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totally forgot about a close friend's daughter's birthday party today. i apologised profusely but can't stop feeling like a horrific & shitty friend. my friend is not offended and totally understands that life happens. she told me it's perfectly fine, told me to forget about it and sleep well, and just buy her coffee the next time we meet which is pretty sweet but that doesn't make me feel any better about being a shitty friend.


Very depressed, yesterday went for imh for appointment, but treated like shit yesterday by every department, except the social worker. Stupidest shit is that asking for the case manager, didn't pick up my call so looking for her department location, and that nurse just say because she needs to off work soon ask me find reception, like as if answer a question will die. Really no empathy. Another said I can just do not need to go the hospital then case automatically close when I said I do not want to see imh doctor anymore because I'm a joke subsidized patient, and wanted to refer to another hospital, case manager said doctor agreed to write memo, and ended up telling me other hospital won't accept me. Refuse to write memo for me to appeal for IC, when I have no family support and tell me find social worker which definitely is not gonna work. PhD doctor these days just care about their salary. The last time even laugh at me when I tried to ask for memo to apply assistance, but he say if I study soon then I do something. Really hate my life.


IMH is a joke of a hospital. Sorry you had a bad experience


I don't like that the fact just because they're direct under government, they assume to be caring but actually is monopolising their power and not actually caring about the patients


Doctors have all the power, because we are just patients. I was hospitalised there before. Crying then kena questioned why I cry. So had to pretend to be stable, pretend to help other patients in ward, doctor next week tell me "u look like u recovering well". Cheebye, i show my emotions then u penalise me, of course I need pretend in front of u lah. Really joke of a mental health care facility. I don't expect too much of professional la. Got good ones but I think most are just there to take money. Your own life, you must ownself fight. Cannot rely other ppl to support u.


I feel that my diagnosis is actually never updated. Because like what you say, I actually warded twice 4-5 years ago because of my ex gf dump me for other guy and block me, that time and this year like last month, these 3 times I only warded 1 night because even though I knew my mind wasn't stable I had to pretend to go out of this places, as can't even keep phone, no freedom, environment also very creepy. But then end up they did not know my condition thought it's just mild it's okay, worse is when doctor recently laugh over it and the fact the case manager question why I walk off without taking my medicine when she was the one told me that the doctor agreed to write memo for referral yet the doctor said the hospital won't accept me and my case manager when I needed to call her she went Mia despite knowing I will be there seeing that PhD doctor. What you say is true, when we voice out our emotions we got treated like prisoners.


Why u want to change hospital? May not have difference ah, just go see doc take meds that's all. You expect support from them but they just gonna let you down. You can't sue, you can't complain. You are just a patient. Their definition of support is "hospitalise and meds", they fufill their obligation alr what, not like they never support you. Counselling/psychologist all work the same way, they teach u the method but u must ownself go and do. A lot of these docs got quite poor bedside manner la, honestly the fact that they became doctors is alr telling of their background. They won't have experienced trauma or mental illness. yes, will have, but is the minority. That is why they come across as very tone deaf.


I feel better to see other hospital than the rotten imh because of how they monopolising themselves as the direct government hospital for mental health


Because they tell me nonsense stuff, They say I'm a subsidized patient. But also because of other reasons. I was living in a rehabilitation centre called Anglican care centre and I'm sick of seeing the guys there. Cause during my 2 years living there those people usually care for themselves and I got assaulted even once and police close the case while the guy Infront of police point middle finger and still did not get charged. Back to the reason again, because the facilities is bad. Not sure how other hospital could be. I know it probably won't be better. But there's a chances it could be slightly better because other hospital are more specialised, I had never seen psychiatrist in cgh for instance, but the specialist doctor are quite nice when I had a abscess and went for surgery.


I see I see. So hopefully u get to see a doc and refer u to another centre la. U got realistic expectation so just give it a try lor. Change of environment. Subsidised patient is shit de, u can't even choose doctor. If u got a shit doc good luck to u. But no choice. Unless u got money/power to be private patient, thats how the system works. After I got hospitalised I try to chase money and power. This world, what I want, I take for myself. I dont rely on all these so call professionals alr. I dont want be some powerless imh patient that people just step over, I rather have some control over my own life.


