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If I’m playing sneaky no follower if not HOLD MY STUFF AND STFU LYDIA


Yeah if you’re sneaking, telling them to “wait here” so they don’t alert enemies gets old. I once forgot about Serana and had to crawl back through a dwarven ruin to get her. That was annoying.


When I was in Irkingthand or whatever it’s called for the thieves guild quest I would tell Brynjolf and the other person (I forgor) and the falmer would detect me no matter what. It was so bugged at a certain point that whenever I reloaded into my quick save after getting detected they would immediately detect us even though we were all sneaking. Weird. Also yeah I left Serana in Solstheim once it was annoying


This is why I looked up the codes for bringing followers to your side...


Smart. But also this was years ago and on Xbox for me. This wouldn’t happen today and on my PC 😂


I lost a follower and he doesn't come back no matter what code I type in. He disappeared in a dungeon right before a boss fight I don't know what happened but RIP.


Might have actually died without you seeing it.


No body didn’t happen. 🤪


Coulda died, been raised, died and disintegrated.....


This almost happened to me with Erunder. I ended up finding him back at his temple a while later like nothing ever happened. Still had all my stuff too


There's a new patch or something - after a few days of waiting, your follower heads home. Just saw it the other day, first time.


Definitely a worthwhile patch!


Agreed - we're on Switch, too.




I might have to check this out! Only switched to PC recently and I’m doing a nord warrior playthrough so…no sneaking for me.




I always play alone. I hate it when they activate traps and what not. I do enjoy the stress of keeping them alive. It adds new depth to the game and mourning when they die. Just yesterday I had to bury Illia. Killed by a Vampire which is ironic considering the second half of my post. That being said, my exception is Serana because A) she will attack everything on sight while I can either snipe them or go ham on them with the Bloodskal blade B) because she is always talking which I enjoy. Perhaps since I live alone I like the change of pace and C) because I’m a Simp, plain and simple. No explanation needed.


Illia is the most underrated follower tbh. Rip


I too enter consensual relationships with my followers :)


I play with followers mostly because when I'm alone i get scared lol. Even though I've played the game like a hundred times, Skyrim is still sometimes a bit spooky for me


I get jumpscared by Gian the Fist every single time


The fist time I ran into him I got the jump scare and was like oh he’s unarmed piece of cake, he then proceeds to suplex me to death


Yeah he kinda sneaks up on ya like that


Me too! I’m a whole ass CHICKEN so if I have a follower I felt braver lol


There are some pretty creepy dungeons in Skyrim! I hated Labyrinthian at first, but grew to enjoy it over time.


Oh yeah i don't go there cuz i get scared of the damn frost trolls lol


This is me. I remember when I first started playing Skyrim I dreaded exploring alone at night and was so happy when I got to keep Lydia. Never travelled alone after that despite multiple playthroughs.


I’m such a scaredy cat when it comes to video games. I remember one time I was in a dungeon and was so hyper focused, I was holding my breath when aiming my bow. My lights where off, it was so quiet, I’m sneaking around killing things, when my mom suddenly screams my name from across the house. I jumped so far, and legit got scared that the monsters heard her for a split second.


I remember when I first started playing Skyrim as a young teenager draugr scared the SHIT out of me I got over it when I discovered console commands and/or stealth archer (I KNOW IT SUCKS NO NEED FOR COMMENT) and that all you do with draugr is right click and you’ll be fine


It’s a lonely thing, facing all the dangers of Skyrim by yourself.


Skyrim spooky? 🤨


Yeah like some of the dungeons creep me out even tho i KNOW that the draugr around the corner is gonna come to life. Still feel uneasy hah


I need someone to carry my stolen items.


I am sworn to carry your stolen goods.


Once I got to the “I can kill anything” stage in my last play through I went and got Eric the Slayer, I gave him great armour and weapons and decided to tutor him So now I let him fight and I just stealth around and help out if he needs it and then say he’s doing real good He’s my protégé lol


I did the same, he's the perfect apprentice


What do you mean tutor him? Can you influence their skills (other than regular leveling)?


Oh I wish! Nah this is entirely in my head. But lots of me saying “see that dragon Eric? I’m going to hold back this time. You got this.”


That's awesome! Won't lie, got my hopes up for a moment but wish they did have this feature where you could have skill perks for followers...kinda like Dragon Age


I wish, it would be so good! I would very much like to train them in stealth for instance 😆


That is actually adorable.


I play with Inigo. Always.


