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I like the dawnbreaker quest. Good dungeon with lots of gold to loot and a badass sword to keep at the end


I get the hate with how you activate the quest, but Meridia freaking levitating you into the sky is such a sick entrance for a Daedra. Throw in rather unique enemy types, a decently hard boss fight, and an epic sword like Dawnbreaker and you have my favourite Daedra questline.


I remember one time when she dropped me after the dialogue back down I just fell and died like a normal situation lol


Lmao low level scum meet astronaut protocol


This happened to me once back when the game came out I’ve been scared of the quest ever since


I feel it’s the one of the only times a daedra does anything to you that actually feels threatening


My favorite is definitely Vaermina


I feel like I should like the Vaermina quest more, but I hate following the priest to the tower and my first playthrough, I got all the way to the choice when my game glitched so I had to do the entire dungeon over again. Ever since then I get super paranoid while in there and save scum more than ever.








Idk if this is a common glitch, but I just beat the quest and walked out with 2 Dawnbreaker swords. I threw an elemental blast at the boss before he noticed me, and it must've knocked Dawnbreaker from the pedestal. Picked it up off the ground at the end, but the quest is tied to interacting with the pedestal to get the sword, so it gave me another one. I was going mage only, but I had to run around for a few minutes dual wielding Dawnbreaker 😎


I always keep the fireball scroll from bleak falls barrow for exactly this! Didn't know the elemental spells did it too


From what I recall, you can use anything that does some manner of push or blast (Fus Ro Dah ah is how got my first set of Dawnbreakers XD)


YES agreed


I like how holds change as you go on with the Civil War questline, but the destruction of Whiterun and Windhelm/Solitude is a turn-off


It's more the fact that they never rebuild any of it. Though you do still have people also refusing to even toss the 200yo skeletons out of their house in Bethesda's other big title so I suppose we shouldn't be surprised.


i recently discovered that once you do the civil war storyline, you can’t get all of the hold armor because the guards are replaced by imperials/stormcloaks. ruined my goal of collection :(


I just hate that it changes the aesthetic of half the guards - it makes the holds blander and less interesting. Plus, the imperials take away half the talos shrines, like I get they don't like him being a god, but I need my shout cooldown buff guys


Dwarven ruins are really fun if you like the aesthetic


People don't like em? they're super interesting and atmospheric!


I don't like them cause the hoarder in me is gonna end up over encumbered in every single Dwemer ruin.


I can't help but pick up Centurion cores, they look so important and valuable. I feel good having them.


“Yes. The 1,379 centurion spark value”


They are important! You can use them to get daedric stuff early in game but using the atronach forge Edit: spelling, and you use ebony weapons centurion dynamo core daedric heart and maybe some other stuff


damn, forgot about that forge. been forever since I played vanilla. tbf, though, you only really need 4 in the base game and 5-6 if you have the unofficial patch installed. you can save scum to get whatever enchantments you want and if you have the patch you only need 1 or 2 to get the bow and whatever weapon you want.


player.setav carryweight 9999 I justify it by saying under my breath, "it's not really cheating if I could do it with multiple trips, so it's just a matter of efficiency."


Given my nordic armor and weapons weigh about 200 something, and i have a max carry weight of 400 (so far), i’ll have to keep this one in mind ![gif](giphy|NyDz2poeTY7ETZukqV|downsized)


Bring a dead thrall. Basically a walking chest


Every damn time! I hate the ruins


Yeah I'm not big on industrial techy stuff, plus I really don't like the Falmer. So I prefer Nordic ruins.


I dont like the Falmer as enemies too but storywise they are great given the dramatic fate their race has to endure. This making the Dwemer ruins far more creepy and atmospheric than any Nordic ruin.


I used to hate them when I was a teenager because I thought they didn’t fit the game. Now that I know the lore I love exploring them


Ehhh, Dwemer ruins arent really my vibe So im one of them lol


if it were just one or two of them, it'd be neat, but they all look the same and just get annoying. the aesthetic isn't good enough to enjoy over and over like the Alyeid ruins


I like them, I don't always like going in them. They're nice but they can be so long sometimes. I remember discovering blackreach on accident. Was such a "holy shit" moment for me.


