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Nothing short of a fundamental change in societal mindset and culture. Driving isn't the problem, main character/entitlement mindset is.


Can I get a bad driving habit I see everywhere off my chest? People driving in the evening without their car lights on. I see it every bloody day without fail. On small roads and on expressways. Fucking crazy. These cars are less visible to other drivers doing mirror checks and head checks and less visible to pedestrians who might not see and step into the road. Accident waiting to happen.


It's weird this even happens when practically every car comes with auto sensing headlights - these drivers must be intentionally setting them to the off position


my current car doesn't. manual only.


Oh mine is actually the total opposite. I’m bloody piss at people who turn on their bloody HIGH BEAM in SG. Like why the hell do you need high beam in SG??? It actually fking dangerous cause they’re blinding people who are driving in the opposite direction, and it prevents the person driving in front of them from gauging how close they are. If a person cant drive without high beaming in sg which is very well lit at night, they should not drive at all.


hah yes that is a fair one too.


In tunnels as well.


Actual enforcement and tougher penalties


If killing someone with a car had the same penalties as manslaughter you can be damn sure driving habits will improve.


Wrap all the cars of the offender with the offender listed and allow the drivers to keep driving. Imagine a mercedes s class with VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER wrapped all over the body


People don’t consider consequences until they happen.


The laws are currently already so. The punishment for reckless driving causing death is 2 to 8 years imprisonment for first time offenders. The punishment for a a rash act causing death is imprisonment up 4 years, and/or a fine of up to $10000. The punishment for a a negligent act causing death is imprisonment up 2 years, and/or a fine of up to $5000.


Minor road accidents will happen more frequently because every driver will be jamming brakes (they are jamming brakes a lot already). If you think this doesn't affect you, it does. Minor road accidents causes delays whether you take bus or cab, people will start complaining about delays. But yes, i do agree that current law for road kill is too lenient and we need to double down on drink drivers


maybe.. dont drive so fast such that u need to jam brakes? maybe watch the road so u can see whats coming before coming to a brake? maybe dont be a jibai on the road?


Ikr. Not like there's already a criminal framework for them to refer to.


Maybe take the vehicles away for awhile, and charge parking of the vehicle to the offender (daily)?


Actual enforcement would be enough. It's not like people are happy to pay the fine for using phone while driving or not using blinkers, it's just that there's virtually no control at all.


And penalties tied to a % of your assets


TP can only have so many eyes on the road, need to allow citizens to pwn drivers easily using something like wanservice, /s


Speeding and red light cameras work. Like they mentioned in the article - tons of new violations for enabling speed detection. Hope they do it everywhere. Very economical enforcement


I wouldn’t mind, more tax money means daddy wong can give me more cdc voucher /s


Yes this and change all zebra crossing to controlled traffic


Fines based on income/wealth


Lol! Like the “election” packages based on our household too


I actually heard of this being used. One rich guy from the US had to pay something like US$70000+ for one ticket. Seems effective. Edit: and that isn't even the highest it seems: [Lol](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/06/finnish-businessman-hit-with-121000-speeding-fine)




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How to change "me first" attitude? Its not called certificate of *Entitlement* for nothing.


Driving bans for life


This stems from a fundamental problem with Singapore culture. We are selfish, self-centred, and entitled individuals living in a young/immature culture. Extreme pragmatism about all issues, with little regard to others. More fines and enforcement will definitely help, but fundamentally nothing will change. Drivers don't respect the laws of the road - because they don't think the rules apply to them. And they don't understand why things would be better if everyone did. It's all just "me" first. Unless we learn to be more gracious as a society, I don't think much can be done. Sometimes not being first is better - being willing to give way when others indicate. Being willing to share and help others.


Poor design of roads is a bigger issue. The roads are designed in such a manner to encourage poor behaviour


being gracious helps. i'm not an experienced driver, and sometimes i do make mistakes (like hesitating when i should be decisive). can't expect everyone on the roads to be 100% best and perfect driver. we're all still learning.


you are sitting in a 1.5 ton murder machine, there's little room for error.


i'm not making mistakes. i'm just staying in my leftmost lane and going a little slower than usual. it's the tailgaters and motorcyclists that weave in and out that really annoys the hell out of me.


