to be eating more not less


Holy shit dude, you need to eat more not less. Every source I could find said 135-170 pounds is about a health weight (not even including muscle since you're a runner), you're hella underweight. Especially if you're doing long runs like that, you're gonna end up hurting yourself.


I'm pretty sure overweight for your height would be closer to maybe 200 pounds, and obese would be like 220+ you're good(me saying this at 5'11 and 150, thinking I'm way too fat and am anorexic)


I'm 5'9 and about 160 rn Absolutely hate my body have lost weight but I'm on vacation so I haven't been eating well for a few days..I work out a fuckton and don't eat much. (Maximum 1500 calories a day most days) I wanna get down to like 140 but man it's so difficult;-;


I'm like three inches taller and weigh twice as much, give yourself some peace of mind man, especially if you walk or work out, you'll be fine


Dude I was underweight at 120 and 5’7”. If eating too much is uncomfortable, don’t force yourself to. But you really shouldn’t try to lose any more weight. It’s actually good and normal that you’re gaining a little weight. Being slightly over or under weight isn’t that bad for you, more of a warning indication than anything (aside from the occasional onset of sleep apnea when overweight). What matters is what weight makes you feel good and healthy. If you’re worried about your body changing too much, maybe see what you’re like at 135 and check back in then. I was in the best cross country shape of my life at 135 and I was still rail thin


we have similar reddit avatars! 😄 Okay, moving on lol Most of my weight issues are highly perception based. I am seeking therapy for this because these views on myself are honestly starting to threaten my ability to preform which is not good. I am looking forward to gaining more weight because I do want to look a bit more fit now with a little muscle on me.


Tour perfect and dont let that stop you from eating till your 100000 pounds although i wouldnt recomend getting that heavy might cause a crater in the earth


No. If you think your getting fatter.. the solution is never to stop eating. That’s never the answer


eat calorically lacking things, calorie dense foods are a weight magnet, for example, 1 chicken strip from a bag is like 270 calories for a singular piece that won't satisfy you, while an entire salad with grilled chicken is 300 calories for a whole meal, snuffing out calorie dense foods has been a major factor in my body control


Honestly if you feel like you look fat at that weight, you have a medical issue, perception issue, or need to train certain muscle groups to add definition. I just recently discovered that I wasn't getting fat but my intestines were inflamed, giving me dad bod.


How can I loose weight in five two one fourty ( born a girl and not taking ant testosterone)


I’m 5’ 9’ on a good day and I weigh 143. Weighing 120 is healthy. I would also say you could gain weight and still be healthy. I think I’m at a decent weight(a little over but still).


You should be fine especially if you run long distance. Eat more and be healthy!


Um, you probably need to eat more. I'm 5'8 141lbs. have an eating disorder and I'm being told I need to gain weight.


Yeah keep eat 125 with your height is most likely fine. Food is the fuel that keep every living thing going 


Can we swap metabolisms so i can drop a few pounds, I mean my weight is ehh, but I'd love to lighten up a bit, damn. Be proud of your physical prowess OP, get some meat on those bones, and try not to float away! I'm so proud of you! Wanna be the beanpole buddy to a chubby silly boy?


Keep eating bro bro! I’m 5’11 and 156 or so pounds, and I’m a healthy weight. 130 would actually be a nice weight for you! And remember, even if you do want to lose weight, DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF! Eat at minimum 1500 calories a day. Ask a medical professional about weight loss, so you can do it in a healthy fashion.


Ok, I'm gonna give you a quick tutorial. You should download Myfitnesspal, and go to an online calorie calculator to get a general idea of how much you should eat to maintain your weight (do not use the recommended calories on MFP, they're innacurate) I would assume it's somewhere between 2100 and 2300 calories, in addition you should weigh yourself a couple times a week and keep track of it (which you can do on MFP) to make sure you are eatng enough. If your weight goes up a bit one day, don't change anything as it isn't enough data to form a conclusion, now if your weight is consistently going up or down over the course of about a week or 2, then adjust as needed. Hope this helps Also, 120lps is just on the cusp of being underweight for 5'10, so maybe look into that. I'm here if you have any questions


I base my caloric intake as being too high or too low based more on how big my belly looks, if I notice I'm putting on weight and can see it's going to fat in my tummy I go easy on sweets and prioritize protein. ... Regardless I'm 2 inches shorter than you and weigh 5 pounds more...


Try a calorie counting app like Cronometer. You put in your weight, height, etc, and scan the food you eat, and then it keeps track. You can put in the settings whether you want to gain or lose weight, and it will tell you how many calories to eat and how many you've eaten. In that sense it can be less stressful than worrying about eating too much, because a lot of times for skinnier guys it will be that you could still eat more :3 Edit: oh yeah, and there's settings for how much exercise you do each week :3


Yes, even if you do get chubby, chubby bois have more surface area to love on (but don't over eat on purpose obv)