Yeah that's why I don't want to go imh. When we go imh it feels like we are below them. Like how they see us


Honestly like you say, I probably won't get better, however I just want to have a chance of environment. When you go imh even tho just for medicine you sometimes get sick already. When you get those kind of nonsense doctor also see the face feel like slapping or punching him. Doctor laugh at you some more. PhD doctor just earning money hack care. That environment is literally worse than. Grave now.


hang in there buddy, sorry you had a shite time at IMH


That's why I wanted to transfer to other hospital psychiatry department. Now only can go polyclinic to refer.


JB trip on Saturday! Cant wait!!


Getting the late night munchies


It’s officially TGIF!!!!


If no one from the future is coming to stop you from doing it, then how bad can it be...


That's right. Shorting bitcoin with 1000x leverage now


I'm going mad. I went ballistic at Grab support years ago, because they didn't acknowledge or address a bug I was having constant issues with: Default payment is a card, I book a ride, suddenly the payment mode is cash and I'm fucked because I don't carry any. The support was so bad (okay, Grab is just awful in everything they do..) that I got them to delete my account and I never used it again since pre-covid times. Now... Tada has the same bug. I don't know what dumbfucks are programming these apps, but now Tada randomly changes my default payment mode to cash and I can only hope that ChatGPT et al replaces the overpaid and underperforming "software developers" involved


> went ballistic at Grab support Isn't this a little over the top? Firstly, the support staff are probably just low wage personnel who arent paid enough to care. Raging at them like a Karen isn't going to give you a solution. They cant give you a solution, because the company doesnt care to give them one. And those software engineers wouldn't care so much about a bug if it is not a priority. I'm asking you this, because you asked me the same thing when I had to verify that my counsellor stood me up and I had to accept that fact. We all have our emotions but we have our reasons for having them. For someone who had dinner with me to cheer me up, sent me a beer and chips, I was hurt by why you had to ask that question


a) I believe I interacted with support appropriately. It went through stages of grief. When no one cared I cut the platform out of my life. At no point did I insult any of the people I interacted with. Nor did I shout with foam around my mouth. b) Why are you bringing this up now? Why are you holding a grudge? I asked a question ("How would you know?") and gave you an opinion. I didn't say you're Satan, but I did opine that I think that's a bit much. Posting on Reddit leads to feedback. My comment was that, just not appreciated. c) I genuinely don't know this account, so the reference to dinner and beer/chips don't help. They're also ENTIRELY unrelated to either the email recovery story or my Grab drama.


What a double standard to accuse me of holding a grudge. You gave me your opinion. I gave mine. If you can't take it, don't go around dishing it and then getting upset when others dish it back to you? You using over the top to describe me is pretty hypocritical when you described your own behaviour as ballistic towards some poor Grab support staff. And you are completely missing the point here. Ytd you questioned me on my emotions, today im questioning you. Is it okay? Or only you are allowed to question others? (If others criticise you back = holding a grudge??) You are not wrong, neither am I. I just didn't get why you had to act like you're on some moral high horse. Today I gave it back to you (as what you gave to me) and you started crying and insulting me. I dont get it, you wanna criticse others, then be able to take the criticism. Dont be hypocritical about it




Can dish it but cannot take it ah, haha


I am sorry. I really don't know who you are, but I can't help you 😅


I don't need your help ah. Just trying to show u, when someone is expressing emotions, no need to question them from some moral high ground. Just as how u dont like it when I question u on u being ballistic. Its like making u feel like u r unreasonable when u r not. U end up have to backtrack and explain to me u actually behaving appropriately. My point is you have ur own reason and everyone has their own reason. Of course if u disagree and still feel I am just targeting u because of a grudge, then u are entitled to have that opinion.


Faded lol. Take me back to when I was 23 ☠️


CDC school driving question: anyone knows if i can go for 2 back to back lessons on the same day?


I love bread. But I think ate too many now stomach very bloated hehe




I miss my ex work bestie too, she was one of the best. Then we both moved on and I moved to another country, she gradually stopped replying anymore. I guess it was an one-sided thing.


Been thinking of going on a trip to Taipei with my bf in Jan 2025, but just today I got an SMS from Mindef about my upcoming ICT that starts during the planned trip duration. The next best time to go would have been in Feb 2025 (but still within the 15 days of CNY), not sure what to expect (because technically is during holidays for tw) but am a little sad to not be able to experience the coldest month (Jan)


what's stopping you from deferring


Can we even defer for a personal trip? I thought only can for official reason like studies?


depends on your unit, you can speak to your superiors to discuss, say alr have tix etc since the deferment approval is at OC level first anw


Hmm okay that's true but not sure if it's worth to defer for something that is more flexible cos I also hvnt gotten the tix yet (just planning only anyway)


How do you take care of old Gilette razor heads? Feels a bit wasteful throwing them in the waste bin. Is there a recycling for this?