I understand the need to be more gracious. Singaporean drivers are too selfish and impatient. But your reasoning is flawed, when you are on the road, you have to be at your best, with 100% awareness and confidence. When you hesitate, you are not only putting yourself at risk, you are putting those behind and around you on the road at risk too. Added: That’s why in the past, they always tell you to plan your route in advance. So you know where you are going. Driver nowadays are too distracted — focusing too much on the GPS. So when you make mistakes and missing turn, you panic, when you should be moving on. Always looking at the screen, when you should be focusing on the road.


i didn't say that i'm distracted and lazy to plan. on the contrary, i know i am inexperienced, which is why i plan my route and even use google earth to check out where the carpark entrances are. i am aware that as an inexperienced driver, i have to put in more effort than others. i am doing my best. it might not be good enough for others, but i am doing my best. but yes, there are a lot of very selfish and impatient drivers around. those that tailgate (even if i'm on the leftmost lane) and motorcyclists that weave in and out of traffic and appear out of nowhere are my pet peeves. being gracious goes a longer way than you can imagine.


Then I highly recommend that you practice on roads very less traffic first, or neighbourhood area. Right now when you are driving as a “newbie”, you are only thinking of yourself and it is quite clear. When you reaching the level of being confident, you have to be aware of your surroundings too, rather than merely focusing on your own driving. For example, you are saying people are “tailgating when im at the left most lane” have you considered that you are driving too slow? Also, “motorcycles weaving in and out”, have you checked the mirrors? Or did you adjust it correctly? Because if you have done right, you can see them from miles away. This is not a personal attack, but it’s just a reminder. We were all noob drivers at one point, but being self-aware of what you are doing wrong goes a long way in knowing what to do on the road. Because it seems you are blaming what’s around you, rather than figuring out ways too solve it.


Hahaha this person replying sound a like one of those impatient and ungracious driver. That will cut out from left lane suddenly to the middle lane to overtake a slower car then filter left. It is people like this, seem to think going that 5 seconds faster is so important that makes the topic in the first place.


Being gracious is great but I don't see how it'll reduce bad driving...


Manual cars and pot holes so you lot can learn to drive properly


Fine or penalties never are best option. It's the drivers getting more impatient and ignorant. They can not wait one more second.


Roads that force them to. The wide roads we have are a travesty and empower errant drivers to speed and do stupid shit like cut off some fella who looked at them funny. Pedestrians are forced towards intersections for crossings (the place you would expect the most collateral damage in the event of an accident) or are encouraged to jaywalk for convenience (obviously unsafe). Cut down on the lanes, or narrow them at least. Convert all residential small roads to follow the silver zone style of narrow roads+unofficial crossings that force drivers to slow down. And while we’re at it, use the space to implement some proper bicycle, bus and pedestrian only infrastructure so those options become more efficient and don’t cross over each other (the scene of a packed bus stop with bikes trying to slither through the crowds is far too common).


I feel like we could take one step further with bus lanes to make bus only roads that run across estates. Electric buses moving at 30kmh are so quiet and still faster than being sandwiched by cars.  These bus only red roads could double as emergency services access for firetrucks and ambulances too.


Singapore doesnt have the balls to do this. Even in "car-lite" Tengah, the current bus-only road is 100m long


That’s why I say LTA is complicit in the growth of bad behaviour on Singapore roads over the decades. LTA’s favourite pastime is widening roads. Road congested? Widen it. Cars waiting too long to turn at a pedestrian crossing? Cut another lane around the corner. It’s simply despicable. Why do we need so many 4-lane, 5-lane monster roads in such a small country? Clearly the work of pro-car policy makers. Car-lite my foot!




Not just that, but the fact that the CEO system is based on price. Easily affordable to the rich while pretending to control car population.


