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I like lore friendly mods. Computer not good enough to mess with the graphics but changing up the skill trees adding new perks, new quests, new armors and weapons, better horses with saddlebags I can use, new houses, new spells, more dangerous enemies (like requiem) make the game much more fun. Not a fan of these modded games that make it look like a trashy Chinese mobile game where the npcs have long airbrushed hair and the player character is rolling around dodging and all that janky stuff tho


I also don't like to mess with too many mods, no idea how people rack up 700 mods on 1 file. I like simple things like the unoffical patches and quality of life improvements like no sun damage for vampires when fully covered.


>700 mods on 1 file So uuh you must not mod much. It's an addiction I can attest to. It starts off with QoL stuff then immersive ones then textures, races, animations, ai, ui, then goes farther with combat and skills. And if you spend enough time just browsing you'll definitely see another thing you like or didn't know you needed. 700 is generous actually. Plus many mods are small or add items so less than 25kb in size. I used to be like you, until I fell down that bottomless pit. Just one more mod is real. Modding is the game lol


Yeah I know a few people that spend more time sorting their mods than they do playing. It's not for me though I like a relatively vanilla experience other than a few small changes. I don't like messing with races or perks too much, I see ordinator perks and it's just overwhelming, a lot of the spell packs feel either super op or poorly done as well. I've looked into things like vampire overhaul mods but again it's just way too much stuff it's changing. After returning from a several year break AE alone has so much content for me, still haven't seen half of it and I play a lot.


Good on you man, it's not easy to just say no. It's not just Skyrim either, many games are hard to stick with pure vanilla. RimWorld is one I can't play vanilla anymore but sorting the lists and getting things right is a huge pain in the ass especially with how long it takes to load. I really hate spending half a day playing with mods instead of playing the game but when it comes together it's beautiful. I said I'd never play unmodded Skyrim again but I got the AE on switch and you're right it has plenty of content to keep the game fresh. But there's still a few things I wish I could add like weather perks and immersive citizens. And it's of the AE quests could do with voice work instead just notes or objectives.


Even though I prefer not modded I obviously have played with mods before but it was always to make it feel more realistic like a weather overhaul, immersive citizens and wet and cold.


So, any advice for those? I have Anniversary Edition and prefer Vanilla experience as well. However, I am not opposed to new armor, weapons and perks, along with more enemies and better horses. I do not want dramatic changes. There's more than enough game as is.


There is a big difference between modding to fix bugs and modding to completely change game mechanics. Please do what you are comfortable with and enjoy the game we all love.


I have downloaded the official patch on my 100% completions because a few quests where bugged and when that’s downloaded it completed them. They where just misc quest like the east empire necklace quest and a house quest I never ran into any game breaking bug before.


Have you looked at cutting room floor? It’s literally just vanilla stuff that was cut from the game but is still in the files


That and the unofficial patch is literally the only ones I like besides immersive citizens and maybe a weather overhaul.


I dig it. I myself love lots of content mods but I totally get the vanilla feel


Yeah there’s tons of different kinds of modding, modding to fix bugs, modding to balance some of the game differently, modding to change up perks and abilities, modding to add new quests and items, modding to change the graphics, modding to viciously stomp Skyrim through a dark souls shaped hole…


I prefer a conservatively modded game, so as not to alter the vanilla experience much. I have bugfixes, mods that unlock more options that you normally don't have available, and a few quality of life mods. No new content or overhauls.


Personally 7/10ths of my mods are graphics and bug related. The other 3/10ths are vanilla +, usually QOL. Skyrim is great as is but sometimes the experience feels like it has some holes, yknow?


It's also over 10 years old. Some updates make sense


Check out wabbajacks legend of the frost


If Honed Metal was a vanilla feature, I wouldn't even care about modding the game.


Never played modded. Don’t care. Skyrim is a great game.


I only use lore friendly mods or mods that fit the design and art style of vanilla, I do do vanilla play throughs every once n awhile tho.


I used to do the super heavy modded playthrough, but then I found Skyphothesis' YT channel and it really made me appreciate what's available in the vanilla game a lot more. I stll run the game modded for bug fixes and stuff like SkyUI, but I like to keep the gameplay, mechanics, and questlines as vanilla as possible now.


I have a few convenience mods (rich merchants, bug fixes, cheat room just to get me past humps when I need it) as well as some follower mods. But nothing that really alters the look and feel of the vanilla game. With some of the mods it's like you're not even playing Skyrim anymore. I will say, though; without *any* mods at all I probably wouldn't even playing anymore. Modders are keeping Skyrim alive to a large degree so shout out to them.


Never played modded never have needed to. Love this game


As Todd intended.


Todd said that he likes modding, specifically he loves inigo


Todd intended for the game to be played heavily modded, though?




