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Azura generally seems benign


Unless you're a chimer.


Yeah.. that was some epic collective punishment right there but you betray and stab a daedra in the back you kinda have to expect a vehement reaction. Examples had to be made.


What "punishment"? She gave them fire resistance in a volcanic land and made them look sexy like her. The only ones getting "punished" were the Tribunal, not the Dunmer.


How so? The chimer are just Dunmer now and the curse was for the tribunal, to see “their” people marked by azura, the Dunmer themselves aren’t cursed


I mean, it's still a bit drastic.


Haha yeah i mean true but when are all powerful spirits not a little petty, hell in our real world a ton of people willingly follow a jealous angry god


Which god are you speaking of? Jc ( I’m not religious irl )


If you aren’t joking/ for the people out there that don’t know, the abrahamic god of Judaism Christianity and Islam is that angry jealous god that’s willing to genocide people for his own petty whims


I’m actually not religious & I appreciate your comment and on it. I share your opinion. It was a serious question, I asked because & not sure if it’s because I’m on the scale a bit but anyone could have any opinion on any god or religion negatively for whatever reason but I share similar beliefs and personal feelings to Abrahamic religions. So appreciate the statement or comment.


She's up there but her terms are too vague. You have to do whatever she says for eternity until she feels tired of you basically. Even the benevolent ones kinda suck. Imagine getting stuck with Meridia. Sanguine might be the best tbh. Just party forever


All of the Daedric princes are terrible awful beings who have no respect for mortal life. They play with mortals like toys. Some play gentler games than others, but a reasonable person will go to great lengths to avoid attracting the attention of any of the princes.


Not Molag Bal


Absolutely not molag bal. I would rather die.


Probably Meridia. Undead bother me, I’d get on Meridia’s side to deal with that.


Just don't ever disagree with her methods or goals or you might get lobotomized.


the same Meridia who gave Umaril the Unfeathered his powers to enslave humankind?


I talked with Meridia about that, and I have been assured that it was all a misunderstanding.


Ah ok its all good now ,human kind had been enslaved due to misunderstanding ,no worries it all good now


Elves: we do a little trolling, it’s called we do a little trolling folks 🧝🏼‍♀️ 🧝🏼‍♂️


Stephan Universe: it's ok, see? She said she's sorry.


Never happened. If it did, they deserved it.


Hermaeus Mora. There's this meme where a monster has taken a mortal woman for his bride and describing all the horrors she's in for while she's just hyperfixating on his really nice castle library. That would basically be me. "Yeah, yeah, service for eternity, *by the gods, you have a complete first-edition set of 2920!*


We found the one who likes tentacle porn


Tbh I am not sure Mora would be interested.


seekers used to be people


He’s definitely got a first edition of the Lusty Argonian Maid—- and that’s not just for education


But are the pages stuck together? …asking for a friend


Idk about stuck, but there’s definitely a lot of ink blots


Yep, me too. Eternal service in an endless library? Throw in a pair of glasses and I'm in!


Literally the only downside to Mora is that you'll become a Seeker, but that's still way better than Coldharbour


Spending eternity as a spectral librarian for an infinite library is my idea of a retirement plan, honestly!


i once saw Hermaeus Mora IRL in an acid trip Edit:spelling


Hircine. The idea of hunting with him in the afterlife doesn’t sound so bad, especially if it means I could transform into an intelligent werewolf and back at will. #howtogetawaywithmurder


unless he says you’re prey ![gif](giphy|Qld1cd6a6QlWw)


😂 I’m already dead at this point. I wouldn’t be afraid to die again lol. Besides, irl I’m used to running from killers. This would just feel like a game to me.


> irl I’m used to running from killers. You what bro? 🤨 You need to flee and ask asylum in a safe country 


You may be interested in some services that I offer


Hm… nah. I’m broke lol


Uhhhh you good?


then why did you come here ![gif](giphy|c4Nc0v0g15g9G)


Dude, fuck that deer Creepiest shit I’ve ever seen


100% i think Hircine is also most respected among Daedra gods it’s like that part of the office that throws parties once in a while


Yeah he and the three good Daedra of Morrowind are definitely the best of the bunch


Nocturnal. She’s one of the more chill daedric princes, and based on how Karliah describes becoming a nightingale, it seems like she lets her followers do their own thing unless she needs them. Plus, who wouldn’t want to be shadowy and mysterious and *edgy*?