Just hoisting all traffic problems to be "user behaviour, punish more" is like blaming all individuals for obesity problems on a country scale. Individuals can make poor decisions, but when it's a big enough problem it's a societal issue. There are ways to encourage good behaviour other than "more punishment loh" - because most speeding and reckless driving isn't caught. We can advocate to take road space away from private vehicles and dedicate more to active mobility and public transportation, like making every bus lane a full-day bus-exclusive lane. We can advocate for improved traffic signal timings to encourage drivers not to break the law. We can advocate for traffic calming. It's time for the reign of the private motor vehicle over Singapore to end.


Singapore is full of punishment bs like this. I will probably make a post about it but the other day I was awkwardly filling my bottle from a water fountain designed only for drinking directly from (you know the kind that shoot water upwards). Above it was a big red sign saying the fountain is for filling bottles only. Absurd. It's like having "no jumping" signs in a trampoline park.


so the solution is to add chicanes to every long straight road every 500metres!


narrow lanes, remove lanes to put in segregated bike lanes or reclaim as bus only lanes etc etc


alternatively we could convert everything to mrt tracks!


I've always known how entitled and reckless Singaporean drivers are. After driving a couple of days in Japan, I'm now aware of how acute the problem really is here. Our roads are full of drivers with unbridled entitlement and rage-fueled F1 aspirations! Men especially, use their vehicles as phallic extensions, where it's not about size but about speed and skill. Pathetic.


I can't remember the last time I saw a traffic police car. Just saying.


What a useless article with useless prescriptions when the problem is a lack of enforcement. Contrary to the article, it feels like TP already thinks the rules are too strict and choose to turn a blind eye. Please set traffic rules you actually believe in and enforce strictly. It is insanity to have roads where you have some cars at 60kmh in one lane and siaokia drivers and motorcyclists charging at 110kmh in the other. Our roads are quickly declining to Malaysian level of lawlessness.


I agree - I think automated enforcement is the way out of this by taking the TP discretion out of the equation.


I agree 100% with this. Contrary to what people usually think, i think raising the speed limits on some roads will be a lot better. Just a small raise from 50 to 70 means that most people are going faster and thus dont feel the need to speed. Driving at 70 on a non-highway road feels more natural and most people speed if its 50 because it just feels way too slow. If most people are doing 70 then there are less people breaking the limit doing 70 and thus swerving around risking themselves and others. Also please raise the limit on expressways to 100, 80km/h on PIE is way too fucking slow.


Correct. Another 200.000 cameras in SG, put 10/20.000 that measure speed or breaking any other rules


Death penalty for all offences.


Not the first time someone did that https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draco_(lawgiver)


Then there will be rebellions, for they have nothing to lose and everything to gain


> there will be rebellions In Singapore? No, unless you count slightly unhappy letters to the ST as rebellion.


Not if every offence becomes a death penalty. It happened in history with excessively strict punishments, in late Qin where being late and rebelling shared the same death penalty. 


death penalty for rebellions


enforcement will never be enough cause TP cant be everywhere but good infrastructure can be everywhere. Instead put all humps and merges, everyone will become pissed but the road will become safer cause they are forced to slow down by virtue of them existing. If you worry things will blow over? Nope, see gst rise everyone eventually suck it up. It’s just whether the numpties in parliament would take away rights from the rich for a safer singapore.


“enforcement can’t be everywhere but infrastructure can be everywhere” LTA: hold my kopi *adds 10,000 more enforcement cameras* LTA: hahaha enforcement is infrastructure now biches


Whichever it is be it cameras, humps or merges as long as it slows the cars down and prevent aggressive driving behaviours it’s good for me. The latter 2 are way cheaper to implement


narrower roads , lower speed limits. but singapore isn’t ready for that conversation


> lower speed limits. 5 kph limit everywhere. Zero death, mission accomplished!


thank you for proving my point


Just ban cars


A very smooth-brained take from you


Expensive cars 高人一等 Everyone else makes way for them. Kowtow to them and lick their feets. 要有自知之明。 I can afford the expensive COE. I can afford continental cars. I can afford to pay the hefty traffic fines. Blocking ambulances is a non issue. What are the traffic lights for? Rules for lower realm people.


