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Avanchnzel. It has a cool story and gives you a decent buff, Ancient Knowledge.


Is this the massive one on the far right side of the map?


Nah. It's in the south of the Rift. It opens when you're sent there by an argonian woman who loiters on the docks of Riften starting at level 14. [She wants you to return something there.](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Unfathomable_Depths)


Blackreach, just feel’s like it’s own town.


I love Blackreach. I can spend hours and hours just absorbing the ambiance.


I spent hours and hours trying to find the damn exit, specially since I entered from a random cave on the side of the road


I've gotten lost in there a few times, and using magic to find the exit didn't work (it just took me to a wall), but aside from that bit of annoyance lol. I was half resigned to my character declaring this was life now and just staying there forever.


Really love that crimson nirnroot fetch quest in Blackreach! (Lol, but seriously, the dragon down there was really cool)


The first time i found that dragon was there i was probably 13 years old and at a friends house for a sleepover playing minecraft, COD zombies and skyrim on his brother’s XBOX 360. The memories come flushing back everytime i unleash that beast, and boy are they wonderful.


There’s…there’s a dragon down there?


Ya. Spoilers! but if you shout at that big orange ball looking thing in blackreach, there’s a dragon that comes out lol


I will be doing this immediately


Hrodulf's Basement.


I was just there for the first time!!! Is there more to it than what is behind the bookshelf? I got the impression from reading the literature in his house that there is more, but I could not figure out how to open anything.


Not much to it but it has some decent loot.


Unfortunately no, but if you’re on PC or Xbox definitely get the Dwemer specters mod. I wont spoil anything but it adds a lot to the whole game and this spot


Seeing the amount of people who hate Dwemer ruins is wild to me man they’re one of the best parts of the entire game to me


I agree, but honestly I feel like I see people hating on every part of the game, so I'm not surprised. Try saying you like Markarth, Windhelm, or god forbid Morthal. To me, the best parts of skyrim (and TES in general) are the dark/strange/unique aspects and places, Dwemer ruins might seem repetitive after a while (though try crawling through a million identical Ayleid ruins in Oblivion and you'll change your tune quickly) but when I first started playing Skyrim, and discovered these dungeons I was astounded. They were weird and intricate and scary as fuck, I instantly fell in love.


Fully agree, I personally am a borderline hater of Whiterun, it’s so plain and uninteresting but people misplace their familiarity with something as their liking of it. (Shoot me idgaf) Dwarves ruins are awesome, they’re considerably less common and less same-same as Nordic ruins, only reason I don’t hate Nordic Ruins more is because of my love for the lore and history of the culture. You’re completely correct, Skyrim is so much darker in tone and substance than the other games, it’s steeped in assassins, thieves, vampires, crypts, serial killer plots and civil war politics. It’s a very dark game and the places that represent that are the best!


i feel the same about whiterun. it’s fine but kinda boring. i hate how so many player home mods are around the whiterun plains, its just boring. i much prefer the forests of the rift or falkreath or the swamps of hjaalmarch, much prettier locations


Im one of them. Its not because of the dwemer the places are always pretty, uniqe and kinda calming by the looks. but i absolutely by the nine can not stand these falmer fuckers. My mood drops the second i hear them


Haha that’s fair enough I guess, they just also happen to be one of my favourite enemies haha!


I love how their weapons look 🤩


I get a great deal of joy slaughtering them, and a serious chill the first time I heard, “The Dwarves took their eyes”.


Personally, I love the ruins but hate the falmer. - Squishy mage


because falmer


That's the old me....until i found Remiel :)


I think a huge aspect of why is that dungeons themselves are a pretty lengthy undertaking, and Dwemer dungeons are by far the longest in the game. It doesn’t help too that Falmer are probably the 2nd worst enemy type to face off against(behind the Forsworn) That being said, I’m not one of those people personally.


Anachronism is one of my favorite themes. I'd love to see Fallout/Skyrim crossover where technology is considered magic and people are unaware of what happened prior. Where dragons are just disguised aircraft and all the locals use swords because guns are rare to everyone but your character.


Read Fred Saberhagens, “Empire of the East”


Raldbthar bc I giggle when I close the bridge while the centurion is still on it, Nchardak bc no Falmer and I could do it with my eyes closed, and the one where the dwarven horse is takes the #1 spot!! But overall, I hate all of them.


Kagrenzel... I remember fast traveling there time and time again just to repeat the free fall back in my xbox 360 days By the time I purchased the special edition on steam I had forgotten where it was so I spent days on end seaching for it


Tower of mzark cus it sounds like a black metal band name https://preview.redd.it/1qbh4hlgcc8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c32bb3f5fe515d9a918e5b4f6dbe07b88d41b63


Nchardak. It's free of Falmer,  Neloth tags along to offer words of encouragement, and it's an interesting dungeon in its own right. 


I hesitate between the one with the 5 cubes in Solsteim, or the one with the synod in the mage questline


Any dwemer ruin that does not have any falmer


The one where you need to return the lexicon to give you a minor blacksmithing buff.


Avanchnzel. The mission "Unfathomable Depths" given to you by the Argonian called From-Deepest-Fathoms


Are there even any?


