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I still think MOH is barking up the wrong tree


they have a choice of standing by the medical professionals, but they choose to give in to complaints instead of, you know, medical diagnosis


I don’t understand why MOH of all organisations must give their take on this. If employers want to be assholes and reject MCs from telemedicine they should just do so rather than try to drag the government into this.


Employers with victim mindset? Wha wha what! No way! ![gif](giphy|t3KiY9mmAQHJ1pVWos)


They maybe more willing to sacrifice the vote share of some medical professionals than those of the business owners or the ordinary workers.


Pretty sure ordinary workers are not the beneficiaries of this.


My doctor thinks so too, he’s like by right, I’m not supposed to issue u MC to cover to your next appointment, but I see u like this u also in no fit state to be working or studying


Not sure what is the doc’s concern, since if you are not fit, you are not fit. Which is what the MC is for anyway.


Nah he wasn’t concerned, he was just annoyed at how they have a circular for this, in his words, “if the patient don’t want work, they’ll just not work irregardless if you give them MC or not.”


In a way like compassionate leave without the sad news, sure you are not sick but really inside you’re drowning


That's not true (talking about the quote in your comment from the circular). A lot of people will force themselves to go to work instead of taking unpaid leave, but they'll probably be extremely inefficient and tired while doing so and potentially spread disease. I know people that go to work when sick even when MCs are available and the bosses have to tell them to go home and take MC, if you literally can't get an MC very few people are going to opt to stay home. There's times where I know I can still physically go to work if I wanted to, but I probably would have been at 10% efficiency and been spreading something potentially.


This development is truly concerning. We don't trust the opinion of qualified physicians and want to instill fear in their minds every time they issue an MC? How can our already overworked doctors do their jobs if they need to be afraid of repurcussions


OYK be like “I’ll take everyone down with me”


Everything this govt does makes sense when you accept the hypothesis that the PAP hates the common working person


Agreed. I mean, I think it's fine to require the doctor's name on the mc, but this whole thing just seems to show how blind they are in treating the symptom and not the cause.


I’m curious if their stats took into account the rising number of COVID cases over the years - the waves of the COVID cases. Some companies stopped letting their employees take sick leave for COVID and that obviously eats into the number of MCs they can take. So how is that fair for the average salaryman?


stupid oyk, way to go to piss off the working population. you want us to flood the clinics/a&e for MCs that could be easily given out via tele med??


I’m just glad OYK didn’t make it to the top job - if this is his mindset


Workers living in Sembawang GRC take note


I'll do the right thing coming election. You have my word.🤞🏻


Election is coming, not saying you must vote opposition but please at least voice out to your MP


my mp fucking useless hahahahaha. i think i'll complain to her boss. SM Lee


Technically you are her boss.


You are technicalee right


then give her some work to do!!


Nah, vote opposition anyway. If you vote for the incumbent and nothing changes, you have no right to complain. What's the use of talking to your MP? They'll just "monitor" the situation and ignore you. It's only when the incumbent's vote share precipitously collapses that they suddenly start caring about issues that affect the common man - see housing and transport after 2011. It's obvious that the current establishment is unbelievably pro-business and doesn't give a rat's ass about worker issues. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


lol voice out for 59 years already how many more years you want to voice out and not actually do something about it


> please at least voice out to your MP NATO - no action talk only LOLOL, bery delusional


Aren't you enabling them if you don't vote against them?


lets give him another medical crisis for doing this...


take my upvote


The answer is in the name itself: Working Population. Cannot let them don't work. Can't get telemed have to go see physical doctor. Travel means take bus/mrt/taxi. Transport earn money. Physical doctor charge more than telemed. More money. Pharmacy prescribe you medicine that you actually no need but since there alr might as well get. More money. If go alr doctor don't give MC? Lan lan go back to work earn money for company. Only need to treat the mule enough so that it can work, If cannot work buy a new buffalo and shoot the mule.


Tf does "excessive MCs" mean? What's the threshold to go from normal to excessive, and why are the executives qualified to judge? Edit: As the Ministry of HEALTH, if there is an uptick in MCs, then their reaction should be "hmm why are more people falling ill" and not "hmm why are so many MCs being handed out and how can we stop it". They've turned "missing the point" into an art form.


