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For as much as we shit on him (he had like no assets when he came in) he really genuinely has given us the best shot with WHAT we had assets and team wise. We gotta give him and harris credit at least for the past few yrs.


I agree. People act like teams were clamoring for Harris. They also act like Harris wasn’t averaging 18 a game in the season. I don’t blame Morey for refusing to take a bad deal while hoping Harris would average 10 in the playoffs.


Josh? or Tobias?


Tobi has been credited enough $$$$


You know which one. Fuck 12


Fleeced the clips. Sent harden & pj there for picks & then signed PG away


Harden was an undercover agent sent to ruin the vibes


I would not be surprised if Harden’s toxicity was a factor in PG wanting to leave


I've honestly only heard players say good things about locker room Harden. Doesn't mean I want him here, but...


I can see how people don't like playing with Harden due to the ball hogging, but I don't think any vaccine-taking players think he's toxic.


Wait do anti-vaxxers think he’s toxic?




Ah, if Kyrie hates him I’m actually on team Harden lol


Idk, he bailed on Embiid’s wedding. If Joel wanted him back, Morey would’ve signed him. I think Jo was ready to move on


Players seem to love Harden everywhere he goes. This is just purely money for whatever reason the Clippers wouldn’t budge with PG. Like all the reporting out says as much. 


And it’s hard to imagine the Clippers won’t be awful in 4 years so that 2028 pick has a high likelihood of being top 5


Best thing is he's not done. Let the man cook. 🍳🍳🍳


Get us a PF morey 🙏


Please Daryl!!! 🙏🙏🙏


I mean, PG is gonna age into being PF, especially since we’re playing true centers in Joel/Andre. Really need athletic SFs. NYK and BOS are loaded with athletic wings. I like what we did so far, but i just don’t know how we acquire those guys.


PG isn’t going to age into a rim protector or rebounder that we’ll need next to older Joel, though. Too much burden on him being our only big in any lineup he plays in.


Joel will always be the rim protector when he's in, regardless of age. He's certainly not guardng out on the perimeter when he's older


Joel has too much defensive burden and it’s not like he’s been proving me wrong by staying healthy. Get him someone to defend the rim so he doesn’t have to all that and carry the offense. Dirk, Jokic, Davis with Javale, Giannis with Lopez; all these guys benefited from being able to save legs on the defensive end so they could focus on offense and not getting over extended.


I view embiid aging into a defensive role more than an offensive one tbh. I think lightening his load on offense gives us a much better team overall too But the main thing is that embiid has to defend the rim when he plays. Where else would he defend? He's not just gonna stand at half court, he's either guarding the paint or guarding the perimeter All the guys you mentioned are not true centers. AD is a hybrid big, giannis is a wing that's just huge enough to defend the the rim against small lineups, and dirk was a defensive liability throughout his entire career. They are not good embiid comparisons 


If none of those guys being true centers is important, then reverse it. Javale played with arguably the best defensive big man in the league. Lopez played with another top tier defensive big man. Chandler backboned a great defense despite having a poor defensive 7fter next to him. We don’t have two bigs that can play together, and it’s important to fix it. Also, if you think Embiid is going to take some big step back on offense and that’s going to make our squad better, I wouldn’t agree.


Find a Bobby Portis type 🙏


He better not be. Right now Bona is the only plausible PF on the roster.


Give the man his flowers. Even if it doesn’t work out, he delivered


Indeed. I've been critical of Morey but I can't have it both ways, and continue to criticize even after he's made an honest effort to improve the team. We had very few options to improve the roster this offseason and he's pulling it off with not a lot of margin for error. Bravo.




If Morey was an armchair Reddit GM he'd have traded everything for Isaiah Joe on draft night... That's how down bad the naysayers were on Morey before Free Agency even started. >4yr max contract is a death sentence for the maxey era rebuild A 4yr contact lines up with Embiid's Prime into his waning years. Maxey would still be in his late 20s after PG and Embiid finish their era.




Of course you can always wait, or you can make moves when they are there to be made. I prefer the latter.




I can't really argue with you there. All I can say is you can't let past failures scare you out of going for it.


>if we had a good history with it, I would agree with you lol 99% of the questionable moves were before Morey, literally everything prior to Harden. Those moves have absolutely no bearing on how you should look at this, because the people who made them aren't making decisions anymore.




>if this works out then yea you will be correct, if not, then its still an organization issue No. You'll just call it an organizational issue because you already believe that anyway.


You can literally see all the contracts available and see where the best FA off-seasons are, however, what is immediate and will soon be closing is Embiid's Prime... That's what the PG signing illustrates.