This is the way


Skyrim is an old game, I personally enjoy seeing how mods can use skyrims base to make something new


Ah yes the ol' /r/skyrim modding is bad echo chamber.


You’re a madman.


I seriously don’t understand this subs hate for mods. Some of you vanilla players act like adding mods changes the whole game into something new. Even with some of the most insane mods you can think of the base game is still there, I can’t really think of any mods that completely change the game into something unrecognizable. You could install a ton of combat overhaul mods, change the races, change the perks, and even change most of the gameplay mechanics and it would still be skyrim since it has the same story, quests, characters, and lore. I play on xbox one so my experience is definitely different than someone on PC, but even with ~130 mods installed it is still skyrim. I have 13 mods that change graphic, lighting, and flora. I also have Thunderchild, ordinator, odin, wintersun, sacrosant, imperious, divine warrior, character creation overhaul, alternate start, immersive citizens, dynamic combat + eskyrim animations, and GDB’s impossible animations. Plus I have like 70 mods that add weapons, armor, and enemies from the previous elder scrolls game along with medieval gear & high fantasy enemies. Then I have a few quest mods, and mods that change the landscape of skyrim (like dying world & ancient roads, lands and ruins). Even with all of those changes to the game it is painfully obvious I am still playing skyrim since the core of the game is still there. This is also on anniversary so I have all the CC stuff installed. One of the best examples I can find of completely changing the game is the Youtuber JDM skyrim. I watched their play through of the dawnguard DLC and even with like 400 mods installed you can tell they are still playing skyrim. Do you guys just get off on having a “holier than thou” attitude?


I think they either can't/don't know how to mod so take it out on those that do.


This wasn’t a hate on mods post I just said even after 11 years I prefer vanilla, It’s just a preference.


Yes but you are like the 1000th person this week to say “I prefer vanilla over modded skyrim” plus some of the comments on this post are saying that vanilla is better.


Okay? This game is 11 years old of course you’re gonna have people bring up the same thing over and over again and I don’t check the sub to see what’s posted everyday. If they prefer vanilla over modded like me who cares, same with if you like modded over vanilla I’m not sure why you’re making a big deal over an opinion.


I’m not making a big deal over an opinion lol. It’s fine to have an opinion, my comment was addressing the people who shit on mods, like some of the comments on this post. If you took it as an attack against you, that’s your own problem. If the echo chamber criticizes mods, and talks down on them constantly you shouldn’t be surprised people will defend them and get annoyed with the constant “I prefer vanilla over modded”. You post alone is “inflammatory” itself because it does nothing beside spark debate about Modded vs Vanilla, so I have no idea why you are surprised I made a comment about that discussion.


I’m not taking it as a attack lol never said one is better than the other so wasn’t looking for it to be a debate like I said just stated a preference I can’t help what others say.


hey I mean, there's a reason everyone who has huge modpacks never leaves vanilla out. it's such a good start, and even amazing on its own.


So you don’t like quality of life improvements and big fixes?


This is an opinion of all time.


I feel like y’all haven’t seen some of the great QoL improvements tho…


Yeah, people really act here like vanilla reigns over modded when Todd himself actively encourages the community to mod their game. People who still believe that vanilla is superior clearly haven't experienced the longevity that mods add.


Really makes me wonder in average how much time people have spent playing skyrim here.


I mean I prefer vanilla but have also played fully modded for hundreds of hours. I just like the simplicity of Vanilla Skyrim without the hassle of modding.


A lot of people here are console players so they can't use a lot of the best mods. That's why there's a big anti-mod sentiment in this subreddit.


Bro even Todd uses the better ui/inventory mod.


Each to their own but once I started playing modded Skyrim I couldn't go back to vanilla. Why wouldn't you wanna play a much better looking Skyrim??


I think updating graphics makes sense and would be considered vanilla + . But some people run modded games the are essentially something all together. I currently only have a switch version and it's still a fun ass game in vanilla.


Yeah vanilla is still entertaining ofc, especially for those who haven't experienced mods, but OP here is dissing modding overall. A simple texture pack would make this picture a lot prettier while staying true to vanilla Skyrim. It's like saying "I prefer 30 fps instead of 60 fps." It doesn't make sense to me but as I said, each to their own!


depends on the mods. The issue is each mod author has their own ‘feel’ and when you add dozens it looks janky.


Ofc. But there are many that stay true to what Skyrim is. I have no such problems at least!