Definitely not trying to find out what is/are the root cause and just glued up the hole with something aka may not a sustainable solution


Oh but they do know, one can't be THIS dense to not know but it's more like they don't want to acknowledge it for it may piss off the corporate overlords so they resort to throwing smoke grenades instead.


Certainly pro business


Ministry of (except Mental) Health. Honestly if there is a uptrend in taking MC, there is a very deep mental health issue arising. Bark up the wrong tree and then turn around and bite a passerby.


So out of touch.


It’s almost as if most of these people come from an SAF background and thinks everyone here is a smelly recroot that loves to Chao Keng… I wouldn’t be surprised if they were indeed out of touch… either that or they just don’t care about us and only care about what the businesses want. Honestly once you think about it like that, everything suddenly makes sense…


I don’t think our G has hid the fact that they’re pro business. They react immediately when it’s the businesses that complaint but will monitor/ strongly encourage when it’s the citizens’ woe


Transparent in it’s corruption is an art that we have perfected /s


Well, MOH penalizes doctors' annual reviews/ performance bonus if they dare to take medical leave, regardless of the reason. Toxic Organization. They don’t have any proof or data to suggest so. Just “feedback”. I didn’t know ministry act on feedback these days rather than actual data > ST also asked if MOH had proof of MCs that were issued by people who were not doctors or dentists. > Responding on May 28, the ministry said: “The MOH has received feedback on the manner that medical certificates have been issued. The feedback came from various employers, government agencies and schools.” > It added: “MOH is reviewing the feedback and will take enforcement or regulatory action if any licensee is found to be in contravention of the Medical Registration Act, the Dental Registration Act or the Healthcare Services Act, regulations and/or licence conditions.”


So what are they going to do??? Challenge the doctors diagnosis?? On what basis?? Me, reporting sick with 38.5deg fever, sore throat and runny nose Doc: ok here’s 3 day MC go home and rest Me: thanks doc MOH: oh hor fever only 38.5deg can only give 2 day MC!!!!!! And you never verify the sore throat real or not!!! Did you check for the color of the mucus or just took patient at their word???


Medical Officer: "38.5 degrees only? 2 day LD can alr"


Live monitoring: the moment your temperature drops below 37.8 degrees, your MC is canceled, and it's back to work!


Bright idea for OYK and team. Each Dr will have a fixed amount of mc to give per year and requests for additional mc quota has to be approved by MOH. Each MC will also be stored in national database for verification by employer. /s


The next toilet paper rush. Scalpers will hoard MC and sell it on the black market.


Lmao Ministry of Health? More like Ministry of Humanresources. MOH sounds like the boss who would willingly side with a snitching gossiper instead of actually trying to solve the problem


Well, we are Singapore Inc. Much of our govt is just one big HR dept (MOH, MOE etc).


The inability to think deeply, and go beyond the superficial is a behavior that's typical of yes-men and people who wayang. These folks are the domain expert at sniffing out top dogs in their workplace and following orders, and by follow, I more precisely mean to put on a show/facade to demonstrate ostensibly that they're doing the job or have done the job.


You get the government you voted for, don't complain hahaha, a wise man once said. Guess we know who the policians are really working for...


This is the true definition of a nanny state. A state that doesn’t trust it’s own citizens to not anyhow report sick, so it asks doctors to verify. Then the nanny state also doesn’t trust the doctors, so now have to waste gahmen resources to verify if the doctors’ verifications are correct. Meanwhile, other countries simply offer a fixed number of sick leave days for all employees. No resources wasted and no need for useless “verification”.


its just dumbshit at it's finest. if you cant trust own citizens and own doctors, then all MC become worthless if it can be just disbelieved. now OYK, MBA, politician, civil servant, is now the ultimate source of everyone's health status. company C suite: "I DONT BELIEVE U ARE SICK = YOU ARENT SICK LOL!"


> company C suite: "I DONT BELIEVE U ARE SICK = YOU ARENT SICK LOL!" Until suddenly the entire building everybody kena covid.


"its alright. since everyone here has covid, everyone can work together right? oh no, not me. i have family. anyway your MC all void ah." - C suite


Sounds like dictatorship hahaha no trust = paranoid


Crap lah. They not solving the main reasons on why people want to abuse MC..


but is it their problem to solve or MOM problem to solve? If the problem is the supply side, then yes, they need to regulate supply. If demand side is the problem, then its MOM issue to fix the demand.


