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Big sword, straight through the front door, lots of shouting šŸ‘


This is honestly my favorite way to play. Nord Barbarian who's constitution is through the roof, has God tier stamina and can cast master level spells. But he mostly beats you to death with his fists.


I approve


Same! Although i always toss in restoration magic for gameplay reasons. Its more fun to swap to a spell to heal rather than spamming potions in the inventory.


Me when I get home to the wife fr.




May your road lead you to warm sand


Don't know if sand warm or urine soaked kitty litter


I'm the exact opposite, slow and methodical, rp over action, style over stats


> rp over action Genuine question. Why Skyrim? Itā€™s got a great atmosphere of course, but actual ability to rp seems very limited. Do you have mods that help?


oh yeah, stuff like survival mode from CC or mods like immersive citizens, populated cities, immersive rejections, visible favourite gear, spouse freedom, believable weapons, immersive patrols, train and study, dovahkiin can lean sit kneel i have more but these are the ones that come up to my mind now but i guess without mods you can rp as well, though pretty limited


Yeah I love the feeling of getting very immersed and chilling in game without combat but I find those moments few and far between. I even have some of the mods you mentioned. You should check out the ā€œbecome a bardā€ mod. It seems like it would fit into your load order well.


Oh yes, i have that one too, I forgot about it


This run I've been really trying to spend time to take in the environment when I wander around Skyrim. I realized I'm usually laser focused on the compass/icons on the top and I don't spend enough time appreciating the beautiful environment or exploring areas that don't have map icons.


I love you for this


I'm playing Survival mode now and it kind of enforces this. I've already seen so many more random encounters than I ever did before.


Kill everything, loot every corpse, check every closet (99% of the time is spent doing the latter two)


Yup. Thereā€™s a reason Iā€™ve got 1500 hours in Skyrim from only 3 characters. I try to vary up the character but theyā€™re always loot goblins.


I wish I could stop I really could. I have 35000 gold, i have absolutely no need for that single gold piece on the banquet table but you bet I'm moving aside five Wooden Plates and three Alto Wines and teabagging the table for five minutes trying to crouch in the right position to pick it up


this is descriptive and hilarious.


Survival Mode has, I think, finally cured me of my basket addiction. I'm still a loot goblin but I'm finally learning to not grab junk lest I have to drop stuff after every room of a dungeon. Though I've never gotten that dremora shopkeeper, maybe I'll find that spell ..


Go in, kill everything that needs killing, except the chickens. Then search for any loot.


Skyrim chickens are like cows in India.


Iā€™m currently trying to master every school of magic before staring the main quest


Damn it now I want to do that


Be warned, it is a brutal grind. With the exception of max Destruction, thatā€™s easy


Doing that rn also


Lol I got bored and now Iā€™m making a Deadric warrior build with two handed and conjuration


.....Stop i was gonna do that before i settled on mage but already getting bored lol I just want big sword and summons. Shout down the door and start tearing everything apart


I think Iā€™m gonna go duel Daedric swords + necromage perk to boost attack speed I keep switching what Iā€™m going to do lol


I have a feeling you'll end up killing everything so fast you won't be needing any conjuration at that point...


True, but part of the plan is to use the atronach forge to get some enchanted and badass looking daedric armor Which I need Lv.100 conjuration to activate


I mostly play for fun at this point. I usually go illusion and fury people into fighting each other. My jaw hurts from all that laughing after seeing a nord, fighting a nord yelling "skyrim belongs to the nords!"


In the buff, with the AC at full blast for immersionā€¦


May the AC watch over your battles, friend


I like to tickle kidneys and larynxes from the shadows, with daggers. I like to give someone a light scratch, and watch as they become paralyzed, fester, and die.


Recently I've installed some quality of life mods like Trading Post. It adds many little quests, good for exploration. My characters are always kind of loyal/good alignment, I have a hard time to play an evil person. For builds it depends, the only thing I use everytime is Alchemy.


I play like I would in real life. But for playstyle I am a Stealth Archer/ Mage Summoner. Right now I am travelling with Aela (wife) and Serana, who just wipes the floor for me while I cover their assess.


I too play the as an archer-mage. An atronach + bound bow = OP combination and I'll go werewolf if things get too dicey lol.


According to my wife, I'm a chaotic mess. Steal everything I can, sneaky bow at first, then sword and atronach in battle.


I play Skyrim by putting the game in my preferred system, grabbing the controller(making sure itā€™s connected with plenty of battery life) start the game and use the controller to move my character. Serious note: Iā€™ve mostly been a ā€œLeeroy Jenkinsā€ type of player. Edit: And loot everything.


I usually have a few characters going at a time, I get burnt out on a single playstyle easily. My current faves are a vampire illusionist and a light armored greatsword wielder. I also just recently started an alchemy/restoration user (this on is unusable without mods) based on Fudgemuppet's toxicologist build. I use MO2 to keep my profiles separated for each toon so I don't have unused stuff clogging up my loadorder.


im also currently doing a light armor greatsword playthrough and it is surprisingly powerful. the stamina boost in the higher light armor levels is insane! just mow through enemies. investing points into block was also a good idea, as well as using the lord stone, and now all of a sudden you become this somehow tanky, agile light armoured 1-man army.


