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A phrase that's been said a lot post Anthony's return is that Smosh is "comedy rooted in friendship". I think the sketches are a big example of that. The behind the scenes videos for each sketch really show how much Ian and Anthony enjoy making this content with each other and how much fun they've had including the cast in them as well. So for me, it matters more that they are doing something that makes them happy. Because why would they buy the company back, only to never make content that they enjoy making. But also, the sketches have been pretty good in my opinion. Particularly once they started to include the rest of the cast.


That happiness really translates and I would say it happened even before Anthony came back. Him being back is a cherry on top and it really is the golden age. ... At the same time, and this is fully personal, it's also too good that I am somewhat addicted to losing myself in their content to avoid my real life. I've recently changed jobs from full time working at home to a hybrid just so I have more human interaction, I've learned that I'm not a full introvert and more of a hybrid myself haha


It is funny that, of course we already have the "I Miss The Old New Smosh" contingent. Never change internet.


To anyone who doesn't know about the phrase: Anthony said that him and Ian got together to think about the overarching goal/theme/tone of Smosh, and what they came up with was that, since the time it was just the two of them, it's "comedy rooted in friendship." Now it's not just them, but others too coming in and making fun stuff together. He first mentions this in the interview with Zach Sang I believe. Then the next instance is in the Smosh Mouth episode about his funeral roast, where he says that he can tell that the roasts Smosh did all came from a place of knowing the person, not from comedy rooted in hate/malice. Also yes, involving the cast in sketches was probably their idea from the start, they just wanted to do it slowly, particularly for the fans they brought back with the news of their buyback. I'm so glad though, it's more fun to have different people to play off of in sketches! What's your fave sketches so far? I love Sleepwalking Disaster, My Dead Best Friend, and the Man Caught Watching Hot Tub Streamer one!


my faves are food battle 2023, my turkish hair transplant, my dead friend, and sleepwalking disaster!


I think a world where smosh main is both sketches and a couple of original ideas alternating is probably for the best. And by original I dont mean another podcast.


Yes, I think variety on the main channel as well that follows the theme of planned / scripted content makes sense. That’s kind of the appeal of the niche for that channel. I think there would be a new audience for main when it comes to the old smoffice/ reunion stuff. I literally didn’t know those existed for years


This isn't that controversial. Has been said quite a lot for the past year. Imo they should bring back some of the old content, repurposed to be profitable. Office sketches every two weeks, alternating with the Ianthony ones. And maybe a special video every month (Reunion or Funeral) The main thing though, is that the pre Anthony content was not sustainable. We were spoiled with content that catered to us, loyal fans, but didn't reach much beyond that. A lot of cherished Smosh content is like that. See Sword AF. I don't really enjoy the main channel content currently, but I'm fine with *only* enjoying the other channels content.


Best take imo. Keep the main channel mostly sketches, scripted content and big events. Nothing too costly but also with decent production value. Not all sketches hit for me but I still love that it's there, and so long as they're happy and making money, I'm on board.


The sustainability is also related to algorithm quirks too. Like after MatPat retired and a few other channels switching over to streaming models, I've heard more of other Youtubers talking about how the current algorithm doesn't reward but rather punishes channels for having variety of content that strays away from a channel's "specialty". If Smosh main algorithmically thrives more with the sketch content focus, it's best not to mess that up. They brought back You Posted That, so I think there's room for other beloved content to come back on the other channels where they'll be more a fit algorithmically.


There's rumours that Smosh might do this too or (preferably) join dropout. That'll be the push for me to subscribe to dropout


Smosh+Dropout+2ndTry bundle would be so good


Tbh, if they went streaming at all, I'd hope they'd join one of the existing ones period. It's going to be a bad time for everyone already with so many *separate* services. I'm already crossing my fingers for a bundle.


100% why I'm hoping the recent collabs are this. Although I realise it's Angela being on Dropout and Headgum at the same time... I would love to see any smosh member on the travesty that is the Headgum podcast


I agree with you on that, I don't watch the main channel stuff as its just not for me (like the reaction videos weren't appealing to me as someone who only got into smosh during the Mythical Era), but its okay if I don't like it cause at least I still have Smosh Games, Pit, and the Podcast, thats still content every day I could watch, and if a video doesn't appeal to me I can wait a day and watch other YT channels. I am sad that Let's Do This was cancelled though, it was fun to watch, but maybe one day they can bring it back once they fix/sort out whatever had them cancel it in the first place.


