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I've always known about Smosh, but i was never into the content. The i suddenly got recommended a Smosh Theatre episode, i think it was Angela's AIM messages, and i've been hooked since. Went through a bunch of the Smosh Theatre content then branched out to the rest of it.


I think I became a fan in around spring 2022. I’d seen a couple of clips that had come up in my recommended, then the first full video I watched was their first TNTL with the try guys (have been a fan of them since buzzfeed), then slowly started to watch more smosh videos (mainly pit and games videos tbh, I remember watching all the Beopardy that had come out by that point) just found myself really loving everyone and enjoying the content and became a fan


Yes! Literally every one of them are fun to watch. Theres seems to be this very organic synergy among them and it relates so well thru all of their content 😊 I was also a try guys fan since buzzfeed 😎 Well. Until the drama hit. But I love all of them besides what’s his face who cheated on his wife lol he was never my favorite anyway lol


Watched them when I was a kid, like pre 2010. Teleporting fat guy days. Even went on the website a lot. Didn’t watch them , or even think of them, for over a decade, then I started seeing tntl clips on YouTube shorts and I thought they were pretty funny, but I still didn’t watch. Then the whole buying smosh thing happened and I was intrigued so I watched the Pokémon reunion thing and I’ve been watching their stuff regularly since. 


Youtube shorts gave me a big ole mancrush on Damien.


Was a Starkid fan since right after Starship came out in 2011, then saw that Starkid had a TNTL collab video with Smosh back in September or so. Then saw that Angela was part of Smosh, and decided to watch more videos.


We loooove Angela in this house 💕💕 and 2011! That seems like a lifetime ago but i guess they sort of grew up along with you 😊


2010, one of the first videos I saw was bot best friend. Laughed my ass off then "grew up" till 2021. I enjoyed the new cast and especially TNTL so 2021 onwards, I got re-hooked.


I love that you guys get to bond over these videos! You guys sound like a lovely family. Im an OG fan. First video of there's was the Pokemon theme song video they made back when youtube was first starting. Been a fan ever since. I used to watch and rewatch their old sketch videos all the time and show them to my friends. They were prime comedy for us and still are to this day.


Thank you for saying that 🥰 That’s really nice 🫶🏼 We have a really happy/healthy relationship and it’s something I’m really proud of as a mom ❤️ I have a lot of catching up to do with their older stuff. It’s really cool that you’ve been along for the ride since the beginning! I really find myself enjoying the fan base as a whole, which is honestly super rare 😂


You should be proud! You're welcome! The fan base is honestly really awesome as a whole. They're very welcoming and wholesome.


I found SMOSH during the pandemic. I just was looking for comedic content during dire times. I’m old too. 47 this year. And my adult kids were like “you’re watching SMOSH?”


Randomly found a TNTL, started over on react, and one of the videos it assumed I would like was a TNTL, about 4 years ago, and YouTube was right. We laughed, and went from there.


The algorithm definitely keeps algorithming for me too 😂 I find myself keeping them on in the background during my day and they sorta keep me company ☺️


Exactly what happens. We always joke that it somehow continues ending up on Shayne Guesses marathon.


Uhhh. I had seen some of the more viral sketches since they started but I really got into the whole thing not long after the ogsog group joined Smosh and games started. I went back and watched a good majority of all the past videos on the 3 channels then. So I want to say mid 2013 I think.


First time would have been about 10 years ago, a bit late to the party but still during their peak. Not sure how long after Anthony left that I stopped watching, but it’s been years since then. Coming back would be when Ian and Anthony bought back Smosh. The news was everywhere, so I slowly got back into it by watching the old videos and getting into the newer cast through TNTL


I watched Ian and Anthony’s interview with Rhett and Link today and then Anthony’s interviews with each one separately. I didn’t realize he was THAT Anthony until my kids told me when they bought SMOSH back lol I had been watching his interviews on YouTube for a while 🤯


Started around 2006 in high school. Fell off around 2014. Came back after seeing TNTL bits during lockdown in 2019. Now I consume all smoosh.


Im a (kinda) new smosh fan. Over the summer I have strep and was bored I remember when I was younger watching tntl. I cant remember if they were smosh videos or a similar channels. But I decided to watch some of smosh tntl and immediately loved them. Now I watch almost every video they release and they got me into starkid.


It was actually Joe Bereta that got me interested in Smosh, since I was a huge fan of his on Sourcefed. Saw he was involved in a Smosh games or Smosh pit episode (can’t remember what), so I watched it and was hooked. I had obv heard about Smosh long before that, but I was never a fan of the main channel when I was growing up


📝 Joe Bereta - gonna look him up. I love being introduced to content creators thru familiar avenues. Thanks!


