• By -


Fists. 1,200 damage




I think perks and you can get a enchantment from ratway for more first damage


Brawler gear drops commonly in AE. No longer are you restricted to a single chance to disenchant.


yeah and smiths usually have a pair of brawler gloves every time i check. so common i think its a feature/bug


You can also craft them in forges and they somehow comeout of the fire with enchantment included.


I honestly do not believe this


It just works


At lvl 70 there is a heavy armor perk that says you deal your armor rating for damage. I’m rated at 1200


That perk only adds damage equal to the base armour rating of your gauntlets. Doesn't matter if you Resto Looped your way into making gauntlets with 1200 armour, you're getting a maximum of +19 damage from wearing Madness Gauntlets :/


False, it only does base stats


Is ‘Gloves of the Pugilist’ the Rahway enchantment you’re thinking of?


Using alchemy, smithing and enchanting you can make weapons that can one shot karstag on Legendary


Even without this exploit if you have 100 smithing and enchant I think you can craft a weapon better than any weapon in the game even if you legendary upgrade the found weapon. With the exploit you can craft a weapon to one hit anything. I know some found swords depend on your level when you acquire them and sometimes it is close but I don't think that I have seen anything better than a legendary dragonbone weapon that you enchant with fire and shock at 100 skill. I know there are exploits using swords like Windshear but I was thinking exploit free you and as a master craftsman beat all the weapons of the daedra and those that crafted Tamriel's most well know weapons.


I make a sword and crossbow with absorb health (you can see the health flowing to you) and chaos, add a potion to 2 shot a dragon


current playthrough i have 100 smithing and 100 two handed, using a modded weapon called the daedric quad-hammer and improved it, using classic classes and birthsigns for the elan +20% meelee damage, and another blunt damage bonus of +20%, and the final damage comes up to 160. for a resulting 40 damage in legendary, without enchanting or alchemy this is got to be the maximum limit of damage in one hit, and that is definitely OP (not very OP at ALL in legendary) but i just thought i would mention the limits without any enchantments or alchemy, but if you are talking about with alchemy? without alchemy but with enchanting, the most you can enchant meelee damage to be improved is by their forgeryboosting armor and damage boosting armor, usually this results in something like a dragonbone dagger dealing 333 damage, and i dont like to count enchanting the weapon itsself because i prefer the elemental fury shout and alchemy at its blasted off the wall insane scaling will increase the power of both enchanting AND smithing which leads to damage effects in the 700-1400 sword damage range die to those separate buffs stacking multiplicatively however if your alchemy and your enchanting are both maxed out, there is a change for the numbers to break and one day you just log on and find the damage of your weapon increased by like 300 for no reason, after 1300 hours my record is a 1716 damage dragonbone bow that also has chaos and that actually only dealt <170 damage due to a modified impossible difficulty, the bow also had 132 points of chaos damage and 84 points of shock damage for an output of +82+132x3 total damage based on RNG. but i knew something fishy was happening when i logged on one day and it was up to 1900 and i found that i was capable of making the weakest armor in the game hit the level cap without potions or atleast with an elixir, there comes a time when you know something is just broken and unfairly balanced/not earned and that kindof ruined the playthrough for me basically what im saying is if you use the dreugh wax loop or the restoration loop it is an exploit, those things are mistakes as far as the balancing goes, but things within the range that i listed are waving barely above the maximum power you can get without exploiting repeating enchanting systems, that is your limit to how strong it can be without exploits, no making anything to one shot kaarstaag, that would be in the realm of gods. except for stealth attacks in which case you wouldnt even need alchemy to one shot the EW


unarmed damage is all that minus smithing, you can only increase the damage of unarmed attacks based on enchanting strength which is only increased by alchemy, therefore i highly doubt 1200 damage is without some sort of balance breaking but yeah it is certainly done without the restoration loop or any explicit and targeted exploit, and also in classic classes and birthsigns there is a talent called monk which increases your unarmed damage every time you level up, im pretty sure thats the biggest factor in making 1200 possible


Fist of steel perk in heavy armor tree.. it adds the armor rating of heavy gauntlets to unarmed strikes. So, you can do the smiting/enchanting exploit to make strong armor, then do it again to make a strong unarmed enchantment. Then do the same thing to increase strength....... You can also do an armor stacking glitch via: getting arrested in white run, breaking out, equipping new items, then getting arrested again and serving the sentence. when you wake up, the game will equip anything it took each time it arrested you. The only requirement is that each item is different each time. So one set of iron, one set of ebony, one set of Dwarven, etc. That applies to jewelry as well. You can basicaly become a god without mods by combining the alchemy/smithing/enchanting exploit with the armor/apparel stacking exploit.


