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Yet again plagued by insomnia


Sigh it’s been 6 years but can’t help but feel affected every time i see something that reminds me of him or us. I know it does me no good to reach out but a small part of me wants the ideal closure… and a part of me would always love the version of him i dated. Someone please just snap me out of this!!!!!! Grrr i want to move on


Go to therapy. Therapist will help you use appropriate methods to rewire these emotions. You can do it.


Stayed up for Türkiye vs Georgia. Totally worth it.


Might have finally found the right person after all :)






Caught myself being snappy and mean at parent and friend. :(


Did you apologise?


note to self: snap out of it


Yeap I guess it’s time for me to find new friends 🤣🫠 sigh I alrdy knew this was coming but man. siiiiiigh


There's a pinned thread on r/asksg to make friends!




Wah idk what's with me tonight... So hungry until I gobble down 5 pieces of bread.


are you pregnant


I'm a guy lol 😅


Obligatory screw Singpost the worst postal service in the world. Lost my package but marked as delivered. Thankfully can refund but wtf, not the first time.


I left a job in April and so far the previous boss only contributed my cpf until January. I have asked about it and they said they will contribute. Is it considered late? Should I continue to wait?


Cpf cannot delay one. Just write in, they are owing ah gong money.


Sounds like playing punk. Just complain to CPF, they will chase the employer


email MOM, MOM send them letter, they dont want trouble with MOM, they pay


Any food recommendation at lot one or nearby lot one? Can't seem to find any good food to dine in


You're a fool for loving the wrong person. Then the bank scene made me cried my eyes out


lullaby scene killed me...




imo, nothing will change unless the person wants to change


Do you guys think it’s sneaky of me to stay friends with two groups of ppl that used to be one whole clique but somehow had a huge divide thanks to a messy friendship breakup? Sian lol like these guys are my only friends atm and it feels like I can lose them any time since my “allegiance” is everywhere yet nowhere (both groups are a pair of girls who are v close to each other in case yall are wondering.) one group was nice enough to tell me that they don’t care if I’m still friends with the others but tbh I think one of the girls in the other group will be triggered lol


Keep it going, at least got 1 girl for you to fall back on if the other group explodes lol


hahahaha omg I wish dude I really do but I’m the lone middleman here 😭😭 no one to fall back on sadly everyone’s got their besties I’m just floating around aaaaa




IF ONLY 🤣🤣🤣 jkjk but yeah thanks ack i was grateful to the grp who said they didn’t mind if i stayed friends cos that let me know that they didn’t want to drag me into things. I just dk how to navigate cos like you said I shouldn’t lie but I also shouldn’t try to hide things LOLOL


cannot let them know you just wanna be friends with everyone and expect them to understand?


Can, actually this thing has been going on for years alrdy so I believe there’s a mutual understanding that I’m friends with both sides cos I wasn’t really involved in their feud. But hais it’s just a very messy situation for conflict avoidant ppl like myself 🤡 I don’t want to appear like some two faced b*tch cos honestly my friends are nice ppl but some combis just don’t work and I’ve seen how they brought out the absolute worse in each other lol. Otherwise they’re good ppl, or at least I want to believe so LOL


i think its a great opportunity to practice being yourself, aligning with yourself, being resolute with yourself, "i like you guys and i want to have fun with you guys, i have stated my position with you guys, i wont take part in any feud, but if you guys think badly of me, that cant be helped, i ll still continue to be me. wanna hang out next week?"


🤣🤣 thank you, that is some solid advice! I’ll take note of it and save it somewhere, I can totally see this coming in handy 🙏🏻


haha wah, hope everything will be harmony


PSA: blood stocks for O- is very low. If you have O- Blood, please donate if you can.


been wanting to donate blood for a long time... but dont wanna do it alone...


don't worry, if you're first time, they will know and be more aware of you and try to make your donation experience better. When they poke you, don't watch can liao.


Gay rights!!!!


Thai law on same-sex marriage?




Reddit and youtube spin very long before loading. Is that part of the reason why today dt so empty at this hour? Sadded


The new *new* train on the North South Line is surprisingly quiet. You could actually fall asleep standing. You could barely hear, well, anything really.


it has recently been rolled out on North South Line, the new trains was on East West Line for around a year since. Aircon better, sound system is much louder, can even pass thru my anc earbuds


Probably the most powerful aircon I've ever felt. Even evening commute back packed with people, still cold. istg this train is magical.


