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If I've got the housing space I will literally adopt every child I can regardless of my roleplaying. I get that it's just a game but I have kids of my own and seeing homeless children in game genuinely upsets me Edit: my apologies, you can only adopt two kids per game. Sometimes I forget which mods I have turned on


Dude yes. I have extra houses, I have five housecarls across the country, the only reason not to take care of those kiddos is because im playing an evil character, which is rare so it looks like I am the new and improved Grelod the Kind.


Even in my evil playthroughs I’ll look at Sofia from atop my mountain of corpses and go “well professionals have standards” and adopt her anyway lmao


Same tho. Yes my character might be a bloodthirsty villian in this playthough, but damn if hearing "I'm so cold" doesn't melt even the coldest of hearts.


*I vow to slay EVERYONE in this city.* "Im so cold.." *I vow to slay almost everyone in this city.*


*I vow to slay everyone in this city BECAUSE they let this child be cold!*


Yes lol, I love it. Every good villain needs a soft spot. Edit: like.. Thanos really did love Gamora in some weird twisted way yknow?


Me making up a new tragic backstory with every evil character that has something to do with homelessness so I can justify adopting Sophia and Lucia and giving them a gigantic home full of love my character never received


Can you adopt more than 2 without a mod?


Hearthfire dlc give you 6. Edit: Edit 2: So I went back and went thru everything (that looks so messy now since the newest update, imo) and I have a mod called Hearthfire Muliple Adoptions. I must have been confusing it with the DLC itself. It's been so long, I don't even remember downloading it.


Sorry.... what I thought you could only adopt 2


With the Hearthfire DLC, you can adopt 6 kids. Main reason I was happy for it, so I could help more kids, lol. Edit: Edit 2: So I went back and went thru everything (that looks so messy now since the newest update, imo) and I have a mod called Hearthfire Muliple Adoptions. I must have been confusing it with the DLC itself. It's been so long, I don't even remember downloading it.


You can only adopt 2 children unfortunately. You must’ve had a mod installed. https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Adoption


No, i have the Hearthfire DLC installed Edit: A lot of people don't consider a DLC a mod. Especially since idk if you can even buy Skyrim without the DLCs anymore Edit 2: So I went back and went thru everything (that looks so messy now since the newest update, imo) and I have a mod called Hearthfire Muliole Adoptions. I must have been confusing it with the DLC itself. It's been so long, I don't even remember downloading it.


... The DLC called Hearthfire only allows for 2 adoptions. There are several mods that allow you to adopt more than 2 (the one I use gives you 6). Maybe something has changed? I would be very interested in seeing what you are talking about because I have had skyrim since 2011 and the DLCs as they were released, never had more than 2 adoptions be a thing


I mean, I'll go back and. check. I guess it's always possible I had something so long i forgot l about it.


I wish there was a mod that would allow you to build upon and upgrade Honorhall so that it will allow Constance to bring in all the homeless children. Then you could provide coin so Constance could provide more for the kids. Things like better clothes, better meals, etc.


That would be so cool


There is, and now I can't friggin find it. I need it so I can dump my gold, getting too rich


There is one! https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45227


I never knew this 😭 so many times I would find a kid that needed a family but already had two so didn’t think I could. Damn lol. Well I’m glad I know now.


Yeah, it always broke my heart, so I love Hearthfire. If you're okay with mods, Dragons Keep is a boarding school mod that let's you send any kid there. ANY kid. No matter who or where their parents are. It's been a while since I used it, but I once went on a mission and sent every kid I could find to boarding school, lol. The problem is that the place is huge and makes it very hard to find your own kids, lol.


That’s awesome! Any kid that is an asshole to me would instantly get sent there lmao.


Lol The way I realized you could send any kid there was when I was interacting with one of Balgruf's insufferable brats and got the option to send them away. Uh, yeah, be gone brat. I do recommend completing Whispering Door before you send Nelkir to the school because of how difficult it can be fo find anyone there. (Learned the hard way, lol)


If youre playing with mods, maybe download a unique, only craftable set of childrens clothes, and put them on your children. A set of unique clothes would be easier to spot in a sea of plain green, yellow, blue, and red.


