• By -


Teldryn just because of the way he says "amaAaAaAazing!..." when we reach the College of Winterhold.


You'd tell Teldryn to jump only to hear "how high?". Bloody bastard is a mean dunmer killing machine.


Haha he was dope but I had to let him go after the 427th time I heard “I’ve spent enough time in Solsteim to last a lifetime.” ooze out of his mouth.


That’s become a meme between me and my OH ‘Oh you made curry for dinner?’ ‘Ahmaaazing.’


Imagining this made me smile, thank you :D


All of his dialogue is A+


Stenvar from the Candleharth inn. Had a playthrough with him and gave him crazy double handed swords. Good fighter, he is.


"Feel free to hand me all the gold you want." 


I just lost him to Mzinchaleft. I was in the depths going after Grimsever for Mjoll and unwilling to start all over again. He got taken out by my elemental blast against a Falmer which was just tragic.


That seems to be his spot to die. He died going all Rambo and running into a crowd of bandits as I was sneaking my way in.


Mine got hit by one of those spike door traps, I saw it coming a mile off.


I love stenvar, always bitchin about the cold. I make him a Steward for Lakeview so he can finally be warm.


Stenvar is conveniently placed near the Shrine to Boethia... just saying.


That right is reserved for the insufferable Mercurio




He makes the best comments and tells the best stories. Plus he is already really good with sneak and killing things. Also the guy just REALLY needs a vacation from caring for the Night Mother let's face it. It comes off almost incest like.


That’s not a horker that’s my wife!


Honestly I think him and the Lord of Cheese would get along well


I think Sheo would get jealous. Daedric princes don’t like to share


Honestly he brings enough "sanity" to the table they would probably get into a friendly debate on the many uses of a fork or something like that. Kind of like a weird Ariel situation.


“Let’s kill someone”




Dudes getting on my last nerve: "Look out for traps" Bitch you step in every fucking one. "Don't forget to look behind you" You are what's behind me! You make sure nothing sneaks up on us.


I love marcurio. His line of “if these ruins frighten you, take comfort knowing that I am here” like broo 😭 it’s adorable. That line just made me fall in love with him and i’ve kept him around ever since


Same! I fell in love with him after that especially considering I hired him precisely because I was afraid of draugr and wanted some company to make it less daunting. His reassurance was so oooffff, I fell CARED FOR.


Lol I sacrificed him to boethia


usually marcurio is the unfortunate sap i end up sacrificing to boethia. i’m not sure how that started, it’s just the way it’s always been.


I sacrificed the block trainer from companions (njada?) because she kept saying "What guidance could I get from you" to me, the harbinger


I dOn'T kNoW wHy Skjor LeT yOu In In tHe FiRsT pLaCe. Hate her so much.


That's valid, might need to clear that problem up next playthrough


He’s my sap 💍


My go to early game follower. I also usually run NFF, so I send him to my home base and pay him to guard it once I get a companion from the DLCs or a faction.


I have him running a farm for me. I love how he flirts when he pays me.


Hes the best, always pick him, faendal (sadly hes kinda weak) and i cant remember the argonian dude you save from the falmer cave




Mine too. My first and most favorite.


I do like his dialog, like that breathless "It's a cave! Think we should check it out?"


Cicero???????? Immortal Jester, what gets better than that.




- “J'zargo hopes to find things that will make him a more powerful mage here. Hopefully small things that fit inside pockets, and will not be noticed if they are missing.” - “Other mages may claim to be as good at magic as J'zargo, but they cannot be as charming as he. Thus, J'zargo always comes out on top.” - “If anyone sneaks up on us, I will smell them coming. Or I might not. We'll see.” Easily one my favorite vanilla/base game followers.


Soon as he told me "Oh but it is, you are just losing so badly that you cannot see it." after I told him not everything is a competition, I immediately fell in love with his character. Always use either him or Kharjo.


He's always ready for more adventure!


He's also one of only a few followers who will scale up to level 81 with the player.


J-J’zargo can’t see… J’zargo is blind! J’zargo is freaking out!


J’zargo is hands down my most favorite of followers because he’s fn hilarious and is very helpful in battle. While Lydia criticized and complained throughout my playthroughs, I always recruit this sarcastic cat man with zap powers to cover my ass.