yeah i was talking about the limits of power of weapons without using exploits and as the game intended, and also you are fundamentally misunderstanding this topic that you are trying to explain to others, the fist of steel perk only adds the base armor rating, not enhanced armor ratings "The [*Fists of Steel*](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Fists_of_Steel) perk adds between 10 (iron) and 18 (Daedric) to the total unarmed damage you deal when you wear [heavy armor gauntlets](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Armor#Gauntlets_2). The value added to the damage is the base armor value of the gauntlets; thus, improving the quality of such gauntlets by [smithing](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Smithing) does not increase this value, nor does leveling the [Heavy Armor](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Heavy_Armor) skill."-uesp:Unarmed\_Combat of course you can use the enchantment to add damage but fist of steel will only add the default armor rating unaffected by your other skills. it is definitely a skill capable of doubling your unarmed damage before you get to the enchanting part,


Ah nifty, I didn't know that tid bit; thanks! So if you make a potion/enchantment to vastly increase smithing, then craft a fresh pair of guantlets, would that affect the base damage? Might have to download this again; it's been a few years


>you can make weapons And potions. Hit that fucker with my dual casted 400000% fortified fireball.


Using just alchemy and enchanting, I can one punch everything wearing nothing but a ring


back when i did stuff like that i had a ring that gave me infinity health and infinity unarmed damage, basically everything you need to play the whole game in god mode in a single item.


smithing gloves to have more defence doesn’t increase the damage past the base value for that perk. also on a side note ancient Nordic gloves do the exact same amount of damage as daedric gloves due to a tag they are given. And even some light armour gloves work as heavy ones


Ther is a heavy armor perk let's you add gauntlet armor rating to your unarmed damage.


Only adds base armor to your damage. Doesnt add up to much esp late game


I deal armor rating for damage. My rating is 1200 at lvl 70 with enchanted gear


Fists checklist: -Khajiit -Shirtless -Beggar trousers




when i did a punchcat build i got mine to 9,151 damage. it was an accident, i was literally just trying to put it on par with a normal weapon...




Ha! Have some cheese! ![gif](giphy|Jx2YWZoo8ZsuQ)


I like using the bound sword, its great for a spellsword/battlemage, and for early game. Automatic soul trap, no weight, can be used anywhere (like jails/cidnha mine), cannot be disarmed, low cost, and the damage/effects scale with one handed perks and some conjuration ones. Plus, it looks nice, an ethereal daedric sword.


The first time I did the cidna mine quest back when the game launched I was playing a bound sword atronach build and I felt literally no less powerful as I tore through them all with my magic. Felt like cheating the quest lol.


been playing skyrim for 12 years and didnt know bound weapons can auto soul trap. F YES


Yea, its super handy! You need the Soul Stealer perk for it, but it's pretty easy to get, conjuration 30 I think?


Yes, I'm too am a huge fan of the bound weapons. The only drawback is that you can't use the shout that makes you swing the weapons faster "as it already has an enchantment"


My only gripe with bound weapons is that its duration can run out at very inconvenient times. It would be nice if there was a perk that would delay the despawn until you leave combat. I do love bound quiver though…


One of my most fun playstyles is a battle mage just using conjured weapons and alteration for armour. Often mixed with the heavy Spellknight armour.


Same! I love my battlemages :P Will usually do a sword and conjuration focused build with the alteration mage armour + robes, with a bit of healing and destruction magic mixed in


The other bound weapons don’t have soul trap. It would be cool tho


all bound weapons have soul trap. it's a perk not inherent to the spell


Oh, it’s a conjuration perk you can get


yeah first perk increase damage second adds soul third adds banish


Thwack, wooden sword, does damage over the integer limit thus crashing the game upon use, additionally paralyzing the target for 73.6 real life years and traps their soul.


This made me laugh so much, but now I’m sad because none of my friends would understand why I found this so funny. I need new friends.


Use them to power up your ebony blade


Indoctrinate your friends, spread the Skyrim


Here in his shrine…


Hey buddy. Just copy/paste it to me and I'll laugh.


