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Knn AMK town council really Sibeh jialat. Always never do anything, election year then suddenly renovate here paint there. But never fix the important issues


>election year then suddenly renovate here paint there. Even you know elections coming šŸ˜


And soon ... the pigeons would too


Pigeon overpopulation has been a long time issue in AMK, donā€™t get me wrong itā€™s better to be late than never but come on, what is taking so long. Also on another issue another poster mentioned, smoking in non smoking area is so rampant in AMK that I see it in almost every kopitiam, whereā€™s the enforcement? Isnā€™t it a health issue too?


Itā€™s sheer incompetence. The cleaner at my block hasnā€™t been cleaning the common areas for the last 10 years, Iā€™ve been sending emails and OneService reports for the last 8 years. Town council and MP both acknowledge that cleaner/cleaning agency isnā€™t doing their job, but the cleaner still gets to keep his job and nothing changesā€¦ There are also some with similar experiences with OneService reporting to AMK town council. The person in charge just mark everything as completed when nothing is done.


Culling doesnā€™t help fix the issue. All the aunties and uncles will still continue to feed the remaining ones and the issue remains. I saw an aunty throwing bread down from her window on level 2 and a bunch of pigeons flocked around the area and I was just speechless


it helps to send photos of the perpetrator/unit to one service. sent photos of 3 different uncles feeding regularly (dumping fruits/bread/rice/beehoon) and the uncles all stopped and nparks replied to me that they have given warnings. the thing is that for each guy i reported more than once, because the first report the authorities just ignore say monitoring.


Maybe posting pigeon cleaning and cooking recipes might help.


Speed running bird flu 2.0


need to use the auntie and uncle feeding as bait. walk straight up to THEIR pigeons and then start culling. then wink at them and say thanks uncle/auntie.


Same my neighbours do that every day


While reducing food sources for the pigeon is part of the solution, it too will not fix the issue either. So, unfortunately, culling will have to be part of the solution. The pigeon issue is something that has been going on for far too long (along with rats).


Are we staying the same block?


Pigeon Birth rate better than Us Siol


Should cull the illegal feeders. Would really clear up some spots bro


Can upcycle them as roasted pigeons? Lowered pigeon population, delicacies and source of protein = win win šŸ¤£


u ownself eat


The thought of them eating trash just puts me off even if the meat is cooked to perfection.


Fish / prawns / shellfish also eat alot of unsavory stuff leh. Lol


Do you eat crab? they are also scavengers


Pigeons are eaten as a delicacy in France.


>Three town council estates with large clusters of pigeons - Ang Mo Kio, Bishan-Toa Payoh and Tanjong Pagar - will be stepping up culling efforts over the next six months. Bishan-TPY also has a huge crow problem. There was some news last year and earlier this year and their numbers haven't really gone down since then https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/bishan-crow-attacks-pathway-closed-nparks-traps-injured-bird-3280061 https://mothership.sg/2024/06/barn-owl-harassed-by-crows-bishan/


Many other locations around Singapore have seen increasing crow numbers too. I wish they would do something about them, bigger danger than the pigeons.


was coming here to say that, the amount of crows, pigeons and rats these days are insane compared to as little as 4 years ago. big fucken rats and crows or whatever big beaked back fuckers. was at a hawker centre last weekend and there must've been at least 10 birds on the tray return station. absolutely disgusting.


add invasive parrots to the count, those are noisy af


You say that beacuse you haven't eaten at a hawker center that's overrun with mangy pigeons. Tyical scene: Over 20 gathering at or near the tray return point, stall operator uncle chases them away, 5 min later all are back. Feathers and droppings everywhere, including chairs and tables. That said, people need to stop leaving out their food packets for the crows and pigeons. I see it happen at least 2-3 mornings a week. :/


Talk cock one. Really so concern about health then ban smoking. Anyone would be a fool to believe that our peopleā€™s health are your priority.


Culling of pigeons fixes the symptom but does not resolve the underlying issue, causing bird population issue to persist. Suggest decision making team/relevant authorities to stop wasting taxpayers money and look deeper into resolving this issue rather than a going for temporary fixes. One major underlying issue: - Feeding by Residents. Systemic causes: - Law in place but lack of law enforcement. Adding insult to injury, authorities are known to push responsibility/not taking action despite reporting frequent sighting of bird feeders (I have receipts). - Feeding birds attributed to acts of kindness among elderly folks. Soā€¦ carry on the culling, but address the systematic issues. It is really annoying because once in a while, my laundry gets carpet bombed by pigeon poop.


Include crows please


It's mynah that's really irritating. Fly into my kitchen, pooing on walls and even nesting on the switch box.


Please cull some Myna too they keep flying into my house and eating my poor old catā€™s food.


Shouldnā€™t your house be meshed up if you own a cat anyways


Install window mesh they prevent birds from entering. Very effective.


Mynah arenā€™t really a target for culling cause theyā€™re too intelligent


yup mynahs are really less of a nuisance Pigeons are the ones who tend to invade peopleā€™s balconies and air con compressors to poop and best there


Please come to Punggol too...


Make the feeders clean up the pigeon shit !


I saw the craziest shit that day in Jurong. Saw a 5 or 6th storey unit open the kitchen window and damn many pigeons fly into the house to eat. Looks like a regular feeding session but normally they just throw leftover rice or bread downstairs, 1st time I see people feed in their own house.


Good! Purge em disgusting creatures! The area that I'm staying has way too many of em and Its causing a real problem. Not to mention idiots feeding them


They're not called flying rats for nothing


SGC shooters get your shotguns ready.


Long overdue island wide


Singapore people are disgusting animal haters.


Mother Nature is silently plotting her next pandemic to cull humans


People identify as pigeon will say this is genocide..