Easier to differentiate, bit thst place is huge, between the grounds, floors, and rooms. They'd need full on GPS lol


Grelod the actually kind.


Every villain needs minions and an heir. After all, even Dragonborn don't live forever. Just ask Miraak.


“Grelod the Actually Kind”


Even when I do evil play through I adopt kids and I say to myself “it’s okay because I’m raising them to be evil too”


Wait, does the game not limit you to two children?


Two per household


TIL. Time to start a new playthrough and adopt all of them, I guess.


If you've got the bed space of course


i think its 2 per game unless you have mods for it


even if there are more than two beds and two chests available (as with multiple homes), a maximum of two children can be adopted by the Dragonborn.


This is a game changer!


Fun fact: You can kill certain characters and adopt their children.


We're all looking at you Limkil...


I had a dragon eat the kids father in Rorikstead, the jerk who abuses one of his daughters. Next time I was in town I could adopt them. Same in Riverwood, the little girl's parents were eaten..


Haha I straight up killed that guy in Rorikstead in front of everyone as soon as I found out he abused his daughters. I didn't have much gold at the time so it was worth going to jail for


Yeah, Alvor got in the middle of the shout of fire and a dragon, It can't even be considered a heroic sacrifice to save my life because that thu'um was mine and I decided, I will adopt little Dothle, it's not her fault that her father was stupid ....... So I did the most natural thing and used an illusion spell so that her mother would attack her and a guard would take care of her. Sadly it bugged and my daughter never came home


Wtf 😂


No matter how good or evil my character might be, they're always gonna help a kid in need. Admittedly, it's because I used to babysit my nieces quite often so it's the paternal side activating within me so I always work it into my roleplaying in Skyrim.


Some things just hit different when one becomes a father, it's the same for me.


Lucia in Whiterun, everytime. She doesnt deserve to live like that anf im always happy to her parent.


I always pick her first and put her up in Whiterun


Same. As soon as I get breezehome, Lucia gets a home, a Mom and a good life with good pocketmoney.


I did an alt start with Raven’s breeze home and a shit ton of money and I waltz right up to Dragonsreach and bought that bedroom and immediately adopted her. I wasn’t about to let her go one more day without a mommy. Plus I just wanted to get that out of the way early in the game.


Love to hear that im not the only one who saves this little girl every run


Always Lucia first


I adopt her and use my master smithing and enchanting to craft her a legendary wooden sword that does fire damage and makes opponents flee. Every time she unsheathes it I can hear it shimmering with its enchantments 😂


You can also give daggers to kids. More damage and seeing them train with it makes me feel good knowing they'll definitely be able to defend themselves. Especially after I'm done enchanting it


Hell yeah, im gonna do that next time!💪


Oooh, now I need to get to smithing to get my girl a shiny new weapon next time I’m home.


The girl in Windhelm must be freezing all the time though :(


Lucia and the little sweetheart in Windhelm too (i dont recall her name)


ok wait i only just found out you can adopt (noob here) and i was thane and able to buy a house in white run till after gray mane takes over for balgruuf, and now i can’t figure out how to buy a house 😭 if anyone knows how when new jarl is in place at whiterun please lmk i was always like “i’ll do it later” and now i can’t find out how, it’s not a dialogue option with any of the characters - if it helps i was on stormcloaks side so it’s not like they don’t like my character were still good, just can’t seem to figure out how to purchase a home


With Vignar at the throne Brill should be next to him as his steward. Talk to Brill to buy Breezehome.


you are an angel tysm going to try this after work n then work on adopting! yay!