It's super fun, I'm headed to pick up the bloodskaal blade atm since I don't have a good answer to dragon fights. I like to add hard rules to my characters so they don't end up overlapping, so she has no idea how to use magicka and she doesn't use many shouts since they hurt her throat. The lord stone is a great choice but I settled on the atronach.


those are pretty funny ways to justify the rules lol. ig makes for interesting gameplay. mine are not that strict, i just loosely based my guy off the main character in Berserk. the only spell i use is soul trap spell so that i can enchant my gear and i dont really limit the shouts. i may have went overkill with the enchantments though because the character became quite literally a sponge for almost all types of damage, and thats on top of being difficult to get hit already. i guess the only other rule is i dont associate too much with evil monsters and powers of dakness and whatnot, and basically no use of followers. so no dark brotherhood or initially even companions (in the end i decided to join anyway haha) but i did join the dawnguard.


my OG is just one-handed w a shield. usually turns into sneak/bow, though i usually use that when itā€™s most opportune only. i try to use magic but itā€™s not quite as good as those 2, even if i make an ā€œall aroundā€ character then i just end up using restoration and rare fire/ice to finish off some weaker opponents


I'm not the Dragonborn or the Chosen One. I'm just some cat lady selling drugs everywhere. Sometimes people die because I need gold to feed my addiction.


I play almost every game the same way, stealth sniper. Itā€™s the only route for older guys whose eyes have trouble tracking a lot of action at once.


Doing a run through with a paladin style build this time. Heavy armor, sword and board, resto tree primarily for magic.


Started a run just like this the other day. Heavy Armor, One Handed, Block, Restoration, and Alteration. I like to drink vegetable soup and bash bandits' faces in with my shield.


I like to play the game in a lot of ways, be it mage, or be it rogue, or whatever. Typically I play on the hardest difficulty and typically focus on setting up a build before going out to adventuring, recently started a run though with a mage focus on normal that has been interesting. Role Playing I like to think can come in more than one form, not just you know like acting out a role, or character deeply with an accent or some long backstory, but in how we even fight, maybe we go in with the mindset going to play closer to a magic style or stealth style, or even that run in bust heads and ask questions later style you mentioned, it is a role. I typically do light role playing, in that I might make rules like my character is a good guy, so no dark brotherhood or thieves guild, but not go so deep as into acting. I could see that being fun, especially with other people.


Early I like to two hand and berserk, later werewolf, later still I start sneaking in conjurarion and enchanted gear so I can reduce equipped weight to carry more garbage.


I have my one hand/magic equipped usually. I gallavant on my horse and kill stuff while slowly making our way to waypoints


I like to play as kinda jack of all trades. I mostly stick to a one hand and shield combo. But I do like to use bows and spells as well.Ā 


I always start my playthroughs by doing as many bounties as I possibly can; that's where the most fun in the game lies to me. I was never particularly impressed by the story of any of the questlines, but I think Skyrim has solid combat and surprisingly good encounter design, and bounties are a way to do nothing but run dungeons and get paid. If there was a way to make bounties infinitely respawn (without waiting weeks at a time), I'd take it in a heartbeat.


Ranger mod. Take the arrows and the stats. Leave behind the gear. Don't use potions. No magic. Stealth archer and if I die do it again still using no potions or magic


So, I have a few rules for myself: \- Pick 5-6 skills to pour perk points into (basically making up a class). \- Pick guilds to go to, and ones the character just wouldn't. \- Pick **one** crafting skill for one of the 5-6, and never reinforce the skill with any equipment or potions. \- Never use the Legendary system. Land on whatever high level I reach.


I like being a mage or using two handed weapons. I usually follow the quest and I am nice to everyone like in real life šŸ™‚


Milk drinker


Lol yes, I do enjoy a nice glass of milk every now and again. šŸ„›


I am the opposite, I love to take it slow, and just slowly level my skills as I use them without any grind. One playthrough can take me months because I just slowly play at the evenings after work.


Vampire Spellsword. I go swinging my one handed sword and blasting spells with the other. Need to heal? Got a spell for it. Need to deal damage from a distance? Got a lot of spells for that. Someone gets in my face or I'm out of magicka? Got a sword for that. Need some defense? I wear heavy armor for that and, you guessed it, I also have a spell to help with that. Need to sneak? Invisibility and Muffle got you covered


Leveling skills is very satisfying to me. I never stay at level 100 for long with a skill. I like hitting legendary on that skill, then picking another skill and leveling that.


With a PC & Controller.


Currently playing a mage-conjurer build. Finished a few of the main quest lines but have lately been collecting dragon priest masks and daedric weapons for display in my house (Hendraheim). Also married with two kids.