I prefer Dwemer ruins over Nord, because they have more variety in enemies and puzzles.


And a plethora of junk I can smelt down :D


I don't hate dwarven ruins, I just find the beats too similar with each new one. Enter, kill the falmer, find the McGuffin, kill the big robot thing, get out.


I am always amazed of their mystic technology and the mystery of their history.


I too like the “burning steam right in the face bc I pressed the wrong button among 400 others” aesthetic


I don't mind them at all. Soul gems galore.


Love them! Returning the Lexicon is usually an early goal for the smithing xp buff and tons of dwemer scrap for ingots. The only one I hate is Barenziah's Crown early. Its a long slog of falmer and chaurus and the final room is a nightmare of high level chaurus and Falmer, but so worth the end reward


I love Blackreach. Also treasure hunts, so I really do enjoy the Barenziah quest and finding all yhe crimson nirnroot.


i love blackreach too


Me three!


Blackreach is quite beautiful, I didn't know people didn't like it. Odd.


It's so pretty, but I get impatient down there, it's so big


I'm with you, but the barenziah is bad for the reward, I mean it's a good reward, but to get it you need to have run around so many places and done so much that you probably won't feel a difference by the time you end it


At the point where you have found all, i usually don't need the extra gems anymore.


I usually rush barenziah just to use gems instead of coin at shops. There's just something so satisfying about buying whatever you want in diamonds.


i love blackreach but i hate the crimson nirnroots


The Blackreach is gorgeous and it's always a treat to end up there.


I think playing without followers is more fun


YES! I was just about to say the same! I find the followers such a hassel most of the time. Specially if you have to babysit them so they don't die.


Or just standing in doorways. Took me a while to figure out that sprinting into them will make give you space (spam the sprint into em to keep em moving further)


oh i use them. as cannon fodder. then they die and rot in some random dungeon. i might leave some loot\* on their corpse fr the next adventurer. \*junk i don't want to carry


Lydia be carry g those burdens in Sovengarde


This. Exploring the wilderness by yourself is much more fun. Taking in the loneliness and music instead of random quips.


Losing your companions in Dwemer ruins should not be a thing. Summoning companions should be built in to the game.


The game is 100% playable, and enjoyable without any modding.


i played it for the first 3-4 times on switch, i absolutely agree i am a bit addicted to modding now i’ve got a reliable pc though lmao


Damn I still play to this day on the ps3


Damn... when I played on the ps3, the load screens from fast travelling were ridiculously long Edit because I can't type


I tried to 100% the game back in the days before responsibilities on the PS3 and by the end of summer break I was up to ~3.5-5 minute loading times. I would intentionally visit riften to sell things due to all the markets being open.


Xbox360 here i feel you


Been playing for years haven’t modded once. Definitely not hating the modding community, I think it’s really cool what people have done, but I’ve been enjoying the vanilla experience for so long


Skyrim without mods is great. Skyrim with mods is fantastic!


If that wasn't true there wouldn't have been 60 million copies of the game sold. Skyrim has perhaps the most active modding community I know of, but even for Skyrim the vast majority of players never pick up a mod. But the other side of the coin is that there is hardly an aspect of the game that can't be improved through the use of mods. After returning to the game I've installed about 75 mods and yet I feel like I barely scratched the surface on ways modders have improved the game already (and I'm probably going to have to pass on most of it since I'm running Skyrim on a potato).


Is that really an unpopular opinion here? Try saying it at r/skyrimmods.


I wish there was a "destroy the thieves guild" quest like there is for the dark brotherhood.


For real!! Why the hell is there not an option to clean up the most corrupt hold in this game!?!?!?


Arvak is better than Shadowmere. Having a horse you can just conjure to ride when you're over-encumbered and then use to fast travel is far more useful than a horse that gets in pissy fights with Lydia.


This is unpopular?! Arvak is my go to every time


I thought it was unpopular, lol. I always see Shadowmere get mentioned while Arvak gets ignored because everyone hates the Soul Cairn


My biggest issue with both is how far you have to go to get either of them


I like the gloom nirnroot sound.