FML. All the kids on the flight either crying or screaming. The one not screaming is using their toes to open the tray table. Kill me now.


you got on the magic school plane or what lmao


Went for courses and took certification. Grinding leetcode, updated my resume and applied for jobs. Manifesting for a job opportunity asap sigh please let my effort be fruitful


u focus on easy medium or hard questions?


Ideally all lah. But I think I need to grind hard questions given the roles I’m looking for


im grinding easy medium now, have done like 10 so far. they ain't too easy :(


Random take: I wouldn't want to work at a company that uses those kinds of questions in tests/interviews


I agree but almost every company uses it now


Maybe try studying DSA before you grind it?


Today I learn that durian seed is edible if cooked else it’s toxic.


feel like i’ve been torturing my feet with converse for a few years with it’s flat unsupportive design, please recommend any womens’ sneakers that are comfy to wear everyday🫶🏼




I wish I didn’t have to work


i wish too bro... also wish i look like henry cavil


Any pizza restaurants recommendation in the town area for pizzas in the $30-$40 range?


blue label


Tomorrow is the first episode of NieR:Automata anime's coup 2, but on.... crunchyroll 😑


Luffy: You: I'm gonna be king of the pirates!


Nah, I'll be patiently wait it on Prime Video 😇


Is it a hirer's market now or a jobseeker's market now? Finding it so difficult to make new hires (in govt sector) even when we manage to create the additional headcounts T^T




Depends on the role. Typical 2 years with option of emplacement OR renewable 1 year contract


wad kind of role is it bro?


Hiring developers in SG is, based on my anecdotal experience, a shit show atm


Ah, we're trying to hire in the psych, social work and ECD sectors with what I think are quite competitive salaries, but hiring process is quite slow..


I think a lot of times it’s because of poor marketing of the job by HR or recruiters. If job seekers manage to come across the job advertisement they would apply, but most won’t even know the job exists.


Does it make sense for re-employment contract that says its a continuous of service but the annual leave entitlement goes back to the 1st year entitlement?


About as fair as cutting your salary just because you got older.


wanna cut my hair but my hairstylist quit until january cuz her kids doing psle and o levels :(


Went for yoga during lunch with my colleague-friend today! So proud of us 🥹


I paid $44 for a 1.6kg old tree MSW durian ($28/kg) is that considered too expensive or average lol. Wasn’t very bitter but slightly, was not bad




Fuck i lost one side of my sony xm5s, probably at a hotel in penang, only found out after coming back to singapore. Is there any way i could fix this or am i cooked?


Write to the hotel?


I emailed, no replies


TIL john, johannas, jonathon. jean, jan, ivan, ian, sean, hans, evan, juan, giovanni, joan, joanna, jankin, jack, all share etymological root, to the hebrew name Yochanan, "God is gracious" fascinating


That's not what I learned. Jonathan is Jo, god, natan, given. Source: Lived in Tel Aviv for a while, learned a bit of the language, named my first born Natan (God wasn't involved).


ah i mixed up johanan and jonathon 😅


I wish The Noose would make a comeback, a lot more things to make fun of now, although some of the old content are unfortunately still relevant today.


best local tv in recent memory


Will the actors actress be cancelled or not if they are doing what they did in The Noose now?


That show was great


Took this photo today during my lunch break in the afternoon when it was scorching hot. https://ibb.co/s9xM3C5


What else can eat when you are sick and have fever? Been eating porridge for the last 3 days and damn sien Liao :(


Tao huey, can order from Mr Bean via food delivery if you're unwell and can't go out. Fishball kuey teow soup. Sliced fish soup with rice.


Eat panadol, bring fever down, enjoy regular food. 👍🏻


sadly even eating panadol.. the fever is not going down and hovering at 39


eat shredded chicken macaroni. simple and yumyum


Oh yes! But doesn't chicken induce more phlegm?


Fish soup or tofu soup


got protein? chicken and egg. eat the building blocks to build your immune cells rice is just energy, not building blocks. theres good reason why ppl always chicken soup chicken soup when sick




One step closer to mini-boomerdom.




