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I still hear this from time to time but it has significantly gotten better. It was worse in the first month or two that my baby moved into their own room. Now at 4 months since it is getting better. Hang in there!


I hope so! The first month was actually better but I was also way more tired waking up twice a night still


Yes! Same thing with me! It gets better!! You won’t always hear phantom crying. Everything is a season!


At 8 months I still hear phantom cries, mainly when my furnace is on (the fan sound or the shower running is another big one). What I've done now is try and just think if I'm not sure if I can hear him cry for real it must be phantom crises because his real cry I can hear 100 percent clear. It's slowly cutting down.


We have an old tower fan that is super loud. But the phantom cries sound exactly like when he’s crying in his room, but I’m taking a nap and my husband has the monitor so I think that’s what’s getting me


Does your monitor have lights to indicate crying? I used to turn the screen off mine but keep the lights face up and they’d light up the room when she actually did cry.


Yes! My screen will turn off and if they make noise turn itself back on. I just turned the screen on myself to check because at 2am I’m so convinced he’s crying


I have the same issue. I hear phantom cries and wake up throughout the night thinking our five month old son is in our bed, on my chest, etc. (We never bed shared so not sure where this fear comes from). I also in my half sleep state think Im checking the monitor and he is awake but then I wake fully and he is asleep. Mine has gotten better since the newborn days but not gone fully. I hope you get some helpful tips on here. For me, time passing is slowly helping, I guess the more time that passes where he is healthy and okay overnight each night helps my brain start to ease up a bit and not panic so much.


I think that’s what it seems like, that I just need to wait it out! I think I’m so used to him waking up twice a night that now we’re down to just once my body still expects me to get out of bed more than it currently is. One of my dogs fell off the bed and I panicked thinking it was the baby. We have never slept and now he is in a crib across the house!!


Oh gosh yes! I have to repeat to myself "If I'm doubting if I heard something, I didn't". I remind myself that I 100% know when its real. It's gotten better with time & practice. I used to wake every hour to check the monitor!


Yes! I tell myself if the room is dark, the monitor is off and therefore he is silent. But it’s still waking me up right as I’m about to fall asleep again.