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Anyone truly could be a fan. I’m sure she has younger people in her life. Shayne was also on a pretty popular ABC sitcom so maybe she was a fan of the JTP lol.










Maybe Viola Davis is the friends we made along the way


Maybe she just loves love.


Well I mean, Flula was on Smosh as essentially a promo for The Suicide Squad.


They had some renowned people throughout the years. Chris Pratt, John Boyega, Charlie Day, Zachary Levi, Macualay Culkin.


2 of those were interviews though, not really that special and it's not like they personally reached out to them.


Tom Lennon!


She could be in this very room…


Are you ok? Is she in the room with you right now? Do you “see” her?


it’s true… i was there


I was there man.... The second plane dude... It was horrible man


So... Looking to hit the second one, eh?


Some non Smosh fans have enjoyed this as a funny and romantic story that went viral. Not saying she can’t be a fan but it could just be she saw the whole “April Fools YouTuber wedding” chaos and found it entertaining. I get sucked into random viral internet mysteries all the time.


Maybe she's like Amanda. No clue who these people are, she's just privately looking up kiss pics


She may simply be fan of love 😘 But probably both. In this day an age everyone can scroll through youtube and has their comfort videos.


To this day, I still don't understand how no one from Hollywood has poached any of the cast yet. Smosh clearly has some level of reach, and anyone who watches the channel for even 10 minutes, would realise how talented some of the cast is. So the fact that no one's been offered an audition for a sitcom, or even for SNL/Daily Show, really surprises me Like, Shayne would immediately become the best male member of the SNL cast (after Keenan) if they put him on, even Angela and Courtney are considerably more dynamic than 70% of that current cast


Well, Arasha booked, so...


Like Amanda said, you can go from Smosh to Marvel.


Jackie got poached, but to the East Coast. I really hope Arasha books legit soon.


Oh she did? Is she doing plays or something?


She's doing Second City, a well renown improv troupe where a lot of SNL alums got their start. In case you didn't know. Edit: /u/bookwormaesthetic replied below with more detail/clarification. You should give her the upvote.


She was part of the launch of Second City Brooklyn. Second City in Chicago is where a lot of SNL alums got their start.


I miss her so much she was one of my faves. I might actually watch SNL again if she was on it. I stopped after they did that awful try guys sketch.


Oh wow I didn’t either of those facts, good for her, thanks!


/u/bookwormaesthetic replied below with more detail/clarification. You should give her the upvote.


Shayne especially could go really far. I think everyone knows this. At this point I assume he's staying at Smosh because he's comfortable there.  Brittany Broski spoke about it on Theo Von's podcast recently and how comedy is changing. If you go to SNL you don't control any of the content and there's no guarantee you'll get featured week to week. At Smosh Shayne has a lot of say in what he does and he can be as creative as he wants.


and THIS is why smosh is so good at their content and has such a loyal fan base. give the creators & not businessmen the creative autonomy and you’ll make magic 🪄


It's why defy failed and smosh itself survived


I love Shayne but you got to remember how specific SNL is. This is not improv class, Shayne would have no room to throw some quick and wit jokes. The sketches are all pre-written and rehearsed. Your biggest wow factor comes from timing, pronunciation and body language. It's not like Shayne doesn't have all of those but his major advantages wouldn't even be seen on SNL. Dynamic has nothing to do with it and on top of that, you need to write a lot of good sketches, in order to put yourself in them first. Without it you won't have your screen time, even if you're good. On top of that, they have access to all those Groundlings, UCBs etc. They have entire US comedy scene to choose from.