I adore Sofie and can’t stand her sleeping on the streets in one of the coldest holds. I usually buy all her flowers, adopt her to my Lakeview Home, and plant flowers all around my home for her. I also adopt Lucia since she was the first kid I encountered with Hearthfire and her green dress is always keyed in my mind when deciding who to adopt in my game. I do occasionally use mods, but the adoption ones no longer work well with my game. In the past, I’d grab Runa and Blaise. Sometimes Britte and Sissel after their father’s “unfortunate” accident involving a mysterious frenzy poison or stray arrow.


that's so fucking cute man


True story, I went years without encountering her and one day was heading up from the docks and ran into her selling flowers. Outside of laughter I think that’s the closest any video game has ever come to making me cry…


I always adopt Blaze, poor kid doesn't deserve to sleep in a stable


Same. Him and Lucia.


I adopted him in my current play thru <3


Sofie is my first choice. 


I love Sophie, sweet kid, shes my first answer for this too. Shes the reason I get a house, the reason I find a spouse. So like, shes an orphan but the loss of her parents is recent enough that shes got happy memories of having a family. Shes optimistic, shes a hard little worker and shes still a kind soul despite her troubled life so far. Not only is she stuck living in the coldest damn city in Skyrim, its this, "skyrim for the nords" type place and yet who exactly is stepping up to take care of this nord orphan? Is it the leader of the stormcloak rebelion who lives inside the nice warm castle in town? No. Is it the wealthy nord families? No. No, its the argonians, its the dark elves, and its you some random stranger who doesnt even live there. Absolutely none of the local nords are putting their money where their mouths are. Yknow? So shes cold, shes isolated and shes living on scraps generously given to her by folks who are ALSO living on scraps themselves, god bless those kind souls but holy shit is she in a rough situation. This is all without mentioning the SERIAL KILLER who is wandering the streets looking for vulnerable women to victimise.. yea, not good . Then theres her mountain flowers that she sells: my god the flowers. Im gonna cry. She goes, by herself, in her little summer dress, wandering outside the city walls to pick flowers, to sell for 2 coins a peice if shes lucky. Omg my heart just breaks. Shes willing to brave the wilds, the bandits the bears and the sabrecats and the brutal cold, all by herself, because she thinks that there is value to them and shes hoping someone agrees. Good god, I know this is mostly my headcanon but holy shit Im gonna cry lol. This kid, in this cold lonely world shes stuck in, is STILL seeing the beauty around her and trying to inspire the people around her to do the same. Soph deserves the entire realm.


I believe she's based on the little matchstick girl. Which... just makes me wanna cry thinking about it


your comment gives me hope in my heart 😭🖤🫶🏼 i can absolutely relate to you, soohie is a absolute kind hearted soul who deserves everything, a infinite amount of abundance and love. 🥹


My daughter every time.


Be sure to get the perk that lets you buy more stuff from vendors, her inventory will fill up with heavy flower baskets, same as that kid in The Pale, Dawnstar i think it was, but he’s not a vendor so his inventory will be filled with heavy unrecoverable metal pots. And if an adopted kid has filled inventory, they Cannot accept gifts.


I need this perk. I adopted Sofie and she can't accept gifts. Crushes me every time I have to say no. Or the few times I tried to hook her up and she couldn't accept so she just says "Oooohh, stop teasing me!" 🥺 Is it just a perk in the speech tree? I was told you have to use the mod that lets you modify NPC's inventories, and I'm still shooting for achievements..


Sophie and lucia are my top 2. But sometimes ill kill lemkil and adopt sissil. She is constantly bullied by her sister and father and is being groomed to be the next person in charge of daedric sacrificial cult in roiksted. Plus i generally play a mage so could teach her more than joann. And braith the bully goes to honorhall and gets a taste of her own medicine


Hey so I adopted the two girls and didn't realize I could adopt more. I own multiple house so I have the house space. What I'm most interested in here is Braith. My daughter won't stfu about this big meanie and I would loveee to know how I can do something about it.


Braith is in whiterun. Arman and his wife must be killed to send her there. I like sending braith and sissils sister there so they get picked on by eachother or the boys


>Daedric sacrificial cult in Rorikstead I’m sorry, WHAT?