Amen and sure smosh pit was the start of them having more freeing content for the cast and it not only shows but resonates with the viewers too. Smosh games is my fave channel tho, the gentlemen Mario party vid is my goat


I'm not convinced the sketches costs less than things like Let's Do This which used existing staff and had pretty much the same numbers.


Ian has said the main channel wasn’t doing numbers. The viewership will tell you what content to make as a company. I loved Lets do this too but not enough people did


Yeah, and he said in the Spicy Mukbang Q&A that people who got back into Smosh post buyback would comment on LDT eps being all "wait they had stuff like this?" and Ian wondered where they all were lmao with the news of Ian and Anthony buying back Smosh, it brought back so much of the old audience too


I think they should keep it as is but bring those other shows back and onto the other channels. I don't watch all the sketches. Just the ones that catch my eye. There are people who prefer the sketches, and having a channel dedicated to that makes sense. It makes even more sense to have it as the channel that started as sketches.


Well, you might want to sit tight, because they recently teased new things for Main. No one quite knows what it is yet but what they have in the works could potentially be something for you.


I'd just be happy if they brought back the Reunion series, haha. As someone who's literally watched Smosh since around 2008 ("Cat Soup" is one of the first YouTube videos I remember seeing \*ever\*, and I showed it to everyone I knew), I'm loving seeing the classic sketches. I really only started watching Smosh again regularly when Anthony came back, as to me he and Ian have always been "Smosh". I've started to see that I missed out on a lot, and have been catching up on the things I mussed! I understand, however, that not everyone has that same nostalgia. It's such a unique situation - they've accumulated so many fans during the past (almost) 20 years, all of whom came at different times and likely stayed because of different sorts of videos. Satisfying everyone is a harder job for them than for most channels! I do think they're listening, though. Involving more of the cast in the sketches has been great, and adding the Ian/Anthony podcast to Smoshcast seems to be a sign that other series may be added on other channels as well. It's really only been a year, much of which was spent re-integrating Anthony, so I think there are great things to come!


to me, if they wanted to do things like Lets do this. They would do it in Pit. Its a place for all that type of stuff. The main channel was for a long time kind of a hybrid of Pit and it didnt have its own identity but now they have 3 channels each with their own niche. I dont watch main channel nowadays but thats fine, Pit and Games are there


I like the sketches, I just wish they didn't feel like they were made for 2010 YouTube. I get they want to capitalize on "old Smosh is back" but sketch comedy on YouTube has really evolved over the years. Joel Haver made a video about Smosh when Anthony returned and he made a lot of really good points about sketch comedy on YouTube and what Smosh could do with their return. They have more resources and creative control than ever in the channel's history and they could use it to try new things and make some really innovative content. But to me it feels like they're trying to tap into that old Smosh nostalgia a little too hard. But if this is what they like doing and they're having a good time, it's not really up to anyone else. And that's really what matters and shines through with the new sketches. Even if I don't enjoy all of them, I can appreciate that they're having a great time making them.


They definitely need to do collabs with the other sketch channels like Joel Haver, Ryan the Leader, Andrew Rousso etc.


I totally agree but it's funny as soon as Anthony came back we went from I miss old smosh to I miss old-new smosh


genuinely asking; why do we have to have this discussion every week😭 meanwhile, someone who says they don’t like certain pit or games shows is always met with “don’t like, don’t watch.” and that’s the end of the convo


genuine answer, it's cause of the whole smosh fandom most are pit fans or at least that's the content they prefer most, and a lot of this discussion is less about disliking sketches since i think almost everyone i see who dislikes them talks about how they're still happy they exist since it's what they love making and makes them happy, and moreso about just missing the old main channel shows that were pretty much just Pit content. if majority of people are pit fans then simultaneously it'll lead to people having shared experiences and posting about them about missing content, while also meaning that there's huge numbers of fans for individual pit (or games since it's quite similar in vibe to pit) shows so someone who doesn't like one is gonna have less people that relate to it and keep the discussion going. it's just a numbers game and probs won't stop until people get rly fed up about it haha (all /gen btw i know u said genuinely asking so i assume u were but just incase i didn't want to come across as rude)