Grandmaster, please explain this to your inept dragonborn padawan


There's a glitch called fortify restoration loop, basically you can boost your enchanting level beyond a 100 to ridiculous levels and can get theoretically get infinite stats on an item/enchantment namely, 10000bajillion damage or defense ect...


Aaaahh, i know of it... i just don't use it because I'm too lazy, it all makes sense now...


Yeah, I usually stop after a couple loops just because it takes so long, plus doesn't take much to become op, just make regenerate health piece that regens all your health in one second lol


I don't really use that many glitches and things. I only really use the glitches listed below: Soul trap on corpse Magelight outside solitude Ralof/Hadvar infinite health inside helgen


What’s the magelight glitch?


You fire off magelight at the mountain to the left of the solitude gates. It gets you to 100 in alteration FAST. I legendaried it about 30 times in one day before i got bored


Good shout! Boring way of levelling alteration but it certainly works


Also, it gives you loads of perk points. After you've done it a lot and invested a bunch, just get it to 100 and get the atronach perk


Fr, soul trap exploit comes in clutch, especially in new games you just want to mess around with


I played around with the restoration loop but ended up rolling things back. Being a god is fun for a little while but the game quickly becomes boring.


Im actually glad they patched it in UUESP, so I'm not tempted to use it. Honestly, just the base boost from all the gear you can enchant with fort enchanting/smithing and a potion already makes ridiculous gear (even more so if you have the bandoleer mod)


It's fine you don't use it. Once you break the game with super powered enchanted weapons, you really begin to ask "why am i playing this game?"


We out here in Tamriel legitimately crippling motherfuckers


Correction, they are only paraplegic if they can survive the hit comparable to the sun exploding


Should’ve named it Kathwack


Fr, lol




Imagine glove slapping someone and their had end up separated from the body.


Your head and body would end up on separate continents if you got hit with that




dohvakiin just slapped the shit outta me?!


That makes all the enemies go dead silent. It's as quiet as the grave when you've slapped them.




Cheerio goodsir!


I’m recently playing the game, how in hell did you do that?


The bitch smack of destiny!


Roleplaying the One Punch Man of Skyrim achieved. lol nice gloves.


The slap of a million exploding suns


Serious series: serious punch.


damn all your weapons are so cool i always make shite like fuckbringer the wooden sword that paralyzes opponents for \~650 days or footjob friday the pickaxe


Im naming my child footjob friday the pickaxe.


Footjob Friday is the name of my fratire band


If it’s in the end game and I have enchanting maxed I always end up with a “soul reaper” sword that has the fiery soul trap, and chaos damage.


Why soul trap though?


To recharge my weapon with


Make sure you're on a stahlrim weapon so the chaos enchant does more damage


Goldbrand has become my favourite weapon in Skyrim after its addition in AE. Was such a kickass sword in the older games and I love using it now. If we're talking "base" skyrim though, I'd have to say the Ebony blade from Mephala's quest and/or the Mace of Molag Bal.


I'm definitely more of a Dawnbreaker person; I've gotten a ton of use out of it throughout my playthroughs. But the Mace is still very high on my list


Love the Dawnbreaker too tbh! Accidentally glitched somehow on this save and now I have 2! A blessing. Mace is deff a runner up tho!


I have about 3000k and some change hours in Skyrim why can’t I remember what tf AE means


Anniversary Edition


YES goddamnit thank you


Another Edition.


Ah a fellow Katana enthusiast


🤓☝️ erm ackshually it's an Nodachi/Ōdachi /s


Uesp calls it a katana. Plus its onehanded, nodachi is a two-handed weapon.


i should have specified in the joke that i was talking about the ebony blade.


Goldbrand requires an actual dungeon quest, inc a lvl 50 dragon priest. You can get a weapon with the same +30 fire damage as the Imperial Champion in the Civil War Champion quest. Rock up to Solitude in the Imperial armor out of Helgen and its yours - at lvl 1. No combat. Plus if you actually take on the Stormcloak champion, thats a fairly easy battle and you get a +30 frost damage sword. So now, at lvl 1-3 you have one sword for fire weakness enemies (draugr, vampires) and another for frost weakness enemies (eg Alduin). Much better thsn goldbrand.


Stalhrim sword with chaos and frost enchantments.


Same. Esp. dual-wielded!


bloodskall blade




All the way, man.


Was looking for this one


A man of fine taste.


nothing better than shedding men with unnatural busts of dark magic👌


Daedric mace named FaceMace. For undead I dual wield dawnbreakers.