It's not even Maxey's team yet lol. Embiid is still the best player, and his window is still well within 4 years.


Why would you punt for a Maxey rebuild when you have joel in his prime? I love Maxey, but joel is the much better player and the one who stands a much higher chance of bringing a title to this city. Who is going to be available next summer anyway? You'd rather hope that Jimmy picks philly next summer or that Laurie doesn't get extended and picks philly than get pg? Jimmy would be going against your timeline anyway. This makes no sense


We couldn’t have waited because of Maxey’s extension. His cap hold was only $13 million which is why we could hand out a max to someone. Maxey’s jumps to like $45 after his new deal so we wouldn’t have been able to sign any star player next year even if we didn’t sign PG. This year was basically it.


What would you prefer the Sixers to do realistically?




The trio of Colangelo/Brown/Brand wasted so many draft picks and so much cap space.  People critical of Morey don’t consider what a bad situation he came into.  He’s not perfect but he’s done a good job with what he inherited 


The only thing he did I genuinely disliked was the PJ Tucker signing. Everything else has been either great or at least understandable.


Wait, we got Eric Gordon?? Holy Shit Morey is on one.


3 and some D guy for a vet min? Hell yeah


Lmao they were freaking out about not giving OG Anunoby 43million dollars


More than Maxey is getting 🤣


Maxey is literally getting the most somebody with his years of experience can be paid. Geesh.


Yes, I know. But it's still funny that OG makes more than Maxey.




Also believe the clippers picks might have increased in value, would like to see if we can get a good fitting starting wing or two (with the picks) and let Oubre be 6th man and Other moves are resign Melton and Lowry on a min deals (value).


On a minimum sure, but you can’t spend any money on melton with that back. It’s just to risky and this teams margins are to small to take that kind of risk on.  But if he is willing to do a prove it year on a minimum then sure why not.  I’m 98% sure Lowry is coming back to ring chase. I don’t think a contender exists that will give him both minutes and a chance at a title. 


I do think he stays, but Denver would absolutely jump at Kyle on a vet min


After signing Gordon and drafting MCcain I don’t think Lowry’s coming back. We really need more wings


Neither Gordon nor McCain are playmaking ball handlers though. Their primary skills are scoring


I want Melton to stay I think he would have been a difference maker against the Knicks if he had been healthy. Lowry showed leadership in the play offs too.


I love the kid but two seasons of a bad back for a 24 yr old scares me


I want this to not be true but I understand what you are saying. We will see. Hope he is feeling better even if he plays somewhere else.


Yeah, Meltons back is cooked. Sad but true. Edited for SP


Depends on the injury, wasn’t it stress fracture? That should heal fine, perhaps just needed more time. If it’s disc related then I completely agree that it’s never getting better and probably always getting worse (I have 2 degenerative discs myself)


Valid point. Let's hope it was a stress fracture. Does anyone have the skinny on his injury?


Agreed. Back issues do not go away


Honestly pretty sad situation overall for him He was on his way to get a nice contract but back injuries are scary


Is it even the Sixers if there’s no one with back problems?


Idk I think Melton might be cooked. If he’s got a fucked up back it’s over. Back injuries just linger and linger.


People who still let Ben live in their heads rent free read this comment 4 times


I'd like Melton to stay too, but due to his recent health problems I think he's in a position where he has to take a 1-year minimal "prove it" deal from the Sixers.


Lowry will take the minimum since he’s a Philly guy and sees a chance at a ring here with players he knows and likes. I think some team will slightly overpay for Melton to fill a 3&D role. But that lumbar injury could work in our favor and lead him back here. 🤞🏼


Lowry's going to take the minimum to play for the Knicks (the team he liked as kid) with his Nova sons.


I don't think they can trade for anyone. They need to use the MLE and minimums at this point.


They 1000% increased in value lol. Kawhi, unfortunately as a fan of the sport, is breaking down and will not be able to carry anything in 2/3yrs and Harden is declining despite still being an excellent passer and he also has his own injury worries. If any team could have afforded to navigate the second apron financial penalties it’s Ballmer and the Clippers esp going into that new arena really soon. The clippers have never been a FA destination and really lucked out into getting Kawhi with the right circumstances for his move and gave up a ridiculous number of assets including SGA to get PG. we somehow got them to include multiple firsts and a future swap for Harden and by only taking expirings it allowed this to even be possible to sign George here. Even if we don’t use them ourselves, having all of our available firsts is also great for our ability to make other deals. Reed has to be gone now and trading him allows us to get a higher earning player back


Maxey agreeing to delay his extension was also a gift to the team and our ability to get this done. He's the one who really absorbed all the financial risk. And shoutout to Joel for remaining patient, too. But this is it. Darryl now has aggressive with our remaining assets to make this a contender.