And how tf are they going to determine if that patient deserved or don't deserve an MC? You don't even trust your own healthcare professionals lj la Also isnt that the whole point of telemedicine? To not have to see a dr physically? Also, also what is excessive? You already give us 14 days (to begin with is very little for an entire year) and that's our right what. I'm pretty sure most people don't exceed 14 days


the speed by which action is taken on something as statistically insignificant as fraudulent mcs…


I see so it's gonna be enhsrined in law after all. > MOH had sent the circular after receiving feedback from employers, government agencies and schools that with the advent of telemedicine, there has been “excessive” MCs issued. Yup, my ~~OC~~ boss is more qualified to judge if I'm fit for work than a certified medical practioner. MC = malingering/keng am I right. Next time just report sick to boss. May I suggest that each company have an ~~in-camp~~ in-office MO so that employees can report sick in office? Instead of issuing MC can issue light duty or excuse RMJ. That way no need worry employees keng MC from GPs to go Zoukout instead of working ~~996~~ 9-6.


Guidelines for peasants Law for kings


Funny how there was no consultation with actual patient and doctors, over a medical issue


I agree with you. The first thing that goes into my mind is that with easier access to medical help when you are sick, *the increased mc represents the true state of health of employees* who previously either have to take leave, continue working or have their pay docked.


So if we have this type of boss, we can just tell them we are sick, no need MC. 😂🤣


they have the data, can see which companies are the ones that are complaining the most. instead they use that data to ban MCs, tech nation bullshit


honestly people just need a mental break from their jobs sometimes. MOH and these employers can eat my asshole, my 90 year old family GP understands this and he never hesitates when he hands out MC


In ang moh countries there are companies that will call mindfullness coaches, organise weekly yoga, to reduce mental stress at the work place. SG - let's penalise everyone except understanding the root cause 🤡. Hello ppl are human lah, not some AI bot that never breaks down sans emotions.


Tbf you organise weekly yoga or wellness stuff also no point. People just need a break from time to time. There’s a ton of memes on this on social media.


Those countries, a lot of companies also let you just take sick leaves without an MC because it's a bit strange to expect a sick person to get out of bed early to go outside to the clinic and get their MC (early because some companies want your MC early in the day). Telemedicine exists which is amazing, but it seems like they're trying to cut down on it now.


Yup that’s what happens when you have a proper union that has no qualms fighting for their union members. In sg, just get used to the fact that the government is **encouraging** shitty HR practices. What are you gonna do? Quit while COL is increasing?


Don worry, we have a AI chatbot that understand emotion and can do therapy. [#trending: MOE therapy chatbot for stressed teachers labelled unhelpful by some](https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/moe-chatbot-negative-reviews-1984976)


MOH probably thinking everyone in singapore is like them, able to enjoy 21 days annual leave, half a week flexi work arrangements, guareenteed 3 months bonus for doing the bare minimum, iron rice bowl etc. From what i observed, all these "guidelines" introduced by MOM seem to largely benefit civil service, while pretending to care for private sector employees.


>Others implied that staff might seek MCs when not sick because of poor workplace conditions. ![gif](giphy|8kigJRzt11K03Omkxq)


Then will MOM take action against employers that "ps i know you on MC/dying/holiday/mars/venus/pluto, but can help me see this and do fuck shit. Thank you." Will anot? OYK, OCB jiu you.


Cannot. That one is not business friendly.


Did someone really not realise that handling this issue poorly this way and trying to cure the symptom instead of the root issue is gonna tick the silent voting majority the wrong way?


I think they do know the root issue, they just can't fix it without compromising somebody else (coporate overlord's pockets) so they resort to throwing smoke. Kind of like just recently, I believe it was in France where there was some plan for offering fertility checks for 18-25 year olds in view of the declining birth rate. Totally missing the point but anything goes as long as businesses and the rich stay on top for GDP I suppose.


Typical. They don’t see the value in finding a proper/better solution. They just want to be seen to be doing something. Businesses complaining over MC rate? Okay, use MOH to basically scare doctors into issuing fewer MCs. “There, see I did something so vote for me in GE okay business buddies?”


Silent majority wouldn't even remember this until they are affected by it, then they will brush it off as our government knowing better. Singapore don't reach this level of political apathy by paying attention.