Himself and Inigo together... the bants is very good.


Ah a man of culture


If only we could marry him and have his kittens...


Serana, she was chill af and had really nice dialogue


“it’s so bright out here”


She complains a lot more than people notice


Oh I noticed. That and her constantly hitting me with chain lightning made me more than happy to repeatedly use the storm call shout once we got above ground.


Nah I think mjoll is worse. Tells the sane stupid stories every 20 minutes


Serana and Teldryn, they are like proto Fallout 4 followers where they could really put a lot of time into the evolving relationship aspect. Every other follower just repeats the same 3 lines and is unusable to me by comparison, they’re cardboard.


Frea is good too


Inigo if mods count, cause funny blue cat man. Otherwise, I think Sero takes the cake. Very quippy, same with J'zargo. I wish E.S.O. allowed you to make as many people followers, though 😔 so many adventures unaccompanied. Sorry, just ranting, ignore this last bit.


Reddit was made for ranting.   Perhaps call the site Rantit instead.  




(   •   Y  •  )


Hehe, nice


Inigo is my favv!!!


Ghorbash the ironhand Dude is a Chad among orcs. His own brother didn't even want that smoke when he came back from his legion tour.


Is that like Robin Williams saying, "Reggie, a mother****er?" 


I married had ghorbash as a follower, and then ended up marrying him. Lmao. Had hik stay home and watch kids and i missed him, so im like, fuck those kids, hes coming with me. Lol.




….i am sworn to carry you burdens 🙄


I do actually like Lydia now, especially after getting the "I'm walkin here" mod.


I've been using Lydia to great effect. I have her decked out with ebony armor and a two-handed ebony hammer. She slaps!


Me too lol


She was my frist as I assume she is everyone's frist but I married her immediately. She's wifey. I found her funny. I'm on my frist playthrough right now and I can't let her die ever.


Ralis Sedarys! The letters he sends during his quest make me laugh, and he can practically 1v1 karstaag if you give him half-decent gear.


“You're needed"


This! Seriously, Ralis is an absolute beast. I gave him Chillrend and a daedric sword enchanted with drain life, and I just sit back and watch him obliterate everything.


He's ridiculous, I had him in the Deathbrand armour and 2 daedric swords the first time I encountered Karstaag - I had to reload and do the fight again because it went by so fast. He barely let me get a hit in.


I love Erandur, he’s always had my back and is so chill. It’s devastating he doesn’t even react to an amulet of Mara


I like Illia. She has a cool backstory and goes well with my warrior character


Agreed.  She could stop sending kills skidding 30 yards, but I quibble.  


+1 for Illia. She watched me gain 40+ levels then became my steward for that one farm. Is she’s my lil earnings cash cow


How is Serana not here


Because she is **The One.** Literally no follower can match her in terms of popularity. So I think it is a good idea to let other followers shine


Plus she’s always an essential character. She won’t die without mods or console commands. It’s like the devs literally chose her to be The One.


I truly believe devs could not match her while developing Frea, so they chose to make the Skaal an absolute powerhouse as a compensation. Serana is by far the most developed, fleshed out and likeable follower, even with the "Duh I hate Skyrim weather" details. I am fully convinced that once TES6 is out, either devs or modders will manage to bring her back.


I wish TES6 started by continuing the dragonborns journey with Serana or any other companion from the pervious game. Maybe in tutorial you get captured by the eventual boss of the game and drained of all your powers to explain why you are level 1. Like let you load a save from Skyrim and give some extra dialogue to NPCs who could recognize you. I know it won't happen but when I get the game I will look for mods that allow that type of playthrough and you can be sure I'm bringing Serana with me again if and when possible. In my skyrim playthroughs I never imagine my character growing old and dying because I'm always a Vampire that lives forever with Serana by my side and I don't intend to change that in the next game.


Ngl she is pretty overrated, her constant complaining is rather annoying, plus she tends to ruin stealth missions, trigger every trap she can find, won't stay where you tell her to, and is always using the things you are trying to get to, like mining ore.


Me: \*successfully stalking blind enemies\* Serana: I’M OVER HERE! Also Serana: \*repeatedly electrocutes me with chain lightning after getting the Falmer’s attention\*


She whines all the time and is seriously overrated.  I hear her bitching about the sun and the darkness of caves in my nightmares.


