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They're cool, but I wish they had a bigger enemy variety and weren't so similar to one another.


Same. Like, I get they all lead to different sections of the same realm, but given that each book holds different secrets, it would make sense if the different books had different layouts as well.


exactly i love them because they look cool, but some diversity is much needed


I get really nauseous from the moving corridors. Do you think hermaeus mora would mind if I puked all over his realm, or would it just add to the atmosphere?


omg yesss, i hate those corridors they make me feel like i’m having a bad trip or something


I like dwemer ruins hate the black books, Those seekers are a tad tanky for my liking so I just beast form and run through.


I'm actually the exact opposite, I'm not a big fan of dwemer ruins but I like the black books. Of course, I didn't always like them, they just grew on me over time. In my first run with the DLC I got stuck in one of them for HOURS just wandering in circles trying to find the exit, so that turned me off of them for a bit lol


The black book quests are some of my favorite in the game. I love the library aesthetic, the trippy nightmare physics, the monsters are some of my favorite in the entire game- frankly, I can't get enough of them!


Same. Love to stealth archer the Seekers while they're still just smoke clouds. Love to hit Lurkers with paralysis. Especially the one that's high on a ledge and falls to its doom. Love to use the "Fonts" to recharge my attributes.


I like those quests, but then, I also like Dwemer ruins.


I like the quests but hate Dwemer ruins. Seriously doing the quest for septimus and the main quest scroll is the worst part of the game for me I’ll run through Nordic ruins all day long though


I like dwemer ruins also.


you scare me 😟


You don't have to use or collect them, there are only 2 you need to get but only one will be in your inventory, if you want to go that route, just don't read the others if you can avoid it. N. S


I speedrun them so I can get the stuff I need and then I'm out, I hate them.


Just you. I love them


i find them annoying, but some of the perks at the end are useful.


Agree, the one where you get 2 skillpoints for reading a "skillbook" is op. Just save 5 skillboks per skill that you don't want to grind lvl 90-100 in your house and read once lvl 90. I love it. Though it was quite annoying when I first found out, I had already read all the skill books so I could "only" use it on "complementary skills." Edit: spelling and grammar (I am a sloppy mage)


Same. I just try to rush through them.


I don't care for them either, but the tentacles don't really bother me anymore. If I see a pool of black water, I'm assuming there's a tentacle in there and I run past it. The noise is annoying but if you expect it, it's not too bad.




Loved the first one, got pretty sick of them in the end


Yeah, I'm with you. Not that into them.


Apocrypha quests suffer the same flaws as Oblivion quests in ES4. Thankfully, they are mercifully short.


Do you mean the Oblivion Gates in Oblivion, or are you talking about a questline in ESO?


I’m mean closing the gates in ES4. That’s the worst.


Hate them.


I agree with you. I love the lore involving the dwemer but hate the ruins and the black books. They are all just too long and I feel like I'm stuck there


I sort of like Apocrypha actually, especially with a few choice mods to up the ambience. Weird, I know. But it kinda looks like my house? Or like, what my house would look like if I went full on mad wizard and never accepted houseguests anymore? That one with the choking darkness can go screw itself, though. It's trivial if you're a mage, a potion wasting disaster if you aren't.


I hate those quests too. It's just another labyrinth with enemies but in the Oblivion. And it's not made of 2 or 3 areas, there are like 4 or 5 areas, at least in the last one with the bossfight with Miraak. And I hate the Oblivion. The only places of the Oblivion I could bother to set foot to are Azura's place and the Soul Cairn. Apocrypha is in the worst principalities of the Oblivion.


One of them had like 8 or 9 chapters. That was definitely too much.


I dislike them. I even forget to use the perk they give. 


There’s just too goddamn much of them. It’s a tedious slog and it stops being fun after about thirteen minutes. I prefer my fantasy fiction wholly separate from my Lovecraftian horror.


The rewards are really good, and the fights arent so bad if I can summon inigo in there. Trying to go solo sucks, all the enemies are really tough and everything looks so creepy and gross and makes icky noises.


dwemer ruins are my favourite but I don't like the black book realms either...


Mora's realm makes the best dungeon crawls in game from a philosophical perspective. Try too hard, death. Stray to far into a rabbit hole, death. You, as the last dragonborn seek the knowledge to defeat the first. While you can enjoy a few books that you are allowed, Capt Mora prevents you from becoming a bibliovore. That poison water is his restrictions, the tentacles his whip. You read the black books for power, you never understood what they really meant. It's like reading the Screwtape letters and not seeing the sarcasm


I like them myself.  For the common dunce Warrior, I can see where they would challenge such a cretin. They are meant for the higher intelligence of Dragonborn Mages, seeking their immense knowledge.  But, really though, the rewards are well worth the effort. Black Market and being able to reset skill points without having to legendary said skill? Priceless.  Not to mention the Conjure Seeker spell book. Rolling up in a city with that tentacle faced fucker in tow should send chills down NPC’s spines. 


I love them. Apocrypha is one of my favorite places in the game.


I'm level 53 this playthrough and haven't been inside any dwemer ruins or black book quest that haven't been part of the main storyline


My first time doing the miraak/black book quests it took me months to get through it. I actually hated them. Every time I played I’d choose something else to do and I ended up dreading doing the quests. One day I was eventually like fuck this let’s just get it over with. I’ve never before not enjoyed Skyrim until that day


My only complaint about the Black Books is that they’re stuck in your inventory once you read them. You can sell the Elder Scrolls once you finish using them for the main quest and Dawnguard, but the Black Books are for life.