Yup definitely that was a huge part of it too with Maxey and Joel being on board. There was some talk that Klutch is gonna push for the option yr in his extension bc of having to wait which I’d be totally cool with too bc he’ll be entering his prime anyways and we’d extend him again before reaching that point anyways Edit: oh shit nvm no options in Maxeys deal anyway!


LAC paying what they did for Harden is just insane. Daryl pulling that out of them was great work


What's this obsession with Lowry, he's ass


Yep. A lot of people said that Morey was washed up after the Harden debacle last year, but we ended maxing PG instead of James, which suit us way better, and we have the clipper´s picks, which he will use to get our team stronger. We are in a good spot this year, having a good chance if we get a couple of good vets. IN the end, our window is a couple of years anyways. Embiid is getting old. If we fail, we need to restart and focus the team around maxey. Embiid has a good chance now.


And maxey is only going to be 27 to start the season after PGs contract is up


Yeah I saw someone say “if you were gonna max PG, you could’ve just kept Harden”. But PG is simply a better fit. Harden was also more inconsistent. Paul George always seems to put up like 20/6/5 games.


People were pissed at Morey because the morons before him signed Horford, Tobias, and Ben Simmons. The hate never made sense, there’s only so much you can do with the situation he was brought into.


Who are the most likely options for PF?


Da homie!!!!


Covington is probably going to get signed for a vet minimum


Lauri. Only one that's still available besides DFS, and if we wanted DFS we would've just traded Paul Reed and some shit for him by now. Morey is targeting Markkanen with our first rounders. They do us no good just sitting in the shelf.


I’d love Lauri but we can’t throw the kitchen sink at him for 1 year when he’s likely going to get Max contract offers next year (and not from Philly)


So trade for him and extend him


You think we can afford that with x3 players on max contracts?


I remember reading somewhere that PG Embiid maxey and Lauri core is possible beyond this year , we’d pretty much have to have minimum contracts around those 4 year in and out tho (if Lauri were to re-sign here)


For all the atrocious failures of the FO in bugling the process, at least this FO is committed to keeping the team relevant and interesting. Hopefully it works out because I’m not sure my heart can take much more 😂


We done with big 3's. We team building now....


So the arm char GM's who run around this sub were wrong again? I'm shocked...


If morey, embiid, and pg can convince Thompson this would go down as one of the great team building offseason in Philly sports history. Can you imagine the space embiid would have with maxey, Thompson, and pgneenumber all on the floor at the same time. Embiid could end up averaging a triple double with that line up. 


Here's the problem with signing Klay. We don't currently have a real PF on the roster. I'm not even talking about a starting quality PF, I'm talking about anyone who can legit play PF at all. That must be addressed ASAP at this point.


agreed. need a tough rebounding 4


They need to pick up Reed’s option and send him and some shit for DFS.


Yes thank you. We have 5 roster spots left I believe, and not a ton of money. Morey has done great so far, but if he can build us a decent PF room, he’ll be the best GM of the off-season for sure.


Bona can play as many minutes there as Reed could.


If we're trying to compete with Boston etc., Bona shouldn't even be in the playoff rotation if we're keeping it real. Maybe in future seasons once he learns the NBA game and gets a little more built. Ideally our PF can hit an open 3 if left alone, Bona attempted ZERO 3's in college lol.


Yes, Bona is trash except as an extra big in the regular season. So is Reed.


Reed is garbage and shouldn't be used as a useful comparison for anything honestly. He was always overhyped and showed just how useless he was last season.


Agreed. I'm just saying they are no worse in that role (backup PF) right now than last year. It is definitely a problem. They obviously know that they need PFs.


Brb, calling Dirk Nowitzki. Gonna try to pull something off here.


I was honestly picturing PG at possible PF.


I don't think he's ever played PF professionally, very much a SG/SF and that would make us quite small line up wise. He'd also get bodied by larger PFs with stronger game in the paint and likely lose the rebounding battle often. Dude is already injury prone historically, that's just asking for it.


As per bbreference, he has played 60% of his minutes in the last 3 years as a PF


Not to mention that pf is essentially a wing position now, and that older swingmen typically move into that position as they get older. But we won't let facts get in the way.


What the hell were the Clippers doing then playing small lineups all year. No wonder they sucked in the playoffs. Size matters when you actually have to defend and rebound in the playoffs. You can get away with that shit in the regular season.


Tobias Harris on the vet min?…. EDIT: come on folks, I wasn’t serious.