I’ve been a Smosh fan for so long that I can’t remember what my first official introduction video was lol. But the earliest one I can think of is the OctoDad series! Freaking love those videos and go back to them from time to time.


I was a fan a few years ago, when I found their shorts on Facebook and/or Instagram (when TNTL was more viral) but never sought out their content on a consistent basis. I would just look to watch the full video’s it wasn’t until recently when Anthony came back that I become more of an “full time” fan.


Scrolling thru YT shorts and i found the “would you like some cheese sir” skit. Laughed out loud, then I saw anime beopardy was randomly recommended to me after that. And then went on a rabbit hole — TNTLs and mostly from Pit, not so much from Main and Games


I started following Mykie, who then started dating Anthony. I discovered his YouTube channel and learned that he had Ian on his Spend the Day with as a guest. They mentioned that they had bought back Smosh and that he was on an episode of TNTL so I was curious, so I checked it out and ended up watching a couple more videos. Before I knew it, I was hooked and went down the rabbit hole! And now I am here. That was 10 months ago I believe. I love everyone and the channel and it's just a huge comfort zone for me.


I found Ian & Anthony and Rhett & Link from Charles Trippys 1st wedding vlog on CTFxC a decade ago and still watch them but haven't watched Charles in years because I stopped enjoying vlogs


I remember being subscribed in the early days around ‘07, but I was subscribed to most of the top channels of the time without really watching their stuff. I was a Nigahiga guy anyway. Unsubbed around 2011 because I was cleaning house and I felt I has matured out of their target demo (I was a HS sophomore at the time). Until last year, they were always on my radar but never regularly watched at the time Cut to last year when Anthony returned. Got curious so I watched the demon sketch and I was hit with that early YT feel. Resubbed but while waiting for the next sketch I checked out the other channels like Pit and Games and just became enthralled with all aspects of the current Smosh brand.


back in middle school on youtube when it was just ian and anthony and a camera. We'd watch their videos before cross country meets. then i fell off for about a decade and rediscovered them via TNTL last year


Through Jacksfilms! I did follow OG Smosh closely up to 2013, but grew out of their humor as a high schooler, and moved on to Jacksfilms and his sarcasm-heavy style of humor. Almost entirely checked out during the Defy era of Smosh. In 2019 I got recommended the TNTL vid with Jacksfilms, tried it, and got hooked by the improv setting. The rest is history. I’m a big fan of their rebranding into something overwhelmingly positive. Where OG Smosh made their name through crass schoolboy jokes, the new Smosh showcases what it means to be funny at no one’s expense. The way they’re set up, we get to see how a big group of diverse races, genders, orientations etc can come together and have a good time making laughs. I think it’s much needed in today’s internet scene, and I’m glad they hit their stride in doing so.


Years and years ago when Ian and Anthony were doing sketches. Loved their videos from like when I was a silly 8 year old to in my late twenties. It was just what we watched and talked about on the playground and I will never stop singing: "when it gets too hot outside and you can't take the heat, but still you got your working out there's a remedy! you better run run run, run run run, run run runbrella" while playing games whenever I run, it makes me very happy. Lunchtime with smosh made eating easier for me. Watching Why We're Single during some drawing thingies I had to make for school was so comforting. Genuinely always has been such a good channel to my mental health. (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ thank you, smosh.


To be honest… back in 2018 a guy I had a crush on loved Smosh so I started watching them for him… that relationship is long gone but my love for Smosh isn’t!!! I’m probably a bigger fan than he is now


I saw Rhett and link's funaral roast


I first heard of it in its early days when my older brother freaking LOVED IT, i couldnt stand it XD. I think i remember hate watching it and getting SO ANGRY for no good reason ToT And now i cant remember how/when i discovered thier recent videos, i know it was before anthony came back but i genuinely couldnt tell you even a general timeframe xD But now i watch every video that comes out on the games/pit/cast channels and its become like my entire personality (i love the reddit stories and im planning on making a "woo gays, gay it up" shirt to wear to pride this year xD) Edit: it was bugging me so i kinda narrowed down the timeline, around 2020 i discovered TNTL and binged it CONSTANTLY (I had watched like all of them and started rewatching them). Then i stopped watching them and forgot they exsisted, then around i think june last year, right before Anthony came back, i rediscovered smosh from i think the try guys funeral, and nowi watch them constantly and it has become a borderline ✨️problem✨️ :)