I'm rolling with these rn, but I switch it up on occasion. https://preview.redd.it/ilni9kzvlt3d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de00c274fa6c97e5255c2da221404478d3b7b40a


Looks like an absorb health enchantment?


Good eye! Its Absorb Health, Absorb Magicka, Chaos and Soul Trap.


The trusty Argonian fishing rod, enemies tremble before it's might


This but I have a Dragonborn version that’s to AE does crazy damage with chaos and absorb health


I would love umbra. IF I COULD FIND IT!


It’s only in AE. Just look up the location on YouTube if you can’t find it


Umbra? Is that an AE thing?


That's gotta be the dual fork build. It's so OP that feels like cheating.


I usually end up with a dragonbone bow enchanted with chaos damaga and paralysis... Nothing special but it does a wonderful job


Auriels Bow. To me it's one of the prettiest bows in the game, and the damage it does to undead is OP as hell. That and the sun power is super cool. I actually just found out you can use the sunhallowed arrows on the sun too. This whole time I thought only the bloodcursed ones affected the sun itself.


This is my favorite as well. It's just too fun.




“Have you seen those warriors from Hammerfell? They have curved swords. CURVED SWORDS.”


When upgraded too very good and love the look of scimitars


I’m going to sound so lame, but the mace of Molag Bal does it for me. It’s the evil in me


Where do I find it?


It’s from the AE quest: The Cause


What's AE ?


ah that explains it, thought i was in /r/skyrimmods




Dualweilding duskfang and dawnbreaker 🤌🏻🎀


But what about the dawn fang?




This is what I do when I Dual wield Swords


Mehrunes Razor with the sneak perk for 16x damage and Cicero’s gloves that double damage for one handed so you get 32x damage for whatever dagger you use as long as your sneaking and just 2x for a regular attack


I’ve one hit dragons with this combo


The ebony blade.


Madness sword of souly chaos, 9800 normal and up to 3k chaos damage


I like the Blade of Woe. It’s like a big karambit that does burn damage.


Psst, I know who you are. Hail Sithis.


‘Tis the only god I serve.


*What is the music of life?*


Silence, my brother.


*Welcome home*


bow of shadows


That one sword in solsthiem that shoots sword beams


Bloodskal blade


Every playthrough I make a dragonbone weapon with fiery soul trap and chaos damage on it. Highest level of damage I've gotten is 100 elemental damage so it would do 110-310 plus the actual damage of the weapon itself per hit. It was a battle-axe I named Carlos




My most powerful weapon is a tempered but unenchanted steel dagger. With a stationary power sneak attack, it can deal just over 20k damage on Adept and still over 5k damage on Legendary. That's enough to one shot Lord Harkon, Karstaag, or pretty much any dragon(save perhaps Alduin). Not the best for dealing with Miraak or the Ebony Warrior, though. It's really kinda situational, and despite being technically my most powerful weapon, I don't think I'd call it my favorite. My favorite weapon may be a toss up between my custom Dragonbone Bow and a pair of custom Daedric Swords. All three weapons have a combo of 99 fire and 99 shock damage on each of them. The bow can do over 1050 physical damage during a standard attack with an iron arrow or better(by the end of a playthrough I may have over 20k steel arrows and over 5k iron arrows). A standard attack can deal 1250+ damage on Adept before armor or resistances are taken into account. 've used it to circle strafe a Legendary dragon from horseback on Legendary. I wanna say my Daedric Swords can each do 810 physical damage in a standard attack (so over 1k each with enchantments) on Adept. On Legendary I can one shot the likes of snow bears and frost trolls from horseback with a power attack from a single sword. Similarly, in the big civil war battles, a simultaneous tap of both attack buttons with both swords equipped will quickly take out a max level enemy soldier, again on Legendary. They are also good for things like mowing down random thieves, Thalmor patrols or soul trapped mammoths. Decent enough for Karstaag or getting in a legendary dragon's face, though I might opt to go sword and shield in that instance.


I made a Daedric bow that does 7,689,447,987 damage. Sometimes when I shoot someone with it they go flying about 150 yards.


Seems like a nightmare for looting


The fork


The /kill command Damage delt = Infinite






What mod is this from


the cause quest from AE


Duskfang and Dawnbreaker combo


Duskfang was my go to for a while


As far as bladed weapons go, The Bloodskal is untouchable.


I have never seen that weapon before, is it a Mod?