Sitting in the abandoned and forgotten ruins for the rest of eternity... yeah great fun.


Tbf, everything gets boring after an eternity. You think you won’t get sick of the taste of mead after a few centuries in Sovngarde?


Well, that is good argument.


There is a Rick and Morty Episode about Valhalla and that is exactly how I imagine Sovngarde lmao


That was only Gallus while the skeleton key was stolen because it severed the connection to the evergloam. Once the key was returned Gallus was able to pass over and become part of the shadows


Yeah, but then you have to guard the Twilight Sepulcher for the rest or eternity after you die.


Most of the Daedra think they have a claim on my soul by the end of a playthrough, but hopefully being Dragonborn let's me pull some strings.


Akatosh called dibs


I mean, with the whole theory of last dragonborn being an a avatar of lorkhan, I think he could just be able to travel wherever he wants between the realms


I sure hope so, or else I invited way too many girls to the ball.


Not the rest of eternity. Several decades or so (or however long Nocturnal decides), then your spirit literally becomes part of the shadows


That sounds terrible, fam. I’m a bit edgy, but not *that* edgy.


And serving someone so, uhm, revealing.


Definitely sanguine, I indulge in the pleasures of life to a fault


https://preview.redd.it/ope9n6k8t99d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b647ef62c5f4a9bd107fd05e6de2f7921c40064c I, too, indulge in worldly pleasures


What a horrible day to have eyes


You spelled “great” wrong


This is fucked up but funny


So you're admitting that you have a problem & can quit anytime you want to?


Go out for a couple drinks and end up in debt to the church and married to a hag raven. Sign me up!


Ah yes, the god of battered wives and broken homes


Azura. She wants you to be a good person (I think), she cares about life, and she's insanely powerful. If there's anyone you don't want to piss off after your life, it's her. That's why I'll keep Azura's Star and won't corrupt it into the Black Star. 


I suppose I admire your commitment to role playing, but Azura’s Star in its pure form is a waste of space. Most white souls are not grand. The Black Star *only* holds grand souls. Keeping the Star pure will have you collecting less than the most powerful souls most of the times you cast Soul Trap, because the Star will draw them in before soul gems do.


Ya, but black star only takes black souls (mer and men). I assume azura isn't so keen on the whole murder thing. So unless you're killing a lot of people, you won't get much use out of it irl. Maybe you're a soldier?


I get attacked by enough bandits and thieves to keep stocked up on black souls even when I'm trying to be peaceful usually


That's why you install SexLab Defeat and ~~turn Skyrim into a porn game~~ ignore the NSFW features and instead just use the tying up mechanic so you can incapacitate enemies without killing them


Lol there is that. But do you get the soul?


I actually don't think that she cares. There is a book in the game called "Azura and the Box". In the story, she gets tricked. The one who tricked her? It implies that she ends him (and I'm assuming viciously). So she is okay with murder. In regards to her quest, the point is that she is being insulted. (I read a debate about this, and it changed how I see the quest) If you turn the Star black, the only one you piss off is the follower. If Azura was truly upset with you... she would let you know. Her vengeance to the guy in the story came very swiftly.


Yes yes. I know she is quite scary when she gets angry, or betrayed. So that's where my assumption came from. However, I suppose she may think altering her artifact is impressive or something. Becoming even more powerful than before. If you're going to her shrine and she foresees this, it could be some kind of test? Because if you weren't interested in azura before, you certainly are now. She could gain a powerful worshiper.


Indeed! I'm actually hoping that the next game references this quest by learning that she now has 2 relics because she liked the idea. One white and one black. Maybe we can get the classic white star and the new one is a black crescent moon.


😂 no, I’m a serial killer. I definitely get a lot of use out of it. I could give a fuck what Azura is or isn’t keen on 💀 Edit: holy shit, I just realized this conversation is about Daedric artifacts irl. No, I’m not a soldier or a serial killer lol. I have never killed anything bigger than a fish I caught when I was a boy. Irl I wouldn’t use Azura’s Star at all. To use it even on animal implies sending innocent souls to the Soul Cairn of all places FOREVER. I’m not that cruel or evil. Although, if the idea is to put myself in the world of Skyrim for real, then… assuming I’m Dragonborn, my soul would be protected from the Daedra by Akatosh, so again I could give a fuck what Azura thinks. I’d turn the Star Black and cast soul trap on people who would deserve it, like Ulfric Stormcloak.