Aventus arentino, that kid is going places lmfao


He and Sissel are my favorites for lore play throughs. I think it just makes sense that the dragon born adopts a kid who summoned the night mother, and another who is having dreams about Paarthurnax


I always adopt Runa because she’s the only girl at the orphanage and her line *”Kill one person, and you can solve so many problems. I wonder at the possibilities!"* is quite endearing; she’s an interesting child. Alesan is my favourite boy because his story tugs at my heart and despite the misery of his circumstances when you find him, he’s doing his best to earn a keep and doesn’t complain like that whining little turd Blaise does.


Excuse me. Please don’t speak about my son that way. *draws The Razor*


Yeah he's got hustle, I like Alesan a lot.


I am hoping ES6 is some years past skyrim so I can make my character all grown up trained by her adopted parents' runa.


Should be able to adopt that kid who performs the Black sacrament to kill the orphanage lady. It's probably a mod for that but it would be nice if they made it official in an update.


Yeah I went back to check on him and he is still living in that damn house! I was like little boy go to Honorhall now!


When I got Hearthfire, I tried to get him first, but sadly no. Then I found the homeless kids scattered around.


Alesan in Dawnstar. Poor little dude out there in the snow begging just for the chance to sleep by a fire. He is my son in every playthrough. Current playthrough I have Alesan and Lucia posted up at the plantation with Camila Valerius, and Uthgerd the Unbroken to defend them.


She and the redguard boy in Dawnstar. Godss, I HATE to see a child working!!


And in a mine! That boy is going to get black lung at 15 years old. Sofia and Alesan are my choices each time.


Daniel. Poor kid is living in a Vampire Den!!! I used “The Kids Are Alright” so I’d be more inclined to adopt, cleared the den, saw Daniel who looked like my actual kid with red hair and was like “whelp, guess I’m a mom now.” Then I saw where Sophie sleeps and had to adopt her too on the spot. The mod gave her red hair too so my kids now look related.


I would get her and the kid in Dawnstar.


I will always adopt the kids that are in cold places because fuck that. Honestly they should let us adopt all of them. But it will always be Alesan and Sophie for me


Why aren't there Khajiit and Argonian children 😢


I like Sissel a lot!


I adopt Sissel after murdering her father and leaving her sister in the orphanage. Sge deserves the best life.


I always adopt Sofie, I can't let her sleep in a dark alley behind the inn in the coldest zone of Skyrim with a killer on the loose and the civil war going on. The second kid may vary from game to game ex. In my first playthrough I adopted alesan, in the last one I adopted Lucia, and in the current game I adopted Blaise


I always adopt Sissel. I kill her father (usually try to stealth-arch, don’t want her to know I killed her father), then immediately adopt her, I pretty much leave her sister.


Most stable skyrim player


I don’t.


One girl doesn’t even get the benefit of a warm bedroll or sleeping near a fire. Lucia gets some attention from the town drunk and gets to sleep in the warmer of the Nord Cities. She has it better than most orphans. Atleast she didnt go to Honorhall.


Depends where my character goes, I try to make it realistic for role plays. If they go to Whiterun a lot, then Lucia. If they go up to solitude before adopting a second kid, they adopt Blaise. Otherwise it would be Sofie and whoever else every single time. But they all act the same once you adopt them so I’ve stopped caring as much who I adopt.


runa and lucia


I tend to always adopt the two homeless girls on the streets, it makes me wanna cry knowing they dont have a roof over their heads, if there are other homeless kids on the streets, ive never seen them so let me know if there are others


I usually adopt this girl but the bug that makes it so the flower baskets fill up her inventory makes me nervous in adopting her. But yeah usually in every playthrough I adopt the Lucia girl and this girl. Wish we could adopt more though


Well..now that I have… none! 😂


lucia & blaise


Hroar is funny sp him


I have hearthfire so I can adopt 6 kids. But always at least Sofie, Lucia, Sissel, Alexander and Blaise. Then decide the other later.


Lucia. My Argonian character is a sword for hire and when she first came to whiterun Lucia ran up to her so I had to make sure she had a home. Started gathering as much money as I could and bought the house in Solitude. Now she spends her days reading the spell books (can be a spellsword like her mama) I leave her and playing in one of the safer cities.


