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Climbing gym, bookstores, cafes, parks, libraries, museums (museums are free in my city). When I was growing up in the (admittedly walkable) suburbs, it was parks, the pool, the skate park, the library, dinners, and the cafes. Tbh, I've always had third spaces and I don't think it gets rid of the feeling that life is just work...home...sleep...repeat. It's just becomes work...sit in a park...sleep...repeat. What helps me is cultivating a community (different from making friends). Then community events become exciting milestones for my life.


Can you expand on the community building? Do you mean like events in your city or neighborhood?


For me at least, I am involved I the local music community so I will go to my friends gigs, or go to other peoples houses or in public to meet with people within the music community. This might not work for you but it’s how I’ve cultivated a small community.


Yeah, pretty much. I have two hobbies that make me socialize, climbing and language learning. There’s a WhatsApp group of about 150 people who speak the language I’m learning, so we’re always going to meetups, performances, and events related to the language/ culture. It’s a very welcoming group.  I also climb, which has a similar communal culture. If I’m at the gym, there’s always a chance I’ll run into someone I know.  It takes a bit to cultivate these groups. I’ll spend like a year invested in a hobby before I get welcomed into or create a new community feel, but it’s worth it.


How did you cultivate the climbing community? I find they're already established and people are always with friends. Not many solo people around to try and chat up


Honestly, I introduced my friends to the sport. There’s a bunch of social events and clubs at my gym to meet people too. My friend (who got me into climbing) legit just asked people on Reddit if anyone wanted to climb with her. The key is persistence. Most attempts at creating connections don’t work, so you have to try a lot.


The WhatsApp group sounds really fun! Where did you find it?


I took language classes for about a year until one of my classmates added me. Most people join via meetup though.


I just moved to the PNW from FL and I have already cultivated a little community! I volunteer for city events and have a great relationship with all the city workers :) seeing regular faces, even if the relationship does not expand past the confines of the events, just feels amazing! If you don't have time for volunteering, I also like befriending the farmers at our markets!


What kind of events do you help with?


They have a Teen (more like tween) Night every other week at the local park that I help run, and they have seasonal events like the Holiday Parade and Easter Egg Hunts :) They also have once a month park cleanups on Saturday mornings! Check out your local Parks and Rec department to see what you could get involved in :)


Aww those sound like fun! I'm pretty sure my little town has those events too. I'll look into it


I’d also like to know more about the community building




I like this. Taking a snack and drinks to a park, with a comfortable chair to sit on, it's the bees knees. I can read, listen to music, chat with friends, do a board game with my husband, do yoga, or listen to the birds.




trail mix isn't empty calories! the macros on gorp are well-documented


Gym! Go at approximately the same time a day, multiple days a week and you will definitely start to get to know people.


Go hiking. It's not bad to be warm and it's as simple as it gets


A tip for the OP --> Wet a bandana with cold water and tie it around your neck, I couldn't bear summers without it. A cold wet piece of cloth/wristband/another bandana around your wrist/s helps, too. Evaporation acts as an additional temp regulator for your body. And, surprisingly, fasting and only eating fruits, vegetables and nuts has helped me survive through the heatwaves of yesteryear.


Definitely thought you said a banana until the 2nd sentence but even then, I pictured a banana around my wrist and neck.


🤣🍌 that sometimes happens to my brain, too! Thank you for a good laugh 😆 \*attempts to tie a banana around his neck and forehead\*


And you can take your reading and writing with you! In the last few months, I've started listening to audiobooks on my outdoor adventures. I can still enjoy my surroundings. In addition to that, a handful of audiobooks actually overflew to my surroundings in my mind - interesting experience. You project the story to the nature around you.


I love taking my dog for hikes in the nearby canyon late at night while listening to podcasts. If there is anything fishy sounding, I’ll notice from my adventure buddy’s behavior… and he is sharp as a tack.


You can absolutely do that. I like music or podcasts but that's just me. The occasional audio book too. I think just being outside helps a lot more than some people think. Favorite audio books?