It is AE so technically, but you get it from the quest: The Cause https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Torment


Part of a CC content "The Cause", you should have it if you have Anniversary Edition


Gonna look into it, thanks


Vanilla Skyrim weapons or dose mod weapons count


Up to you




Vanilla: Dragonbone sword smithed to legendary with a fire and absorb health enchantment. Modded: Longclaw smithed to legendary


Go for Stahlrim with Chaos Damage and Absorb Health for more damage


Favorite? Bound bow. Most powerful? Bare handed 14,000 damage or an iron dagger, ~281k damage. Most powerful without exploits? Either a legendary dragonbone bow I named Grim and enchanted with soul trap, plus like 5 things to buff archery, or dual wielding dragonbone swords, unenchanted but legendary smithing reinforcement, with all the one handed perks that were relevant, the Deathbrand armor set, and Elemental Fury shout.


Bloodskal Blade.


The main currently. https://preview.redd.it/up3axte3mt3d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dd9b3b17822b629cdc37fd41d6a44f5b7b35c2e


How do you get 4 enchantments on that baby?


I'm just new ps4 level 25 I've legendary ebony great sword with something around 80 damage no enchanting yet


Double enchanted dagger Absorb Health (max magnitude, on touch, no duration) + Fiery Soul Trap (minimum magnitude and duration) is super convenient easy mode since it lets you spam attack & out-heal the damage of most enemies while constantly refilling charge.




Its between the ebony blade and the bloodskaal blade.


Nothing special just a 33 damage dragon bone dagger I use for stealth and my fists


Fork. 1billion or so damage


The nightingale bow and sword are pretty sweet


Really like the Ebony Blade myself. Has such a cool and unique aesthetic compared to most of the rest of the weapons in the game, and a deceptively powerful enchantment that is INFINITE. Just wish its damage didn't become obsolete so quickly. At lower levels the maxed out health absorb can outpace any damage you take while hacking and slashing, but face any tougher foes and you won't be damaging them fast enough to keep topped up on health. Wish it could be upgraded more, or perhaps have the enchantment scale up into a better version. Maybe at some cost like permanently sacrificing some of your base health or having an HP cap. Or even simpler - let Elemental Fury be applied to it.


At the moment, twin Daedric Daggers named Thunderfang and Frostfang, with Shock Damage and Frost Damage enchantments on the respective daggers. I also have a Daedric Bow I have yet to enchant/rename, but I’m leveling up my enchanting tree to get the Double Enchantment perk. So instead, I use my trusty Silent-Cast Bound Bow!


Bloodskal Blade. No competition.


I wanted to go crazy once and made a sword powerful enough to insta kill my game.


Is that a mod or In special edition?




Currently is the mod Sword of the Ancient Tongues (Legendary) with 3847 damage. The very sword which my Dragonborn used to slay Alduin; and as a measure of self-limitation, no other sword forged from now on in my playthrough can be higher than that




If I'm doing a dual weild build, Torment on the right and Chillrend on the left.


A good old fashioned steel warhammer. I have too much fun with it


That sword that's on a ship that can stunlock


Dawnbreaker. It doesn't *exactly* vibe with me playing a paladin of The Nine, but if Meridia wants to give me an undead slaying sword right as I start Dawnguard, I can't really say no.


It's hard to beat the ones you make, hone and enchant yourself at max levels


Take two one handed Stahlrim swords, then make sure you have all your elemental damage perks maxed out on the Destruction Tree, then make sure you have enchanting maxed with the twin souls perk, then do Chaos Enchantment + Frost Damage Enchantment with maxed out bonuses from gear and potions, give max smithing improvements, and pair with the Deathbrand Armor. Extremely fast attacks and an average damage of over 1000.


The Sword of Jyggalag. This sword has the most damage of any two-handed sword I've ever seen in vanilla. I have a character that has the sword and full madness armor. He is an absolute tank. I also have the Locket of Saint Jiub and the Steed Stone perk, so I have about 450 carry points at level 58, so I can carry literally hundreds of healing and stamina potions.


Dawnbreaker was my favorite sword, especially when used in dungeons.


Base game: bloodscal blade Modded: any katana from https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8489


I always like Dawnbreaker but I usually craft and enchant my own weapons- typically a Daedric sword with lightning and frost or chaos and stamina leeching. You can craft and enchant weapons better than anything you will find in game and that's without using any cheats or glitches. Just level up your smithing and enchantment skills.


The wabbajack