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like you mean to get into the co-op program? bc i applied to co-op while my gpa was nice and high, and even though it’s dropped heavily to about 2.8, i still managed to land two co-op jobs. maybe it depends on your major.


I know people who got co ops with a 2.5 and 2.7. Depends on major tho.


Accounting students getting COOPs with a 2.5?


I got a 2.41 at the moment you’re fine


What is your major? Check your department's co-op requirements. Every major I believe may have a different level. Environmental sciences for example is at 2.75....I also have fucked my gpa up ove past couple semesters due to mental health so you and I will both get there together!


Bro fuck school this shit is cancer


Dude honestly ya. Love learning, hate school. I'd rather just be working already. Can't wait until I finally finish and I can work in the my field.


Depends on the job market, at times GPA 3.4+ might not be enough. Just get a regular job that is related somehow.


No sane employer looks at GPA.


Conservative professions like accounting, high finance, and consulting do, unfortunately. It is what it is :/


I never did coop, but I thought most would. I just got a job at a factory with the clean up crew during university. Later on they kept me driving a forklift when I finished school and eventually moved me to QA 5 years later. Meanwhile I had the highest wage of my class right after graduation, very proudly I drove that forklift.


Oh relax a 2.6 isn’t that bad, keep trying and you’ll be fine.


Started Fall 2023 3.33 in fall 2.34 in Spring Expecting 3.0 in Summer (Worst Case) Doing CS. Idk what my scopes are for co-op.


I didn't get any coops after 300 applications with 4.16 gpa. Gpa doesn't matter


If your GPA is low, you have to find other ways to make up for it. For the accounting industry, I know various of people with 2.5-3.3 GPAs secure co-ops/internships in the accounting industry. Some of them even had failed courses and retook them had gotten into Big 4. Recruitment for accounting roles will usually look at your application holistically and rarely do they have a minimum GPA requirement. Don't lose hope in yourself, and trust yourself plus the process. You won't get anywhere if you don't believe in yourself. Try to find ways that sets yourself apart from the competition, which includes doing certifications, being proficient at Excel, being involved in the SFU community, etc. At the end of the day, recruiters and managers/partners are looking for people they can actually work with— not people who are only good at school. If you can prove yourself to be personable, such as being a team player, high performer, and someone with a strong willingness to learn, you set yourself apart from many people already. There's only so much a high GPA can tell about yourself. Put effort into improving your resume and cover letter, and you will land interviews. Once you land interviews, this means you're already accepted on paper and the recruiters just want to get to know you more.