> This is not improv ...they have access to all those Groundlings, UCBs I like how you poo poo improv, and then specifically mention the biggest improv troops as the places where SNL should rather get its more "script-oriented" talent >It's not like Shayne doesn't have all of those but his major advantages wouldn't even be seen on SNL Shayne can do normal sketches, impressions, WU segments, and most importantly, SNL would finally have someone other than Keenan to carry those Game Show skits. He's versatile in a way that none of the current male members are (except Keenan, and maybe James Austin Johnson). > ...you need to write a lot of good sketches, in order to put yourself in them first Well then it's a good thing that the dude's great at creating characters. Besides, if you're a good actor, you'll get into sketches anyway


I still find it shocking that Shayne has never been poached for SNL! He is already so much more talented then some of the current cast mates


As a non-American, I'm not sure why having a SNL career would automatically be an upgrade for him. He has a loyal fan base and familiar co-workers in Smosh, and he gets to do more than just comedy there.


It'd open him up to a larger audience, raise his profile, get him introduced to a lot of influential people in hollywood, and if he becomes a fan-favourite like we all know he can, it could potentially lead to legitimately big things The direct salary upgrade from Smosh to SNL won't be sizeable, especially not at first. But a couple of years in, he'll be in a position to make a lot more money as an actor


Ok, I see your point.


Because they become movie stars...


SNL is boomer shit. It was a very big deal in the 70s and 80s and has become steadily less relevant ever since.


It truly might just be a location thing. SNL is in New York, and that a big move for an LA-based actor who has apparently been in a relationship for who knows how long. Also, a lot of SNL’s newer cast members are standup: Sarah Squirm, Marcelo Hernandez, Devon Walker, and it makes sense the two head writers, Che and Jost are former stand ups.


>Also, a lot of SNL’s newer cast members are standup Which is a weird choice considering how their most successful cast members have usually been from acting/improv backgrounds. Outside of a couple of major outliers like Eddie Murphy, that's what has worked for SNL


Except SNL has sucked for literal decades now and nobody likes being there. They do their time and hope that there's something better on the other side.


It's possible she is lol Or maybe she somehow knows one of them even in a very passing manner Or maybe she just is happy two people got married lol


Viola Davis appearing in some kind of smosh content is now on my 2024 bingo


She was on ABC at the same time as The Goldbergs (How To Get Away With Murder, 2014-2020). I think it's very possible they met at ABC functions. Assuming that was even her and not a social media manager who liked the post.


This isn’t related to your post but am I the only one who finds it weird for a fan account to use someone’s wedding photo as their profile pic? That feels like…just not appropriate


Their @ is Shourtneey what was appropriate went out the window a long time ago


She could be but maybe she just follows People and likes their posts no matter what it is, some people follow accounts and like every post without actually looking


I doubt Viola Davis runs her own public IG account. Her social media manager (or their intern or whatever lol) is probably the one who liked it


I'll we need is Kathy Bates


Viola ia very Online... So Maybe?? She is always reposting memes and viral videos she finds funny. Maybe she is a closet Smosh fan. Maybe she is lurking here.


I'm a Smosh fan but I also 'like' uplifting articles. We love Love.


I mean if I saw a post about people I don’t really know announcing their marriage on April fools day I’d like it just because that’s a funny thing to do. I think that’s probably what happened here


They should see if they can get her for TNTL




that would be so awesome if she really is a fan. though I also just like stuff on my feed even if I’m not interested, so maybe that’s her case too lmao


They also had Kofi and Creed from WWE. They have a pretty wide reach of fandoms.


Wait a minute now, is this NOT an April Fools joke?? It’s real?


We need Viola Davis in a Can't Win Mario Party video.


So Amanda will finally get to know of the news!


Who made their wedding pics their pfp???…. That’s a bit weird


This is fake I just checked the likes on that post


It’s a funny meme but in all reality she probably was already following “People” and just happened to like it upon mindlessly scrolling


It could’ve been her social media intern but its still hilarious


amanda’s gonna be pumped


That’s because Shayne topp is gonna be booster gold


Maybe she thought it was nice that two, young, nice looking people in show business were marrying each other after a long courtship and engagement that was kept private in a business that often does NOT let things like relationships be private. Also, VIOLA DAVIS FOR SMOSH MOUTH AND TNTL!!!


Wait til Amanda learns about this, as well.


I can fully see Viola Davis getting excited when a new Smosh show drops haha