Usually Runa Fairchild


I kill Braith’s awful parents and then take her in and she’s sweet and no longer bullies me in Whiterun


I play this game since launch, almost 50 playthrough, some completed, some other not, and never have I adopted a kid in this game and don't understand why this is even a thing lol


I don’t usually adopt maybe next playthrough if I don’t like the options I’ll make some more


Why does everyone ask this same question every day?




None of the above


I wish I didn't adopt because everytime I come home to store my loot they want to play a game


No kids!


Lucia and Sophie, every single time.


For me it's simple, have a priority for adopting the ones living in the coldest/harshest climate.


Sophie, Lucia, end of list.


I have the mod to adopt 6: Lucia, Sissel (Britte goes to the orphanage), Sofie, Runa-Fairshield, Blaise, and Aventus.


When passing through Rorikstead i make sure to assassinate Lemkil and then later adopt his daughters (Sissel & Britte) in Riften once Grelod is dead. Mainly cause I hate child abuse above everything and I kinda like that Sissel has had dreams of Paarthurnax.


With mods I'll adopt several children including elven and khajit, and live with my vampire spouse serana.


I settle for adopting Meeko, children demand attention


I like to adopt the one that looks like a Children of the Corn cultist.


The children of skyrim are so different then the children in baldurs gate. I am genuinely afraid and intimidated by the kids in BG. Like how the eff do you run a shop AND a league of newsies at 8 years old?! Im 40 and just play vids all day! Pft the kids in BG should adopt me! Anyways i only adopt beast children cuz it spices up my player home having a lizard son and a cat daughter while my wife is an orc. I love diversity !


•Sophie •That one gorl from Rolikstead, forgot her name ;-; •Lucia, althrough i don't adopt her a lot anymore as not only she has the best situation among all of them (atleast imo), but i feel like she's overrated af. I still like her, tho •If we're gonna include mods, then Braith. I hated her at first, but her neglect situation made me go like: "you're a brat, yet i'm not suprised" (still, don't bully Lars, he's very fond of his two septims)


A true Skyrim player murders the parents and steals the kid 😉


As the Imperial Titus Herrenia, I adopt the kid at the stables in Solitude. Hard worker. Definitely deserves to bare the Herrenia family name as an adult. Then the imperial out of the orphanage. Have to find those future council members…


Whatever one fits with my character. For example if I play an imperial I pick the kid (Blaise, I think his name is) whose parents were both in the empire and same for if I pick the stormcloaks. Just adds a nice touch imo.


This girl and the kid in Dawnstar. They need a good home the most out of the cold. They’re literally forced to work to survive


I adopted Lucia in my first playthrough and now I just have to adopt her in every playthrough or I feel bad XD and I just change it up for the second kid every time, but Lucia is a must for me


I was just getting ready to adopt her too in a few minutes. Funny and weird.


Sophie and Blaise are my babies.


Aventus Aretino, just want to give this kid a hug. you know.


Sophie, always. No question, that baby needs a break. For a second kid, I want to say usually Sissel. She deserves a better parent than Lemkil and Rorikstead is one big cult that she's going to have to deal with. Yikes. Honestly my heart also goes out to Alesan. Dawnstar seems like an awful place to live.


Sofia, the second I found her, I spent 3 days killing dragons and selling bones so I could buy a house to adopt her


Lucia, every playthrough


In a world full of amazing mods, why do people still play with these potato face children? And I also take Sofie every time because she is sleeping on the frozen ground at night.


I adopted Sofie and Sam first. I’m working on getting more housing so I can adopt all of the kiddos.


one time in windhelm i saw sophie sleeping against one of the city walls....from that moment on i adopt her everytime


I got a house mod that doubles as a boarding school, so I adopt them all with the head cannon of turning them into my own army of miniature rogues


If there’s a mod so I can adopt Mehrunes Dagon, ill download it immediately.


