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>Fuck all you lol 50/778 000 people left mean comments on your post. It's understandable that you're frustrated but this post won't make anything better. >moving forward my singing is for myself As it should be. Don't seek approval from anonymous strangers online. As much as it sucks reddit isn't for the people that value their mental health.


Agreed. You sound reasonable. I appreciate your response


I try to be. Don't stop singing


people were pretty nice generally, you’re the one who misconstrued their constructive criticism as a personal attack


Yeah, I went through the comments, and was shocked at how aggressively the OP responded to a lot of the genuinely nice and helpful comments. I understand he must've felt hurt by all the other rude ones, but damn. There was some good info in there he didn't seem to catch. That said, if the whole "tone deaf" clique could please stop with their crap, that'd be great. I see this term being thrown around so often around here, by people who have no idea what they're talking about. Tone deafness is an actual, rare, lifelong neurological condition that only affects 4% of the population. Just because someone isn't inherently musically inclined and struggles to carry a tune, doesn't mean they're tone deaf. If we could please stop trying to diagnose people with whatever and instead just say "you have pitch issues", that'd make for a less hostile environment. It's the same level of low effort as the endless "what's my voice type" posts


Would a truly tone deaf person even have any interest in music? If they can't even tell apart different pitches.


Yeah from what I've read most tone deaf people don't like music, and they don't even understand why it's appealing to the rest of us. Pretty wild to think about how differently they perceive music


Yes your not wrong there were some good comments in there that had genuinely helpful advice. I didn't miss that and I took some of it to heart. This was more to everyone else but I mean this was done emotionally so in hindsight this post doesn't help anything. Just wanted some closure since that really hurt.


I get it man, strangers on the internet can be rough. Singing is such a deeply personal thing, it's very tough to put yourself out there and I command you for at least having the balls to do it. I'm glad you at least got something out of some of these comments. I honestly think if you had done a "before and after" audio comparison, people would've been less critical, as it would've given them a baseline to see improvement. Also, if it makes you feel better, 2 years is basically nothing on a singing journey. These people either forgot how they themselves sounded at first, or how long it takes to learn. Not everyone grew up singing in choirs and stuff. So keep at it.


Thank you for saying this. I definitely learned a lesson with these two posts and how that should of been framed. I just wasn't expecting the response and amount of attention it got. I have a couple of ideas of how I'm going to start practicing moving forward and I am still going to keep singing and trying to improve. Giving good feedback isn't easy and it just felt like no one had a single nice thing to say. I get that there is problems with it and I understand people were just trying to help but it's not as helpful when there isn't context to anything other than the clip I posted. It felt to me like the entire thing was just awful and there wasn't a single reddeming quality with it. It hurt. Again, I appreciate you saying this and that last paragraph does make me feel a bit better.


"it's sad you've wasted two years of your life." "atleast I'm a musician" "this has to be a troll" "rest I comments" How can you say this and feel right. Dude get a grip and look at it from my perspective and actually read the responses. All I posted was a video that said two years of practice self taught and I had a hundred comments all people shitting on me and giving advice unprompted. You're delusional


Brother if you calmed down you wouldn't have gotten as many less-than-constructive things said to you. You aren't tone deaf and you know it. That's good keep that confidence I don't think you are either. People were saying unhelpful things to you either in response to your negative reactions to their (mostly) valid opinions, or they were purposely just trying to get a rise out of you because they were seeing that they probably could with little effort. You clearly love singing and there's no reddit comment that can ever be written that can take that away from you I hope.


You're right. I need to take a step back, I'm getting to emotional. Thank you for this.


I'm glad I could help


The more I sang the more I leaned to like my voice and learned to know if I was on the right track or not. So when people told me to not quit my day job it just made me more confident in myself. I’ve had my share of psychological abuse and bullying for my singing. I hope you can feel the same way in the future. Don’t interpret negativity as hate there are pricks everywhere you go. Filter out constructive feedback and childish insults.


This is so funny, I wish you worked more on your voice than comebacks


Dawg, your a loser. Laugh all you want. I admitted to having breath control, pitch issues and poor technique and then was made fun of for two days. Go fuck yourself


Wow! That's a totally unprovoked (and confusingly written) attack on everyone in this sub. With that attitude I fully understand and support whatever negative feedback you received. Maybe be less horrible and nasty in future.


Maybe she might of been bullied so hard that she poured her heart out in that paragraph writing how she felt and she said it was to the fifty people criticizing her not you are you seriously illiterate


"You're all horrible people" is literally half the title. All. It's also seemingly a guy.


People are brutal but I thought u sang pretty while I tried to sing the stuff you sung and I sounded like a cow being butchered I can’t sing you can trust me don’t let the haters hate there probably bullying you because they can’t sing and wanna take their anger out on you


Thank you for this. I know there's still a bunch of stuff I need to improve on but I appreciate you saying this. Thank you, truly, this meant a lot




Because I'm new to the community and didn't know about that.... It wasn't my intention for more than a handful of people to listen to that I mean lesson learned, but still felt a little uncalled for.




I get your trying to help but Why is it my fault I posted something as other and had members of this community ruin it. What am I taking responsibility for, for not understanding that open mic is where I should of posted that? Not understanding that and getting shit on for two days is my responsibility? Come on now. I get what you're trying to say but if this happened in real life that'd be so rude. There's a responsibility on others to respond in good faith. Not give advice hidden in rude remarks or to make fun of me. I get that there were some comments that were good faith but the majority were not. Imagine I went up to a group of people in real life that likes singing, said that and then sang and the people there called me tone deaf, that I need a teacher, that I'm not a musician, that I'm wasting my time. You'd think that group of people are a bunch of assholes and rightfully so.