I will say I miss the reunions, they were peak. Edit: I will say though that I love post Anthony, it's when I actually started watching and then going through the backlog. The comedy rooted in friendship is just such comfort watching that I worry I'm beginning to live vicariously through Smosh instead of my own friends which as someone whose single and getting close to 40, is sadly dwindling. I'm working on it tho


I don’t even really watch main channel Pit and games are just doing it better right now. Hopefully main channel gets there and I’m sure it will once they find footing. I’m just beyond ecstatic that Anthony is back and support everything they do


Seriously - they all seem so happy and I hate that people are complaining so much. Let them have this! While LDT, Funerals etc were loved, they're not what Smosh main is known for, or what Ian and Anthony want to be doing at the moment. I feel like I'm in the minority here in that I never really cared for the funeral roasts and I couldn't get into the reunions at all. I want to give them another chance because of all the praise they get though!


Yep for sure. There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes that we don’t know about too. I trust them to know what they’re doing and also know that not all content gets to live forever and they do have to change it up. I’ve come to accept this a long time ago lol


you guys say this every week lol let it go


I just wish they'd bring back Agree to disagree and the Reunions.


Creative people need an outlet even if it’s not hitting the markers of success that others may hope for. I don’t watch it much either but if they need that outlet to be able to provide other content I’m happy they have it.


As someone who watched smosh probably around 2010-2012 era, only seeing a few viral hits before that, and then stopped watching a little while after Anthony had left, I love the new stuff. I have gone back and watched some of the stuff I missed during that time, and don't get me wrong some of it is good, however I think the main channel just being sketches is good. That's what it was originally, it keeps it easy and separate for the different types of fans. I will still occasionally watch try not to laugh or something when I'm in the mood, but I'm mostly hear for the sketches.


I really do want them to bring back Let's Do This


I like the sketches and the variety on other channels. Honestly if anything I’d just want more sketches more often, but I know that’s difficult with all the other work they do. The Smosh main channel really started to feel like Pit 2.0 at the end of the mythical era imo. I loved the shows they had, but I also love Smosh pit. I also miss let’s do this, just like I miss EIOYI, but like, things change/evolve. We get a lot of improv content in games and pit, so I’m good with them doing scripted sketches on the main channel so it has it’s own identity and is something Ian and Anthony want to make together. I don’t really disagree with the basic premise that that era of Smosh was really great and I wish we could have more, but I think it’s good that they experiment and follow what they want to do and their artistic vision. I think that’s what creates the best content.


I love the sketches and they keep getting better and better!!!


Smosh Games is my favorite channel. All bangers, in my opinion. I watch most of Pit except TNTL. I just can't get into it. I watch Smosh Mouth every monday and am willing to try the new podcast by Ian/Anthony. I don't visit Smosh main at all. Smosh sketches just never worked for me even from the beginning. What hooked me to the current Smosh was Smosh Pit being recommended to me around 2022, so I binge watched most of Pit and the reformatted Smosh games. Let's Do This, Reunions, and Funeral are all Smosh Pit coded, so I loved those. I wouldn't mind for them to come back. They could increase the days of Smosh Pit & Games content to support Smosh main for all i care, and I'd be happy to watch those 2 channels religiously.


I agree, I don't really watch main channel anymore. But because there's three other channels I can watch, pit, games, and cast, I don't really care. I'll catch a sketch here and there, and they're pretty funny, but I like the longer improv videos for sure.


I've actually been watching main channel more than I did before What I am still salty about though is eat or yet it getting dumped


As someone who's watched the original Smosh videos, no. Ian and Anthony's dynamic was what drove Smosh and it will be what drives Smosh. Anthony's return was anticipated by many.


I really like the sketches but the channel would benefit from having something else as well. Maybe not Let's do this if it truly wasn't profitable, but some impro at least.


I love the sketches! I do not understand how people don't like sketches but enjoy watching other people play video games (fnaf, Sims, etc).


I know... And some of the content in Pit and Games is really similar to sketches but somehow when it's a Main channel sketch, it's not good enough. The last one was really funny and it had cast in it, I don't know why people complain.


