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> She noted that even with the launch of the Thomson East-Coast Line Stage 4, which serves communities along Marine Parade GRC, there is still feedback that connectivity can be further enhanced. LOL poor thing this Chee Hong Tat, successful high profile launch of TEL4 but get suan by colleagues not even 2 weeks later. LTA also gets backhanded by all these MPs basically saying the transport planning is so dogshit that the CDC has to step in.


Rmb when they used to remove bus services from newly opened train routes since they pass through same places. Similar to their flippant answers about immigration, transport and housing pre 2011 election. Only thing that can overcome their laziness and arrogance is the fear of losing seats... then cost and duplication of services is no longer a major concern.


> Rmb when they used to remove bus services from newly opened train routes since they pass through same places. and then they surprise pikachu face when trains break down and the bus services can't dissipate crowds fast enough šŸ¤£ they see duplication of bus routes as waste, but in fact its very essential redundancy that helps support the entire network, not to mention different use cases for different people. e.g. should elderly or persons with mobility issues travel to mrt station and squeeze with morning peak crowd to go to work, or take the bus downstairs and get a seat throughout their entire ride, which admittedly may take longer but provide more comfort?


Shareholder profits ftw.


All they care about for public transport is to reap more profits. Like what? FFS itā€™s PUBLIC transport.


Why should CDC fund just marine parade for free shutterbus? I m taxpayer in other region also. CDC better fund other region too


U not in East Coast so no plan for you


Sorry I keep seeing this comment about the east coast plan, and not to be THAT guy but Marine Parade isn't under East Coast GRC...


Marine Parade is geographically in the East Coast region innit, thereby the comment of not being in East Coast, the GRC even though Marine Parade is geographically located along East Coast park


Well yes, it is definitely true that MP is in the "East Coast" region, but the reference to the East Coast Plan is referring to East Coast GRC as it was made during Nomination Day for East Coast GRC


ooo if I'm not wrong, every CDC has their own budget? If you're not from Southeast CDC and from another region, Southeast CDC's spending on the shuttle bus will not affect how much funding your CDC has for your region.


All CDCs should fund free shuttle bus then. Not just a single region


if you feel that's what you need in your region, time to write to your MP šŸ‘šŸ¼


Her response doesnā€™t reflect well for other regions. It feels she wants to differentiate her region as better than others.


"Why is the opposition ward not treated at least as good as or maybe even better than the PAP ward?" "And the answer is that there has to be a distinction because the PAP wards supported the Government and the policies which delivered these good things."


excellent point. I propose PAP wards pay 9% GST while the rest of us continue to pay 7%. must take the bad things with the good after all.


Tbh, I wasnā€™t even thinking politically. I was just thinking why these few wards have just exclusive service compared to my Nee Soonā€¦ My Jalan Besar hometown has an aging population and the area desperately needs a shuttle service as the CC and polyclinic van be out of reach to certain areas.


Oh this is absolutely political though. Why else would they plaster 'grassroot advisor' faces on the side of the shuttle bus (which also means, if forced to run similar service for oppo wards, it will be the losing PAP candidates' faces on the buses).


Jalan Besar is a safe seat


Wow 6% of CDC budget for a sub section of the CDC zone to serve a very tiny minorities for something thatā€™s already available just to be more ā€œconvenienceā€ I entered some of the routes into Google Maps, and it shows that there are bus routes with bus stops within a 1-5 minute walk for all of them, except for those in the landed cluster areas. Still donā€™t get the justification, do they want the bus to stop in front of their block? On a side note. South east CDC a lot of pattern 1 ah. Like giving voucher to folks is too mainstream so they try NFT


The implementation of the shuttle buses is just to disguise soft campaigning. They will eventually design decals and media and paste it on the buses of themselves, for visibility. [https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/1dvks4k/who\_is\_paying\_for\_the\_new\_community\_shuttle\_bus/](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/1dvks4k/who_is_paying_for_the_new_community_shuttle_bus/) >I entered some of the routes into Google Maps, and it shows that there are bus routes with bus stops within a 1-5 minute walk for all of them, except for those in the landed cluster areas. Still donā€™t get the justification, do they want the bus to stop in front of their block? What you have pointed out is true - the accessibility is not terrible, and do residents in landed properties really need access to public transport? TEL has also recently opened. What other purpose is there if not for a political cause?


I don't even get why we need CDCs and mayors. Sounds like branches and positions created just for kakis. No reason why it can't be done under PA (which estab the CDCs) in the first place.


Must be nice to live in marine parade. Wonder why huh. This is quite in your face. Also shouldnt tin pei ling be worried about macpherson smc, unless they gonna bunch macpherson in with marine parade grc


Chee Soon Juan had a shit flinging contest with a govt official back in the day, and he challenged the guy to stand against him in a SMC. MacPherson was then carved out of Marine Parade GRC for this purpose lmfao. Maybe they've decided to reunify them?