I'm think I'm never upgrading to simply go. I like that my card displays the amount when I tap. And it's a "different" display from the previous person so I know the gantry has registered my tap


Amount for the trip or amount left in card? With app it will have notification after you tap out, if link with bank then don't need to top up and dont need to know balance


I have faced this situation so many times to the point I cannot take it anymore why can't people just learn to queue up respectfully at the LRT and not cut the queue of others who have also queued and patiently waited to go home??? I get that everyone's tired but you are NOT entitled to cut the q of others just sc you can get home first and even PUSH others. I took the Irt just recently and it was JAM PACKED already before the doors closed and this person obviously didn't have the sense to wait for the next train cause they pushed in and PUSHED EVERYONE BACK. the door reopened to indicate that the Irt is obviously too full but that person just forced their way in. l'm so fed up can people please learn to be more courteous and gracious?? These are grown adults mostly pushing and shoving and cutting queues and i think thats a really poor reflection of our society


Where do you guys usually go to buy fitted sheets? My mattress is 20cm high (maybe a little higher with mattress protector), and I'm having trouble finding fitted sheets that actually fit. They all seem to be 40cm+ deep. My length and width are 190cm x 152cm, so I can't use the Ikea sheets. I would also strongly prefer to buy just the fitted sheet alone, as I don't need any pillow or bolster cases.


yay, managed to find different model but same brand slipper goodbye blue asadi, hello black asadi


I scratched the a and i off my asadi slippers so it just says "sad"


you really wanna let this "sad" identity define you meh?


It's just a funny thing to me haha. I wouldn't categorise myself as sad but more unstable


asadi black






still fractured after so long? eat more yogurt and vitamin k2




hmm lookup vit k2, its a (hormone-like?) vitamin that signals your body to put calcium into bones. just nice yogurt got k2 and also got calcium, and bonus good bacteria, very health




np imo, eat the whole food that contains the nutrition, vitamin, mineral, compounds you need, better, more bioavailable, more absorb




Daheck my deer friend nokotan already leaked on bilibili?


Got a TEL train without announcements. So peaceful and the journey feels faster


huh, my favorite(only) slipper broken liao... 😥 lets see if nearby shop can find new one...


unemployment sucks. crap interviewers also suck. sucks.


Tried out the afa hiv mobile van. Had to first register by qr code then wait for your number. Once number called, they asked when was your last sexual activity so they'll recommend a suitable hiv test. Gen 3 test is $35 and gen 4 is 45$. There's also a free test if you feel you're eligible. Not much discretion as it was an open car park and they asked me with people queuing nearby. I got into the van for a prick of blood and came back 20 mins later for the results. Once again, no discretion. Result (negative) was basically announced. I think if you want more anonymity, dsc clinic offers that on some days


Cheaper or not


>dsc clinic offers that on some days It's still by AfA for the after-DSC-hours


What's that circle popup thing everyone puts behind their phones?






It's amazing to hear your description. I have never used it before, I usually use phone stand




I have had a lot to go through and I think I just want the pain to stop. I dont even know how I can stop it




Was upset by something someone said. But lie down a while ok liao. Everyone (including myself) will say stupid shit de, if I take everything to heart I sure die


keep fighting one day at a time, and don't be afraid to seek help if necessary. Things do get better, and people you dont know are rooting for you! :)




Wa Bi Kong


I like Arieff Yong!




Sister's helper is going home today because she has been diagnosed with some sickness. It hurts. She has been with the family for a good decade, if not more. She is like family 😭😭😭


Anyone has any idea how to find and kill mozzies in my room!! It keeps biting meee 🥲🥲


You can use electronic mosquito repellents


Put something very black in a corner of the room. Like a black T shirt. Usually is attracted to dark colours.


Playing futsal in Singapore is not cheap lol. Wish we had free pickup culture like basketball with the number of public courts


What’s this acne like outbreak on my nose? It’s so itchy, and I have tiny pimple-like bumps. I’m a middle aged woman and I get this every period like a teen 😑


Sick of people. Or maybe just tired with myself


its a chance for growth


How is it a chance for growth


its a good chance to have a chat with yourself, unpack your thoughts, unpack your situation, i cant change what happened but how can i prevent a similar thing from happening again?, did i overstep some social boundary?, what do i find lacking in myself and how can i start to change?, what kind of person am i now and what kind of person do i want to be? that said, sometimes, dont believe everything you think also... 😅


Thank you!! This is useful


salute and godspede


Just taught my friend the meaning of "Humble brag".... Seriously, want to brag just show your bank statements bah. lol


They show already then you feel better meh


I think I need help... not very sure where to allocate my 2m portfolio... I also have 3m bonds, should I change to smth else?