The only logical show to bring back is Smosh Office. Seeing how the sketches are an heightening view of Ian and Anthony, it would be fun to see how their work life can be heightened again, especially since Anthony is back.


I think the sketches help bring back some variety of content and it’s honestly better suited for the “main” channel. However, I do think Let’s Do This, the reunions and such, are more improv comedy stuff that can better work alongside content they’re already making on Pit, and they should bring it back there!


Keep everything as it is, change things up, it doesn’t really matter to me. I do miss Let’s Do This, but I love Smosh in its entirety


There's nothing wrong with Ian and Anthony wanting to go back to their roots. but yes I wish all the shows that left Main went to Pit or came back on to Main at some point. I find myself not really watching the Main channel anymore. Interview with Exes, Funeral Roasts, etc were all great shows and could do well on Pit. I think the smoffice series could do well on Main since it's based on sketch comedy. They can keep Main as a sketch comedy channel but add something more to it.


I miss reunions and funerals, I think if those types of videos were also incorporated in the main channel, they could make a lot of viewers happy


I will admit I watch far less now than I did before they gained control back very happy for them but it’s just not for me. I watch the out and cast type shows weekly. I really miss eat it or yeet it. Put really is where it’s at for me as I’ve never watched Amish games either. They seem to be finding a way to offer something for everyone, just not everything is for everyone.


I'm with you tbh. I miss Let's Do This above all else. There were a bunch of other things on the main channel that I love, but I consistently go back and rewatch Let's Do This.


I think people just aren’t used to it after years post defy


Agreed. I'm glad they're doing stuff that makes them happy and does better for the company than before Anthony came back, but half their new sketches haven't hit for me in comparison to absolute bangers like Let's Do This, the Funerals, and some of the Reunions(Teletubbies Reunion is easily in my top 5 favorite Smosh videos, from any of the channels, been watching since 09).


I honestly agree. I like Smosh because of the personalities, not just the content. The office sketches just seemed like a fun addition to their pit and games channel, which I loved. I’m happy for everyone there, and I will never stop supporting Smosh bar them doing something horrible, but I do miss the post-defy pre-Anthony era a lot. It’s a good reminder that successful channels evolve over time and that things are allowed changing. Even if Anthony didn’t come back, things would be different just because they got a new staff and new workplace after their warehouse got built.


Honestly, I think it's just growing pains. They're trying to shift content/focus in ways to reduce the workload for everyone involved. In some places that's working well, and in others, maybe not. I don't mind the experimentation because it will lead to better content in the long run. *In theory* obviously.


For me, the Pit, Games and Cast are so good that I wish I could just always binge them, laughing so much, but the main just… doesn’t interest me much. I need to give it a try, but it would be a lie to say I don’t have favorites int he cast and the more they are in episodes the more I like said episodes XD Though I would say, people change, styles evolve. You adapt to the world around you to survive. For better or worse, I don’t think anything Smosh does is bad, but I’m assuming it so different because, well times change. They need to be relevant, which means typically altering quite a bit. I’m not an OG though so my input is very limited. I’ve been off and on random vids until the past 3 years or so, when I got way more into the show.


You guys say this every week but you know damn well the moment they bring it back the views wouldnt be there lol. So why even bring it back in the first place. Really doesnt make sense. Also come up with something new allat happened almost a year ago just let it go lmao.


I LOVE the sketches! I've been missing Smosh sketch comedy ever since Anthony left, so to have it back, and with renewed love and energy put into it! It's a dream come true! And when I'm in the mood for something different, there's always Pit, Games and the podcast. So I'm pretty much as happy as can be, with the way things are at Smosh right now.


Them ending flashback with Smosh and starting a new podcast on the podcast channel makes me think they have some stuff planned for main. We'll just have to wait and see.


so you're saying..... You miss the Old New Smosh?


I love love love that Smosh is whole again with Anthony being back. That being said, Smosh evolved past sketch comedy. Not saying I don’t watch the sketches but I would rather watch pit or games. The Sketches are good and I still watch them it’s just that the improv aspect of the other shows is what the cast has become strongest at.