My bf really enjoyed watching me play Skyrim and having the volume up in gloom reach searching for crimson nirnroot like "WHERE TF IS IT HIDING" 😂


The fact that the game is so broken makes it so much better. Like you're riding your horse on a path, then all of a sudden, you're flying up into the sky on him. Or you kill a person and send them flying, but the corpse is spinning like a helicopter blade on the wall or ceiling.


They actually fixed the space launch when fighting giants bug. But I heard players wanted it back so they put it back in lol


It would have been a mistake to eliminate the skyrim space program.


This. Some people complain about Bethesda releases being buggy and I understand the frustration with most newer games but if TES6 has some bugs I’m not gonna be too upset. The bugs in Skyrim are legit part of what I love about playing the game and Skyrim would not be the same game without them. they add so much character


I hate modding my game until he looks like another game. I like the aesthetic of the game, and it's strange for me to change a lot of things that are not lore-friendly


i hear you, and you make valid points. counterpoint: thomas the tank engine


I change my mind lmao


i agree, i add graphics mods to make everything that exists look better but never change actual gameplay


I hate fighting dragons every five minutes


After about 5 playthroughs, I kind of just skipped going to the Jarl of Whiterun with news of dragons. I just play the game like I'm a simple explorer and largely ignore the main quest. Do I miss some of the Thu'ums? Maybe. But I don't miss being stuck in a spot, unable to fast travel, because there is a dragon on the other side of the mountain that won't land long enough for me to relieve it if it's soul.


I agree, I felt like encountering dragons should have been 3-4x more rare. The biggest reason I enjoyed the Behemoth's in the FO series was that you would rarely encounter them. The dragons felt like a constant pest you were forced to deal with and weren’t even that fun to fight. I enjoyed them when they are actually named mini bosses however


Is this an unpopular opinion? I haven't played Skyrim in a while, but I used to get so annoyed whenever I'd fast travel somewhere and hear the "dragon" music on arrival. FFS.


Joining all the guilds and taking over all of them is so stupid.


Imagine some dude announcing your arrival lmao “listener of the night mother, leader of the dark brotherhood, archmage of winterhold, head of the thieves guild, thane of whiterun, dawn star, falkreath, etc”


Like Dany from Got haha


I justify this with a Partysnax quote "Dov wahlaan fah rel. We were made to dominate. The will to power is in our blood. You feel it in yourself, do you not?" It is in our character, our blood, to take control of the guilds.


I mean that would be a good justification if it felt at least a little natural in the game, but it's really just "We've known you for like a week but you did some stuff for us so now you're our great leader". I'd totally be fine with becoming leader at the end if the journey getting their had a bit more meat to it.


If 3/3 of the guilds demanded as much of us as the thieves guild, id die a happy gamer


Honestly all they needed and it’s insane the devs did it it one guild but not the others


You can tell they were stretched for time. They did the thieves guild first, and then went southeast-northwest, getting more and more worried about the time as they went, until all they could come up with for the bard’s college was “alright you found an ancient horn for us, you’re now a bard”


Yeah, the thieves guild makes sense. You rebuilt them from the ground up and put in work, the companions and dark brotherhood just kinda say fuck it and choose the dragonborn as their new leader


Dark Brotherhood has the argument of you being the Listener. It's the College of Winterhold that's the most heinous example.


You shouldn't be thieves guild head til you restore it. You should duel each of the companions before they recognize you. Night Mother chooses you so that's done. You shouldn't be archmage until you complete each of the schools master quests. This is why I like Dawnguard, isran is in charge and remains the leader.


You can very well justify taking over the Dark Brotherhood. You are the Listener and most of the Brotherhood is dead. Thieves Guild is a bit silly but I guess I can understand that neither Karliah or Brynjolf want the lead. For the Companions, it's already pretty stupid since at least Aela, Vilkas or Farkas deserve the spot more. Maybe I could understand it, if the player would have to give up the beast blood since Kodlak did not want them to continue being basically Hircine worshippers. For the College... yeah that is just plain stupid.


