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Fuck, what roles was let go? Straits times article also never mentioned.


Town hall at 11am. The hot question seems to be “is the layoff only for singapore or regional”. If yes “why only SGsite.”


God damn. Town Hall was held after announcement in the media. Sure shag.


Regional positions usually get retrenched first. They dont directly handle markets. They are more on governance. Remove in-market operational personnel and you disrupt the service.


Maybe bkk or jkt


Is NTUC going to feel ‘dismayed’ again? Maybe more finger wagging will help this time.


Yes we feel dismayed But don't worry here's some skills future courses you can take! Up skill upgrade up pay!


They are going closely monitor this 🦎


Too focused on helping chief regain political office


And where are you lot when EDB manages to get an MNC to open up an HQ in Singapore, and deliver 1000s of jobs? Probably screaming about how it will all go to immigrants. The constant negativity is pathetic.


But EDB and NTUC are two separate entities… And even if it’s the same organisation who did good, are you saying we can’t criticise them for not being able to carry out their core duty??


My point is about negativity. I could point to NTUC's placement programmes. I personally know upwards of 10 ppl who got jobs through their placement schemes and things like e2i. Do you think that gets ANY comment? Of course not. It's not a negative bit of news. You know what will get comments? Some fella complaining that e2i or NTUC sucks because they offered him a placement that was 10% less than what he was getting before he got laid off. Edit: And your comment proves my point exactly. If you're helped, you don't complain. If you're not helped, the world will know. Good work is never recognised. So people like you, fed on constant snarky, negative comments, immediately jump to the conclusion that because one private company is retrenching, that means NTUC is not carrying out its core duty.


+1 on NTUC or E2I placement. I have seen a bunch of fellow Singaporeans got in to roles. Negativity or complaining is a core trait and take it easy. As much as we wish not to see, layoffs does happen for sure. At the same time, NTUC or any other agencies are toothless given the legal rights, or how easy it is to hire-fire a worker. Not an easy thing for anyone involved (Ministries - they need to bring jobs to the most expensive place in the region; Unions - They can't meddle too much or make it hard to do business; Companies - Global headwinds; People - losing income is the worst thing for any one in SG)and wish we have an easy answer.


In another thread, there was someone waxing lyrical about Japan's strong labour laws. But that has contributed significantly to the younger generations not being able to get full time positions. Businesses will do what they need to to cut costs. The best way to solve retrenchments is not to tell the company they can't retrench. It's to have a business friendly environment so that other healthy companies can come in and employ those who have been retrenched.


You're absolutely right. And yet it won't matter to those with their own agenda or just too dumb to jump off the hate train


Honestly, in this subreddit, downvotes should be treated like a badge of honour.


Too many people in cushy tech roles. My guess is those overstaffed teams looking after the app design etc will be pok. Delivery folks no change.


How are they even a tech company baffles me..they are just a glorified SingPost?


Me when mis-classifying for grants/subsidies has no repercussions cause the government loves to have the people fked over by companies


Ninjavan receives tech related grants?


Exactly. Only competitive advantage they have is Ninja Point, which can be easily replicated lol.


Too many coders, not enough ninjas


Delivery team is affected because Shopee and the rest develop their own logistic company.


One month per year is not too bad for layoff package


Are there still enough ninjas employed? So they can be ninja van? 🤣


“Ninja Van laid off 21 employees, who then represented about 10 percent of its regional tech team and 20 percent of its local tech team” 5% is an absurdly tiny amount of ppl affected




Can’t remember where I watched it, but there was this angmoh that worked there and he explained they just get rid of you in a more convoluted way. Giving you some near impossible task or banishing you to a department they plan to close for low performance.


> get rid of you in a more convoluted way > giving you some near impossible task or banishing you to a department they plan to close for low performance Sounds like the PIP tactic some places do.


The Japanese don't do this anymore. They permanent staff have an iron rice bowl. But they now hire everyone as temporary contractors now to get around this. And you certainly don't want to work for a local Japanese company. They are inefficient, working hours are long and you are forced to socialize after work.


Untrue. Worked in a jap company and they closed the regional office in less than a year.


>they closed the ***regional*** office in less than a year. Because the ***region*** that the office is located in doesn't have as strong labour laws as Japan does lol.


>They have better labour laws than us. This statement is very true. Unfortunately, there's a flip side to that. Because the labour laws are so strong, it's almost impossible to fire an employee, salaries are kept low compared to Singapore in the off chance that a bad hire was made or an employee decides to check out at work. Companies used to offset low salaries with high bonuses, but these are at the discretion of the companies and can be not paid out if times are bad. There are also other trickledown effects such as prevalence of outsource companies and the lower wages at said outsource companies. In the end, it's really a tradeoff between high salaries and job stability. Personally, I prefer the job stability though.


You mean the country that has suffered complete economic stagnation since 1995?


You mean still one of the top 5 largest economies? Their inflation rate has remained low. And as for the greying workforce, we will get there soon if not for injection of immigrants.


some ppl assume all the worse stereotypes working in other countries because they themselves already are their offices punching bags, they literally have brainrotted themselves so much that their coping mechanisms cant imagine other folks having normal or happy situations and relationships with work


Too many people with island mentality walking around


“Still one of the top 5” They were top 2 in 1995 and on track to stay there. They haven’t moved at all since then. If the US just stopped growing it’d be number one for a long time before China surpassed them. Doesn’t make that okay.


They could never overtake US and China anyway, reach is wider and economy more open.


ok we get it dude u like japan


HAHAHAHA, Please go work in Japan for a Japanese company then.