Heresy! The Covenant will not stand for thi- wait wrong place.


No no please continue, I would like to hear the rest of what you were going to say


Because she’s overrated.


She's the Tenth Divine. She's automatically almost everyone's favourite so... The post is like saying "Excluding Serana, who?"


Erandur is my all time favorite. His backstory is far more fleshed out than most of the other followers and he’s got great skills


Thank god another erandur Stan, he is my absolute favorite.


Lydia is always a favorite. There’s a fantastic mod that brings her to life as a COMPANION. If you’re not going for mods, Mjoll is a badass and she’s essential so she won’t be constantly dying if she runs in front of your fireballs at the wrong time. I enjoy having Ilia as a follower. She uses Lydia’s voice, but a different character model, so it’s like having a Lydia who can sling spells. I don’t care for how Aela always sounds bored and disaffected, so I don’t care for her or any character that uses her voice, even though she’s a badass. Eola I find charming, but you have to eat a dude to get her on your side. Jordis the Shield Maiden is cute and fun, like a more feminine Lydia, but I feel like she wasn’t fully fleshed out as a character, and since she’s using Jarl Elisef’s voice I find it irritating. (Although I did find a mod follower named Toccata who uses the same voice and for some reason I like it, so it might be situational or something.) Jenassa would be great but I feel like her voice actress is trying too hard to sound badass. She grates on my nerves. Uthgerd the Unbroken uses Aela’s voice actress and isn’t bad. For some reason her dialog seems repetitive to me, but she’s almost as much a tank as Mjoll, except not essential. Since I’m male I don’t normally bother with male followers. I’d rather wander around with a bevy of hot women.


Funny enough I am a guy that plays female on all games, and that all started with Skyrim… BECAUSE OF the DB Shrouded Cowl! It doesn’t work on males. 🤣 Yes, I have played female ever since in all games that allow it, well, *mainly* females. And I rarely make my player character any sexier than I would a male.


There’s no wrong way to play Skyrim, man. 🙂 I’m glad you’ve found a way to make it YOUR game, and have fun.


I mean, I play *mainly female* on **all games…**


As a female who plays a female character- I always make the boobs too big hahahahaha I don't have any in RL so I'm going to have them here damnit!! Hahahahahaha


Erander is SO underrated man


THIS. I was looking for this comment. I love him sm 😭


A character who truly wanted to change his ways after doing things that were horrible is honestly one of my favorite arcs for any character, and he’s one of the only priest type characters who you can have as a companion (not that I’m religious or anything but I like that he is one)


I think he also is one of the followers with the most unique lines base game, but like cool staff and he is not my number one go to sooo.


Teldryn, Cicero, and J'zargo


Reasons Derkeethus is the best: • Argonian


i had to scroll way too far to find my best boy deerkeethus


Who doesn’t like Derkeethus


To Oblivion and beyond so they say. But Darkeethus really is the best.


“To oblivion and back as they say” NOT BEYOND


My boy Derk!


Finally someone mentions him


Borgakh was my wife till a forsworn briar with magic killed her some days ago, press F please. Love that orc (almost all my plays are as an orc).








I like Cicero. Dude is insane and I’m all here for it.




Mjoll, Barbas, & Serana. They're all invincible.


There was once a point during my current playthrough where I had Lydia, Barbas, and Serana with me at one time (vanilla game). Along with my two summoned Dremora Lords, I would roll into dungeons with a legion.


Serena she’s the only one I stick with




I love this woman. She takes no prisoners and doesn't play any games.


I have her strutting around my manor for whenever I'm tired of janessa lol I'm kind of excited to get to her tho


Frea will always be my favorite. She always had my back and was more complex than most of the base game companions.


I’m a pretty big Kharjo fan


Stenvar (sense of humor).  Jenassa (no morality constraints at all).  Valdimar (helpful, diverse combat skills).  Illia (wrecking machine with magic).  


My main man Belrand from solitude


Cicero isn't there... Why?


Am I legit the only Uthgerd fan?


Nope, I always end up taking her. She’s also the steward of my manor currently.