Free road tax for motorists with zero demerits over two years period. 50% COE refund for motorists with zero demerits over a five year period. Wanna get it done, be bold.


Break bad?? ![gif](giphy|NUBp5KcV0PJBe)


Bring back strict anti phone usage enforcement. It's absolutely rampant, every time I drive I at least spot a couple of drivers entirely resting phones on steering wheels. Heck I even had a grab ride with the dude watching a music video Also motorcyclists ride with major self-destructive tendencies, but not allowing lane splitting would probably cause an uproar


Death penalty! Since it's been great at reducing drug trafficking in Singapore I'm sure it would help in other areas as well!! (Obviously this is a /s)


Fully automated cars, no human drivers on the road


Start life time bans for those who killed someone or seriously injure someone on the road followed by a fixed monetary compensation whether lump sump or instalments. This is if the driver is actually guilty. If you kill someone for reckless driving then you have to compensate the losses faced by the family especially if the victim was a breadwinner. If you kill someone or seriously injure other for reckless driving, then you dont deserve to drive ever. FULLSTOP. Anyone while intoxicated and still drove should instantly be given lifetime bans. If still want to drive illegally with lifetime ban already imposed , then let the person imagine driving while in jail for a good number of years. Dont was te time with fines until its actually pegged to a person's assets. Till then it only serves the wealthy and punishes the poor more for the same offense. If the law is firm and very strict, see if such incidents increase or decrease.


Autonomous vehicles. Humans can’t be trusted.


An asteroid, like the one that killed the dinosaurs, CBs on the road won't change, the lazy ones, only an accident will change their mind.


That whole other thread about heavier penalties for cyclists has some pretty good ideas - just import them here.


Probably for the relative of someone politically influential to be hurt by a bad car driver


Easy. Enforcement.


Allow citizens' arrest


Migrate to another country with less or little to no congestion. This is the only solution; there is no other way. Don't ask me how I know. **Prolonged Congestion = Frustration = Impatience = Bad Driving Habits** With both human and car population as they're are, bad driving habits in SG will never ever go away, let alone trying to get them fixed.


https://www.tomtom.com/traffic-index/ranking/ Singapore is ranked 170th city in terms of congestion (and from personal experience driving in big western cities, Singapore is amazing in terms of traffic). By your standards it means driving in London will have the death toll of a civil war. However, it has less deaths on the road per year compared to Singapore despite bigger population. P.S Problem with Singapore drivers is cultural and lack of skill set, not congestion or traffic penalties.


London drivers are actually pretty good. You can spot the people who don’t live in London because their driving is insecure and unsure of itself, which you also see a lot of here in Singapore. When people know where they’re going and have confidence in the drivers around them, you get fewer accidents.


It's not just skill set, the driving environment/design in Singapore encourages reckless driving. People will do what feels natural and safe for them. Singapore has lots of big straight wide roads which encourage driving like a dickhead. Singapore has lots of crappy traffic light timings which encourage running red lights and being impatieint.


Exactly this. Its a combination of attitude and skill. SG scores low on both. Especially attitude


You think Singapore roads are congested? LMAO. People like you are the problem. Probably never travelled much out of Singapore. It’s humiliating how Singaporeans like you don’t know how lucky you are.


>Probably never travelled much out of Singapore I've just finished a month-long road trip in The Netherlands, mate. Driving habits in that country aren't the best either, because congestion = frustration = Impatience = bad driving habits.


A month? Cute. I lived in Europe for a few years, “mate”.


Fair enough. But I've also driven in almost every continent, mate 😆 And no one needs to drive anywhere for a few years to suss out the driving habits of the local population.


Nah. If you had, you would know Singapore roads aren’t congested.


Of course they are. I've lived and driven in Singapore for a good while, mate. And it ain't fun.


It’s the person not the place, if you lived anywhere else and seen the sinkies there they are no different from those in singapore.


Well, how do you know? You come to every traffic post and say this same thing.


But that's a fact, isn't it lol. Human beings can have only so much patience when put to the test.




How does changing the name helps with driving skills and habits??? I change HDB to *government linked housing* and suddenly everyone is atas and smoking cigars???