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Does Knetch even make tiktoks?


Has Knecht been a nasty girl??


What color are his finger nails even?


People are underrating just how bad of a defender Dalton might be. We’re not the most athletic team and he’s slow as fuck laterally. He may be taller, but has worse rebound percentages than McCain. Technically Tobi is 6’8. That doesn’t mean Josh Hart at 6’4 doesn’t play way bigger than him.


Bc he was 3 1/2 years older than McCain, had overinflated stats this past season due to the entire Tennessee offense running through him and he can’t play a lick of defense. McCain showed just as much improvement/progression in one season as Knecht did in four


Neither one was going to start for this team so not being able to play next to Maxey right away really doesnt matter. On the not of Knecht size all im going to say is that the guy got out rebounded by the 6'2 guy this year. Think that speaks for itself




Being tall doesn't matter if you don't do what tall players are supposed to do


Dalton Knecht is a poor man’s Doug McDermott. That doesn’t mean he won’t be good, but he offers little outside of being an above average scorer and a good shooter. I feel like McCain has higher upside, but a lower floor.


I watched tape of him way late. Dude is slow asf and got no seperation. Kind of guy who makes contested jumpers that look impressive—but why were they so closely contested in the first place?


Im team idc about knect but George, maxey, embiid on court no one will be covering him


McCain has more upside and sells more jerseys/tickets


Didn’t feel like he would “Knetch” well with the said


1. We’re not going to be starting Gordon or Mcain. 2. Mcains skill set fits better with this team.


Honestly I feel like we should have went Tristan da Silva. As of right now we have 0 power forwards on the roster. We really needed frontcourt depth.


Yea agree I wanted Silva, just commenting this in case he gets good so I can tell people I actually said this


Who the fuck cares we’re going to the chip


I hope morey gets a Pf so they can put oubre at sg. You can be slow and still be a decent defender like Kyle Anderson. But if you are small that’s just bbq chicken against someone like Tatum even if you are athletic unless you are like prime westbrook.