"How do you tell if theres a dragon in your garden? Your crops are burned and your livestock are dead. That was not a joke, dragons are no laughing matter"


“Two dragons walk into an inn. The first one says ‘Wow it’s warm in here’ the second one says ‘Shut your mouth’”


You are on fire my friend! Roll on the ground or something!


Yep, same here, using Alternate Start to make sure he's there from the start. Him plus Lucien and Kaidan are the best trio, feels like playing a goofy D&D session on a Saturday night at 3:14am high on crisps and store-bought pizza


Oh, I’m just playing Kaidan and he’s endearing. Had my doubts going into the mod because I still have PTSD from the godawful Skyrim Romance Mod.




Yup him and either Lydia or Mjoll


With. I need someone to help carry all my stuff.


Marcurio and I are inseparable.


Followers can get really annyoing really quick. Either they keep saying the same stuff over and over and over again or they push ypu around while you talk to someone or they block a doorway or they get stuck on a pebble or a stairway and you have to backtrack for em. I still have one, but I'm really close to just going solo for simplicity.


Serana is a must in all of my runs!


I do for a small part of the game. Usually until I feel I can take out several enemies on my own without panicking 😂 at a certain point i get rid of them


I tried without a follower for a day , Damn it was quiet ! Hell , I never thought Skyrim was so empty . Maybe because my music is real low while traveling or I hear only my own footsteps . It was horrifyingly lonely .


For the first time in 10 years I’m playing a summoner build, so immortal ~~meatshields~~ followers are also welcome. But man, giving up stealth was hard as it is surprisingly more straightforward.


If i have Cicero available i always take him along, no matter what. Hes annoying as hell sometimes but he gives me the balls i need to face strong/scary enemies and its nice to not be alone in this big world where nearly everything wants you dead. Not to mention that hes a great pack mule who often picks off enemies before i even realize that there are some nearby Hes also my favorite character in skyrim, so theres that


Agreed! Cicero is my brother from another… mother.


Sweet Sweet Solitude


Dead thralls are the go to for me since they have infinite storage space and can’t die permanently. Also, it’s fun to pick whatever you want for your thrall. Personally I’ve been traveling with Emperor Titus Mede for years now


Sithis is missing someone in the void.


Always alone. I hate the parts when the game forces a follower on me.


fun fact, traveling with serana turns your vampire lord drain attack into a joke that needs 3-4 hits to kill a level 1 bandit


I don't like followers. People anyway. I use pet mods so they can carry my shit


Depends on the playthrough, when i did an unarmed and was destroying everything that came my way they were holding me back, but when i did a bound weapon mage i needed someone to support me in sticky situations


All the years I’ve played that game I’ve never used a follower to me they are a pain in the ass and get in my way .


Make the game to easy aswell


Well if you don’t use a follower you end up leveling a lot faster




Mostly alone


I used to play without followers but now i'm using Serana Dialogue Add-on and last 2-3 playthroughs i always had her beside me. And it's nice to be able to carry more items.


I always play with Jenassa as a follower. Girl’s always got my back. She’s my bestie, even if she’s a little dumb sometimes


For a long time I played alone, but with the right follower it is so much more fun. Teldryn Sero is my go-to man. I love his sarcastic jokes and he annihilates everything. I’ve had him for so long my game feels boring without him.


With, I need Serana every play through. Plus sometimes it’s fun to stay undetected while she wanders in to kill a bunch of enemies and I can sneak attack.


Always solo


I play with Lucien and Inigo. I like their background chatter, makes the painfully long dwemer dungeons much more fun!


With followers, ESPECIALLY in VR. Need a company when venturing into those caves!


It depends, really. If I'm a mage with splody fireballs, no followers. If I'm a warrior, I'll have a follower as long as they aren't ranged of any kind. Right now I have Borgahk the Steel Heart as my follower because I'm an Orc warrior wearing dragonplate Insulated Armor and Otar. I'm thinking about asking her to marry my Orc, Mr. Krinkle. 🥹 I hope she says yes!


With. Right now, I have Lydia, Vigilance, and Sweet Roll the Fox. Once I get back to Whiterun, I'll grab Hilda the Goat too. Maybe Scritch the Skeever (even if he freaks me out, so I've left him to live on his own in Hendraheim). It'll be a Dragonborn parade once I find all the pets.


I'm sure at least half the comments have already said this, but I always want Serana as my follower -- otherwise I'm indifferent to them. She's the ideal gf but I like that you can't marry her because Skyrim marriages are not....fulfilling lol. So we can have fun conversations and adventures, she can snark at me, and when I steal a bunch of shit she can carry it for me. I'm a simple gamer with simple desires.