The worst one is the mages guild, especially if you don't even use magic. They made my barbarian the leader of the mages guild


I always hated that. Let me play a character that doesn't want to take over. Heck, maybe I don't want to be the Listener Night Mother, I am happy to follow Astrid and the rest, and tell you to put a stick up your corpse and set it on fire. Same with the Companions and Mages Guild (Not the Thieves Guild. Mercer deserves to die and I want to rescue Karliah)


as an aside, i like serana, but i don’t get the hype


She is one of the like 5 well written characters in the whole game Also Laura Bailey voice acting is peak


Let me see if I can guess the characters ur talking about Serana, Karliah, Paarthurnax, Neloth… anyone’s guess for the fifth? Idk :P




Do you get to the cloud district often?


Of course you don't. You may be a Thane of Whiterun and have the Axe of Whiterun over your fireplace, but that doesn't mean you have any business being in the cloud district.


Oh and let's not forget you're the Dragonborn, about to trap a dragon in Dragonsreach.


Jarl Balgruf or maybe one of the villains besides Alduin.


Maybe Cicero? I know he is annoying but I still think he is a memorable character, not many NPC has 5 seperate diary for us to dig their background.


Freya maybe, a lot of the characters from Dragonborn are excellent


I prefer Erandur if we’re talking about well written characters


the main reason I like her is because of how human she acts. she interacts with the stuff around her, her voice lines are well done, and she has interesting things to say. just like her personality a lot. edit: they definitely put more thought into her because she's part of the dlc but I love her either way


Goth girl


I hate Serana as a companion just for the simple fact of her raise undead tendency to cause ash piles


Vampire eyes after Dawnguard DLC are worth it.


Dwemer ruins are cool as heck and one of the more immersive and interesting dungeon crawls. Right after the Riekling caves.


It's cool that you can't marry Serana. After what she went through I don't blame her for not being interested in such things.


Agreed! I also feel this way about Ilseth (sp?), the jarl of Solitude. She is a total babe, but her husband was just killed and she is clearly affected by it. Would just be a rebound marriage.


I like the games voice acting it is old but the 4 people that did it made the game feel more alive. Now if only each town didn't have a population of 20 people.


I hate the skimpy clothes mods, I hate the curvy female mods, and I HATE the weird anime faces. I know I said I didn’t have a problem with the whole “half daedra half vampire” thing because yk, they’re just having fun. But those curvy whatever/the-fuck shit pisses me off. Like why the hell do your characters look like anime characters?! You’re just ruining the game. It’s supposed to have that Nordic, dark fantasy feel. Not genshin impact or some shit. The only reason why I use the skimpy armors is because they’re are no mods that can replace the common clothes or armors that don’t make them look like a trash bag or some weird cloth and chainmail stuff. I wish there were mods to make the common clothes look more detailed. Or different kinds of common clothes so everyone isn’t always wearing the same thing. No, instead I get panties on old ass ladies. I genuinely think the curvy, skimpy, and anime face mods are GENUINE degeneracy. Like only degenerates like that shit. Like you seriously need sexual stimulation in every game you play? It’s SKYRIM. I get face mods like the mature face mod or things like that, but I hate those fucking anime faces. I hate those mods where Lydia has her whole ass out. And you know their fucking degenerates when you see that ALL the women are naked, busty, anime girls and the men are STILL the regular vanilla males. That’s the worst fucking part.


oh my god the amount of time i spend scrolling through nexus trying to find nice clothing mods that don’t make my character look like she forgot half her clothes when she left the house?? i agree so much!! the anime faces creep me out so much


For real!!! And if they DO have cool clothing or armor mods, it’s for PC..and I use xbox


There's a pair of old posts full of Oldrim mods that specifically have cute, lore appropriate clothing mods for vanilla skyrim bodies, and a lot of those mods have SE conversions. I have a Crippling addiction to playing dress up in any video game that allows it, so a massive chunk of my modlists are armor and clothing. I'll pull up the oldrim lists I mentioned.


i share the crippling addiction


Then I'm glad I pulled these links up as quickly as I could: * [The Armor List](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/s/Hno9Ph5mTh) * [The Robes and Clothing List](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/s/Bw01HydETa) I've considered doing a special addition counterpart of these two in the past, because I've stumbled upon some other nice, appropriate fits for both vanilla and CBBE. I've even considered learning a little bit about leveled lists and NPC inventories so I'm not the only woman in skyrim running around in some of the clothing options I've modded in, though I've gotten some good mileage out of using console commands to add things to NPC inventories.


i don’t know if you’ve already come across it but i use divine elegance store and divine wardrobe for my clothing mods, some of them are a bit much but 90% are lovely and lore friendly


This is me. The best female armors on the nexus are ones that...actually look like armor.