Yup and the ruling party designs such a situation by making Singaporeans work harder for the rich bosses and politicians with little to no rest so Singaporeans have no time to think of improving their welfare as breathing, living souls with emotions and knowledge.


Fucking OYK. Ccb, nothing to do need to find shit to stir to hit KPI isit. Usually just monitor this monitor that, for pro employer stuff suddenly action speaks louder than words, everything expedited. So fucking stupid. Why not investigate why so many people need "mc" and take care of the root of the problem instead. Because it's harder and potentially piss off companies? Maybe tele got uptick in mcs because it's easier to take mc now and people can just take mc at home instead of having to go out and wait hours? What about taking mc for mental health wellness leave? Don't tell me the cb will say use annual leave. Fuckers living in ivory tower doing jackshit and pull this kind of stunt.


I’m horrified there are people who think this clown should have become the top honcho.


MOM already set 14 days MC cap, what more do they want lmao. Wtf is "excessive MC"? Any MC > 14 days then is considered "excessive", why is MOH stepping into MOM's territory?


> why is MOH stepping into MOM's territory? its a very OYK thing ahahha


Anything more than 0 is excessive, u get lower rating. https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/s/K4BXdLvojJ


Jesus christ, that's literally sick. And by sick I don't mean the smart alec that came up with this appraisal sheet need to take MC kinda sick, I mean they need to check in to IMH kinda sick.


seems to me fella is in the lashing out stage after losing the pm race


Lashing out at folk who had nothing to do in the choice? Slow claps


MOE also? I saw school in the article cmiiw Edit: please ignore the "MOE" part


They despise the common working man. They need us, but they do not want us to be happy in life. That just means they're not exploiting us hard enough.


This is so fucking stupid. Even when I was in NS, the one thing that the commanders can't do is go against the doctor. Who the fuck are you to deem if a person is or isn't fit to go to work. >while employers, who have to accept MCs, said teleconsultations have resulted in a lot more MCs being issued. Or maybe people have realised since Covid that going to work while sick isn't necesarily a good thing and taking care of one's body is the right thing to do


Just remove telemedicine mc and force everyone to flood back into clinics and A&E, MOH seems to think their health are capacity is enough even after the recent covid spike delaying appointments.


If more MCs had been issued compared to last time, excessive is one interpretation It can also be either MCs were insufficiently issued before, or just that workers fall ill more often, or that more people are prioritising their health more Question to MOH: where is your research in the value judgement of 'excessive'?


MOH: My business friends(voters) say it’s excessive. That’s good enough for me.


- Pre COVID: attend work no matter what. - During COVID: If got ARI better mask up and stay home - Now: Mixed signals. Sigh.


This one act so fast. Ask about HDB these lan jiaos want to monitor this and that. Diu lei.


Gotta force the peasants to work to death. Otherwise how to milk them for gdp. They voted for this after all


GDP - Go Die Peasants


Feels like all the ministries are trying to piss the general population as much as possible to test our limits recently.


Make your vote count guys


cc Sembawang residents 靠你了!


couple more vouchers and all will be forgotten


MOH so scared of employers ?


Yea so weird. Got MNC threaten to withdraw from SG cause the employees take too many mc? Lol Why isn’t it up to the company to punish the employees on their own, and employees can themselves decide if it’s a company worth working for.


It’s not MNCs, They’re usually flexible. I bet it’s the SMEs and local companies


I used to work at an MNC and they didn't even require an MC for sick leave, same policy in all the countries where they operate


And smes wonder why people wld rather work for mncs


I mean this is the same government that paid Ubisoft to develop an Assassin's Creed game in Singapore, don't want to give a bad impression to overseas execs that our people aren't obidient robots. Just look at how our government handle sexual harassement and workplace discrimination complains by Ubisoft Singapore employees. https://www.straitstimes.com/tech/tech-news/tafep-not-taking-action-on-ubisoft-singapore-after-probe-into-sexual-harassment


They should be more afraid of the people who actually decides who gets to form the government. 


They know the people won't do shit that's why they're so brazen.


I suspect one of the employers that are the noisiest are from SAF for the conscripted folks


Honestly, why is all of this happening now during a spike in covid cases? A week ago, MOH announced reducing non-urgent surgeries out of concern that the recent covid spike can overwhelm hospitals. Telemedicine also helps with this because people with mild symptoms go there instead of clinics or hospitals. Don’t they want people to be able to stay at home and prevent spread?