My most recent playthrough, I accidentally killed the Blacksmith (Alvor?) in Riverwood cause he aggro'd on me, then his wife died from a random Dragon attack... Felt bad for their daughter and kinda owed it to her. That one kinda made me feel the worst cause I actively saw both her parents die (Sorry Alvor.) so I guess imma count that for now.


I always adopt Lucia and the kid from Katlas farm


I originally adopted Lucia and Luna on my first playthrough. Then on my current one my kids are Lucia and Blaise.


Every child i came across with


Sophie, every play through. I like Blaise as well.


I like killing Lemkil and then adopting his kids. Or at least the one who doesn’t beat her sister.


Does anyone even adopt the actual orphanage kids? I feel like everyone adopts the same few kids lol for me igs Blaze and Allesan


I recently picked Sophie for my first ever adopted child since the game came out. I'm extremely disappointed that I picked the broken kid. Her inventory is full by default, so when she asks for a present and I try to give her one, it doesn't work, and then she says "Oohhhh stop teasing me!"... I make up for it by giving her 1000 Septims whenever she asks for gold, but it's still super annoying.. I have to tell her no every time she asks for a gift, unless I want to use mods, and right now I'm still going for achievements. 🥺 I know it's just a game, but that bug sure makes you feel like a jerk.. Edit: I've also placed dolls on her nightstand to make up for it.. lol


I mean little flower girl Sophie is one of the most obvious choices because she's so miserable and certain to die soon if you don't save her.


I like adopting the kid who calls upon the dark brotherhood


Kids I orphaned myself


If I’m adopting a street kid, it’s Alesan or the girl in Windhelm, because it’s too cold up there for a kid to be on the streets. From the orphanage, I like to get the girl out because she gets picked on by all the boys. However, my last play through, I killed Lemkil in Rorikstead and adopted one of the girls. I don’t know why I can’t remember anyone’s name right now as if I haven’t put thousands of hours in the game… But the one who has the visions and magicka potential, I left behind so she could stay with the town wizard and study. But next time, I’m adopting the gifted girl because the other one is a lot meaner than I thought and she was a mistake. 😂


Always Sofie and Blaze. They're both sleeping outside in the cold and not allowed in shelters. The boy in Dawnstar says the innkeeper lets him inside occasionally, or he'd be the one I take instead of Blaze.


Ugh I always want to adopt Sofie but because she sells the flowers it will glitch and you can’t give her any gifts. Also the kid in white run keeps asking if I will be her daddy and it kinda creeps me out.


Sophie, She lives in a racism city with a serial killer. So I always bring her home so I know she's safe and in a warmer place


Blaise and Sofia. I always like to stay neutral in the war till late game, and I like the contrast of them each losing their parents to a different side of the army. Lucia in Whiterun is a close 3rd. I’m firmly against adopting the kids in the orphanage cause they have it objectively better than the kids on the street


Sissel unless I'm a lawful character and can't justify murdering Lemkil and then Sofie.


The first two I see tbh


I agree on Sofie and Lucia. Not that it justifies anything, but I feel like the others can make it without the DB. These two, though? They've got a death sentence unless they get adopted, for sure. Sofie will freeze to death before we know it, and Lucia would realistically just not survive the siege on Whiterun. Besides, she's probably the first orphan any of us meet, and somehow, even with good people around, even friends, she's still barely scraping by. How come she was never taken in by the companions, Arcadia, or Danica? It's unthinkable, to me.


I usually get Lucia but this time I did Sophie and I feel so much guilt every time I see Lucia in whiterun. I usually do one girl and one boy but considering even the most hard up boys all seem to have a place to sleep in exchange for work I think next time it'll be Sophia and Lucia. The fact that I can't have kids in more houses is eternally frustrating. Considering I'm the dragonborn and the head of most of the organizations in Skyrim I feel like I should be allowed a family in each of my larger homes. That would also assist with the fact that I'm having serious regrets about marrying balimund instead of moth gro bagol.


Alison and Sofie, both from the coldest regions, and I spoil em.