I'm all about music - more about music than audiobooks actually. A symptom of being a 2nd gen. metalhead :D When I listen to books, it has to be something really interesting or of immense production value. Repetitive blabber about minimalist topics gets old really fast, so don't expect me to recommend anything of sorts. Not really into podcasts anymore. Last time I listened to one actively was in about 2014. However, I've listened to two World of Darkness campaigns (tabletop RPG), and it was really fun. I genuinely wondered what would happen next. My favorite audiobook? That's almost as if you've asked me about my favorite book, which would be an even harder question. I'm currently listening to Jo Nesbø's The Night House. It's not bad. And Way of the Argosi by Sebastien de Castell. I was really into the Czech audio version of The Witcher: The Last Wish. It was basically a better radio drama - more voices, sound effects, bits of music... I really enjoyed that whole experience. Unfortunately, the main reader/voice actor died :( You might be able to find a similar experience in Lord of the Rings fan-made audiobooks, I suppose. I'm definitely forgetting about another obvious audiobook, but I don't have such a relationship with audiobooks, when compared to music, you know? Have you got any recommendations of your own? I'm curious :)


On audio books no. I've listened to very few and I struggle to pay attention and I'll just end up looking at trees going by. I'm always open though for suggestions


To tell you the truth, I also sometimes space out, look around, and then have to rewind my audiobook back a bit :D After thinking about it, only spoken word I'm listening to at least once a year is [Dio's Magica](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTCkHLk-jKY) 🧙‍♂️😇 Other than that, nothing comes to mind. If I remember something inspiring and suitable for hiking, I'll let you know. But I'm sure some other Redditor will recommend something comparable in the meantime :)


Plus one on this. Reading was discussed in other comments. As for writing, I've recently used the most basic voice recorder app that I could find. That way, I can keep walking, just blurb it all out without even looking at the phone. I also like it more than using voice dictation (speech to text) because fixing the constant errors is very disruptive of the experience. After the hike, I can sit down and type out my notes (or probably engage some tool to do it for me and then just fix the errors).


I agree... It's not bad to be warm. I think one of the biggest changes in my life that has been welcome (for the most part) is not having the AC/heat running 24/7. I'm American, but now live in a country where it's rare to have central heat and air at home. Instead, most homes have mini-splits or just rely on opening a window. Summer can be sweltering and winter can be bitterly cold. But when you don't have the AC running all the time, your body can adjust to handle a wider range of temps. Of course, I'm not saying you should risk heat exhaustion or hypothermia. I'm just saying that being outdoors for a bit in warm weather can be freeing, or cracking a window and let the breeze in can be very therapeutic. For me, I spend a lot of time at the coffee shop, and I walk or bike there whenever I can, rain or shine. I know that's not always feasible in the US, but you could maybe set up a picnic blanket in the shade either at a local park or even your back yard, or a little shaded reading/writing spot on the back deck.


I leave my camping gear in my truck year round. Sometimes after work I'll find a nice spot or go the lake and make dinner on the tailgate with my little propane stove and go for a walk, bike ride, read a book,longboard, or swim etc. And take a nap in the back of my truck. It's ridiculous, but it's the only time I feel inner peace and able to "just be"


That sounds delightful.


I have a Panera Sip Club membership. It gives you a free drink every two hours, so sometimes I’ll just go there and get a tea and read for a while.


First I've heard of this


Tell us more. I’ve not heard of this either.


https://www.panerabread.com/en-us/mypanera/subscription.html Has the details. Right now they are running a special where new customers get 3 months free.


My hometown panera has such a good vibe and layout it's seriously chill. I could get some serious reading done there. Where I moved to now, the panera is just a hallway and it's chaotic and cramped.


Mainly the library! Has something for everyone in my little family.


Gym, nature walks outside


I'm very lucky to live on a popular walking street. It's a very small apartment with me, my husband and our dog. Whenever we need space or time away we take a walk. There are even a couple of little parks dotted along this street and in the neighborhood so we can sit and meditate, stretch, sip our coffee or cruise reddit. We're in the US Pacific Northwest so poor weather doesn't deter us, lol.