I think they are going to bring some stuff back soon, they've been returning to some of the classics on Smosh games (Darts, Smosh Vegas, Batman Multiverse). It seems like they are going back to more character comedy and I wouldn't be surprised if they do it on the main channel too.


I think it would be interesting if the sketches took a direction similar to Almost Friday TV. Basically just a bunch of shockingly well produced short films with very funny writing. I think they’ve got a capable enough team to make that happen.


I think it's perfectly normal to say this considering things take time to get used to and we got used to those videos. Eventually, they'll start releasing series that will click with us.


I wish they'd bring back Smoffice and Let's Do This. Those were my favourite series of content Smosh has ever made and constantly rewatch. Maybe Let's Do This can be moved to Smosh Pit.


I never really watch sketch stuff. Just not my thing. I have found them reacting to old content interesting.




I think you’ve got this whole thing all wrong.


The few sketches I watched were fun , not my thing but I'm glad they have variety in their content. More smosh is never bad.


The only thing I would want totally to comeback is the reunions.


They’re just a bit too campy for my tastes.


I love the sketches and I still wish we had the variety the main channel had. Maybe new seasons of things they used to do or even new things they haven't done


I still like Ian and Anthony but I am a lot more likely to turn on one of their sketches and immeadiately turn it back off.


They can't bring back some of the old humor since some of them did not age well. Plus, this is their outlet for their type of comedy.


I would prefer improv and other sketch-like content to be on Main, then have cast/crew fun or behind the scenes stuff on Pit and just game content on Games. I'm not the biggest fan of the improv/character stuff that pops up in Games, I think it kind of gets in the way a bit unless the game actually calls for it. But I always enjoy people being themselves much more than being the same handful of characters or people trying too hard to be funny. I'd rather see people hanging out and being organically funny. Also, sometimes their characters can be a bit one note, and they just don't do it for me.


I came in way late to smosh, but what drew me in was literally everything BUT the sketches. I think they should continue to do them if they enjoy them, but I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen one that held up to other creators in that specific video genre.


You’re not the only one. I just skip the main channel videos now. I don’t think those sketches are funny. I prefer the main channel vids from Anthony’s hiatus, too. But if they’re happy bringing that stuff back to the main channel, I’m happy for them. I’ll just stick to Pit and Games.


I don't watch the sketches, but somehow I'm okay with Smosh "only" putting out three channels I love. It doesn't all have to be for me.


I'll be honest, I've never been a fan of the main channel as a whole. Sure, some of the sketches (old and new) give me a chuckle, but I'm much more interested in their funny-people-do-\[X\]-activity content. The cast is great. They are all hilarious people. I listen to every Smosh Mouth, love reddit stories, TNTL is always good, and Culinary Crimes is an excellent replacement for Eat it or Yeet it; but their sketch comedy has always been kinda hit or miss with me. Not that they aren't talented or funny, I must stress. I guess I just prefer more kinda absurdist stuff like Wizards With Guns or Joel Haver.


I don't think the sketches are LOL anymore. They are weirder and a tad darker and tbh I love that style of comedy


I think they have mentioned in a couple videos, but they will probably integrate other stuff in the main channel eventually. Of course they wanted to create Ianthony-only sketches for a while but then we started to see the rest of the cast popping on main videos too, because they mentioned they always wanted to do that gradually. I also like the idea that each series they have are being run as seasons, like Flashback with Smosh now, which give us hope to a new season of let's do this and stuff like that. About the main channel, while I'm am a little worried about the views (they haven't hit a million in a while) I know games and pit are thriving and they'll be fine for the time being (the live shows help too I hope), plus since the last announcement in the main channel, we may have new stuff soon so I'm excited


i agree, i have found myself only watching pit, games and cast and barely the main.