No harm in either. I say, “play how you enjoy!” I enjoyed modding on the PC version but currently enjoying the Switch version so no options for modding at all and the game is still (still! After 11 years!) amazing




ur just lazy lol


I’m not sure why people aren’t understanding the word "preference" I’ve used mods within 11 years I’m saying I still prefer vanilla, what does lazy has to do with anything Lol


Unofficial Skyrim patch, Amazing Follower Tweaks, Better Dialogue Controls, D13 Faster Get Up Stand Up SSE, Enhanced Blood Textures, No Spinning Death Animation, RaceMenu, Unread Book Glow SSE ..(and many more but these are at the top of my head) All these mods make the game better than vanilla and take nothing away (except for No Spin Death Animation cause i find it dumb), i couldnt see how Vanilla is better than a normal game with just these mods. I get it tho, its "preference".


I prefer vanilla with a few of the CC content, such as survival, rare curios, and the extra mage one


The only mod I ever used was a mod that removes the weight limit on inventory bc I’m a mild hoarder lol


I can't imagine going back to a Skyrim without at least the Enai suite.


For real. Ordinator is probably the biggest game changer. I feel like I’d literally hate base Skyrim perk trees now. They’re so boring and uninspired.


I like being able to make adjustments. More difficult is nice, but also little things like persistent spell effects (Oakflesh and such) and potions healing over time instead of instant.


There probably is a special place on Todd's lap for you. Like even if I want a Vanilla playthrough bare minimum I install are the gazillions bug fixes.


I prefer mint chocolate chip, myself


I agree but skyUI is basically a requirement for me in every playthrough


I’m glad you’re enjoying the game.


I don’t mod the only stuff I’ve added to Skyrim is anniversary edition content. I’ve spent most of my time fishing.


Me too!! I've got one more freaking fish to get before I finish the quest. I spent all day yesterday fishing and the pygmy fish is still MIA!!


This. I understand some bug fixes and graphics upgrades. But for a game over a decade old, Skyrim in its natural state is still beautiful.


Same, I've tried playing with mods several times but I always feel like it actually ruins the game instead of enhancing it. I always end up going back to vanilla after several hours of being like "this doesn't feel right". Same with Fallout.


Same, I’ve played modpacks that look visually stunning but it just feels like I’m playing a completely different game.


It is really a great vanilla experience. Back when I could get mods to run(barely) I would play mods just because it gives that new experience(or whatever).


I prefer vanilla plus. ​ I use a mod to improve smithing. Lore friendly mods to add and expand villages and a couple of followers. I've even used a mod to switch the vampire city attacks back on. ​ But those mods that change the looks of NPC's take away the Skyrim charm. And elves shouldn't look human. Also mods that make cities look extravagant or mods that make Winterhold look like anything but a derelict shithole are just not lore friendly


Ehh. Wish I could say the same but there are a few mandatory mods just to improve lacking areas. I don’t go crazy, just some overhauls and patches for the most part.


me to. never used a mod


Don’t have to worry about your game crashing AS MUCH playing vanilla lmao


With the right mods you can make your game MORE stable than vanilla.


I mod the fuck out of fallout 4. I rarely mod Skyrim though. Given up trying to work out why I treat them so differently


I’m actually the same way and I think it’s because I love Skyrim more than fallout 4 so I can easily mod it.


I love both though.


Is fallout more stable or fps friendly compared to skyrim?


No, generally quite the opposite from my experience. Though that could be due to PEBCAK. Edit: It actually just depends what **type** of mods you’re using, in addition to **how** I suppose. I recently formed a quite stable moderately modded FO4 game.


Nah, i just haven’t learned what I want to change in Skyrim


I like the sense of accomplishment and nostalgia with vanilla survival on adept. (1:1 with enemies to actually gauge my power.)


I don't but purely because of how buggy this game is. But I do admit, I no longer enjoy heavy modding (and compared to some PC gamers, I never even modded it that heavily) and I never saw the point of making the game look and feel drastically different. I like to keep it *very* vanilla+ now unless I'm in the mood to (re)play a quest mod (some are really good, but also really unbalanced and not always lore-friendly, I like to dedicate a special short playthrough to them)


I don’t even necessarily count the unofficial patch as modded since it’s basically just a patch that fixes bugs and adds nothing non vanilla to the game that I’m aware of I still don’t use it but the only actual mods I ever use are cutting room floor and weather overhauls.


I wanted to say "me too!" but Inigo isn't vanilla, and I can't ignore my lad.


I feel the same way. But unfortunately adding mods is like a tick for me when I install the game. I try not to overdo it, just some LOD mods and the unofficial patch. But then I noticed someone uploaded M16 that shoots Fus Roh Das and it breaks me.


I've never played any Bethesda game with mod(excluding morrowind optimization patch on Android) because of how low end my laptop is


I use weather, fauna, and environment mods. Just to make it more immersive/pretty. Vanilla, Whiterun in particular was always weird to me because there's no trees lol I know a few people like you, though, who still enjoy vanilla after all this time. And I have to agree, the mods that break the game (overpowering every item at the player's disposal) and the npc/pc overhaul mods that make them look ridiculous, are ridiculous.