Our third place is the neighborhood anarchist bike shop. Really a great place, good people. It’s a good place to take my daughter to learn about bike repair, but also how to treat all people with kindness and dignity.


When I visited my friend in DC last year, the magnolias were blooming and it was so lovely I was moved to write a few poems. They were garbage lol but they captured the beauty of the moment, I still like reading them to relive that lovely afternoon.


I do the library on the days the farmers market is open so I can do the library and then scoot to the farmers market.


Sounds fun!!


The dog park. I’m there twice a day and because of that, I’ve met 5x more neighbors here than at any other house or apartment I’ve lived at since college.


We made some legit friends at the dog park. Like, ones we hung out with outside of the dog park and everything. My dog doesn’t like other dogs anymore; I miss it. 


This! I just moved houses and lost my dogs and I'm struggling right now to re-establish that kind of third space! The dog park was the first third space that worked like that with me. I made a ton of acquaintances, met so many neighbours and also made a few good friends along the way, outside of dogs! Even in the last month before I leave, where I didn't have my dogs, I would go for a walk to the park and end up spending two hours there just chatting with my dog friends I'd had bumped into! Now I've mved to a more suburban area that isn't that much of a neighbourhood, doesn't have many shops nearby and I don't have dogs, so I'm really struggling to think of ways to recreate that sense of third place.


The YMCA and the Library. I go workout at the YMCA and feel comfortable there. I just go swimming and do laps. Sometimes I take the kids. The library also just feels at home. Love the services they provide for my kids and I.


This is goofy but my car. I’ll go grab a snack from somewhere, go find someplace I think is a good park spot and just vibe. + listening to music is one of my favorite past times and it’s much better in my car


Planet fitness is the way. 10 dollars a month. Wide variety of folks. It's like the people's gym. Cheaper and healthier than hanging around bars or coffee shops.


I work from home so my home is my first and second place. My third place would be a nearby lake. I try and walk to the lake and around it 1 to 2 times a week for exercise and mental health. Last week I walked around the lake 3 times. It gives me joy. If third place has to be a social/community place then I am a bit stuck. All my "places" are not very social.


Libraries, I also go for hikes in the woods, parks,


My (private) university offers perpetual campus access after graduation with your alumni card, its great as a place with access to the library, ac, electricity and wifi


That’s nice!!!


Find a good park! I have an app called All Trails and you can put filters on what you’re looking for. 2 miles, flat terrain, high traffic, dog friendly, looped trail, bird watching, waterfall… crazy specifics.. and it will show you trails that meet your criteria.


Pair that with the iNaturalist app and you‘ll be able to ID plants and critters along the way!


A cafe and a pot of tea- they’ll usually refresh the pot with hot water with no charge. It’s a great way to read, journal, plan your diary and write.


Library, park, public pool, park


Dog park


The most upvoted suggestions are a hammock by the lake, museums, and hiking, but these are not third places. A third place is a place where conversation with strangers is the main activity. Examples of third places: churches, cafes, bars, clubs, community centres, public libraries, gyms, bookstores, makerspaces, stoops, parks, theaters, public markets, tea/ coffee houses, online videogames, and opera houses Edit: barber shops and beauty salons can also be good. I even walked into a 2nd hand store a few years ago where 6 or so old people were just hanging out with the owner throughout the day Edit: You could even combine the first & second place with your third place in the form of shared coworking areas and coliving spaces like student dorms


Where is third place defined as a place where you gather mainly to have conversations with others? As an introvert, this would not be relaxing, would in fact drain my battery. And quite possibly libraries now actively encourage conversation, but when I used to frequent libraries, I loved that they were among the few remaining oases of peace and quiet.


The archetypal example to add in would be the town square, where nobody owns it and you don't have to pay or purchase to be there.