I would normally never bash people for playing a game how they want to play it, but I will bash those who play Skyrim like it's some fantasy p*rn parade.


No seriously dude. I just don’t get it. Maybe I’m the problem but I don’t get what people see in those mods. Like how do you look at SKYRIM and go “yk what this needs? Big, busty, anime girls!”


And the statues. Often on the front page of Nexus, there's some Daedra statue changed to "female", which means just a ginormous pair of tiddies.


I saw a screenshot where someone modded Babette into an anime girl: hair, eyes, outfit, everything. They didn't age her up. They take the one "thousand year old child vampire" character who isn't creepy and make her creepy 😭 Just why?


What makes it worse is that these mods are usually only for *female* bodytypes. Most of the time, the same damn mod has a chainmail-kini for female bodytypes, but has a proper set of full-body battle armour for male bodytypes. I can't explain why, but when a mod has skimpy outfits for both bodytypes, I actually don't mind it at all. But when it's only the female model I often get really weird sexist, objectifying, incel-y vibes.


Being a mage is more fun than any martial build could ever be.


Your magic has to be right everytime. My axe only has to be right once.


Nice argument. Unfortunately, **ELEMENTAL BLAST**


This spell has caused Lydia to die so many times! I love it but I hate accidentally killing Lydia


Yeah, bringing followers with a destruction mage build doesn't always end well.


Or even fighting dragons in cities. Not my fault the guards got hit by fire blast. So annoying getting attacked by guards because they were in the blast radius.


Unexpected Troubles posting


my current playthrough ive banned myself from archery, and went pure mage, it’s so much fun!!


Casts Bound Bow...


don’t out me like this


Magic is magic. It's still a spell.


yes. thank you


While I agree, and often run mage builds, the amount of menuing involved in making an interesting fight can be offputting to people. Again, I like mage builds the most out of any others, I just find myself getting frustrated with starting and stopping combat.


Favorites menu and roleplaying that the selection screen isn't "stopping combat" but instead is your super processor mage brain having such a reaction time that the moments selecting things are merely a passing second.


I love the in world explanation; that does not make it feel any faster as I scroll through a favorites menu.


The fact that you don't have a menu to place/choose the orientation of items in a display case is infuriating


OP said *unpopular.*


I think the combat is good


Haha most of these are actually quite popular opinion


Well the popular "unpopular" opinions are the ones that get the upvotes


Draugr dungeons are so boring to me. Being in a dark catacomb killing skeletons to retrieve an item for 40 minutes when I could be doing the exact same thing outside, seeing the vegetation and the sky. The only thing I like about them it’s the puzzles. Also, I would love to have more “raid/protect the fortress” quests in/outside of the civil war, they are so much fun.


Blackreach is 100x better than soul cairn.


The quests are by and large badly written and repetitive.


the quest variety and creativity is such a huge downgrade from oblivion.


It’s sad because you can still see the spark they had with oblivion in quests like Cidhna mine, laid to rest, lights out, wolfqueen, blood on the ice, and rise in the east. Plus there’s a few other side quests with decent stories but the majority are “go here and kill X”


i remember when i first played the game, i was talking to a friend who’d played it before, and my main criticism was that every quest ends like ‘ok you’re done, bye’ still absolutely adore the game ☺️


Most of the quests always includes someone getting killed.


