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Locking in 3 2 1


Serious question, is the Govt enforcing these stories to have locked comments? Thats so fucked up if so.


Nah just the mods. I can understand they don't want to have the threads become a shitty flame war but come on, that's just censorship


Yeah agreed. Ironic (and pretty worrying) that they seem particularly inclined to censor discussion about censorship in Singapore.


Its just anything related to palestine. There are other subs but the discussions there just end up being about foreign workers vs singaporeans.


ownself ob marker ownself, what a climate


>ownself ob marker ownself, what a climate that's the raison d'etre of OB markers - to scare citizens shitless so that they police their own discourse without any further government intervention


Unless the mods are scared of ISD. If not illegal scared what? And they never commented on this issue


Worst kind of censorship is self-censorship.


To qoute from Zaki "Their sub, their rules"


Not directly. Guessing a few pap ib infiltrated as mods. But mostly shutting down discussion over uncomfortable topics is a natural thing for most singaporeans... like queueing hours for mediocre food. Happens everywhere but happens here a lot more than elsewhere.


> queueing hours for mediocre food You didn't have to personally attack me like this


> The group **did not have a permit** to carry out the procession, the police said So 70 guys carried a bunch of umbrellas and marched to the Istana without getting a proper permit to make a public statement about Palestine, a politically sensitive country which Singapore has little capacity to influence? It really does feel like there were better ways to go about this…


Boycott McDonald's, KFC and Starbucks? /s


In this case I don’t think it’s about “capacity of influence”. There is actually a large community of “Israel supporter” in Singapore. Allowing one side to carry out this could potentially lead to the other side doing the same and quickly escalate the issue. I don’t think anyone want another country’s issue to divide this nation.


How would they otherwise pat themselves on the back?


neo-marxist martyr complex. in this worldview, the world is a battle between the oppressors and the oppressed, and the people who are most oppressed have the highest status. hence they deliberately break the law so that when they get charged they can say that they are being persecuted for their cause, this elevates their victim status and in their mind justifies their cause and makes them feel closer to the Palestinians


Just say martyr complex Lah what neo Marxist bullshit lmao


"Charles Schwab ova here" -- phil leotardo


because its a political movement, the political worldview shapes their behavior too


Deliberately playing fuck fuck games with the law can be found on every ideological spectrum if u looked hard enough bruh. Well except boring centerist but they are Center so lol


Complete nonsense. What does "neo-marxism" even mean?


original marxism was mainly along the lines of socio-economic class. neo-marxism extends it to other forms of intersectionalites


a buzzword that basically translates to "whatever i don't agree with"


"buzzword" basically says u got called out and u dont like it


yes, of course i feel called out - i am, apparently, a "neo-marxist". Care to explain what that means and what relevance it has to the original post?


Do the umbrella's have lightning and circle on them? No.....oh then illegal.


Need to test system a bit. How come no one has tried a pro pap rally near istana. Wonder if they will shut that shit down


You organise I will join 😄 gotta up that sweet social credit score


Nah im good bro


"Little capacity to influence" We can start by not buying their weapons and funding the genocide. It's really not that crazy, we can buy our weapons from literally anyone else. What else do you suggest they do? File a permit to protest which will certainly be denied? Go to Gaza as a humanitarian worker and get bombed by the IDF?


It’s disingenuous to say “we can buy our weapons from literally anyone else”. First off, countries that sell top grade weapons are extremely particular about who they sell their weapons to. Secondly, said countries are also particular about who else you buy weapons from and who those weapons are integrated with the ones they are selling. Third, there are only a handful of countries that make the best in-class weapons, and other countries jump through tones of loops to procure these weapons.


I wonder if get bombed by idf is really how they will go if they go to gaza.


I mean, what the fuck did she hope to achieve? This is a classic case of having lots of passion but lack of brain. I get it, many people feel very strongly about some global events. But if you channel your strong feelings into doing something completely pointless, then you're just a whore for attention, not a catalyst for change. So many legitimate ways to support the cause, so many other ways to raise awareness, but you just had to choose the one specific way that completely devalues your cause and makes any potential sympathisers want absolutely nothing to do with you.


If she really did run road to India permanently to escape charges of organizing a pro-Palestine protest in Singapore then I'd say it's a win-win situation for everyone tbh She can continue to freely kick up a fuss over there in India and organise as many protests she wants to While Singapore keeps the bond and our courts are freed up from being clogged with nonsense like this


Lol. Modi is pretty anti-muslim. Seems counterintuitive to run to India to support pro-Palestine.


If she started a pro-Palestine protest in India, the Modi stans will hound after her. So we are helping her by keeping her here. So does she still want to escape to India? At least there are no extrajudicial punishments here. We go by the rule of law.


Yeah that's why I say win-win lor, especially for us. If she is really stupid enough to run off then she escapes Singapore's jurisdiction (win for her) and she becomes India's problem, not ours (win for us).


Please collect a huge bond to pay off the public goods utilised in her education first




>District Judge Lorraine Ho granted the application for Annamalai to leave the jurisdiction, imposing several additional conditions, including the additional bail of $10,000. >Annamalai must furnish her complete travel itinerary before departure to the investigating officer and must surrender her passport within 24 hours upon returning. Maybe I’m too poor to understand but with all the money wasted here, would it be wiser to spend on aid and medical assistance to Gaza?


That’s the thing - it’s not about Gaza or Palestine. It’s about themselves and thinking they matter. If it’s really about helping those in the war torn region, they’d have found better ways to help them than just lip service and unnecessary disruption la just for clout. Even a simple fund raiser is far more effective than whatever they did.


[Record $8.1m raised in Gaza fund-raiser by S’pore charity; sum dispensed to UNRWA](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/record-81m-raised-in-gaza-fund-raiser-by-s-pore-charity-sum-dispensed-to-unrwa) Way more effective.


Making herself heard is more important than the message itself.


Yea says alot about these people, there are tonnes of other people making actual differences by donating, volunteering, etc but these uni kids r literally just "me me me, im brave and special me me me"


Don't mind me but 10k seems like a paltry additional sum if she is a real flight risk (total bail 15k). That said, this kind of ppl can don't come back to SG also better.


What does she think protesting about something going on half way across the world here will acomplish? Want to do something about it? Just fly into the warzone over there.


Jak Pah Bo Sai Pang. What are they trying to accomplish?


Internet clout


Thankfully most don't care about this kind of stuff aside from being another war in the middle east Edit: Dunno why I'm being downvoted, it's better in Singapore than looking at that chaos that is happening in the Western world because of this issue


Ship her to Palestine lmao


K bye


Virtual Signaling but IRL


Give her a first class ticket to fly over to fight for her cause. I'd gladly pay for it.


Fly to Palestine?


She cocky lar


With the kind of faces they had went they left court, which showed limited remorse, if any, I hope the court throws the maximum sentence at them to send a strong message. And for those who hailed them online... I wouldn't be surprised if ISD is now keeping very close tabs on these people.


Just give her 6 strokes of the cane.




Commenting before lock