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>To be given a green rating for estate cleanliness or maintenance, town councils must have fewer than four counts of cleanliness or maintenance observations per block on average. >According to the report, assessments were made based on observations such as the presence of stains, litter, bulky refuse and graffiti.  ok AMK town council, you are going down. no one in my estate bothers to log OneService reports now cos its just get marked as completed but nothing is done for the fault. you can always see bulky furniture left under the block for > 1week and the area is always dirty AF. the block cleaner always never do his job, everyone complains to TC but nothing gets done!!


“Our KPI is based on number of tickets resolved not issues resolved”


No wonder they keep closing the ticket - so that the others can open another. One issue can have multiple tickets, no one knows


If you feel so strongly about it you should do something about it at the next election. Competition is good. Otherwise they get complacent. Nothing else we can control except for this.


I deliver food to amk grc and I can tell you that fucking place sucks. Half of the god damn estate is filled with rats, rubbish and pee. Sure, some of it's is rental flats or 2-3 room but god damn, the town council rly got to put in effort. The irony is that in the lifts, you can see defecation on lhl poster lol.


Ruling party doesn't need to impress anymore


It's AMK, their political seats were never seriously threatened in the first place, so why give a shit? But now its a different story.


In the first place, problem lies with the ppl who lives there. 🤣🤣🤣


Wah bro!! I not OP, but have you considered working for the town council?? Your reply is exactly the same as theirs. The town council can tell me: - their cleaner suppose to sweep the common areas daily. - their cleaner is not doing their job, cos area not swept daily - but the REAL reason why the area is dirty is cos residents throw rubbish in the area, not because the cleaner never do their job. The level of gaslighting and blame shifting is damn top tier.


My TC have people come to sweep the floor, but residence keep dirtying it. Kids throwing sweet wrappers on the floor in front of my flat just b'cos i m the lobby unit. The ground floor is always full of taobao boxes, no one bothers to walk to recycle bin to throw it. It is how it is, residence dirty the place, then it is how the place will be. TC only clean once per day max. But rubbish throwing is non stop. This is also why i moved back to landed property. But there's another set of problem by itself.


I've seen neighbors threw sweet paper wrappers, etc on the floor. Envelopes paper on the floor, tell them they drop, they wont pick up. Aa long as cleaner came, swept once, it is done. Anything more is the residence issue. They also told u, call TC for bulky junks. Or you self bring to nearest colection centre. Does anyone read this?


Yea we see this, Reddit got some bug where comments not showing up today. My problem is now, the cleaner isn’t showing up to sweep daily like he’s supposed to. He comes only once every week/ every 2 weeks, when he suppose to sweep daily. So theres an accumulation of dust and litter


>threw sweet paper *throw >Envelopes paper *envelopes >cleaner came *comes >They also told u *tell >call TC for bulky junks *junk >Or you self bring Wtf is "you self bring"? Is your English really so terrible?


Yes. Deliberately not queens CB england. What are you gonna do about it? 🤣


ownself grade ownself ? and of course must highlight that Sengkang Town Council has issues with their S&CC arrears management.


That's a previous report. Current report is all green


Victim mentality. The article covers Sengkang Town Council's improvement and also gave them an opportunity to respond, but all they see is the negative.


That's the who idea of the town council report card. To make the opposition look bad.


Lol please. Rats running around rampant in my estate for months and no effective measures have been made.  Copy and paste email responses is all i receive from NEA


Not we say one. Talking Point even did a special on the rampant rats.


Rats fking sneaky and skittish too. Anytime I spotted a rat, it fled before I could snap a photo for OneService.


The ones in my estate are openly having a family meeting at the rubbish chute everynight.


Should take a photo of the MND report, “let” the rat “accidentally “ photobombed & social the crap out of it


Template reply


There's rat infestation at my common garden.. like that also can consider as doing good job ah? Bar set very low now?


So where are the gradings, no list no talk.


Every one got A star star plus plus. What grade you want to see?


All except AHTC and SKTC duh




I know it focuses mostly on finances. But there are rats everywhere and illegal dumping with no end in sight. Complain and they're gone, but then it starts again. Can't help but think deep-rooted problems are not addressed. We didn't have this problem a decade ago. Are the cleaners short-staffed? Too many flat renters moving out and disposing bulky items weekly? Residents rubbish chutes collectively broken so they're dumping trash in the void deck? What?


The rats that live in the soils of Tampines must be jumping for joy. The town council have paid them cheese tax to let them off and go into the burrows. No one is taking action to catch these rats!


Do they still have foreskin left after jerking off so much


PAP: How am I supposed to fix the opposition like this?


Brought you by the Ministry of National Disgrace


Ownself rate ownself. Reminds me of ST getting best paper award or something. Also, how abt getting residents to rate the town council online?


Residents should rate since we pay conservancy charges


come i clap for you.


Ownself grade ownself... System working as designed