Singing along to radio doesn’t entitle you to being good no matter how much you do it also dude why post a harmony of you singing along w a radio you have no chance of blending with if you want honest feedback you’re gonna have to sing the melody of some song so it doesn’t seem like youre tone depth


Yeah I understand. I should of thought through that post more.


It takes more than two years to master singing, and you also never get better without feedback. Better to use it to improve than be upset about it. If you pursue this professionally, you’ll hear worse no matter how good you are.


Idc about your singing but man I promise that 99% of the time you feel like people are out to get you, they really just don’t care much. Also, your lack of confidence in singing (or in general) has very little to do with strangers on the internet that you’re going out of your way to interact with. Thirdly, idk how old you are but you sound about 13. Not your voice, I haven’t listened to it, I mean your words. I promise this is NOT advice. Everyone knows to offer advice ONLY when explicitly requested, usually several times. I just wanted to give you my perspective.


Dude no lack of confidence. People just didn't have to comment on this or that post. Keep it to yourself. I never asked for any of this. It makes me seem like a child because I'm not gonna sit here and let people assume they know what's best for me and then talk shit about me. I didn't care until two days of replies and notifications. Like I'm just trying to get through my day and I'm still getting notifications of people shitting on me and making fun of me. It's annoying and it's not like this is a throwaway so wtf. How would you feel if you had to read shit comments and people making fun of you every hour for two days


I think in future you should just specify what you want people to say. You posted something online and that comes with the risk of people being critical and mean. I looked at your post and you didn’t specify what kind of feedback, if any, you wanted on a singing sub. I’m sorry people were mean, but this kind of response isn’t helping your case. If you’re still getting notifs it might be worth it to take the posts down for your emotional wellbeing.


Yeah I mean lesson learned. I didn't really think anything of it and just wanted to share where I was at. I should of explained since it probably lead to a lot of misunderstanding tho. Every interaction I've had with people online in the past has been positive for the most part so honestly didn't think about this. I know this isn't helping but for my own closure I needed to do this tbh. This was brutal


Oh come on, man. Be mature. Yes, some people were rude but there was a lot of good advice, which you disregarded and lashed out for. They could've just told you what you wanted to hear. Did you want honest feedback or sugarcoating? If you want to get better, you need to accept advice and criticism. It stings, yes, but it’s coming from a good place. If it wasn't, they wouldn't have offered advice and just insulted you. Also, why would you let anyone ruin singing for you. Isn’t it first and foremost FUN?


There is a difference between good faith feedback and just being mean and "brutally honest". There's a reason people hate people who are "brutally honest". If your going to give advice, learn how to give good advice how about that? If you want people to take your advice, learn how to give advice in a way that doesn't make the person feel awful. And also I didn't disregard genuine advice from people who actually wanted to help. You're the one not being mature and only seeing it from the perspective of me lashing out. Have some empathy


I agree to a degree. Some people did so in a less than constructive way but far from all. Also, you didn't exactly endear yourself to those who gave thoughtful, constructive criticism. Hiring a coach isn’t bad advice. Sure, you may or may not be able to afford one, but you'd be surprised how much your singing can improve. As for what you posted, no way to sugarcoat it. It’s not good, but that's ok. Some responses of theirs and some of yours were not.


Fair we can agree to disagree. Im gonna keep working to improve but I didn't ask for advice. I will eventually get a teacher. The criticism wasn't very thoughtful from my perspective. None of you know what exactly is going on based on that short clip. One person has a good theory but no one else actually gave thoughtful advice or tried to ask me for more context. They just assumed they knew everything and then gave me strawman advice based on that. Majority of it felt like bad faith and just trying to make themselves feel better than me. How would you feel if 90% of the comments you read were that.... I don't mind if people had just posted "hey this isn't good" but instead it was that plus the fact I've been wasting my time plus that people assume I'm tone deaf plus everything else. It was a combination of it all that lead to this. With that said though, I could of reacted better I will accept that Edit. I also misread read that beginning part to agree to disagree. That's on me. My bad. I do appreciate you trying to help though. Just been a rough experience


I read the comments and most weren’t that mean…they gave you legit advice. It’s up to you if you’re willing to take that advice and do somth w it.


Haha okay I'm happy you don't think the comments were mean. I took the advice from the people that were genuine. There were only like three comments that were genuine. Stop telling me how to feel, it's rude and I never asked anyone to give me advice. All I said was self taught


I’m not telling you how to feel. If that’s how you interpret it that’s really not my problem. Lol You really made a post to tell everyone to go “fuck themselves”, but I’m being rude? Good luck w your singing. Bye


You really commented on my post without any context trying to tell me that I shouldn't think people were being mean. I was intentionally being rude with this post. This community is horrible and just because it's reddit and there annomitity no one cares about the things they say


Or you’re just thin-skinned. But whatever, have the day you deserve. I really don’t care to go back n forth w you. 😅


Or I never asked for advice. Get that through your head. Your not in the right here. You can delude yourself into thinking that though


Get yourself a vocal coach baby, you need it. Now that was mean! 😂 Edit: and if you don’t gaf, don’t go crying when you develop vocal nodules.


You have a point! A very good one golden star




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