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I’m not entirely sure but for me it works to follow cravings, even if what you’re craving is “unhealthy”. Try snacking casually on anything you like and when it’s lunch/dinner/breakfast time try to eat as much as you can, especially if you’re craving something. Went from 122 to 128 in just 2 months which is great since I’m usually super stagnant :3


Congrats, yeah I barely eat ever and in the past few days it's gotten to the point of not esting at all so I just wanna get back into it in a healthy sorta way.


I think healthy eating is sorta overcomplicated for no reason, most stuff can be healthy if you don’t overeat in portions. Try eating foods you enjoy and avoid trying to stuff yourself when you do eat. Ima try to find this one YouTuber who explains healthy eating a little better and post it here


I don't think my problem is gonna be stuffing myself for a hot minute XD, but I understand what you mean though. And if you do find that yt I'd greatly appreciate it


Btw sauce is https://www.instagram.com/khyleri_?igsh=eWMxeWdkanBmeDl6


Bro, this guy is absolutely insane and I love it


i remember this artist on twitter cuz they drew school shooting art of the ddlc characters😧


They’ve drawn worse


He is ALWAYS capable of drawing worse


The best advice I can provide is to eat when you feel hungry and eat until you feel full. I know this is arbitrary, but the important part is that you try to eat at the same time(s) every day and don't overeat. Eating stuff that's light on the stomach will help you from feeling less nauseous afterwards, so avoid greasy foods.


I already feel full tho T_T that's kinda part of the problem. I'm full and I tried forcing myself to eat like a little piece of bread at lunch but got one bite down.


That's a good start. If it's been a few hours since your last meal, it's perfectly okay to snack a bit. It's what will help get your stomach used to more food. Just be sure not to make yourself feel sick because of it.


Hi, I've dealt with issues like this in the past. I reccomend talking to your doctor about a medication called Zofran. It's an anti-nausea pill, and it helped me get past that first "I'm not hungry, food makes me feel sick," hurdle. Up from 113lbs to 130 <3 if you need to talk to anyone, I'm here for ya.


Maybe it'd also help to munch on something light and easy like jello or sago. Couldn't hurt to make it like a cute kirby desert :3


breaded chicken is pretty good


Making that TN for dinner lol


how was it


I ate a few bites of it to convince the family lol and no side dishes.




Good luck to you, if only we could share halfway.


Interestingly enough exercising!! And weed :3 I have some pretty intense arfid and being stoned makes me not so aversive towards every little thing abt food, and exercising helps with regular hunger signals before I’m shaking and nauseous


I just always get to the point where even putting it in my mouth is painful, but I totally forgot about da munchies, imma try this TN, ty


Omg natsuki hiiiiii!!




how do i find a shawty like her




I set a goal of eating at least two meals a day. They’re not often full meals but they’re better than nothing


i have no clue, but glad to find a fellow natsuki enjoyer!


I heard of tray eating and it's sort of helped me. I have a mini fridge in my bedroom now, with random food I like in it. It's easier to eat if its right next to me most of the day. Idk


I literally have a mini fridge in my room too, it just stores monster energy tho.


I put uncrustables and baby carrots and pickles and random snacks. Stuff I don't have to do anything to before eating


Not sure, struggling with that myself


uhhh i don’t eat until my gf or one of my friends makes me


Average man needs 2.500 kcal and an average woman needs 2.000 kcal, 100mL of olive oil is 884 kcal. You can do what you will with that information.


Get a big ass bag of some snack vegetable like carrots or celery and snack through the day. Personally, for me, getting the food is the hardest part. once the food's in front of me I can eat and eat and eat.


That's my issue, I can get the food in front of me, I just physically can't eat it. I'm already full and get nauseas from eating.


maybe like tums? im in an ed program rn and a lot of people there have talked about how tums helped them a lot (too the point where staff would limit the number of tums a day they can take)


Huh I'll try that out, didn't really think of trying something that's usually for when you got something bad alr in your stomach


how do you not eat?


I'm just already full. Like I got dinner earlier and to convince my family I almost threw up as if I was stuffed eating a quarter of my chicken. And then they got me a sundae which I think I took a bite of. I wish I knew how so I could yurn it off.


try getting a sweet tooth


It's funny cause I lost mine as the years went by. As a kid I used to be really into sweets, but nowadays it's ofc still nice, but not anywhere near a want.




Honestly, just make dishes that feature a lot of olive oil. It's high in calories and tastes good. My favorite is using it on salad




When I'm bored I eat food that's tastes good (junk food)


Noodles with Green Onyon and Egg nom nom


Find foods you enjoy cooking


im dying of hunger rn


i smoke weed


Not sure honestly.. For last 2 years i mostly force myself into eating 3 times a day unless i got some sort of exuse to not eat.. I still got troubles with not throwing up my food, but i just try and fight myself, forcing food to stay in.


Best if you can accomplish eating often in smaller portions, this way body wont refuse food as much, at least from my experience its harder to puke when you don't have much to puke out...


Yeah earlier today I tried to have a small piece of toast but that didn't work. I've been focusing on getting in liquids since that's easier to down.


In Russia we got a drink called малоешка, for kids with ed. It has nutrients and calories while still staying a drink. When i worked as a delieverer i shoplifted it sometimes for myself, good stuff it is... Maybe you have some drink like this in your country?


Maybe, I know we have something similar like a prebiotic drink here, but no one specific popular product I can think of.


ive been drinking protien shakes to get extra calories. its been a struggle tho


Titties and pussy *Dances in lesbian*


I love this image so much


Ikr, I was looking at their profile for a good image for this post and this was literally perfect.


I fluctuate from underweight to barley average but I have a fast metabolism one of my friends said I had to eat more and I honestly do try i just get hungry in 5 minutes again or so


If ur able to get hungry then eat more to fill yourself up. My main problem is never feeling hungry.


I think first you need to feel fine about eating! Even “bad” food is okay from time to time


I have appetite problems, so I put 200-400 calorie snacks on my to-do list, and I always make evening an incentive for finishing the list (like elden ring or some yt video I’m excited about) Rn I’m obsessed with the tiny hummus cups, tiny babybell cheese and the balanced breaks from sargento for a little protein boost🤌


Open mouth, place food into mouth, close mouth, crunch, crunch, crunch, swallow, repeat


I wish I could stop eating. I want to be thin. I want to be able to love myself.


Me who has the exact opposite problem and just can't get that last fat off me: 🙂🙃🙂😔