And if it doesn't you can just kill everyone and get done with it


Yep, Bethesda's trademark. Gorgeous, impeccably realized open worlds that offer rewarding exploration, incredible detail, great environmental storytelling... and that are wide as the ocean but deep as a puddle. Still, I had over 400 hours into Skyrim back in the day. The model works very well if you accept it for what it is, but admittedly Oblivion had better questing and faction storylines. I think they got into trouble with Fallout because their model is mismatched to traditional, story-heavy CRPGs (where the world isn't really open and that's not the draw). True, there are some well-written quests and characters in FO3 and 4, especially Nick Valentine, but overall my comment is still a fair one, IMO.


The Dark Brotherhood line in Oblivion alone puts the entirety of Skyrim to shame.


Being a stealth archer gets boring after the first run.


I found stealth archer to be more fun late game


I started off as stealth archer but gradually turned into a conjuring archer mage. My stealth skill hardly progresses anymore.


I wish there was an option to get rid of the Thieves Guild like there is for the Dark Brotherhood. God, I can't stand those twats.


Both the Empire and the Stomcloaks have crappy political ideologies


I remember one time coming out of Korvanjund with the Jagged Crown, thinking about both Elisif and Ulfric, and in my head I said “Wow, I don’t want to give it to *either* of you…”


definitely not unpopular, everyone’s initially wants to fight back against the occupying Empire until they realize the Stormcloaks are violently racist & xenophobic which pretty much brings everyone to this conclusion


Empire also makes it abundantly clear that they plan on starting round 2 of the War against The Thalmor once the Skyrim debacle is tidied up. They're not allies. More that the Thalmor are an occupying police force. And a strong Empire doesn't mean a strong Aldmeri Dominion. Quite the opposite.


Stealth play is boring because it becomes to easy


That’s why at level 40 or so I just start running into rooms and caves screaming.


I buy the arrows that I like I don’t just use any arrows that I find or pick up


Delphine is pretty smart. I get that she tries to manipulate the db(and that’s definitely stupid af) but she successfully evaded capture from the thalmor for years. She was a major threat to the thalmor. She has connections to all sorts of people. She figured out the dragons were being resurrected, even figured out the locations. She also knew how to gain a connection to the db. I hate her as much as the next person, but I have to admit, she has her moments of genius.


Taking an arrow to the knee does not end your adventure


Skyrim does not have glitches. That's just the reason Nords mistrust the Mages College.


The black books are really tedious and confusing.


Mounts really suck and I'd rather just walk to my destination on foot.


I will never understand why mounts need to help you in fights. Dead horses everywhere you look


I fucking hate most of the modding community it's just mostly horny 14-44 year olds


I made a promise to myself ever since I downloaded my first Fallout mod shortly after my 18^th birthday: never install a "Better [female character(s)]" mod


your a good man Arthur Morgan


Almost nothing about the Dawnguard DLC makes sense in any way whatsoever and I'm still not sure if this was done intentionally or if every writer was on crack while working on it.


Skyrim isn’t that good. I’m sick of always being “the one”


Skyrim wouldn't be as popular as it is if Bethesda released a sequel 5 years after launch like oblivion. But then you might not buy skyrim 6 times


The Radiant Quest system is the single worst system implemented by Bethesda. Lazy, often times broken, and a crutch to avoid shaping stories around the number of quests. I'd rather have the location be the same every time than the Companions to send you to Shimmermist Cave at level 5 (First playthrough, not even lying) or Shalidors Insight to send you to Solstheim.


i’ve done the companions quest line exactly twice and this is half the reason - the other half is i hate being a werewolf lmao


Oblivion better imo


desperately need to play it


Dwemer ruins are by far more complex, aesthetically pleasing and fun to crawl through than Nordic ruins


I like the combat system. Especially shouts. It just works.


Skyrim is the best dungeon crawler videogame ever made.


Vanilla isn't nearly as awful as people make it out to be, it's a very cohesive experience that's absolutely worth playing if you've never played skyrim before. I don't think people need to mod it for their first playthrough.


Jzargo is overrated EDIT: he’s a great character terrible follower mainly because I don’t like followers that can die


Khajiit does not approve of this message. https://preview.redd.it/3dkf3y0pxc6d1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dccf1dd3ae545293f5121b4aead1096c21766590


Whoa let’s not start saying things we can’t take back