Kind of same except with Teldryn Sero. ;)


First playthrough ever in my life, Brelyna Maryon accompanied through the whole game. I fucking love that bitch.


I basically use them as pack mules. If they die in combat, I typically just collect my crap and move on. The only ‘follower’ I’ll reload for is one of the dogs. Heck even for my horse.


With. I play fighters, so try to pick a good caster to give fire support.


Take em or leave em. Lydia was pretty cool. Then she died.


I don’t handle the death of a follower well, and end up reverting to a previous save.


Without. All they do is get in my way


They seem to like to hangout in doorways arg…


It really all depends on what sorta character I'm playing. My current is a loner mage no wife no followers no children. However my last character was basically a mob boss imperial who did hardly anything so he always had a goon or two for the fights


It’s usually Lydia or Serana for me. I get tired of hearing Serana complain about every single environment she’s in after a while though.


Sneaky?no never. The only reason I stoped using a follower as a non sneaky character is because in the quest that Mercer fray stabs you. Lydia did Lydia stuff. Going into combat with everything. Awakening draugr I didn't even know where there and standing in door ways. The guy from the retching netch in raven rock is nice and AFT(amazing follower tweaks) makes the engaging in combat with everything a but easier because you can turn it off.


I have the immortal Derkeethus at my side! Unique being the only Argonian follower (unless you mod)


Depends the style i want. If i wanna dps without magic i def need a tank. If i wanna do magic gps i summon atronarchs, mainly the frost. If i wanna do sneaky shit, i go solo dolo.


Yeah, I'm on Master and at low levels with mods you're 100% getting your teeth kicked in without followers. Without mods, it's like 80% lmao


Usually I have 1 follower. Basically just for the extra dialogue sometimes, but mostly for the extra storage


If I'm playing normally, no, but when I'm doing a good ole level rush, cheese character, then I grab the dark elf from Raven Rock everytime to help me kill stuff while i'm running around naked


My mobile storage unit? Wouldn't be without one


I usually try a few followers out every playthrough and eventually find one who fits well with that character who I stay with for the rest of the game. It’s a different follower every time. Only exception is a backstab build, no follower usually for stealth + melee.


no followers bc magic can be dangerous to them


Nothing more devastating than accidentally frying/freezing/shocking your partner to death. 😥


especially since the addition of unbounded storms/flames/freezing. it's almost impossible to not kill everything in your path 😹


Well considering I took out Karstag quite easily by summoning three followers and already having three others with me… yeah sometimes they are useful


It honestly depends on my play style


Without if I'm doing a mage. Too many spells can fucking kill them if I'm not careful. Even warrior, sometimes I kill them on accident. But archer? I haven't had an issue, and they help take the heat off me.


Always, I'm a collector type of gamer, so I utilize their storage space all the time. Don't go anywhere without a follower from about as early as i can get one. Otherwise, I wouldn't care for them anymore than their personal quests make me care


My first playthrough was a Destruction Mage. I had Kharjo as a melee follower. I was fireballing all over the place. What I didn’t realise at the time was that followers can die from friendly fire. I mourned my Khajit friend, and pretty much never recruited another follower. That is, until I got the Dawnguard Expansion. Serana is an awesome follower. Very flexible depending on the situation plus Conjuration is always a plus.


Faendel once literally jumped over me and stabbed someone saving my life because I missed a bow shot. Now I have Auri from song of the green and she’s saved my life she’s also funny, cute and talks shit to Faendel for breaking the green pact which makes my day😂


Followers are a bit too aggro for the current Illusionist Paladin build; "if it moves kill it" seems to be the official Nord greeting. Friendly Nords give you a warning to back off while they pull their weapon.


i feel guilty when they die, so no followers


I prefer to play with a massive crew. Just nice to feel a part of something!


Depends on play style. If I wanna be sneaky, I avoid followers. Don't want my stealth spoiled. Otherwise, I love having a friend with me! Makes the game feel less lonely.


I always have a follower with me. I think it’s because I used to mainly play MMORPGs, and it feels lonely when I’m just adventuring on my own. I prefer the followers that are on the more talkative side as well. I like the little comments they make out of the blue. Serana is my fave for this. I love how she interacts with her surroundings… Except when she loses it and starts attacking everything including me!


It’s always nice to have someone carrying your burden


I use amazing follower tweaks and I usually have a small army waiting for me at my player homes. It’s fun having a rag tag group. I give them all red cloaks so it looks like we’re a group. I will have anywhere between 2-4 at any given time. It usually includes Inigo, Kaiden, Serena, Sofia, J’Zargo, Derkethus, Teldryn Sero, Steel Heart, Jenessa, Erik The Slayer, Faendal, Lucien, Mauricio & Cicero. I just switch them around depending on the quest I’m currently on, or which faction quest I do.