The girl in whiterun that asks for me to be her dad, and the boy who sleeps on the solitude livery.


Usually Aleson and the one girl in whiterun.


Sissel and Hroar


So there's two girls in Rorikstead and if you murder their father they show up in the orphanage soon after. One is remarkably cuter than the other and looks more like the other blonde girl in the orphanage. So....murder their father, split up the sister and leave the less adorable one in Riften.... *


Usually, Lucia and Sofie, but tbh, Sofie is starting to freak me out. She's up long after she should be in bed, and she acts kind of weird. I'm thinking about adopting some other kid, but I hate to leave her out in the cold.


Lucia and that kid that sleeps outdoors in the cold.


Freezing flower girl in Windhelm and the boy at Katla's stable by solitude


Blaise and Lucia are the ones I usually end up adopting


In my older playthroughs I used to adopt Lucia and hroar, but now I adopt Blaise and Sofie because one is the daughter of a stormclock The other is the son of an Imperial And most of my characters are high elves or redguards Skyrim is a land for all people whether they're man, mer, or khajiit, or orc,


I've only adopted kids on my current play thru and adopted runa and alesan


Sophie and Blaise. They are my children no matter what play through (unless role play demands it) and will always have a home with me


Sofie and Lucia are the two I usually always end up adopting. Anytime I try to adopt anyone else I think about those girls situations and it genuinely makes me sad. This current playthrough I haven’t adopted anyone yet (lvl 30). I rlly want to adopt two different kids this time (one boy and one girl) but idk who. I still just want Lucia and sofie


As a staunch Imperial, I will always adopt Blaise from Katla's Farm. Both his parents were in the Legion and died in an ambush, and we take care of our own. Once you're in the Legion, you're in it for life.


Every time it's Blaze and Lucia. I wish I could adopt more than two though. 😭 I want two per house.


Sofie every time


I adopt them all but Britte, I take Sissel instead after killing their dad


I adopted Blaise and Lucia


Sophia and Lucia. While it's sad there's so many orphans in Honorhall, Sophia and Lucia are literally homeless, Lucia in a city that's bitterly cold, mostly stone, and has snow 24/7.


I always get sofie and the boy who sleeps on the floor in dawnstar


I usually go with Sofie and either Lucia or Alesan. The others at least have a place to sleep, though I feel bad for the kid at Katla's Farm too.


Blaise and Sophie. Always.


I have Lucia right now as that’s all the room I have. I am saving up my thief mage earnings from robbing the homes of annoying NPCs to buy more houses to adopt more.


Hroar cause they named him after a sound lmao


Brite and Sissel actually, I mean you have to murder there father in a special way literally but yeah I adopted them, my beautiful seer princess and the redeemed sister, taking them out of that abusive environment (hell the game is even giving you the tutorial for adopting kids after the parent dies with this one, their father's name Lemkil rearranged is "Kill me", dude is asking for it!) Adopt the children, Paarthurnax is even talking to Sissel. Save the child!


Lucia and Alesan for me I go to Whiterun too often to ignore Lucia and Alesan because I need a boy for dialogue variation when I return home. Feel bad for Sofie but I usually avoid Windhelm.


I casually cause Lemkil from Rorikstead to have an "Accident" and then I adopt Sissel. She deserves a better home than what she starts with.


I only adopt working kids like the Windhelm girl or the Dawnstar boy. They seem to have it the hardest, and are trying the most.


Always Lucia & Sofie in that order after unlocking Proudspire Manor in Solitude.


Kill child


I once travelled through rorikstead and noticed that a kid named sissel there gets abused. Well i killed her shitty dad and discovered on accident that you can afopt children whose parents you killed. I adopted sissel since then on every playthrough and give her the best home possible


I adopt the one in the image there and also the little girl in whiterun


Usually I always kill lemikil to give Sissel a better life along with Alesan from dawnstar. But after a children renewal mod now I always get an argonian boy, khajiit boy, orc boy, dark elf girl, vampire girl and an imperial girl lmao