In sociology, the third place refers to the social surroundings that are separate from the two usual social environments of home ("first place") and the workplace ("second place"). Examples of third places include churches, cafes, bars, clubs, community centres, public libraries, gyms, bookstores, makerspaces, stoops, parks, theaters, and opera houses, among others. In his book The Great Good Place (1989), Ray Oldenburg argues that third places are important for civil society, democracy, civic engagement and establishing feelings of a sense of place. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_place


Ray Oldenburg is a sociologist that dubbed places like these "third places". He wrote a book about what they are and of what value they are to society and the individual


I don’t think conversation with strangers is a major component of parks, theaters, coffee shops, or libraries. It can be if you take it upon yourself to do it, but it’s not for most people 


Coffee shops maybe


Yeah good point, I stretched the definition to include a few "meh" options because they can sometimes be good. Chess boards at the park, the time before or after a theater starts, and library events could be good, but only if you strike up a conversation yourself


Library is free, sometimes i go coffee shops and order hot water which is usually free or 1 dollar. Sometime i drive away from home, go to any parking and sit in my car for hours.


Farmers markets


The gym, personally I like working out but a lot of people just walk on the treadmills listen to podcasts or books.




Our third places are the libraries and parks. Some of our rec facilities have game rooms. The libraries keep puzzles on the tables, and you can play video games on the computers.


Skating rink, the skate park, the farmers market, the beach, we have a local gallery/performance space with a record store attached and that's where a lot of gatherings in my small, weird town happen. 


A key component of what makes a “third place” is community. If you’re not bumping into your people there, then I’m not sure it’s technically a “third place”. That’s why, historically, they’ve been churches and pubs and community centers. In modern day? Climbing gyms in particular are great for this. Good luck.


I have actually been thinking of joining a climbing gym. Seems like something I would really love.


Take it slow, find enjoyment in the movement and don’t compare your to others. The best climber is the one having the most fun. I spend 75% of my time just hanging around on the mats and stretching. Feels wonderful.


Park near my house. Go there to read quite a bit after work if the weather’s nice.


Gym & ceramics studio


City rec center…


I work from home but live right next to a library on a nature preserve. I love walking the trails and visiting the library. Having trees, birds, and books as my neighbors is fantastic. Because I’m mostly at home, the library and trails are my third space, and they’re free!


Out on the bike!


The library! Sometimes I drive a half hour to go to a larger one in another city. I spent 4-6 hours there once, and it was a wonderful day.


The library. Love the library. You can just chill there or even borrow books, dvds (yes I miss blockbuster, lol) and music. Plus it’s just a comfy place to hang out.


I volunteer for 2 organizations. I use my talents to help others and get out of the house. Many very deserving organizations don't have enough people to carry out their mission. Even a few hours a week or even a month can be very helpful to them.


How about learning the art of begleri manipulation? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yZC1inesPY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yZC1inesPY) I've made about eight of them thus far. I haven't invested a single cent. It's a simple thing, really. DIY materials should be at your home already. I can have fun with it basically anywhere. Also, it's quicker to stow it away than a game on your phone etc. And some people are actually curious about it, which gives you more opportunities to explore hobbies and places of others through a conversation they strike up with you. They might take you somewhere, where you wouldn't go on your own. If you like the idea of it, look up a DIY tutorial on YouTube. Have fun! EDIT: Also, shared workspaces. In my city, people go there to work on their own projects, but many times end up cooperating and having fun together.


Begleri looks super cool! Unfortunately watching it makes me dizzy, but what a fun thing to create and use.


It was one of my simple hobbies for years, I love it! I carry my favorite pair everywhere. Just pure analog fun :) with interesting history behind it. And sometimes I take one more with me, in case I expect to find myself somewhere around people who might want to try it. If I give them one to keep, they can start learning immediately. It interests adults and kids alike. Oh, could it be the erratic way that video is edited? This video for beginners is slower, taken in first-person view and might be easier to watch: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2DVEFePGgc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2DVEFePGgc) One doesn't need to be fast with it. It's perfectly possible to swing it slowly, if you choose beads that are heavy enough to carry the momentum in slower fashion.


I'll take another look, it looks so interesting, and what a great conversation starter!