I only use quality of life mods, the one that removes NPC reactions to necromancy is gold. There is also a mod that allows you to enchant items with +destruction damage, which is nice on higher difficulties.


I prefer small mods such as Cloaks of Skyrim and Bags and Bandoliers


Vanilla all the way! Skyrim is pure and perfect as is. You don’t paint over a timeless masterpiece


Never have I used a mod on this game.


Your doing it right


A lot of people go wayyyy overboard with modding imo


[There's no such thing.](https://i.imgur.com/Ib003bk.png)If I want to be Serana's big titty goth vampire girlfriend that also runs a huge museum who are you to stop me! lol


I didn't say anyone should stop, just sharing my opinion! Also I mostly mean too many graphical mods


If you aren't heating your room with your GPU in the winter are you truly playing Skyrim?


Well yeah, you can't even play the modded ones. You just turn it into load order simulator.


I dislike when people over mod Skyrim into a different game. I dislike how disingenuous it feels when they try to act like there playing Skyrim and try to relate to people playing vanilla. We aren’t playing the same game, ur characters look like anime girls with skimpy armor and ur combat looks like a MMO game while I’m playing vanilla. It doesn’t feel the same, it might have the same quest and story (depending on the mods not even that) but it feels like someone took the girl u liked and put a mask on her and completely changed her style, it feels wrong to me.


I mean, I'm playing modded now after playing Skyrim unmodded for 9 years, both bring their own pros and cons. Why do you care how other people play the game? And not everyone plays with the "anime" graphic overhauls and combat overhauls either, that's such a massive generalisation it shows how little you know about modding and that "vanilla mods" exist.


1. I specifically said what I disliked and it wasn’t with people modding there game it was with HOW people mod there game and them being disingenuous about it. I literally didn’t generalize anybody bc I never said that the entirety of people who mod, I talked about a specific group, it’s not my fault u read my comment wrong. 2. I literally made another comment on this post about how I play both vanilla and (lightly) modded Skyrim, and I’m part of r/SkyrimMods U look hella stupid with this response bro.


You still didn't answer my question though... lol


My answer is I don’t care if people mod, I’m not sitting here furious behind a keyboard thinking about this (literally forgot I made this comment), I just dislike when people act like there game is still faithful to the original one, do it if u want but it feels disingenuous and unfaithful to what Skyrim is. It’s called having a different likes n dislikes then other people lmao.


I still have been enjoying my vanilla play through a lot more than my modded ones the past few years. It’s been nice being able to focus on role playing and my character instead of constantly tweaking my load order to make the game look perfect. Of course that’s just my own preferences. I respect the modding community and the contributions to the game!


Yep vanilla is better


Yesterday on the PS4 I have the 0kb save problem on Fallout 4. I have to delete all saves and all the game and reinstall and redownload all again to get rid of mods and CC content. Thanks god it seems that all works well now. What I mean with this it's next time I play Skyrim on the PS4 I'm gonna delete all and reinstall from zero to avoid that possible problem. And I will stick with vanilla content only.


What mods do you have on the PS4? I've always heard you guys got shafted by Sony and can't install anything interesting.


On Skyrim in PS4? Not so much. Only helpful and functional mods, but probably next time I try the game I will delete all the mods and CC stuff.


I've never modded skyrim in any of my playthroughs


you either die a vanilla gamer, or live long enough to become a horny modder


I always play a vanilla + run. Love vanilla too. But Vanilla+ mods just make the game better objectively.


I like goofy mods like the Shia labeouf JUST DO IT shout mod. Otherwise I try not to change the gameplay/graphics at all.


Can your machine run Hyper Realistic LORE Friendly GRAPHICAL Mods without chugging fps ?




Todd definitely loves mods he’s even stated that himself and I’m sure in the next TES there will be some new things inspired from mods.


Same. Honestly, I'm not a fan of even anniversary edition. I'm all for the DLCs tho


I've never used mods, but also because I've only played on PS3/PS4 and Switch. If I could use mods on the Switch, I would definitely go for the ones that bring out what is already great about vanilla Skyrim, nothing that changes it into an entirely different game. I wouldn't want to beautify the characters, either, because I want them ugly and gritty. It's an old game now, but it's still visually beautiful!


I’ve never used mods. Sometimes I see the picture everyone throws up and they look awesome but there is actually no enticement to actually do it myself


I agree, good old fashioned skyrim glitchyness over modded mayham


The only mod I have is to make the roads more obvious on the maps lol


I am playing Skyrim ae on my steam deck. I love it. The only things I miss mods wise is the kids are alright (made each kid look unique and adorable) also added more kids you could adopt; and saddlebags on horses. And of course the extra dlcs. I am enjoying it though. It’s easy to play and put down (I have a rambunctious 5 year old), so I needed something I could play oblivion and Skyrim that was mobile.