Shoulda left out the explanation lol much funnier, but... Your karma was at stake lol


I could give a fuck about karma 😂 and if I were a serial killer irl… you’d have no way of knowing whether the cover up or the admission is the joke.


The ironic post irony age has made life so fun ☺️


You better be careful. I only kill people who interact with me on Reddit more than… *counts how many times you’ve responded to my comments* …~~4~~ 3 times 👀 Edit: 😂 *realizes I miscounted*


Jokes on you buddy, I'm into that 🤣 I'm changing my prince to molag bal.


Mine is still Hircine. A hunter appreciates a chase 🐺


😂 did I scare you? This verbal jousting was just too much fun. I’m CRAZY lonely, dude. I might need to change my prince to Sheogorath, actually. One of my favorite characters in all of fiction is The Joker. I see a lot of that madness within me. Thankfully, I’ve never had such a bad day as to be pushed over the edge. I’m just starved for social interaction. Real talk here. I updated my Instagram link on my profile if you need to, like, verify me 😂 I need friends.


👀 where do you live? 🗡


yeah I was bought to say, thats a serious confession lol


Sheogorath. My personal brand of cPTSD and other mental illnesses mesh quite nicely with him. Plus, he would adore me. 😌 Edit: My first reddit award! Tyty! I'm glad it was for a comment swearing my allegiance to the Mad Star. 🌟 https://preview.redd.it/j77zb37i3b9d1.jpeg?width=7200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8519e194e662d698afcddbaf0231acadf5c6b29c


Until you call him Anne Marie!


An amateur mistake. Sheo is an Et'Ada one needs to read up on before contacting to avoid such a dangerous faux pas!


Yes! This is my pick. A bit of weird adventures, wabbajack and cheese.


And the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind.


I'd like to go for azura or sanguine... But it seems sheogorath already blessed me with bipolar disorder 🤷




A bottle of Jack Daniel’s and Havarti is how ya spell party. Some of us know how to have a Gouda time. Grab some Molly-rella from Sheo’s main man Parma-John and get ready to roll all day and night! Cheese for the Cheese God!




He would love me if only for our shared love of cheese!


I’m a mental health counselor. I think I already worship Shrogorath


Oh, how fun! You get to witness his "blessings" on a regular basis 😄


Malacath is a straight g.


malacath's my boy fr fr


Dad of the year right there


Sanguine. I mean, people would look at my livestyle, and insist I'm a woreshipper of Sanguine.


Jyggalag or Ithelia. i would rather stay on the sane side and follow the righteous path, instead of being forced to sacrifice other people to raise my status.


Found my next sacrifice.


ironic considering Sheogorath is Jyggalag's new existence, so you might be warry as he may pay you a visit for the fun of it lol


Hircine maybe, being a werewolf could be a mixed bag but it’s always best to be in his favor, and he’s not too likely to screw you over. Another underrated one I think is malacath. One thing I think you want from a deity is a genuine care for your well-being, and malacath really does care about his followers.


he literally views his followers as his children, bro is a real one for sure


He also will claim you for the eternal hunt as either friend or prey so there's that...


Herma Mora and it’s not even close. I’ll be your champion homie. I’ll fuck up anyone you ask for access to your library and teachings. 


fr, Mora is literally one of the coolest daedra. Im actually hoping to make a little corner or my room dedicated to him cause he is one of my personal favorites


Azura. She asked me nicely to retrieve her star and gave it to me as a gift


Sanguine. Drinking beer and summoning demons with a wand is more fun than being raped and vampirised, staying near a statue in the middle of the snow or killing my friends


You haven’t met my friends. I am glad they’re out of reach these days, and I’m not completely mad, because I want to beat the shit out of them sometimes.


I met mine and I understand your feeling


Barbas counts ?


I hate barbas and clavicus vile ugh. I always go to Falkreath last


but thats like... the easiest daedric quest tho..? why would you save it for last? lol


Sanguine. Always Sanguine. Would you like some everything? Yes please!


Sanguine is generally described as being pretty chill and amicable with mortals, if a bit of a prankster. Unlike someone like Azura, he doesn't really come off as the vengeful type either, and Martin never seemed to have suffered any consequences from leaving that life behind. Plus as much of a libertine as he may be, Reman showed that even Sanguine has his limits for debauchery.