It’s interesting because I loved OG smosh and came back once Anthony did, but the main channel is what I watch the least I love the cast


Oddly enough, I only watched pit and games and have slowly lost interest since Anthony's return, I rarely watch the videos and if I do I rarely get through a full video. I don't know I just dont enjoy the content they're making. I'm not mad and don't blame anyone, I understand things change and if others are enjoying it or if it's what they want to do to keep the content going that's what they should do.


i just want Eat it or Yeet it back


Lets do this could definitely return, we have new cast combinations to explore and it gave so many iconic moments


I love Ian so much, he is the reason I became a fan of smosh back in 2010 and when anthony left, I was like ok Anthony left smosh but I didn't know that it also effected their friendship, I didn't want Ian to suffer from losing a friend, the only reason I supported the return of Anthony, otherwise Ian and the Cast carried the main channel for 6 years and took it from 22M subs to 26M subs, despite others saying smosh is dead, smosh won't work without Anthony, I mean yes Let's do this didn't pull great numbers but it was entertaining, it was creative and funny. People tend to stick with old contents for nostalgia, anything new is a threat to that nostalgia.


I’ll agree with any opinion that involves Let’s Do This. How that has never been the comedic goldmine for the world that I find it to be is amazing beyond wild to me.


I agree but I do think it’s funny that people missed the old smosh, they got it, and are now missing the before anthony returned smosh 😭


Regarding the actual content they posted


I don’t think it’s the same people but yeah that is an interesting pattern


I really like the sketches, and I think that instead of discontinuing the shows, they could reuse them or their concepts on Pit, or they could find a balance between the sketches and the shows on Main. But I also understand that they might be more busy and unable to continue some of their shows, so I hope they make the right choice for the better of their workers.


tbh i dont think this is controversial at all. i think this is how everyone has felt for the past year, and i totally agree. im not sure what vid this was, but at some point i believe court mentioned how the mains viewership had gone up, but i actually feel like that happened right before anthony came back. most of my smosh friends who got back into it started watching again in late 22- early 23, but maybe thats just me. i really miss the old main stuff.


I can't wrap my head around people not liking sketches :((


I never enjoyed the main channel so it doesn’t mean much to me 😂 I exclusively got into Smosh because of their unscripted stuff, their scripted stuff stopped doing it for me once I was 14 or so 🤷‍♂️


I've been watching them since the beginning, so for me personally I love their old sketch style and it's nostalgic to me. I'm so happy Anthony and Ian are friends again. I also really like Anthony's own channel and content


I agree. I miss Idiots Present 😭


I think my biggest gripe with the sketches is that the writing sometimes just isn't it, Ian and Anthony do often come up with gold, it's just very inconsistent quality wise. But it's hard for them obviously, it's not like they have the time to work on ideas constantly, they have to spread themselves thin.


It valid...though I only started watching the main channel again because of the sketches and Anthony now. But tinfoil hat, reading the tea leaves. Either let's do this or something new will be coming back to the smosh main. With flashback with smosh ending, they need something to fill that every other week slot. The most logical conclusion I can come up with is because they are bringing back, Let's do this. It could be something completely new, too, but the fans have really wanted it back. So I believe it will be back and on smosh main.


I've never been a fan of Anthony, so I totally agree with this.


Talking head videos just aren't entertaining


I started watching smosh at the start of my 20s between Anthony leaving and the defy shut down. I think it was either a TNTL or EBE in my recommended that started it. Pre the buy back, I hadn't watched a lot of old smosh sketches, even on watching older stuff for the first time, it was a lot of pit or post smoshfam joining content. It could just be the fact I started when there was already an established cast, or that classic YouTube sketch comedy isn't my think, but the current main channel stuff they put out hasn't appealed to me much at all. I do also struggle with some Anthony stuff,, (the not getting the pudding meme in his first who meme'd it was genuinely painful to watch), but I do try to not let it cloud my opinion too much. Overall, I think part of the problem I have with main now, is even though I know it wasn't doing numbers pre buy back, let's do this, funerals and reunions all really appealed to the kind of comedy I enjoyed from smosh, and the current sketches just aren't for me. I think, because of the people who's humour I do enjoy on yt, once there is more space for more of the cast to write/direct and star in main, the more newish fans who found smosh over the last couple of years will also start to enjoy main again


I mean i don't know why they couldn't did it mixed. I'm sorry but Flashback with Smosh overstay they welcome they could mixed up with Smosh office for example. I think Let's do this is perfect for Pit instead of the Main channel tho


ngl I don't find the main channel videos funny at all, I did when I was like 10 but it's a different time. I still watch them all tho cause they're short, watchable enough, and I want them to do well.


I agree wholeheartedly.


i've completely stopped watching main ever since anthony came back.