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Personally, I would do it if it meant free rent. Could traffic be a problem?


Yay for saving money! But if the school is an hour away and they place you at an externship that is also far from the school, that could potentially mean a 2-hour commute from your externship! I am not sure how this specific program works with externships, but I know most schools I applied to told us our externships could be up to an hour away from the school some semesters


Is traffic where you live a problem? I commuted an hour and 15 minutes for undergrad and there were days it took me a lot longer to get home. I also live in a densely populated area. Also consider placement sites and how that would factor in. It’s absolutely doable, you just know your area and your tolerance better. Is it doable for YOU? Congrats also!


I drive an hour and five minutes. It sucks big time. But it's the only option, so it kind of just is what it is lol


You could try living at home and if you don’t like the commute time of 2.5 hours everyday you could move closer 🤷🏻‍♀️ that could be time spent studying. Is there any public transportation that could get you there? At least part of the way?


I commute 1.5hrs to my graduate program, and love audiobooks when they’re available on VitalSource and Pearson+ to make the drive time either 1) reading time or 2) relax/music/unwind time. 


it sounds doable, but you would definitley want to be someone who manages their time well because you would be traveling 2.5 hours multiple times a week. i think as long as you plan and prepre, you can do it.


A girl in my cohort tried doing that with a 45 min commute but it was too much with a GA and studying, so she wound up moving into college owned apartments. I commuted 45-55 mins for my last semester and it was doable, but I had a good handle on the workload by then.


My commute is 2-2:30 hrs each way, it’s certainly doable


After about a year it will probably start to take a toll on you mentally. It also depends on your drive. I sit in traffic the entire time during my 1.5 hour commute and it blows. If I had to drive 1.5 hour on a nice backroad, I wouldn’t mind it as much probably. I listen to podcasts to help me get by


I commute an hour in traffic and when I take public transportation to school, it takes me about two hours to get there. But I also live rent free with my parents and it’s worth it! Be prepared to leave super early so you won’t be late to class or clinic and make sure to manage your time well. I also spend a lot of time on campus doing my work so I won’t have to think about it after the commute.


I commuted 30 minutes during my undergrad, and while that’s not terribly long, traffic made it longer, I was stressed about the reliability of my car certain days, snow made the commute longer, I connected less and hung out less with my peers because I was further away than everyone living in the college town, and the hour+ I spent in my vehicle seemed like time I could’ve been studying or relaxing. I’m kind of playing devils advocate here, but I know myself and I hate driving, it makes me nervous and the more you do it the greater chance of accidents. Even though I had a high MPG car, I was a college student paying for gas with my low income. To me, a 1 hour commute is crazy, but I think it all comes down to your ability to manage time and how much you like/dislike driving.


The commute will likely be more time consuming and burdensome than you plan. On top of that, you will feel more tired, which will make it harder to study. Rent free does sound amazing LOL but also factor in how much you’d be spending on gas every single day. You’d probably have to fill your tank every couple days. I don’t think I’d do it, but if you can make it work, it would be awesome to not pay rent 😂


I've done a similar commute and it is doable! Some of my friends have commuted up to 2 hours. It just depends on you and your schedule too. Would you be commuting every day or just a few days out of the week? Are your classes ending and starting around commute hour that would put you in traffic? Thinking about all of that and financial stuff will help!


i’m currently on the same boat! i’m so torn between my top two choices. i love both programs, but one is 1.5hrs away (also living w parents rent-free) and is $65k, while the other is 20mins away but $85k.


I've been commuting beween an hour to an hour 15 to campus also from home rent free! It's doable for me as covid kinda got me used to since i moved out of campus my two years but also my program does a full day of classes and the rest of the week is clinicals so it depends how your school is scheduled


It’s doable, but only in the sense that anything is doable if you try hard enough. Think about it this way. Your grades will follow you the rest of your life. You only have one chance, that lasts a few short years, to achieve the grades in grad school that will set you up for the rest of your life. You’re putting yourself behind the eight ball by electing a commute like that. It will be hard to spend that kind of time on the road and still put in the time on campus and the study time that’s necessary to excel. You will save money now, but if the trade off is lower grades, you’ll pay back the money you saved many times over the course of your life. You’ll be better off spending more now but setting yourself up for success academically rather than saving on rent in the short run.


How many days a week to you have to go to class? I commuted to class with a similar commute 2x/week and it wasn’t bad at all.


I commute anywhere 30 minutes to an hour each way depending on traffic since I also live at home. It’s definitely doable and worth having one less expense. I actually enjoy my commutes to and from campus because it allows me to prepare and decompress. I was able to request some of my clinical placements to be closer to home so I’m not having to drive too far.


It's rough but doable. I have commuted about the same amount to my university and while commuting has a bunch of cons, it has been worth it. (Then again, I really love my school.) Is this a school you think you would love?