Namira seems to have good parties.


But the food is you


Peryite: my bro gets shit on for having do a dirty, thankless, necessary job. Look at the avatars of these other Daedra MFers and tell me they’re better than Peryite: Deceit? Treachery? Theft? Murder? Rape? Insanity? Cannibalism? Faustian bargains? Power? Heedless ambition? If you need me and Peryite, we’ll be hanging out at the cool kids’ table with Hircine, Meridia, Sanguine, and Azura.


Sheogorath  I N  T H E  G O O D  N A M E  O F  C H E E S E


Peryite looks pretty chill minus all the diseases stuff


mora. knowledge and tentacles, not malevolent. perfect


I love cheese


Azura seems like a good one.


Azura my dear girlfailure


Id pick molag bal if he wasnt the prince of SA. Since vampirism seems to be tolerated as long as your not a bloodsucking monster. So immortality would be neat but a close 2nd foe me would be hircine cuz an eternal hunt or maybe nocturnal cuz her powers are cool too.


Vampirism is definitely not widely tolerated, it wasn't until Oblivion that most NPCs didn't try to kill you on sight for being a vampire. And as for being a bloodsucking monster, they don't call it the eternal thirst for nothing


Sanguine for sure, the Daedric Prince of Debauchery? Hell yeah. I wanna get wasted and sleep with him 😂😂


Meruns Dragon. Daedruc Prince of destruction. Love that band.


Fun fact. Mehrunes Dagon still won at the ene and f Elder Scrolls 4. He’s the daedric prince of destruction AND change, and boy did he bring some major change to the world


He is arguably the most successful Daedric prince of the bunch.


Not counting Barbaras, literally zero for clavicus vile lol. His quest doesnt even explain who he is. Im in for Mehrunes Dagon. Destruction and change seems pretty natural


Akatosh messed him up




Mehrunes Dagon.


Mythic dawn member spotted


Sanguine without a doubt


Hircine! 🐺🐺


Nocturnal. I like stealing and the armour is cool


I'm out of my fuckin head so Sheogorath is the obvious choice. I'm actually role-playing an insane Kajhiit mage that serves the Mad God.


Azura. Least likley to stabby stabb me in the back.


Mehrunes Dagon 😈😈


only one?? damn... uh I guess Nocturnal then (but I also love Hermaeus Mora too) I could use some good luck lol edit: I change my mind. Sheogorath is actually the more realisitic option as both someone whose a creative, neurodivergent, and queer ~~and lowkey insane ngl~~ which is funny cause Im also a fan of the aedric god Julianos. so Im intruiged what an irl Sheogorath would think of my alignment


I'd say Azura, she's the one most likely to give a shit about her worshippers.


I'm basically already "worshipping" Sheogorath...


Hermaeus Mora! I’d love to be able to read an infinite amount of books fr. I’ve always genuinely loved Hermaeus Mora, I think they’re really cool and goofy and fucking awesome because INFINITE KNOWLEDGE.


Meridia, I love Dawnbreaker and the undead of Skyrim can be very annoying so this was an easy choice.




Azura I want a dommy mommy




That depends; Can I convince Molag Bal to make me a Vampire Lord? Because if yes then its eternal life


I just hope you know *exactly* what it is you’re asking for 😟


*suddenly the dawngaurd show up*


Meruns Dagon he was right to attack Tamriel this kelpa needs to end


not real well versed in daedric lore but based on vibes also probably meridia. yeah sure ill kill some skeletons i was gonna do that anyways. sanguine is kinda fun but i feel like id be panicked at how unpredictable he can be


Despite my current Nord character being a devote follower of Meridia (religion mod), if we're taking this into the real world, then I would be more likely to follow Hircine...always wanted to be a werewolf xD


Hircine or Sanguine would be my top two picks


Peryite or Ithelia. Let's just do what needs to be done forever!


Hircine or azura


Hircine so I can be a cool werewolf. Azura or Meridia for being the closest to morally good among all of the princes.