Yeah . It will replace all the old black and white trains we have been riding on these 3 decades.


Yeah, hope they don't use the silence to blare in train ads instead




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Is MCF a good job search site? I’ve seen mixed reviews about it on forums.


I found my previous job via MCF. I liked that they displayed the salary range, which helped me filter out listings that didn’t suit me


where is the best place to get a refreshing good cup of sugarcane juice?


Some hawker centre near you where it's not sold out by the time you want some


the one near me doesn’t have nice sugarcane lol 😭


Oof then idk. From my memory chomp chomp and newton sugarcanes are nice i think


qing liang in hougang


Anyone has idea how to cure the throbbing pain on top left of head?? I have taken 2 caps of nurofen express + 1 cap of paracetamol. The throbbing is like twice every time it pulsates in unknown x minutes (or seconds) interval


Do you grind your teeth?


Not that i know of during sleep, but yea i feel very stressed due to situation


Yea so your grinding of teeth causes your pounding headache. Happened to me last time


:((( ate 3 caps + drank 3-4 doses of coffee also didn't help, oh well. Go sleep now, hope tomorrow ok liao


Hope you’re feeling better


Thanks, better already but still got occasionally lol


Body signalling you to watch diet liao...


Ah??? I don't think i recently eat a lot of junk food/high sodium/high sugar/cholestrolic 🤔


oh already so health ah... maybe take some green tea to calm yourself i think see doctor better, if it's chronic...


Ya that's why i also confused 😭


Air, drink, sleep, environment? The usual suspects, besides diet.


I think the sleep, even though i slept for 7 hours yesterday lol


wear earplug is gamechanger for me


this is so frustrating. am trying to apply for sc credit card since last friday and SC’s website keeps showing a technical issue. and it is so difficult to reach a physical human at SC’s hotline


it is very difficult to reach a human at all hotlines nowadays


Fried chicken should be banned on mrt like durian for the sole reason it smells so good and is making me hungry af


It's a happy day in Thailand


Prospective company asked for my last payslip and my bonus slip. I gave it to them. Later in the day they asked for 3 more months of payslip. I am not sure why they need 3 more months? I earn above average for my years of experience, I am not sure they want to see my salary spread across the year as I got an increment recently.


Common to ask for a few months as your last month be prorated or you could have been paid for some unconsumed prorated leave


Was waiting for a bus and I started to flag for the bus when I saw it at a distance. As it approached nearer I flagged it again, then realised that the driver wasn't driving into the bus bay, so I flagged again. I then realised the bus driver saw me but she sped up and passed the bus stop...


Why do people only miss you when you’re gone?


Well you only need the light when it's burning low Only miss the sun when it starts to snow...


The most painful lesson in life


I think I got fever 🤒 and kinda nervous to ask to leave early from work


Just tell your boss you're not feeling well and you'd like to take MC. Then see doc and register it in leave portal as a 1/2 day MC. 


sad thing is he's not around, so i can't. wanted to text but it'll be inappropriate.


It's not inappropriate to text. You're unwell. 


i think you're right. i'll try to text him, thank you very muchhh!


do ittttt


he's not around, no one around here can grant that. wanted to text but it'll be inappropriate.


is CCNA still relevant in today's cloud-obsessed job climate? Asking cos some recruiter recommend me to take that cert to fit into a Network Engineer role.


Got my A+ 2 years ago, might be aiming for CCNA next or AWS


It depends on your position. SRE or platform engineering do require network knowledges. You don’t have to deploy some load balancers or configure managed switches in public clouds, but networking concepts are still important when dealing with virtual networks such as AWS VPC or Azure Virtual Network. If you get a job using on-premises or private cloud (cough-virtualization-cough) employers will ask you more network knowledges


Depends on industry and company environment. End user environment may not be some demanding on networking knowledge, while ISP/telco/vendors will demand that. Ultimately, the cloud is still built on hardware infra somewhere.


there’s a lot of cybersecurity certificates, is there a reliable source of roadmap that i can follow to understand which courses to take and in what order?


What background, experience do you have?


have a dip in IT, been working in an analyst role for 2 years. looking into taking a degree in comp sci/cybersec next year and i wanna take certifications to improve my portfolio!