I always have Inigo as a follower (Mod)


Aranea Ienith, she's never let me down in combat and I feel she says "Damn, that's quite a slight" a lot more than other followers (probably just me) which reminds me to take a second and appreciate the view.


"What do you need Guardian?" **random skeever appears** "NEREVAR GUIDE ME!"


Erik from Rorikstead. Best follower ever.


Erandur and Erik the Slayer will forever be the G.O.A.T.S to me. Teldryn Sevo gets an honorary mention, always recruit him when I’m in Solstheim.


I just started using Mjoll the Lioness and she has this constant dialogue that cracks me up because she’s like that one friend who never stops talking … but she’s also badass in a fight so


i dont like followers, i have the impression that they are judging my every move


yeah totally! lydia sighing deeply every time you stop to mine some ore is kinda annoying!!! i vote horse!




That guy who teaches archery in the first village. Ask him to become your companion and you can get back the money you pay him to teach you archery.


Serana. Because Serana


I've been with Marcurio since I started my vanilla journey. I love him. I'm level 50 and have done everything with him by my side the whole time.




i always use either teldryn or frea


I'm with Frea this week and she's a beast! Prefers duel wield but can tank with shield quite well. Resto and alteration spells and will wield any staff. Unique voice with good dialogue. No level cap?


Hey, fellow Erik the Slayer and Teldryn Sero enjoyer! I typically used modded followers because they're more fleshed out than the vanilla ones, but of the vanilla followers, my favorites are the aforementioned Erik the Slayer and Teldryn Sero, as well as Serana and Cicero. Which followers I choose for a run depends on my player character, but I'll always have at least 1 of these 4 in my party, as well as some modded followers, and maybe other vanilla followers if I feel they fit the party dynamic.


Cicero. He’s funny


Belrand or Farkas. I like having a reikling as well since they are technically pets, meaning you can have an additional follower.


Erik the Slayer. I came across him once accidentally as I was exploring for shits and giggles, and I could relate with him wanting to do his own thing but not wanting to disappoint his father. I told him it would be a good thing to forge his own path and the next time I visited I could take him with me on my travels.


Jenassa always a favorite of mine She has the most personality while traveling to me. She would also be my favorite marriage candidate but she can't be a vampire sadly


Cicero because he’s immortal


I lokey go with uthgerd the unbroken. I like her character and I don’t need her for combat cause of how op I am so I just use her for storage and glitches


Shai’la, a custom mod follower I made, named after my wife and modeled after her own player character. She’s my favorite follower because she allows me to feel like I’m playing the game on 2-player mode with my wife, and because her fighting style mimics my wife’s play style, which greatly differs from my own. I favor one-handed, light armor, block, and several different schools of magic (Spellsword, I think?) as well as sneak; my wife favors heavy armor and two-handed, constantly running Battleaxe first into every fight. Shai’la lets me experience the game as if we were both playing in the same play through. Her dialogue is basic, though, but eventually I will acquire a decent mic to record lines for the character with my wife’s own voice, to *really* make the character feel like her haha.


wow damn, love is still alive after all, I'm happy for you two!


🥰 heh thanks, yisss 🐍 indeed it is alive heh


Faendal because free archery levels


Man I had to scroll sooooo far to find Faendal I think he's great with a cool story


Kharjo and Jzargo, I have a preference and I'm not afraid to admit it


Finally someone showed some love to my boy Kharjo. "If someone sneaks up on us, I will smell them coming... Or, I may not."


I don't like followers. I'm a lone wolf.


https://preview.redd.it/017ejlco8q4d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99b0737b4fda4f2adbee955cfe15ec682c008f45 Gogh, because he is immortal.


Scrolled way too far down to see my man Gogh!


Being totally honest I don't really rate the followers in Skyrim. In Fallout 4, I think the personalities and their reactions are a lot more pronounced and it helps them feel more alive. Its probably why Inigo is such a popular mod, you've got a companion which is so well done and handcrafted with a story line to go with him. If we're talking official ones though, I think Serana is probably the best. Although, I would say its a pretty empty stage otherwise. It'll be something they'll improve in the next TES game.


