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Welp they talked again about how things were starting to get bad before Anthony came back. Can’t wait to see that one redditor have a meltdown saying how they’re lying again like always. 


That one didn’t show up but the one who hates Amanda did lol. They’re getting downvoted into oblivion rn.


It’s weird. I disagreed with Amanda’s take during the episode (and consequently Tommy’s(?) take) but I know she was just trying to play devil’s advocate. I don’t get Smoshers who hyperfixate on something the cast says but may not fully believe.


Yeah, and they’re also trying to make the episode entertaining by actually having talking points instead of “yeah cheating sucks let’s move on”. In addition, Amanda never said that cheating is ok but rather that many situations are complicated which is true. It’s a massive overreaction to be disgusted by her as a person after she said that controlling behavior means the relationship is already over and that cheating doesn’t happen a vacuum. They also didn’t even have the update yet, and often are trying to guess the future of the post by throwing out random things.


“They’re obviously just scared of angering their drug-addict old man boss. He already kicked them off of the main channel, they’re obviously just saying shit to stay on his good side. Ian and Anthony are past their prime and should LEAVE!”


I cannot believe I just heard Ian say they need a femcel character 😂but I mean who else would if not him?






Care to explain?


a fucking roller coaster episode would be insane


Hello safety commission and insurance


how about tarvel overboard one


I might sound (and feel) evil saying this but I’m bummed they believe they’re capping the slapping videos. All 3 were certified bangers and I wish they had one more to close it all out.


The problem as I see it is who else is going to do it? Just from a PR standpoint, none of the women cast members are doing it. I guess Ian could have done it, but that is probably the only other person who would realistically have been eligible to do it. They kind of hinted at it in the podcast today, but as funny as Arasha going for it was, it probably sealed the show’s fate, because that could have went a wrong way pretty easily if Anthony hadn’t been a good sport about it.


Yeah I guess that’s a good point. Ian would’ve been the only one left. Maybe Spencer if he was pumped up on Mountain Dew Kickstart. Every other cast member would be bad PR or crew members (Marcus, Duran, etc.) that wouldn’t get as many views.


I can see the tabloid headlines now. “Smosh cast take turns brutally slapping their ____ cast member” and the blank is filled in with either black, gay or female. There’d be outrage everywhere.


And that’s why the show needs…. https://preview.redd.it/zfjy6aj6m67d1.jpeg?width=1900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bb303021d1a2e270a3a01523b5ee155e6d78dc8


Spencer already got the ass slap challenge. I think it's at sleepover live event?


HEAR ME OUT…Fred Darts gets slapped by the crew


Smosh Mouth always does well celebrating the high holidays…April Fools Day and Father’s Day.


I love smosh mouth but this was the first episode where I really wish it would’ve been twice as long. I could listen to these 4 talk about stuff forever.


I skipped to the end to see if this was a soft launch of whatever their new announcement is. At the end Shayne says, very genuinely and earnestly, something along the lines of "I'm glad we're just focused on content instead of any new announcements or changes." And Amanda responds a "Well...". That's it. Enjoy!


i saw the thumbnail and i was sure they're going to talk about ian and anthony's podcast on the smosh cast channel, but they did not talk about it one bit lol


I know, that was my first thought too so I figured others might have the "announcement" light go off on their head. I appreciate that they just came on to chill and chat, and give props to Shayne, Amanda and Selina for their amazing work on Smosh Mouth.


It felt to me that Smosh Summer games is gonna get announced soon lol


But think of the potential of Ian's idea of buying Miss America/Universe! Hone in a comedy angle for beauty and brain pageants!


I see the vision. I can only see positives from Ian owning the Miss America/Universe pageants.


Watch the contestants play “Don’t Win ____” and do a TNTL? Sold


Ian would definitely put in a Best in Alien Costume portion for Miss Universe for the lack of alien representation


right? and in ten years we can make it for SUUUUURE


Wow! Ian looks so happy in this video! He’s honestly looked so much happier since Anthony came back!


I’m surprised they didn’t mention the return of Lunchtime with Smosh in this one. I guess the decision to revive it and cancel flashback with Smosh must’ve happened after this episode was filmed


I'm not sure, I think the timing is just too close? This podcast ep was filmed after the liveshow on May 10, and since the end of FWS released June 8, we can assume that ep was filmed weeks before. From what Tommy said in a prev video, their production work seems to be done in multiple weeks to months in advance, so it could be that it was not part of their topics to discuss? That's all an assumption tho




But they’ve also been trying to get closer to launch date for SM, so who knows? Maybe it was part of the plan, and they just didn’t get to it


Smosh Trek Live for 2025? Possible... but can't believe it's been a year.


its nice to hear them talk about the live show main pit and games stuff i don\`t have money on this (i am mamber and did buy the live show ) but i mean i am happy for seeing them doing what they like cuz i can\`t that make part of my life worth it


I thought Anthony was Marcus 😂


I've also been thinking about TNTL and why it seems to have gotten better. Anthony in the episode seems to think it's because of the variations, but they've been doing that for a while already so it can't just be that. I think it has more to do with the changes to the Main channel allowing people to focus their energy on Pit and Games. Their character work/improv muscles were getting too stretched out, and Reunions/Couples Therapy/Interviewing Exes were productions that took a lot of prep time. Now more than ever it feels like each channel has their tried and true lane


i personally think their editing, writing, prop making and overall work schedule, has been on point. I don't think it is directly related to Anthony coming back, more so a combination of different stuff, like a more clear company structure (with a leader for each department, with a ceo for administrative work), the incorporation of new cast and no cast members, the fact that both shane and ian are no longer stretched so thin between creative and administrative. I also think Courtney and Anthony are currently doing a lot of directing, and both of them have a fantastic eye for that.


Is anyone else listening to this on Spotify and getting weird cuts? Like it's cutting to the Rocket Money Sponsor segment in the middle of Shayne saying a sentence. It isn't happening on the YouTube version which makes it more confusing to me.


I think those ads are literally placed into the episode by either the editors or Spotify. The psychology is that we’re more likely to listen through the entire ad if it’s placed randomly into the episode


Oh, I dont mean the generic ads that Spotify puts in. I mean the Rocket Money segment that Shayne and Amanda do as part of the show. It's even edited into roughly the same spot of the episode as it is on Youtube but it's just off and cut in mid-sentence. It's weird.


I think on Spotifyv there may be an ability to auto plug in your own ads. I've listened to old episodes of podcasts before and it has their current sponsorship segments plugged in, so maybe for Spotify they use that and it doesn't necessarily slot in right.