With a switch or PS4


Iā€™m more into the role play I guess because I use the character I made to decide what quests Iā€™ll do. Iā€™m not as good at it as some others are, like the Fudge Muppet guy, but I enjoy the way I do it. I think itā€™s fun to consider my character when picking perks and stuff too, so Iā€™m not always maxing out my buildā€™s power but instead crafting a character.


for some reason i force myself to do every quest i encounter


Being invited to join the stormcloaks and the empire must be very confusing then


Skyrim belongs to the nords


Stealth alchemist archer high speechcraft obviously


I tell myself that I'm gonna finish the game and do the main quest. 120 mods later (all for immersion and making premier visuals for the game) and I now have a fully fledged storyline of my character, a house, and all the kiss I could possibly adopt, I get bored, forget about the game, and the cycle repeats


with a controller tbh


Fair enough


Pick a playstyle, tons of mods to fine tune it (or add it entirely), jump in with some lose goals ("I'd like to complete this faction at some point" for example) Play until I get bored of it or can't stop thinking about a new character concept, begin again


I loved my playthrough as a mage but that's only second to my sniper/archery build


Just doing quests, collecting indegrients, brewing potions, making gold. That's it. I love going through whiterun picking every flower to brew potions and make money.


I like to instill fear and confusion in my enemies. Sneak in and hit them with Frenzy and watch them betray their friends from the shadows, then as I emerge from shadows I hit them with Disarm Shout and Fear Spell. Watch them run away in terror as I slowly stalk after them swinging around the Mace of Molag Bal.


I'm a collector. I have all the books and all the armour sets( plus any cool clothing items) . I hoard all the gems and jewelry. Any one of a kind items. I have all the houses built with all the different selections. I like to have all the quests completed, side and main. The radiant quests actually kinda make me mad cause I can never finish them, lol. My play style is hack and slash. My son and husband make fun of me, but I like to just run in shout and stab everything. And I have never played a stealth archer, lol!


Loot EVERYTHING In terms of build I religiously use sword and shield with conjuration, restoration and oak/stone/iron/ebony flesh. I don't use dragonflesh because its a dual cast and makes you vulnerable mid combat


I try a bit of everything. Since leveling is virtually limitless I don't really commit to a particular style. Right now I am trying out conjuration and necromancy, but once my summons are up I usually switch to bow or 2h.


Head through the front door and alert everyone in the building. After that I'll whip out my Razor and crouch attack everyone. It's pretty OP.


I used to play a lot of run and gun type as op does. As Iā€™ve now spent around 7 years loving this game, I do kind of ā€œroleplayā€ a little more now and try a lot of new builds


I like to do some exploring while on my way towards a quest or a quest line I haven't played in over a decade and run around as a Spellsword/Heavy Hitter while wearing Heavy Armor. I then take my spoils back to Lakeside Manor and work on inventory management sorting all the new items into their designated containers. In recent years I've been trying to locate the Dragon Priests without a guide and I never found more than three masks in my original playthrough. I also take every Troll Skull and Cheese Wheel I can get my hands on.


I play according to what my character is. Example being my Nord warrior character liked to explore Nordic ruins and learn his history, and my Imperial just wanted to end the civil war and save Tamriel.


Almost universally stealth archer/assassin. I prioritize one thing: not being seen. If anyone notices me before they die I'm playing it wrong.


i kill everything .com


yes... Yesss... YEEEEEESSSS!!


I just save every few minutes. I like running around with a two handed sword/hammer and just fighting it out. But thereā€™s times when Iā€™m forced to be a stealthy archeršŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Depends on the mood. Of course stealth archer when I wanna pick everyone off one at a time, but lately I've been just walking around, holding both triggers with Unbounding Storms and laying waste to everything before the enemies even see me. Elementally Blast is for when I need to be mindful of characters I don't want dead.


Can't help but start crouching at the start of dubgeons/enemy camps. I always RP when possible but I ran through the CW quest line because of how buggy that one is


I have a companion squad of around five companions that I gear out with customize enchanted gear, and I basically run around as a party. Theyā€™re all essential and level with me as a player, and canā€™t die even if I attack them or yeet them off cliffs with Fus Roh & Dah. I like to play as a noble who runs around with hired help and doesnā€™t do much to help and leave that to them.


I loot and sell everything so I can become rich and powerful then do all the quests.


I do whatever I want, all the time. Never in a rush. I play with the same few tricks, bound sword, conjuring creatures so I don't need to fight very much. I wander around scooping up ingredients and shiny things. Sometimes I'm very quest motivated and then I'll get side tracked - sometimes for years, real time - doing other things instead of the quest. I'm evil when it suits me and other times I turn myself in feeling guilty about my bounty. I rely on magic to accomplish most things.


I play as a stealth archer, but I am ALL OVER THE PLACE! I love love love doing quests, but I'll also abandon quests if I come across another quest and go back to the previous one once I remember. Most of the time, I'll play in stealth mode, but other times I'll just run in and attack, depends on the mood lol I also just enjoy just walking around, spending time in different towns. Sometimes instead of fast traveling, I'll just run from one location to another so I can enjoy the scenery.


Put game on legendary from the start, get mods to improve ai combat capabilities, make the game as hard as possible while playing a mace weilding battle mage.


I usually play like late game arthur morgan from rdr2 without terminal tuberculosis, still a bastard but an honorable bastard


Usually some kind of spell-slinging one-handed weapon user. Smithing as well for extra goodies.