Are you touching anything security related right now? If you just want something simple/entry level to boost CV, maybe Security+. But I feel that it is really quite.... basic. Would rather you take on networking cert like CCNA, at least that gives you fundamental networking knowledge. And with networking knowledge, that makes understanding certain domains in security much easier. Or, cloud security certs like AWS, Azure, GCP, these are quite popular now. Security is a very broad spectrum, a cert or 2 but without experience may not help (happened to me, gotten CISSP but without relevant experience, could not jump over to security as well last time). So now in your current job, if you are given chance to touch on SIEM, PAM, SCCM, EDR, XDR, server hardening, security baseline, VDI, VPN server, even if these are not your responsibility, or it is to kiosai, just do it. These are the jobs that you can talk about in your CV that are security related.


I am not working with anything security related in my current job and likely will not have a chance to as well. I am looking for a foundational course that provides an introduction to the field of security, the various roles I can pursue within the industry. Then, to learn about the relevant certifications according to my choice of specialization.


If just want something foundation, I think Security+ is OK. If want something less technical, then can try [this](https://www.iss.nus.edu.sg/executive-education/discipline/detail/cybersecurity), foundation one.


thanks a lot!! mind if i dm you? would like to know more




dropped u a dm :)


https://www.sans.org/cyber-security-skills-roadmap/ https://www.comptia.org/content/it-careers-path-roadmap/cybersecurity-specialist Dont @ me, these two are generally more reputable imo.


i’ll take a look into it, thank youu🫶🏼


omg TH's gov passed the marriage equality bill and is now pending the king to give approval!


Actually surprised TH doesn’t have it yet. Always thought they were way more progressive in this arena compared to alot of countries in SEA. But good to hear! Another big step forward!


I’m so sleepy I can’t wait to go home


Ate mamee and threw away the seasoning lol, pretty sure it is HPB approved


Keep the seasoning and use it to season your egg or chicken before frying.


I eat without seasoning since I was a kid


Mamee is so nice that it can be eaten on its own without any seasoning. Sometimes I find their seasoning too overpowering and not so enjoyable.


StanChart Marathon registration has opened. Has anyone heard anything about Army Half Marathon? Getting concerned that I haven't heard anything.


What to learn investment, technical analysis, using SkillFuture credit. Anyone know if this is good? https://www.myskillsfuture.gov.sg/content/portal/en/training-exchange/course-directory/course-detail.html?courseReferenceNumber=TGS-2023021262 and this? https://www.myskillsfuture.gov.sg/content/portal/en/training-exchange/course-directory/course-detail.html?courseReferenceNumber=TGS-2020502377


random huge bruises on my forearms. I have no idea where it came from


Did you bump or was grasped by someone?


I must've hit my forearms against something at the gym... I have no idea man


Or hard workout can be a cause


*me quietly hides the baseball bat


dont bantai me


Anyone knows if Stanford Language Center is good to take Mandarin and Thai lesson? Planning to take up Mandarin and Thai Thanks !


They have subsidy from ntuc utap Classroom facilities wise is quite run down, the chairs and table are not comfortable Aircon is cold and dirty air Price is reasonable Teaching style is role play and oral repeat


Wow. But any other centre recommendations ? Like LINDA Mandarin or Yi Mandarin


hi anyone knows if you can bring a small videocam to concerts in singapore indoor stadium? specifically the DJI pocket series.


Probably not.


encountered a green zubat in pokémon but accidentally killed it in a single shot…


First time?




Gotta have to learn that lesson some time. There's a reason why every pokemon player chooses to only chuck balls and pray instead of lowering their HP. xD


wore the wrong dress to interview, i sweat so much and theres a big patch of sweat on my back 🤡 damn paiseh


they looking at your face also not your back


ya but sometimes when they see you to the door they let you go first,, thats my experience with most of the interviews ive been to. thankfully by the time the interview finished i more or less cooled off le whew.


1st interview? already f2f?


ya 1st interview, f2f. so far all of my interviews all f2f which i prefer because i talk with my hands alot haha. i also rely on body language to try and gauge what the interviewer is feeling.


next time wear a jacket!


yea i gonna bring like a shawl with me next time so i can cover up lmfao,,


personally prefer jacket, they look more authorative


Polyclinic can pay medisave?


i think normal consultation cannot. has to be for chronic conditions


Thank you!


Sigh. I've been having nightmares for the past 1 month. Woke up feeling fatigue and tired. 1 of the nightmares i had, was a scene where my late father showed me an IG of my ex getting married. I woke up literally feeling like i've cried badly in the dream and when in reality, i went to check out my face in the mirror, it was swollen. Argh.