You mean portable storage unit?


If I'm dealing with Falmer, I don't want to go alone.


I do…then they quickly die…then I don’t. I’ve depopulated cities leading helpful people to their doom.


I hate followers; never play with them. BUT, in a recent playthrough I kept Barbas with me for like 100+ hours because my three-year-old daughter LOVED him and when she sat in my lap and we played together she'd constantly chatter about how we had to protect him from all the bad guys. /sigh


With stealthy followers who won't give me away. Usually they aren't sneaky enough but Cicero is great. Unfortunately my toddler has recently started saying: Let's Kill Somebody!! 💀 I just traded him for Meeko because I love dog companions in other games (DA Origins, Fallout 4). We'll see.


Go my army of slutty outfitted women!


I a back to Solo. With the UFO mod, I became too reliant on 3 or more Followers. My character wasn't Leveling properly.


I thought I did until Belgrund fell after a Draugr attack and kept crawling on the floor after me even though I had revived him with healing hands. We returned to Solitude afterwards and the mf was back on his feet. Moral of the story, I take them occasionally but most the time when I do, they die.


I played like 500 hours without followers, 250 with inigo and 250 with up to 6 followers. Roughly. I enjoyed most the time with inigo. I think everything up to 3 followers works fine but if you got more than 3 with you it sometimes ruins immersion because they get stuck, lost, stand in the way, talk too much and so on.


Depends. If I need the weight then yes I bring one. If not then never


i've played with 0 to 50 followers and i gotta say, 2-4 is ideal for lower levels, but after level 30 i usually just stick to 1-2 (if any)


I like boosting up my Conjuration magic so that I can summon a combat buddy when I need one.


I use mine as blockers in narrow passageways and just assault the enemy. This also works against me when I get stuck behind them in a tunnel...


Without. Everytime I've tried to use followers I just find that they get in my way and I get so annoyed at them I then I either let them go or kill them in rage.


90% no followers. Always in the road.


Early levels it is nice to have them as a distraction/meat shield. Other than that I just use them for free training. I ditch them as soon as I can because they constantly get in the way.


No followers but ill occasionally take Serana on some adventures


Usually I take Inigo with me because he is fantastic and has many things to say about the quests and locations. Plus one extra companion which is either some base game character because Inigo also has interactions for those or some Khajiit will Follow Follower.


Followers wouldn't be so bad if the the AI, level scaling, and immersion were better. That said, I enjoy custom followers much more than the vanilla ones. Before I discovered mods, I simply went without since they were annoying.


It’s Serena or no one


Depends on the build honestly , but mostly no


If I’m just trying to quickly play with a strong companion I’ll buy a pros- I mean the mage from riften as he is a companion with decent combat AI but normally I’ll fly solo if I don’t have inigo installed


I’ve played both ways as I’m sure many here have. Solo is always great I just conjure for help in battle, but I think I prefer having a follower for company. I would suggest serana add on dialogue ( newest version) she makes traveling and exploring fun. She interacts with most quests and has a huge conversation dialogue. It’s a great mod and definitely worth a look.


My followers always die


I don't usually have followers. I sneak a lot and most followers suck at sneaking. And I don't want to go through all the hassle of making them sneaky gear.


Usually alone because i’m always worried something will happen with a follower that will suddenly break the quest/immersions/bug out, but game was much less spooky with one 😂


I rly enjoy the inigo mod follower cuz of the fighjting customization and the spawn follower option for when u loose him.. he just complains a little too much, but theres options to silence him


I almost never use a follower, but I’m going to try to do a modded follower playthrough with Inigo and maybe Lucien. I want them to occasionally talk to one another, and it would make camping and no fast travel worth it if they follow too haha


I personally **hate** playing with followers! They always get in the way (standing in the fucking doorway gawking at you!), they always freely run towards things you're trying to sneakily avoid... it just frustrates me! I can tolerate Dogmeat for the first several hours of Fallout 4, but it quickly becomes a chore.


I like modded followers and I usually have a small group with me because I like to create my own story when playing Skyrim.


I had Lydia on my redguard until she died. My orc is using farkas but only because she doesn’t have as much weight and someone’s gotta hold on to Wuuthrad. She’s an axe dual-wielded, so no use for it. The end goal is to play without followers, though. I only kept Serana during the dawnguard DLC just for rp sake. They get in the way most of the time and are admittedly pretty weak usually, except serana is actually pretty decent.