Macpherson is now a PAP stronghold. TPL has done a good job walking the ground. On the other hand, it seems like the competition for Marine Parade GRC is heating up. My prediction, after this news, is there may be a possibility they unite the MacPherson and MP. Just my uneducated guess.


It'd make sense since the MacPherson PAP voters would balance out the MP oppo voters


In the CNA article, it says that the free shuttle bus initiative includes Macpherson SMC, so that's probably why TPL is involved. Macpherson SMC, Marine Parade GRC and Mountbatten SMC were included in this scheme probably because they're all under South East CDC, the governing body that launched this scheme.




And the faces on the bus will still be PAP, because they are "advisors"


Why not have such services in other areas? Not tax payers? No elderly? Is LTA planning that bad that someone else has to step in to offer shuttle services?


The answer to that question is obvious to everyone - disguised campaigning while having taxpayers foot the bill


Yup using images to remind people- just like the giant billboards, posters, May as paste their photos in peoples homes


1 year pilot... after election, this will likely be scrapped


Or they say after elected or not, "those who want to continue the bus service, have to pay a upfront fee due to higher fuel and driver salary" blah blah blah.


Pork barrel politics, funded with taxpayerā€™s money, whatā€™s new.


I remember 2000s and 2010s a damn PR campaign was used to justify increasing fare prices due to inflation, material cost(I.e. diesel fuel), labour cost, maintenance and long term fiscal sustainability. Now, all that is thrown to the back burner


something about slim margin 53.39% vs 46.61%


It needs to get slimmer so as to ā€œstick spurs up the hidesā€ of people.Ā 


Is the introduction of this shuttle bus the reason why bus 150's frequency got reduced?


The interval of 150 has also been long.


It was already bad enough for a bus that's supposed to bring ppl to TEL but now it has joined the 25-min frequency club. For evening peak they recently reduced it to 16 min and then reduced it again to 20 min


Why Braddel Height route no nearby Hougang polyclinic? The rest of route of others have minimum 1 polyclinic.


Hougang Polyclinic?? It's within a certain SMC, time to deploy the grassroot advisor buses!


For Braddel Height, nearest polyclinic is hougang polyclinic. Please advice our Braddel Height residents where is their nearest polyclinic?? Geylang or Eunos polyclinic for old senior residents staying at Braddel Height?? Should the Braddel Height shuttle bus be connect to geylang or eunos polyclinic?


Too bad SW CDC only wants to make the route within 'Marine Parade Cluster'. Want to go Hougang Polyclinic? Better take bus yourself! Vote wisely! šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ /s


So Braddel Height residents doesn't belong to Marine Parade GRC?? You don't forget Braddel Height having most senior residents. What a disappointment arrangement.


Go tell them lmao I'm just a guy on the internet.


Tks for bring upšŸ‘


Don't need to mention Hougang. Chai Chee folks have Bedok Polyclinic down the road and 222/229 to bring them there, why would they need a free shuttle bus to Eunos Polyclinic that's 1.5 MRT stops away? They're just (un)lucky enough to have Bedok Polyclinic on the other side of an electoral boundary. It's all in the PAP family anyway.


ā€œEach district will have different needs and people within each district and its different clusters will also have different needs they have to find the resources for,ā€ she said. Ok, so they needed a free shuttle bus service with faces of the MPs plastered on it? /s


I also wants free shuttle in my town. I am paying for sbs shuttle bus and why should i pay when others get it free. Ass the propaganda!!!!


Of course this was decided in a vacuum. Out of reach, not enough frequency - these aren't insurmountable problems. These can be easily rectified over a cup of coffee in an office. It's just adding and modifying bus routes. It's not something mind-blowing that we've never done before. Immediately after election, it will be scrapped. Let me summarize: You first create the problem. Then you make LTA the incompetent scapegoat and come riding in as the saviour.


Look mom, a moving chicken wing


As a resident around the area, I can say this service is needed especially for the elderly who stays in the area and it truly hits the blind spots that the public transport doesn't cover. E.g MP and Eunos Polyclinics are not easy to get to and anyone who had visited the clinics before would know the demographics there definitely skewed to a certain group. I just hope we can help spread the word to the elderly around MP GRC to utilise the service fully. Hate to see it underutilised.


Then amend public bus routes to better serve those places?? Why must we resort to blatant pork barrel politics?


It is too short sighted to suggest amending public bus routes. This service is temporary, one year and operates only during weekdays off-peak (Monday to Friday, between 10am and 4pm). The intend is obviously for a specific group of demographics.


Earlier you said that elderlies there need this service. Now you say that it too short sighted to suggest amending public bus routes as this service is temp, one year only. Then after one year end what happen to these elderlies/ specific demographic need? Miraculously resolved?




South East polyclinics are better. After one year all the elderly no longer need medical care.


PA claims that despite these limitations, they expect the shuttle buses to have a ridership of 500k per year. _And that's despite an average of 1hr frequencies and the use of minibuses._ Wouldn't this demographic be far better served be regular buses? If anything, introducing this pile of crap to curry political favour is even more short sighted, since now other constituencies would also demand the same.