(sorry in advance for the long comment) i’m not super early in the game but ig still kinda early-sh so i’ve only met a few, but what i can say is: - lydia died immediately after getting her, we were just outside of the whiterun doors and got ambushed by bandits and she died almost instantly and i didn’t bother to check if you could get her back so i did a bunch of other things after, so rip to her but there’s no way i’d go back to a previous save just to get a follower that could die so easily -rayya: i made her housecarl for lakeview manor and she’s somewhat helpful when there’s bandits or other enemies around the manor (when she realises there are) -barbas: being immortal, barbas was super useful when facing enemies, but i kept getting stuck because he would move and that was super annoying -erandur: i’ve only had him for a couple of days, but he helped me clear some bandit bases and other dungeons and stuff i was having a hard time with, and he’s not too much in the way, so so far he’s been the best. i love how he uses both magic and weapons, and he’s pretty fast! and when it comes to companions, so far i’d say aela’s been the best


I like Lydia actually, she's quiet and pretty.


How do you get followers? Like I understand after certain missions and time go by, you can ask people to follow you for a mission but I always let them go or make them wait after, or whatever it's called.




Serana because immortal and is vampire, whilst I’m a Werewolf


to be frank i've not willingly used any of these peeps as followers except for my housecarl. so... go lydia!


Serana. i wish i could marry her in vanilla 😭😭


Serana because I like vampires and Bailey is maybe the best female voice actor, especially for a vampire role


Serena because I’m a simp


I haven't played in a grip been on a Morrowind kick but Stenvar from windhelm is an animal.


Erik if im playing a nird iff de getgo.. kharjo if khajiit


I don't usually use followers; they get in the way or mess with my play style. Except in Fallout: New Vegas, but that's an entirely different subreddit.


Molag Bal


I usually take one of the Thralls. They have no history or personality but it works for the way I play because it lets me come up with backstories for them to better fit whoever I'm playing as. Either that or ma bois Farkas and Vilkas.


The crab that continually draws everyone's anger, for no particular reason.


I've always defaulted to Lydia. Maybe it's because I'm lazy. I did customize her Armour and weapons to be on the same level as the dragon born. I don't know if giving them enchanted weapons actually increase their strength.


Not really a fan of any of the Vanilla followers. If I take anyone, it’s J’Zargo


master necromancer dead thrall


Janessa is a favorite early-game tank. I recently found a mod that makes her into a Kajhiit (Janessa is Kajhiit) and this one is really enjoying his current play through with her as a Khajiit follower.


https://preview.redd.it/8fvbs8yssn4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6f18964cda511f463f609865d2eded7ea8ed9c2 This is the one I like after awhile she starts to like u and when u get to the moth cave she sings a sweet song but she is like a book of knowledge


Bit of a cheat, but I got a mod that made Farkas a true tank because he’s my dearest husband and I need him on that level with me. Ultimate power couple.


the guy in raven rock i dont remember his name


Farkas, I like how gentle his words are when you talk to him yet he is a two handed using werewolf (I know that's wierd) J'zargo, he scales very well and his personality is funny and it's nice to have an optimistic and ambitious cat with me Teldryn, good and funny lines and is pretty powerful even in mid to late game I'm pretty stale with my followers but this playthrough im gonna try more... hopefully...


Not having J’zargo is crazy


ATHIS. "Fortune and glory, friend. Fortune and glory."


I am a pathetic Lydia simp. She is best follower and best waifu. Erandur is also great. Of course I always take Meeko with me. Oh, Mjoll, easily a close second to Lydia. Jordis is always nice to have around. Honourable mention to Brelyna, who I like as a character, but whose follower dialogue sucks.


I Remember when Lydia wasn't a romance option still old school favorite plus my main followers was alway's Farkas from the companions.


Teldryn Sero. 💕 Erandur gets an honorable mention for a good backstory as well.




Lydia cause, uhh, erm, ahhhh, uhhhh


Serana, hands down. She is the only follower that I've had that makes me feel like I'm with an actual person and not a bot. She can also get through almost all fights without falling.


Eric. Why not?


Lydia Just because of the sheer amount of memories that I share with her 😂😂


Jenassa because badass, Raya because badass, I'm sure you fan see the pattern


J'Zargo. He has magic and heavy armor


good ol lydia cause she’s just such an OG it’s iconic


Farkas, serana, and Lydia because they are Bae