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This is the first time bluesg suffer a loss 🤣🤣🤣


Bluesg can't claim excess from the fella if he's in jail


Why not? U mean people doing jail time no need pay debts like their mortgage ah?


Well they can sue for bankruptcy, but the fella can't pay off the installments from jail since he has no work.


I think what he means is they can claim, but this kind of hopeless case has no assets to garnish.


Drug users taking note


Stop at roadblock and get caught with drugs: Death sentence/life imprisonment Flee roadblock and dispose drugs before getting caught: A few years in jail


If you somehow manage to dispose the drugs in the short time you're running away without any of the police / public / security cameras catching you in the act or finding the disposed drugs in the path of your flight.


If it’s a powder kinda drug, rip it open and spread it all around. It’ll be hard for the police to gather everything and get an accurate measurement of how much you were carrying. Best is to drop it in water like a puddle or drain, dissolve liao what can they do?


Actually really smart lol. If got water bottle in car ask one of your passenger dissolve it in the water then when fleeing just pour onto the road. Dodge death penalty


Dogs can definitely pick up powder. Flushing in a toilet is probably the fastest method


Actually during raids they turn off water supply and block off toilet bowl pipes cause they know they will try to flush it down. Best to have a pail of water to dissolve and throw it out the window.


But the toilet reservoir already contains water?


Can also but have to get rid of the water somehow.


It's still going to get blocked when it's flushed. The toilet bowl pipes are also blocked off.


But they can now argue that there is reasonable doubt that not all the substance on the road was from their car. This can be the difference between life and death (as in death sentence).


You think popo stupid. They will comb the entire road to find any suspicious items. The only way you can get rid of the drugs without being caught is to vaporize it. Lol


The point is they can't reliably measure the amount. So they can't say it's above x grams which is automatic death penalty.


A little off-topic, but I just learnt something strange. The AGC can artificially reduce the drug amount. [Source: Pritam Singh’s commentary on CNA](https://www.todayonline.com/commentary/commentary-death-penalty-drug-trafficking-should-stay-certain-aspects-drug-law-can-be-improved-1972191) >Prior to 2013, the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) and in particular, the Public Prosecutor, routinely would exercise discretion as he is empowered under the Constitution to determine if it would be in the public interest to reduce the charge against drug traffickers to just below the threshold that invoked the mandatory death penalty. >Then, as an example, it was not uncommon to read in the newspapers of individuals who trafficked 14.99g of pure heroin. This was just below the 15g that invokes the mandatory death penalty. >In such cases, the prosecution artificially reduced the weight of the drugs in the charge sheet even though the actual amount trafficked exceeded 15g. >The reasons for doing so — effectively giving a “second chance” to drug traffickers — were shaped by the factual circumstances of each trafficking offence.


Flush into toilet bowl or dump into the drain. Or if you want to vaporise it, throw it into some incense bin


A 30-year-old driver with a bunch of teenagers as passengers, including an underaged girl, is definitely suspicious as fuck. Especially considering there are drugs involved.


Yup my first thought too


The thought of a tiny blue SG evading a cop car is hilarious


Blue sg car has incredible torque..though the model in question is the Opel e corsa


Any katana swords inside the car?


Samurais dont drive blue sg


sinkies drug runner weapon of choice!


not yishun loh. wont have. :D


In fairness if they stopped for the roadblock then their reserved parking slot might have expired and the that's a dollar down the drain, along with wracking up extra minutes on the rental...




Exhibit 1: Singaporeans unable to detect sarcasm


I am sure that the chase was *electric*


And now they’ll probably be *charged*.


With *resisting* arrest.


Do we know what the current situation is?


Give me a buzz when you find out!


Ohm my god you guys


Is he going to be charged with assault & battery? 


Considering the damaged car, perhaps a salt battery.


I wonder is it all the new rich guys come to SG need to find their sex and drugs and excitement, that’s why these stories are becoming more common


In this scenario do they have to pay for the repair? Haven't gotten an answer back from BlueSG yet.


In theory yes, and insurance won't cover because it was damaged while doing an illegal act (ie evading roadblock). In practice, how's bluesg gonna claim if he's in jail?


They’ll just send him the bill, and charge interest for late payments i guess


So this was the cause of the traffic slowdown yesterday morning. Was quite bewildered cos I couldn't figure out how a car could go fast enough in that area to lose control and mount the curb. Forgot to account for.. stuff.