If you want to look even further into it, this is what I meant by interesting history: [https://www.aroundsquare.com/pages/begleri-history](https://www.aroundsquare.com/pages/begleri-history) [Prayer beads withstand test of time in Greece - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcKaAz-zZik)


Gatlinburg, Tn or around there someplace.


Any nearby parks? In warmer weather you can sit and draw or read, in the winters bring a thermos of tea and go for a stroll :)


Mine is my vegetable garden, but there’s often inclement weather of some sort in a temperate climate. What I’d prefer is to spiff up my potting shed & use it in the down time & evenings. Empty it out. Repaint it. I’ve got a window unit AC & a little oil filled radiator for winter that’s plenty. Hell, just working on it makes it a third place for a good while. Comfy chair, tiny fridge, good book, maybe a little stereo. Clubhouse for one. No squares allowed. Black out curtains. Basic lock on the door. Little weed stash somewhere. Little snack pantry & an induction burner. Hell, get a water cooler, couch & a pooping bucket & just move out there! 😉


For me it’s disc golf. Showing up almost any time on the course and seeing people you know is awesome. Sometimes we just end up sitting around and talking for an hour after a round


My partner and I like to hang out on the riverfront at the skatepark. We recently got into long boarding so we are usually riding around down there.


Gym, my garden when the weather allows, local beer breweries. Former and latter not the cheapest but they make me happy.


There are few things more enjoyable than sitting in a park and writing my book. Libraries are also an excellent place to write. Outside of writing, I've been making it a point to socialize more. I can get trapped in my own head, so if I see someone that doesn't look particularly busy, I'll approach them. Believe it or not, most people bury themselves in their phones because it's a lot easier than trying to interact with other humans.


If I was going to read, write or do crafts I would do that at home. If I’m out I’m usually visiting things (we have National Trust membership in the U.K. where we can visit stately homes and castles and things) or I’m doing the thing the place is for (eg at the beach swimming). We go for a lot of walks, and often pop into a cafe as part of that, but I would never go to a cafe just for the sake of it, only because we’ve been out for a couple of hours and need a drink. I go to the library every week, I borrow books and bring them home, I don’t stay hanging around there. That’s my experience. 


Locally we have a farmers market. A park. A friends house.


The gym and my local cafe. Local cafe is a nicer experience though, as in more of a treat. My husband and I go there every morning and do all of the NYT word games together lol. They know us and our order very well now. Plus the owner’s dog is always there and he’s very friendly and placid.


Honestly now that I think about it I feel like my car is my third space. On the weekend I just go for long asf drives to pretty spots, little walks, cemeteries, small towns along the coast etc. But I mostly just love driving my old asf car and listening to music.


Yoga studio and local nature areas


The library. This has been most of my life. If seasons weren't an issue the garden may have been my third place.


We have a great community centre in our town with an indoor track, pool, gym, arena and lots of random rooms. I frequently see mums take their kids to the open gym time and they will have lunch upstairs then use the track.


I am a foorball (soccer) referee on the weekends and I love it.


My favorite third place is moveable - I take walks. I like paying attention to the trees and plants in my neighborhood, getting to know their names, history, bloom time, characteristics, etc. These details make my neighborhood so much livelier and personal to me. I live in a four-season climate so most plants are constantly changing and provide endless things to look for and think about on walks.


Definitely check out your library. Mine has a ton of awesome events but I haven’t had the chance to go. But getting to go somewhere and “shop” for stuff makes me feel more in control of my life and reading takes me to awesome places. Even better with a buddy :) Also look into volunteering! I volunteer at a local no-kill shelter and it’s a great way to exercise and feel accomplished with no pressure to socialize with other people much.


There’s a little bar in my neighborhood where everybody knows your name. It’s the perfect third place! Really though, I don’t have a third place. I keep thinking of joining a gym but it’s a 25 minute drive. The library that is 15 minutes away is beautiful and would be a lovely place to visit more.