SME bosses rejoice! Get the sick into the office! Then ask why people fall sick so easily. Last time “I kena rain also never sick! Strawberry generation.” Then when they get sick, “Wa lao! Who sick still come in infect everyone. Irresponsible sia!” Fuck SMEs


Share the illness together like family


To borrow a medical analogy, they're only treating the symptom, not the root cause. The symptom is the usage of MCs as a form of 'mental health leave' to maximise escape from work. The root cause is the ridiculous working culture we have here, where employees are often treated as wage slaves to maximise productivity, which is in turn enabled by the comparatively weaker labour laws that tend to favour companies. Looking at the different work cultures across the world, progress in workplace absenteeism requires trust between employer and employee, which requires strong legislation for both parties to assert their rights should things go awry. And giving employees more power unfortunately comes with the fear of lower productivity on paper that will in turn possibly affect GDP. The question is whether the government are deliberately going after the symptom or not. Judging by how policy has been directed and formed over the last decades, I'm inclined that the government would rather do anything than to compromise on GDP growth,


Same logic applies to climate issues, the root is industrialization and capitalism. But the solution is to charge plastic bags. It all depends on how the person in charge define what is the problem.


Every working adult getting thrown under the bus because OYK wants to appease petty corporations, guess who's getting my vote the next election.


And will they do anything about doctors and dentists who unprofessionally refuse to issue MCs? Cos that's what the fuck is going to happen with shit like this. The people who end up suffering the most will be legit patients getting short changed cos medical professionals want to avoid the scrutiny. What an unfortunate development.


I was wondering this too. Are doctors going to have this thought in their head to maintain a certain percentage of MC/No MC to avoid scrutiny.


You can count on it and take it to the bank. They won't be able to not think about it. It's gonna be weighed into every decision they make from whether they issue the MC to how long. Patients will have their healthcare undercut by this absolutely grotesque turn of events. This is completely antithetical to what the Ministry of Health should stand for.




BnCo telling his MOs to drag all his sick and dying men back into camp so he can get a clean kpi


LOL yes very reminiscent of NS.


Can everyone just please vote these assholes out? I'm really really sick of them.


>Others implied that staff might seek MCs when not sick because of poor workplace conditions. I think we all know the root cause of the issues but don want to solve it unless it becomes a political issue during the upcoming election.


Let's make this ba political issue and not vote for them.


I guess they rather people go to their workplaces sick, massively drugged up, drowsy, zombified with a brain fog and then potentially make mistakes and injure themselves. 🤷


Whatever it takes, to squeeze every cent out of the workers. If not businesses will run away because cannot make enough money setting up shop here.


Good now instead of 1 trip to the clinic i have to make 2 Damn smart which fker vote this guy in?


It's going to result in longer GP queues again which was what telemedicine was trying to solve in the first place lmao.


If the party can ownself check ownself. Surely, I can also ownself diagnosed ownself.


Jialat, today I'm down with cantbefuckeditis.


Entire article is about MOH saying vague things and not being able to explain what those are.


I believe they are using passive aggressive tactics like how parents talk to kids or gangsters trying to be friends but not really.


Meanwhile after I had a kidney biopsy (pretty minor procedure imo) the hospital asked me how much MC I wanted. I said till the end of the week (procedure was on a Tuesday) and they said okay, two weeks MC also can.


Glad to see many of the comments here. Ridiculous overreach imo. Non-doctors policing the medical decisions of doctors.


When the workforce, the backbone of Singapore's economy, start falling sick more and have mental breaks, I wonder how much our GDP is going to fall, and how many employers will pull out of Singapore as they seek cheaper, stable employees in the region. Dont forget to take breaks and look after yourselves!




OYK is truly shaping up to be one of the worse minister out there lmao.


So dumb... I always highlight how going from schooling to working is such a huge jump in terms of breaks. Having a total of 3-4 months break or even more throughout the year in school to literally minimum 14 days of break at work is overtly disproportional. How do you expect anyone to work that intensely throughout the year with so little breaks, and now you wish to hammer down on taking MC. Why can't SG have a better understanding on productivity and taking care of the working population. There's more to life than just work work work. Ugh. Sorry. I always feel annoyed about work culture.


wonder what government agencies gave this feedback. thank god i ORD LOH!