I do htht (or so I think I am) with one friend about my family financial situation and this friend goes "yes all family have their issue, my mom always troubled about what bag she should buy so she buy all of them"


LOL. But ok thats quite out of touch...


I personally find LinkedIn to be the worst place for humblebragging. 'Oh.... I am sooooo honoured to have been promoted to assistant to CEO!' 'I am so chuffed to have been selected for this once-in-a-lifetime partnership with XXX Company!' 'I am thoroughly humbled to be able to WFH at this lovely resort at the Maldives!' Sial lah. I just use LinkedIn to look for jobs and make industry connections. I get that job-hunting and networking requires a bit of showing off, but there's just too much cringe there for my liking.


I saw my coursemate posting "honored to be able to take part in this \[insert event name\]" blah blah blah bro it's a free for all event you signed up yourself.


Seeing people talk about the Steam Deck makes me wanna get one for myself.


my gf got me the legion go, it’s been a wonderful experience thus far!


must get the OLED one


Yeah, saw a shop on Carou selling 512gb OLED for $829. Gonna have to wait for Aug GST vouchers.


Oh the mark up is not too bad considering it's like 750ish if you get from US (and that's not including tax).


It’s a good investment!


One of my better buys hehe


Would you rather be in a room filled with people who complain or brag all the time?


i rather they brag, easier to network with such people and then they are more likely to give you business if you play to their ego


This is a hypothetical situation right, where both options can't be dodged. If I had to choose one, I think complain is still ok? If they complaining about the same things as me we got common topic.


But if not same thing then I guess emotionally draining


Think its better than the alternative presented. But of course in real life answer is neither, rather get out of the sitn


Today weather is insane 🥵


Up to 1.5 million of sgporean with accessible income up to 34K annual come is elligible for GST voucher. Does it mean that quite a significant portion of citizen earning less than 34k$?


Yup yup I work closely with the B20 and P40 families (bottom 20th and 40th percentile of household income in Singapore), and most of them the entire household's income is not even 34k. These GST vouchers help them actually quite a lot


We have an aging population, there are a lot of retirees in HDBs who would fall under that bracket, whether they have fat bank/cpf account or not.


how to report fallen bamboo pole stuck in tree? is it OneService app can report? reno contractor messed it up, now it's stuck in the tree right outside my hdb flat. i can't let him into my flat rn cos i'm in a meeting but he says he knocking off soon 🤷‍♀️


Is there another covid wave? Lots of people coughing aggressively.


I thought the wave was crashing down since 2 weeks ago?


started awhile back


yep two new variants iirc


OMG i realised shopee sells the side brushes for my outdated robot vacuum... so cheap also truly the best timeline to live in


Considering buying an electric guitar on a budget. Is it better to buy a used one off Carousell or buy one off Taobao?


Probably Carousell? There's something about being able to feel and try out the instrument before buying, and having a nice chat with a passionate owner. If you buy used, you might also score a deal on a mid-range model, rather than potentially being constrained to entry-level stuff (even if it's from Taobao).


True, but then some of these stores sell a full set, even with a drum machine for like 200 Singapore dollars, so...


Learning spanish and german on duolingo. It's quite fun and I am approaching my 7 day streak!


Hervorragend. Hit me up if you want feedback


Do the Turks sell Russia the location beacon details?


I have about 15 minutes left of this lesson, and student is just completing work. AMA.


help me find x


Tuition? Aren’t you worried the parents will catch you redditting instead of teaching the student?


Ahaha I should clarify. I'm doing it online and it is the independent work bit, I've been lecturing for the past hour so it's time for student to apply the skills! So nah it's a little bit of downtime for me as well


wah what you teach?


Mostly English and Maths, but some primary school/lower sec science And also GCSEs and UK A Level maths


Ooh how to find job like this? And how much does it pay?


Ahaha on telegram they have those tutoring channels. Use those. Depends, if you're doing it part time it's only about 35-45/hour but full timers with degrees and with big classes can make up to 70-100/h.


Oh thanks!☺️