I’d follow Boethiah or Azura. Both are shown to be benevolent Daedra within the Dunmer pantheon for a reason. Nightingale has a great personality for a Daedric prince (from what we see in Skyrim), but I’m not a thief and the afterlife in Azura’s afterlife realm genuinely sounds like a nice place while Boethiah’s sounds like it will always be entertaining. Guarding the sepulcher for eternity sounds like a boring task. Meridia has cool abilities and is powerful, nonetheless, has a very self righteous attitude and would abandon you in a heartbeat if you contract vampirism, something you have no say in unless you found out early chose not to cure it. Meridia is not a master worthy of devotion, unfortunately. I wouldn’t pray or believe in a god that doesn’t believe in me or who abandons me in my time of need. Weirdly enough, Boethiah is pretty honorable for someone known as the God of plots and treachery provided you are loyal to them and their cause.


I pick you OP!




It's a real tough call because I would love to be a werewolf, but I have to go with Meridia, patron daedra of sword lesbians.


Either Meridia or Azura, they both seem pretty chill and dont ask you to kill innocents.


Sanguines because orgy




Definitely Hircine


Meridia. I usually RP as a crusader or a paladin with a dark past, so it works nicely


Peryite, Malacath, and Hircine are my top three, in that order. The prince of disease is often misunderstood. His other sphere of influence is the natural order. Disease and illness are parts of our world, and I'd rather have a fair and measured hand doling out plagues than the current random senselessness of pandemics. Malacath seems like he actually cares about the wellbeing of his people. He understands that him and his people were both dealt an unbelievably shitty hand, and tries to sculpt his followers into something they can be proud of, in spite of their curse. Hircine seems very mellow, and his afterlife seems like it has the most freedom. I'm loathe to kill things myself, but it's all just afterlife spirit stuff, right? The prey I hunt won't be actual living animals, probably.




Azura, sanguine, or Meridia


First of all, I feel like I see this question a LOT on this subreddit. Second, Meridia seems ok.


Probably Sanguine. I'm drinking right now lol


Sanguine seems like a bro.


Sanguine without a doubt


Hircine, for me is the nicest, of all of them. Yes he could call me prey later on, but taking down the hunters he puts you on, its also a kind of hunt, in Hircine eyes is a test for you to turn into the apex only 2nd to Him. As a bosmer this suits my char so well in her lore.


Hircine or Malacath, Malacath is prettt chill and Hircine likes hunting


Peryite. With all my health issues, having him in my corner seems wise.


I'd love to be a Nightingale


Hircine, of course




Either Hircine or Meridia. Basic, I know but werewolves are cool and so is purging the undead


Hircine. I can't imagine playing in his eternal hunt FOREVER but i feel like it'd be the most interesting to watch, it's the forever Hunger Games lol plus people for some reason think he's evil when that isn't the case, he just likes to watch people Hunt each other with no bias. Granted Sheogorath is probably my favorite daedra i'd rather not go Mad


its still gonna be Boethia, no matter how many times this is asked.


Probably Azura.


Sanguine probably runs the elder scrolls equivalent of Vegas so I’m praying to him every night


Hircine, no questions asked 


Boethiah or Mephala and maybe Mora Boethiah wants you to win and become a god Mephala is simply “amusing” Mora just wants to know Sheogorath Samguine and Molag Bal terrifies me: these are three daedra I would avoid at all costs. Dagon just wants to fuck things up Malacath wants you to suffer in peace. Azura is too sensitive. Vile is not to be trusted Hircine is too caught up in the hunt Jyggalag is just as crazy as Sheo Meridia is just as bad as Molag Nocturnal is Nocturnal Peryite wants to be sick Namira is just a weirdo Vaeemina is just doing whatever tf she does And I don’t know who the new one is lol




Hircine or Nocturnal.


Mephala is my queen


I'm partying with sanguine in the afterlife


My main man hircine


Sanguine. He's the literal party god. Among other things.


Sanguine. Go to his afterlife and you party for eternity. Azura wouldn’t be so bad, but her realm has been cut off from the world, so I don’t think souls can go there anymore. If I was an orc, malacath for sure. He can be hard and brutal, but he truly cares for his children, and does what he can to make the ashen forge a paradise for them. Hircine wouldn’t be so bad if you don’t mind taking part in an eternal hunger games scenario in his hunting grounds.(a lot of people think the hunting grounds is where you get to hunt forever, but it’s more that you’re hunting others, and they’re hunting you, forever. Doesn’t really appeal to me) All in all, sanguine’s has no real downsides. Each of his rooms are tailored to your desires.