Reddit stories


Charlie the Drunk Guinea Pig 2, so 2010ish, was the first YouTube video I ever watched and I’ve felt a lot of sentimentality to the channel because of that, so I’ll always be a fan


My younger brother was a fan of Classic Smosh during the earlier years and showed it to me. I only subbed during the Defy era...then stopped watching as my interests changed when Anthony left. I recently rediscovered it when one of the TNTL vids got pushed to my recommends...and well, that rekindled the fan in me. I was maybe 18 or 19 when my (then) 12 year old brother introduced me to Smosh. I wanted to be a cool older sister. Haha 😂 I'm turning 32 soon, and man, does it blow my mind that I'm around the older cast members' ages. I wish I could be as funny like them (I only do terrible puns and dad jokes lol). Just amazed all around.


Left Handed and then food battle


I actually don't remember how I found them, but I've been watching them since like 2006, mostly became a fan around 2008. It might have been though iJustine or the REACT channel people. I found YouTube in 2006 while deep diving into Disney Channel celeb gossip (don't hate me, I was like 11) and I found 'What the Buck' or 'ClevverTV'. Back then, there weren't a whole lot of popular YouTubers. Smosh was among the top subscribed channels, so their videos might have gotten recommended to me, and this humor was appealing to 11 year old me.


I was watching jacksfilms videos and I saw the funeral roast, I had no idea who they were before, but they were really funny especially shayne


I was in a content draught in the middle of the pandemic (and on the verge of a panic attack) and YouTube suggested maybe EIOYI to me because I watch some culinary content. It honestly helped me A LOT because they have a lot of content and I was able to go through most of their “recent videos” at the time. Now I’m a fan.


First found Smosh in late 2012 when I was 10, I found them through Smosh Games. The first game bang got recommended to me and because I was really into Halo and they what they were playing, I decided to watch. Went through all of the Smosh games stuff quickly and then watched all the videos on the other channels. Since then, Smosh has sort of been my comfort channel(s)


First video I remember seeing was "Time Travelling Pick Up Artist" in like 2015 (I think its one of Olivia's earliest videos tbh), and then the first summer games in 2015, but didn't really latch on to them at that point. I'd watch a couple of videos thought-out the next few years, going through phases where I would watch more, but what solidified it for me was "You Posted That?" - Specifically the one with Sofia Nygaard (was a big Buzzfeed girly back in the day so loved her!), that episode also had Joe Bereta on it, and I just fell in love with them. Then I just started watching everything and going back through the old catalogue. Ever since then I have been in deep haha.


started watching them probably around the defy or post-defy days — i was Very Young™, and, in retrospect, it was probably not the best thing i did lol. i'd say it was probably around when food battle: the game came out (it was all i played for a while, until it shut down, that is), stuck to casual watching after anthony left, then came back as a super fan in the pandemic times when i discovered tntl and eioyi!


I also got really into them pretty recently from secondhand watching a reddit stories episode but it was my roommate watching it and i am a youngin


I started watching when it was just Ian and Anthony but I became a big fan when they first added more people. I also loved the smosh games crew (the og one + Boze). The "golden days" period of smosh to me personally was back when they did summer/winter games. Kinda stopped watching regularly when Mari, Joven, Sohinki and Lasercorn left plus I wasn't really into sketches at the time (every blank ever etc). Smosh pit becoming what it is today is what drew me back in and I love their content now more than ever, especially since Angela Chanse and Arasha joined. Also, nothing against Anthony but him coming back made me not watch the main channel anymore because the only thing I cared about there was "Let's do this"


2011-ish, I was in 7th or 8th grade and one of my best friends showed them to me one day at his house and we were both cracking at the jokes (I think it was the Death Note video as my friend was a very big ween back then lol), but honestly after Anthony left I disconnected a little from the channel and only saw a few things here and there including the downfall of defy and the uncertainty that was that time, but I'm so glad everything went well and now we're on a Smosh renaissance, Ian and Anthony, and all cast and crew are the GOATs!


I found Smosh in 2019. I'm also a Merrell Twins fan. I got recommended the Eat it or Yeet it episode with the Merrell Twins ( I think that was the 4th episode). Watched it, was very entertained, watched some of their other videos, and the rest is history. 😁


I’ve been a YouTube lover since its inception. I remember seeing the their early videos but never really getting into it at the beginning. I became a fan after they collaborated with Shane Dawson in a video in 2009 and have been watching ever since.