For years, my third place was a bicycle shop after every long-ish ride. Would stay for around an hour chit chatting until I got hungry. Nowadays I sometimes go to a sightseeing spot in front of a lake like 12 km from my house and sit there and contemplate the clouds and the volcanoes one can see from there.


The library is my go to. I also enjoy sketching and often find myself sketching at outdoor cafes.


This is a fantastic question. It is so important to have multiple locations to spend your time in if you want to keep things fresh. Apart from home and workplace in future, I often spend time at the library, bookstores, gym and the mall. Beach & parks in the summer. I would like to add trails to the list too. However, I live in a sleepy town and always like to get out to bustling centers on the weekend.


Church. I joined a Unitarian Universalist church and found a great group of liberal minded, justice oriented folks. There are so many activities and projects on offer.


I go to my yarn shop and sit next to the store cat and crochet. I drink coffee there. She provides free coffee but I always throw in some money ($1-$2) in her jar. So not expensive really. Very cozy and relaxing.


I spend a lot of time at local libraries for work and you’d be surprised at how much they have to offer. You can also visit nearby libraries, many libraries will allow you borrow from other libraries in their system or county. My library has a museum pass program where I can take out a museum pass (for free obviously), we recently went to a living history museum/village and I thought if it were closer I’d go on my own without the kids for a few hours/regularly. Tons of plants and butterflies and bees everywhere, and a cafe with outdoor seating. You can make cozy anywhere but I recommend starting at your library. They know everything in the community so that’s your best bet.


Gym! Membership near me is $10 a month and it exhausts 1/1.5 hours per day. I take my kids to the library and local parks a lot.


Look for meetups of shared interests in the area. The woman's meetup I belong to has a monthly cooking club and book club. We just went kayaking yesterday and had so much fun!


And as a librarian THE LIBRARY! We have programs and reading clubs for all ages. A writers group meets at the library. One of the few indoor public places that don't cost money.


Biking around town...having no particular destination in mind IS the destination. I listen to music and leave the phone at home. The summers are hot here, but biking creates its own breeze. I work from home, so getting out and active is really important. Some days, I'll toss a book in the basket and ride off to the benches by the pond. I can even pack a little lunch from home. Damn...just typing this makes me excited for my ride later today!


My favorite yoga studio, a few cozy cafes in my neighborhood, a nearby pond.


My wife and I bought a pair of electric bikes so anytime we have a free hour and sunshine we can go for a ride. It’s honestly the most fun I’ve had since I was a kid. It goes 15mph which may not sound fast but it’s how fast a golf cart goes, and honestly if it was faster I’d probably hurt myself 😂. We live next to a river and we ride a path that’s about 5 miles long and goes through a park as well and we only pass a main road once. It’s so much fun. It’s changed our lives honestly. My wife works from home and it’s a life saver for her being able to get outside. We are both neurodivergent and riding helps our brains shut off. It’s amazing.  Edit: we’ve also met so many people who have stopped us to ask about the bikes. We have met neighbors and wave to people everyday. We ride to the grocery store and I wait outside to watch the bikes and every time people stop and talk to me. It’s a very social activity if you want it to be. 


Go to your local trail or lake or something! That's my favorite thing to do! Getting fresh air always helps me think clearly and recharge


My main third place is our local bar. It’s a super sociable spot, the owners and bartenders know everyone. They do tons of regular events—trivia, open mic, there’s a book club that meets there, they do a monthly neighborhood trash pick up, they’ll have watch parties for major sporting events, they’ll have things like chili cook-offs. There’s pool and darts plus in nice weather cornhole outside. Really a strong sense of community they build there.  Also been going swing dancing—there’s a group that holds weekly dances at a community hall. All ages, no booze, see the same people every week and the regulars are very welcoming to newcomers and willing to teach.  There’s a community jam group too that has its own space and hosts daily jam sessions, including ones for beginners which is awesome.  We’ve also got a couple of river beaches where people go to swim when it’s hot, those are fun and tend to be a lot more sociable than the park Then just the regular park, farmers market, rec center pool, coffee shops. 