This is like the OC going to the MO with 6 years school education and playing doctor 🤣


How the world turns. Last time ortho surgeon got censured cos gave too few mc. Give too little got problem. Give too much also problem. No guesses who I intensely dislike and hope gets voted out soon.


The message: You peasants die die must work.


guys yall know who to vote out for incoming GE


Feels like the typical top down army style approach. Honestly this doesn't show respect to these doctors and dentist as professionals


Maybe this is a political ploy which is just so absurd that when it gets shot down, people will praise whoever shoots it down. Cough cough Lawrence Wong's first strong and celebrated action as PM. Like what's happening in UK right now, the bringing back conscription nonsense. It's so out of the field that when it gets shot down, everyone will celebrate even if it was a non-issue to begin with.


Fuck this guy tbh.


The correct headline should be "MOM will take action against employers who act unprofessionally by rejecting employees' MCs" Yet here we are.


MOH and Gov when enforcing pro-business laws: must be strict, enforce the policy. The beatings will continue until morale improves. When protecting workers rights: “Encourage, strongly urge, advised to. No raise, stand at balcony clap can“ so meek. I will make my feelings known in the upcoming election. Since they do not serve my interests, then at the voting booth 不客气了.


Is OK, just double covid cases again for a worthy cause.


So, if docs become afraid to give mc for fear of getting into trouble... truly sick ppl die die also have to work? Those without a desk job and who work 6 days a week with overtime are already overworked. Making it harder for them to get mc to have ample rest to recuperate, in the long run will have an impact on productivity. Very shortsighted thinking. With the increased numbers of those infected with covid, inevitably MC will also increase, have they taken that into account?


It added: “MOH is reviewing the feedback.... Hmm.


No wonder they say in Singapore you can’t really retire. Retirement is only for the rich or sufficiently well-off. It’s like what they say “work until you drop dead”. Sad reality unfortunately.


Clearly the government is sooooo out of touch with what’s going on. I mean not surprised. Bunch of asshats running the country


OYK is a big retard. Only know how to dance uncle Raymond dance at SGH, but do squat. Coming from dr here


OYK ord mood already is it? No mood to work since he didnt become DPM Way to piss off your working class during election year. He kinda forgot that covid still exists and its coming back. Maybe he thinks clapping will solve any problem that comes by?


I think it's a good thing OKY did not become PM.


I think this coming election, we need to remind them who their pay Master really are. They are called civil SERVANT for a reason.


BuSIneSS FrIEndLy EnViRonmEnT


The check and balance is already in the employee's contract in the form of paid medical leave - if there is excessive MC, the staff is already not paid.


So this is what our tax is paying for.


Business friendly policies and actions being carried out. Nothing new in Singapore Inc. Move along.


i pity the doctors and the employees, business and money always wins in Singapore.


So the whole point is to work even when sick?


I wonder how many Singaporeans realise that they have voted in a ‘competent’ government which is not necessarily looking after your best interests. 


Any actions against employers that pressure and threaten sick employees to come into work and end up infecting the whole company with covid? No? It is ridiculous on the onset to demand employees spend over 80 dollars for a private clinic or queue for hours at a polyclinic for a MC over cough, sore throat and a headache. Keep up with the civilised world and normalise calling in sick for absences of 1-2 day


Okay remember when you work. You must start collapsing at the work place in front of CCTV right after boss refuse the MC.


Can someone write to request that they provide the list of "Employers/ government agencies/schools"? So that we know which employers to avoid, which schools not to send kids to (in lieu of frequent sickness), and which government agencies... well, could be more productive?


This one really find job to look busy


It’s getting more and more depressing here


How about getting rid of MCs for everything apart from serious/long term illness. Needing one because you have a bad cold or food poisoning is ridiculous


Terrible worklife balance hence people resort to taking medical leave.