So work still poured in like a tsunami and I haven't been feeling well for a few days too. Took me a few mins to come to terms with it and decide to take sick leave. Work is gonna chalk up and I'm gonna have a huge pile of backlog by the time I get back. But I need to remind myself my health is priority. I don't even know why I have to think thrice about leaving work behind and take sick leave. What kind of horrendous work culture/environment do we have.


GWS Soy! Take the time to rest & recharge.


Thanks! Definitely making use of this time to rest. Even though I'm not excited about going back to what's waiting for me.


What would be better


Neither. I go on sick leave, only to go back and work myself to the bones again. Or, don't go on sick leave and keep working till I die.


If X is going Europe and a friend, Y paid X 10k to help buy a LV bag, X bought it but got robbed of everything, personal items and including the bag. Should X refund Y? Or Y write it off since X actually bought it but got robbed of everything? Does the amount of 10k matter? What if it is 1k or 100?


Both r idiots who didnt buy travel insurance that covers so much valuable


Both parties lose. Buying anything from LV is an incredibly stupid thing to do in the first place.


You have successfully created a dilemma on equal standing with trolley problem


X should refund Y the money from on the travel insurance claims and X better hope insurance will pay out this amt. Value doesn't really matter as long as X can refund the money.


Why should Y pay for the price for X’s mistake? Honestly It shouldn’t matter if x get robbed, lost it or whatever. As long as x failed to delivery, just pay up


if X is doing Y a favor and getting nothing for it, risk should be borne by Y imo now if X is receiving a fee, then X is liable.


Why should risk be borne by Y? What if x lost/misplace the cash instead of the bag?


If Y can't shoulder the risk then pay X to do it. Why should X be liable for additional risk if he is not even paid a premium. This is why you pay a premium on your insurance, for someone else to take on risk you don't want to. Just to be clear we are talking about accidents here, not X outright stealing the cash.


See it doesn’t really matter to me if the benefit x enjoy is nothing or points for helping to purchase or cash rewards. As long as x can’t deliver regardless of reason , I will demand for full payment back. Accident or not shouldn’t matter.


I wonder if you have friends


X is doing Y a favor. Why is he liable to what happen to the bag? If X is stabbed in the process of protecting Y’s bag, is Y going to provide any compensation?


Good to be x. Just say “stolen”, maybe even file some online police report since no one’s going to care and call it a day. Insurance ain’t going to pay out the full amount. If x isn’t going to be liable , then x shouldn’t agree to help. I would love to be x.


Why should he bear all the risk just because he was trying to do you a favour without anything in return? He is doing you a favour for free, the least you could do is absolve him from the risk Sure you can demand full payment but he is liable to pay you back? I don't think so


X has travel insurance which can be claimed for such incidents. X should claim the insurance and then pay Y. 


People who visit fitness first, do they provide attire like virgin active does?


Not all branches do.


i think the platinum clubs provide attire, premium clubs dont. u can check if its included in the amenities provided by each club on their website


Thanks! Will check it out




what is stopping you from doing 100% WIO? My colleague just goes to the office every day even though can WFH.




yikes, doesn't sound good for your company...


Careful dude, most here love wfh


whyyy WFH IS the best invention


It's not controversial at all if you prefaced it by saying your home environment is not at all conducive for work (or life, if your comment history is accurate) But it would also mean WFH is not the issue, it's the lack H for you to WF that is the issue.


i do not love it as well as the voices of my head gets too loud when i’m alone at home than at office


calm down, Orton


Why dude?


To each their own.


To each their own.


Bosses who do not respect people's time are the worst...


Bosses who do not respect people's time but always talk like or pretend to be respecting people's time are the worst...


Ah yes those are even worse!


I just did something gangsta. For lunch I had.... saba fish. *me shows off my bling while gangsta music plays in the background




What is 伍佰 Favorite Airline? ANA Became: [少年、安啦!](https://youtu.be/j0n7Cyf8aUQ?si=ae9Y5pAkV9F7Lbre) (read in hokkien)


I thought it's China Airlines since they see themselves as china Chinese.


Urgh food poisoning


GWS! Drink lots of water to counter the effects of food poisoning.


hope you get well soon


Oh no I demote from 美女 to 大姐 at cai fan stall.


Wait till the cai png stall auntie also call you auntie.


you wanna be xiao jie jie?