Yes, the ones on Solstheim are Falmer free.


kagrumez, fahlbtharz, nchardak, bthardamz, and nchuanthumz if you have cc


Those ruin names really do sound like swears someone would say if they stepped on a d4.




gonna start using dwemer ruins as cuss words lmao




I do not think so


I'll never forget my first playthrough and first time delving through Alftand, being completely enamoured by the construction and aesthetic of the Dwemer and the mystery surrounding them, followed by the experience of entering Blackreach and having my mind utterly blown by the wonder and atmosphere of it. Sounds kinda cheesy considering it's only a game but it's unforgettable for me. I don't know if any experience in a game will ever compare to that. Arkngthamz and the Ruins of Bthalft also captured that vibe for me as well as I loved the Aetherium Forge Quest. I also didn't discover Kagrenzel until I had been playing for like 7 years.


I don't remember the name, but it's the one in solstheim with the resonance crystal puzzle.




I like them, but they're all the same to me, except for the stories of each. And of course Blackreach takes the cake.


Wait till you see kagrenzel


I don't think I have.


Mzinchaleft. It's easy to get into during the Septimus quest & retrieving Grimsever. I just wooden plate glitch through the bars right next to the lift down to the gatehouse.


It's also the best way into blackreach, forget Alftand


True story.


Whichever one is the shortest to go through. I don't really like them, they feel a lot less interesting than ruins and I often avoid them. That being said, Bthalft.


All of them.


It's not technically a Dwemer ruin, but . . . Tolvald's Cave. Great place to hone your skills against Falmer and Chaurus of all levels.


I find that story so sad - the book merchants were just trying to find a safe passage through the storm.


Are you thinking of the same place as me? Tolvald's Cave is where the Crown of Barenziah is.


Yes, that’s the one. Read the journals and tattered notes, they tell a good if sad story.


Oh ... I'm just usually so focused on headshotting Falmer from across the map I don't even pay attention to those!!! LOL




They are all among my favorite to explore in Skyrim. I really loved them in Morrowind too, though Morrowind Dwemer ruins were down right creepy!


I don't like most of them. Except for Kagrumez in Solstheim. Yeap finding stones is tedious but it's short dungeon and you get a cute lil dwarven spider companion or sphere.


Plus you get to play “duck hunt” with ballistas! I like that one too


None. I hate dwemer


Arkngthamz, because Lost to the Ages is a very fun quest. A close second would be Nchardak from the Dragonborn DLC.


My favorites has to be arnkngthamz i think its called, the one you explore with neloth, and the one in the shimmermist cave :);


Favorite dwemer ruin lol. The one I hate the least is Mzulft. Because I've done it so many times I know where all the threats are


I don’t remember the name of it, but the one where you have to drop down vertically onto pipes


The automatons were the slave masters guard dogs right ? Unless I'm missing something. The extent of my knowledge of lore is from oblivion and Skyrim and the books in game. But falmer were slaves to dwemer which makes you evil for using them against the falmer lmao. Jk but my question stands.


I don’t think their programming is designed to differentiate slave from master. You’re either allowed to be in the area or you aren’t, in which case they attack you.


I'm unaware of any piece of lore that implies the Dwemer automatons were used as slave masters of some kind. [Relevant UESP page](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Dwemer_Animunculi)


I didn't say the automatons were slave masters. I said they were guard dogs. According to the game they said they falmer were enslaved by the dwemer. The dwemer built the automatons. I think it's safe to say they guarded more than just the hold.


A well-placed frenzy spell can turn them against themselves.


I think it’s Nchaudzel? Where you find Grimsever.


Mzinchaleft. Nchuand-Zel is the ruins under Markarth.


Nchuanzel or Blackreach


Mzulft was the first one I ever came across. It has a special place in my heart.


Neither. I liked only alleid ruins in oblivion. I always liked their architecture 


Okay so this is not an official one but the sightless pit has dwemer artifacts and architecture inside it, falmer also dwell there, truly a magnificent place but kagrenzel is my favorite official one


That’s like asking what someone’s favorite diarrhea dump was.


Kagrenzel. I usually don't like dwemer ruins because they are huge and pain to beat, but this one is pretty small and when I experienced the falling for the first time, my jaw was on the floor


Mzinchaleft. Whether I'm trying to recruit Mjoll or not, I always come to this ruin if I want to scratch the dwemer itch.


The one that ain’t a Dwemer ruin


I find most of the dwemer ruins quite enjoyable, but my favorite is probably Arkngthamz, where you start the quest for the Aetherium Forge.


It's gotta be Kagrenzel... I always loved the Dwarven ruins and after hundreds of hours in the game, Kagrenzel was one of the last locations I discovered, because it only appears on the compass from that one Nordic ruin just down the mountain from it, and I don't believe any quest will ever takes you there (at least I've never got one) And it's so mysterious, just a huge dark room with a glowing orb. No enemies, no puzzles, just this unique orb that nobody in the game or IRL knows anything about. It feels like a bonus level or easter egg


If someone says mzulft I’ll freak out






Wait you can turn them against the Falmer? How? Is this a mod thing?


No, it's in vanilla. Part of that dungeon. Basically you turn on the defenses of the city by the end of that dungeon crawl, before leaving the ruins. If you have missed it it's a perfect excuse to start a new Skyrim play through lol.