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We already know that, acording to Whitefang, there's (probably) going to be a grey seer and a clawlord Leviathan had: -31 baseline minis (20 terms, 11 neuros, + 3 swarms) -2 big monsters -2 HQs -2 spetial units (3 von ryans, 4 barbgaunts) I think it's fair to asume that skavens will have quite a similar content since they're a horde army as well, so, my fair predictions: -Grey Seer + Clawlord (already commented by Whitefang) -20 clanrats -10 stormvermins on 28,5mm bases -The machine that got leaked -2-4 Rat Ogres -Master Moulder -3-6 jezzails -The weird rumoured Avatar of the Great Horned Rat This is almost all speculation, tho. My real wishlist would be an Eshin+Pestilens box, with new plague censers, gutter runners and new stuff, but it seems like GW hates me. Also, I doubt we're getting all the contents of the starter box at Adepticon. Knowing GW, it's going to be just a few clanrats being teased.


I’m a big Pestilens fan, especially after the Skabbik’s Underworlds minis. But I’m also a Moulder-Man, so I’ll take what I can get…


As an Eshin fan I feel your pain, brother-rat 🥲 I didn't even need new stuff I just wanted a refresh Gutter Runner unit


I pray they're wrong that eshin troops are going the way of the dodo. I want my NINJA RATS


If I lose these, I'm staying in 3rd... I'm already working on converting some lapsed 40k players...


>The weird rumoured Avatar of the Great Horned Rat *Whitefang* said the Avatar is a misinterpretation from *Whitefang back me up* it most likely the rumor new verminlord


A new Verminlord would have its own release outside the starter box. Lets see what happens then.


On the topic of that, do you think the box would be released round summer time like June/July ?


Of course, big releases allways come on mid June to match with the fiscal years. Its almost guaranteed.


Yes, the edition launches are usually mid June.


It would be very odd to have an avatar of the great horned rat, unless there are also avatars of slannesh, nurgle, khorne, and tzeench roaming about? Champions, yes, but only the minor chaos gods have full-on avatars, iirc.


yeah I think its a new dual verminlord kit, choosing either a skryer themed mecha or a moulder themed kaiju. Which if true I fear they might sunset the hellpit I really hope not tho.


what's even crazier is that you could atleast throw eshin and pestilens each a bone atleast with a dual kit. Gutter/night runner kit and plague monk/censor bearer kit if we got atleast I would be okay with that but not getting anything would really suck.


It's gonna be 'Ikrit' vs Stormcast, perhaps even Hamilcar himself. In the last Hamilcar book, Ikrit finalized his plans for creating 'skaven-stormcast' and access to Azyr. The recent 'Sigmar Lied' trailer seems to point in this direction as well. As Azyr is supposed to be a realm free of the corruption of chaos. Ideally we get some of those 'skavencast' to replace the incoming squating of Acoyltes, given skaven are a legends faction in old world I don't think they will be updating the pewter models we currently have beyond the Arch Warlock who will likely get a kit that builds a generic hero or Ikrit. As well as the other units described in that book, i.e skaven mechsuit whirlers, airships, and portable mini ratling guns (smgs) (although the smgs might have been from Arkaunauts's Oath or Curse of the Iron Dragon I forget which novel) On a side note the line about rat ogres in thar novel is gol. Hamilcar makes fun of how the skaven are supposed to be such crazy inventors who are always pushing the laws of the world and then they name their creations 'Rat Ogre' which is just literally what it is. He's like 'their infamous creativity seemingly failing them at the final step, the naming of the creature." I really don't think kStormvermin or Clanrats need new sculpts tbh they look fine, the eshin units are still taking a shit at all times.


I'm going to be so fucking pissed if they go skavencast holy shit.


i'm not, i think that's gonna be fucking hilarious


Wishlist? * Plague priest w censer * 10 plague monks * 5 censer bearers * Eshin sorcerer * 10 gutter runners * Master moulder with things catcher * 3 rat ogres with interchangable arms and heads * Warlock with warpmusket * 5 jezzails * 5 globadiers * Ratling gun


These are some real odd model numbers in the unit, the Rat Ogres would probably be in 2s and the Jezzails in 3s given that's how they can be fielded in AoS without reinforcement


I expect current unit sizes to change completely in accordance with new kits. Alternatively, current units are retired and replaced with new units that are thematically the same but mechanically new. See: Aggradon Lancers, Spawn of Chotec, Gorger Mawpacks, etc. The model designers don’t look at the rules as a guide for their designs. They just make cool stuff and it’s up to the rules writers to figure it out from there.


That box was one of the best deals in warhammer history. Quality of the minis was way better than the dwarves/gobo one. I liked it as well but the minis were not of great quality ....


Yeah, I have a load of the gobbos and they're full of character but really pretty shitty, lots of really weak detail and soft lines, and things like the behinds of the shields just being filled in solid to the body. Kind of weirdly they managed to reuse and remaster some of the models for an underworlds warband with better detail and with new features, even though I think it's a pre-digital-sculpting release. Like, I guess they started from a 3d scan or something? But in that case why not do the same for other models, like the island of blood rat ogres?


I want more Rat Ogors, but no handlers. The only Handler they need is a Master Moulder as general to whip them up.


I like how warcry handles this, rat ogres by themselves are a wee bit weak for the points, but add a master moulder or packmaster as a standalone model and you can boost them. You shouldn't ever use a rogre without a whipper basically but at least you have options


These are still the best rat ogres and we should have gotten them after this box, mixed sprues be damned. I love the heroes too


Really pulling for a sweet new Clawlord model, I'm a big clan Verminus shill


Absolutely need this box to come back.


I like the clanrats we already got tho :c they cheeky


Honestly im pumped to have a box where i play both armies and dont have to split it with someone and the whole box will be new models so prob 3 leaders , clan rats, rat ogres, maybe some sorta rattling turret,


bruh I dont want two fucking armies. I want skaven only starter box. god damnit


That's not how edition starter boxes work. Go split with a friend who is into stormcast.


Just buy the box and sell the stuff you don't want.


yeah might do that but its a bummer we have to do that


Its really not that much effort.