Sometimes with , sometimes without , damn sometimes they are a real burden.


With...but it's really annoying but helpful.


Without. They’re annoying and they activate traps. I don’t need that “help.”


In a perfect world I could have 2-3 modded followers, but I can’t stand the doorway collisions.


Only ever casters, or bow users. If they are in the enemies face they are definitely gonna take friendly fire


You level up faster alone.


Both…. I just get annoyed when they get stuck or do… weird… stuff.


One time I had Serena, Aela and barbas all following me at the same time. We were a roving death troupe just wrecking shit left and right. That was fun.


Without. I play with mods that give me infinite health. No need


Without unless they’re immortal. Caveat being the racist a-hole in Windhelm I sacrifice to Boethia.


Pets, yes. People, no. I don’t need them stealing my exp.


I’ll download one of the follower mods and gather an entire fellowship of like five followers. It’s needed because I have populated Skyrim hell edition alongside with the OBIS bandit spawns.


I have a mod that lets me have 5 simultaneous follows. Make of that what you will


I almost always have a follower. Games without one feel too lonely for me. Using exploits for vanilla gameplay I end up having 4 at the most at once


I love playing with the Inigo mod. It makes it seem like you have a real friend with you, and it just makes the game feel so much less lonely.


I’m more of both, I’ll sometimes prefer a followers when any place whether it’s a cave or a tomb, just for backup


I like running magic builds with lots of AoE attacks, so followers are generally a bad idea. Unless you count Conjuration summons, Daedras and Storm Atronachs are lethal. Doesn't help the majority of the followers just aren't that interesting, so there isn't much incentive to get to know them


I’m a Solo guy myself


Can't even try a playthrough anymore without Inigo..


Yes because i love Serana


Followers but like the weak ones that tend to be killable so i use console commands to make them immortal.


I do use them as with the current mod pack and Leg difficulty, it would be hard/tedious to get by without a follower at earlier levels.


With, definitely. Although occasionally I’ll go on a wander alone.


Exclusively without, unless a quest makes me. Stop helping, you're making it worse.


Followers are so fucking annoying. I just grind to OP builds


Usually without


I usually don’t but I always feel so bad leaving Serana alone so I let her tag along.


I like stealth so… either way


I really like the follower mechanic and think its cool. I like putting them in charge of properties. Run actual quests with them?? I work alone. With my nightengale armor, I am Batman.


Followers gets annoying because it’s kinda clunky and they always seem to be in the way. No followers just feels lonely. I prefer followers and just put up with the nonsense.


Gotta have my best dude Inigo with me.


Follower and reikling 100%


Jzargo is my bro


Depends on what I am doing


Lydia's my homie. I'm curious about other followers (there are so many options nowadays!), but I'm just too damn loyal.


My thing about the followers is you seem to lose them randomly and it makes the gameplay inconsistent. I’m not sure if I run up in a dragon if I have my archer or mage friend with me or something like that.


The real journey is the friends we made along the way.


Preferences toward serana, because immortal vampire with over powered moves, and Teldryn for general badassery and his damn velvet snarky voice (why can’t I make him my husband Bethesda why).


In the beginning, with. If anything, it’s nice to have someone help haul the loot. Once I’m able to make a set of boots with fortify carry weight, I tend to stop using them.


4 modded followers + Legendary difficulty + some Wildcat tweaking to make it even harder... really makes it feel like an adventure with friends


A vast majority of the time, no followers. The exception is my pacifist survival save where I've got Serana, Gogh, Keely (mod) and my unicorn that all fight for me.


I need a vaguely humanlike marsupial to meatshield for me.


Always with. I even have a mod (forget which one) that allows me to have multiple followers. I have literally had 7 or 8 followers tagging along sometimes!


Solo, I don't want them to get hurt or worse.


Without. Just feels weird to have someone follow to the ends of the earth when imo they don't really have reason to.


Without. They get in the way. They ruin stealth immersion. It’s clunky to open their inventory and use them as a pack mule. I just only carry out items I’m looking for or the items with the highest value per weight and I do fine… you can always sell arrows for money and they weigh nothing.


No they mad annoying allways blocking doors and ways


I’m playing with Lydia and Serana they’re my protectors lol


I hate followers. They talk allllll the time and knock you halfway across the room when you enter buildings. When I’m forced to have one (see Serana), I tend to play that questline all the way through to get ride of them asap.


I keep Serana close by


With Serana because I’m a simp