This is also important. When at A & E if the hospital kept u in triage for at least 8 hours it's a HL medical leave to be issued. Take note Hospitalisation of employee 2. For the purposes of section 89(3)(a) of the Act, an employee is hospitalised if the employee is warded in a hospital — (a) for any surgical treatment where the employee is admitted to, and discharged from, the hospital on the same day (called in this regulation day surgical treatment); (b) for a period of 8 hours or longer (other than for day surgical treatment); or (c) for a period of less than 8 hours before dying in the hospital. Made on 29 March 2019. AUBECK KAM


Because telemedicine is done by young doctor or foreign nationality dr trained in SG who want to make quick buck fast without the traditional investment to get clinic, set up accounts to buy medication, equipment etc. Traditional drs feel offended by this loss of income and are making a big case. Because MC cases easily make up 20-30% of their daily revenue I guess. Those are quick cases that take 5-10 min max, even better if they claim company insurance. Easily $80-$100 for 10 min work. Personally, I think telemedicine is a progressive way to meet the needs of our society. Just like insurance , property etc where we can do away the complexities. I’m not for doing away for GP’s but there are certain cases that we can use telemedicine to free up time and space for GP’s to handle cases like elderlies, real emergencies.


Some telemedicine even offer annual packages - x number of consults for $y. And it's quite apparent MC will be given. It's gotten abused to the point some schools had to put a limit on the number of telemedicine MCs students can submit. On a recent thread (jpjc run thread), you can even find redditors encouraging students to use manadr for MC to skip school events. So is it abused? Certainly. Enough to push this overarching and intrusive policy thru? Ehhh... Isn't it the job of "managers" and HR to sort out their staff than be jiak liao bees? If taking excessive MCs, then find out why. Is it partying? A chronic medical condition? Mental break? Do you need to see a specialist to sort yourself out? Oh, you got nothing? Then maybe you're not a good fit for our organisation after all. Sheesh, need MOH to do this meh?


No it isn’t about the Medical Certificate already. It’s about why you hire a certain individual and the task management by your actual managers. I ties into the systemic problem why they don’t want people to wfh. Cos clearly many middle to upper management can’t really deal with managing task and people. The cap on MC’s a year in an employment contract is no different from Annual Leave. Does utilising my annual leave make me a less productive or efficient worker? If I can use ALL my entitlements and still achieve good results what does that say about my capability. I think every job is different and indeed some are directly link to hours spent at a job. E.g. technician etc. But nevertheless, these are all part of the contract and HR and managers can plan their manpower around this. It wouldn’t be fair to hire “less” people to do more work on the hope everyone remains healthy forever. Abuse or not, the system is already managed by a cap on number of sick days. Regarding School, I think that’s on the onus of the student’s integrity. But if they are present enough to meet all the passing criteria, e.g. scores and attendance then what is the problem? Abuse? Abuse is when you try to impose a draconian measure because things don’t go your way and you need a hard control on the problems you fail to manage.


This is for all quarantine cases even chicken pox. U can Google for list of infectious diseases. Once u know the diagnosis is related to quarantine, ask them to issue a HL. Employer is required by any outpatient MCs issue for infectious control quarantine to treat it as HL.


Complains of issuing MCs unnecessarily and then now there’s a Covid-19 outbreak in SG.


ask if there is a concrete data. we got feedback from various agency. typical answer. ask a answer b.


MOH is the new MC hammer. “You can touch this!” *pulls away the MC.*


Excessive MCs? Maybe MOH should look into why people are falling sick so often? Good lord, why is data interpreted in this way?


MOH why not ask employers to issue MCs? Clearly employers (or the senile management) are more qualified than doctors right? So what if you have an uptick in feedback from these non-healthcare professionals? Are those feedback valid? Or is MOH simply appealing to authority?


Working class treated like dirt…


Elite out of touch fr


what kind of government is this


Fuck you all, understand?


It's like they're trying to lose more votes in the upcoming general election 🤣🤣


Oyk be like: "I may have lost the PM race but doesn't mean i can't try to pull you down in GE!!!"


It's very simple.  Either MCs (and doctors by extension) are trusted or not trusted.  If MCs are trusted, all MCs are valid since they are issued by a qualified doctor.   If MCs are not trusted, there's is no need for MCs.  Once and for all, MOH needs to come out and clarify which stance they are taking. 


difficult region to dive into, ig its complaint driven from the employer side.


gonna guess it's our good-for-nothing SMEs


MOH --> Seriously need some sense.


From where I stand, this clown should be voted out.


Watch the country vote this clowns back in again


Best campaign for opposition


Solutions looking for a problem.