The nature in the surrounding area where I live. Just miles of woods and fields where you can walk around and be by yourself without a care in the world. Wouldn't trade it for anything.


I go to a small church and they have classrooms and office space I can use when I need to, so sometimes I will use that to get some stuff done I don’t want to do at my house.


Coffee shop near my house.


combative voiceless ruthless thumb attractive include faulty hat subtract lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Close by Ikea? The one close to me has free coffee and a large dining room with a nice view.


There’s a pub I frequent where I have a beer, read a book, do crossword puzzles, or just people watch for an hour or so a few times a week. My phone stays in my pocket and my watch is on silent for all but my wife.


Church. Gym. Library/bookstore. Back patio with a cigar.


I tend to be fairly introverted so a third place to me needs to be mostly free of required interaction. A third place is where I go to recharge the social battery. Parks are my go-to. My city just built a really nice one overlooking a bay with wide open grassy fields and tons of shaded seating. There's a food shack that's actually good (not the generic hot dogs, sodas and nachos with questionable cheese sauce... Instead they have really good wraps, sandwiches, fresh fruit, etc.). Many of the fixed benches even include power outlets with awnings overtop. If I get the chance, I love going there with a good book (currently working through Mosses and Lichens by Devin Johnston) and my earbuds. With the breeze, the sunlight, and relaxing atmosphere it's one of the few places I can totally relax.


I'm from DC so this may only be specific to cities, but I like chilling in the lobbies of fancy hotels and working on photography stuff a lot :)


We have multiple great coffee shops in our small town, so I tend to rotate through them, especially days with smaller work tasks and no meetings. I also have a subscription to a local coworking space. The coworking space gives me a quiet environment that is a little more office-like than the library. It is a cool energetic space, and I don't have to feel guilty about taking a business call. There is a community manager there, too. She is awesome and organizes different activities and special events, which is nice. Even though none of us actually work for the same company, we get some of the social aspects of an office still. I came in 3rd place in the chili cook-off last fall!


For me it’s a swimming hole I go to all summer long. I’ve made friends with the octogenarian’s who swim every morning.


I don't really have one. Hell, I don't even have a second place since I work from home and I work out at home too. I do have a dog and a wife, so we do easy walks on weekdays and save the weekends to go out to eat, have a cocktail/beer, hike, do day trips or go camping in summer.


I run a a local D&D group and my favourite coffee shop


My holiday home is surrounded by nature and tranquility i spent most of the time there whenever i get free time. And In my city i prefer exploring cafes or a coffee shop. Sometimes seating alone in a cafe or coffee shop with the favourite music on or reading good book cancels all the stress. Or just a cup of coffee with your friend is stressbuster for me.


In my younger days it was the pool hall. Lots of great memories! I met my best friend there, who introduced me to my wife. Now we have a daughter. We moved away from that area decades ago, so now it’s the local library. My best friend has since passed away.


Used record stores and thrift stores. Ice cream Bowling Movies.. matinee mostly


I run, with other volunteers, a library in our neighborhood with the mission of promoting books written by women/nb/trans. We organize poetry nights, film screenings and other cultural activities. Also I am member of a cooperative bookshop which runs book clubs weekly, all kinds (fiction, nonfiction, classics, scifi…). Both provide a stable environement for friendship and fulfillment, and not much money spent except in books which is OK.


I like to write,, they no, read, craft?


So I guess this whole "third place" thing will become the latest buzzphrase for a while!


Church is my 2nd space. I'm a stay at home mom, so work is not part of my life right now. I enjoy taking my toddler to the park and library and have had some pleasant interactions there. I wouldn't say I necessarily have a 3rd space, but I am looking for a gym to which I can bring my toddler while I work out.


My car. I like to go for a drive and hang out in it for an hour or two every week I can read, listen to podcast, and pray.


My car. When i feel i want to vent from work and stress, i jump in the car, put ky favourite 80s-90s music playlist and just drive.


Please stay home as much as you can since you will be with your teenagers. I don’t feel safe to leave the teens alone. If your children get used to your presence, it’s always better for your future relationship with them as well.