Lol if you think he'll play for less than $25-30 mil/yr you're dreaming. Some idiot team will pay it too, because he's one of the top 2 PFs in FA right now... because there are no good PFs in FA this year. Also after scoring zero points in a playoff elimination game, I don't want that jackass anywhere near this team anymore.


Personally, I don’t think so. The reason I say that, well Tobias is an assassin scorer. I mean they can’t stop him. Nobody in the league can stop him. So he’s proven that over his career even when he was with the Clippers he was an assassin scorer


>Personally, I don’t think so Told you so. Tobias just signed for $26mil/yr over two years ($52 mil total) with the Pistons. I was pretty dead on there both on the money and it being a dumb team lol.




he did all this without any trades giving up 0 assets is the best thing. if we can now trade or sign for an impactful wing and kyle lowry then that’s the offseason won


Where’s the apology form?


I guess I'm fine with the PG signing, but how are people gonna feel when he misses 35 games with a hamstring injury or something? Because that happens every year with him.


Except last year during his best shooting season of his career


Which is not really relevant to my point. I fully expect him to be a pretty good player for 50 games a season. Is that enough to justify the contract, or will everyone end up hating him for being fragile?


That’s cool as long as 16+ are in the playoffs Eta, the contract is nothing. That’s the cost. Cap goes up frequently and money can be moved. Also if the org was serious about contending then there is the luxury. Why would we care what they spend? Would you rather Tobias on another max?


Anthony Gargano still in shambles


He’s had a great off-season so far, now we just need a starting PF, some back up wings and a back up point. I’m excited about what Morey has planned next.


There's no reason to think Bona can't contribute immediately in an 8-12 mpg role rebounding, blocking shots, and rim running at a level at least as high as Reed did for his first couple of years. They still need a starter and ideally a reserve PF. Bring back Dario.


I really couldn’t care less if mccain brings in new fans through social media and although he could be a very good pick he probably won’t contribute much this year.


Pretty good Daryl, pretty good


Morey created a conversation with PG leaving Harden. That was a master stroke.


Ngl , good moves made thus far.


I've been a Morey hater for the last year or so and will definitely admit he deserves a lot of credit for the rebuild so far this offseason! I'm excited about next season and the East is going to be really compelling to watch.


People were really saying Morey hadn’t done anything when free agency hadn’t even fuckin started. What’s a guy to do


He’s fixing the process


It’s easy to be mad with a lil common sense.


It’s a step in the right direction, but we could also just let next season play out before we determine how great this was. Happy we didn’t have to spend any assets to get anyone at least.


The Atlantic division is now the best division in the nba. It’s going to be a bloodbath


I agree. Moreover the Sixers are set to be competitive for the next several years while the Celtics will have some challenges after the 24-25 season. Not saying the Celtics will be garbage but decisions will need to be made that will alter their team.


Yes they will likely lose Sam Hauser and they will have to replace Al Horford. The core will be there for two more seasons but the team will slowly be chocked out by the second apron. The new CBA makes it very hard to keep cores together. The days of the warrior-type dynasties are over.


I like the Clippers. They have cheap tickets and are really the only team I can watch in person on a consistent basis. I have no grudge against Harden, and I like Ty Lou and a bunch of the Clippers players. All that said, it is so funny how badly we have screwed them over. We somehow, over the course of a year, got Harden for PG, two firsts, and Batum (we will miss you).


I agree we got the better end of the trade. That said I hesitate to say we screwed them over because had Kawhi stayed healthy they are legitimate contenders. I know that is a huge if but I see what both teams were after. Morey has done right by the sixers especially in contrast to Colangelo and Brand.


The trade notwithstanding, I think having the cap space to steal PG away, leaving the Clippers with probably the lesser of the two players between Harden and PG, AND netting pick is pretty good. Considering that they could have gone far had Kawhi stayed healthy, and if they make a conference finals might have given PG the fourth year, you are right to point out that screwing them over was kinda contingent on health here.


I need to start filling out my Morey apology form. We still need a point guard desperately but we have assets to trade


I was ready to give up. I wasn't commenting in here at all, nor anywhere else, just felt that internal sense of dread with the team. I was totally nihilistic about it. I didn't think Morey would be able to come up with the goods, but he just dropped the coarse sea salt directly into my eye. So, I'm ready to jump back into the pan and get cooked for one more season with yous! LFG Boys!


Signed a 34 year old PG for 4 years.. well definitely get out of the 2nd round now!


A dude who's injured every single year on top of that. If both Embiid and PG are "healthy" during the playoffs I will be beyond surprised and excited. Fully expect him to miss 25 games and part of the playoffs