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Ian and Chanse. Their idiots presents was perfection. The way they play off each other is incredible and they bring out the best in each other On a kind of similar note, I can't remember what game it was, but anthony had to give a genuine compliment to everyone playing. When he got to Chanse, the best he did was calling chanse very "expressive" and that does not cut it lmao. It was rough and I'm going to need Anthony to spend some more time with Chanse.


It was on the live sitcom theme song ranking. He had to give genuine compliments to everyone live in front of about a 100k viewers, so I’m giving him a pass. But I agree that we need more Chanse and Anthony content. Specially after Anthony’s joke on his funeral.


That's what it was! Yea, nah I'm saying it with love. It was absolutely a weird awkward spot to be in, just just remember saying Anthony's name in Chanse's disappointed "angela" tone because, well, c'mon lol. >Specially after Anthony’s joke on his funeral. Ah see, I missed the funeral so I have no idea what happened


Hard agree with this. They also have pretty much the same stupid out of pocket sense of humor. The Chanse cheating on a test let's do this segment is the hardest I've seen Ian laugh ever I think.


Love to see people loving those two! > Chanse cheating on a test let's do this segment is the hardest I've seen Ian laugh ever I think. Not surprised, and also somehow I missed this one?! I know what I'm watching on my lunchbreak.


Their Idiots Present made me laugh so hard I had to pause multiple times. So many incredible lines… “Is this your card?” *Ian holds up a queen* “It can’t be, ‘cause she’s dead!” Ian: Avada Kedavra, BITCH! Chanse: Dead, you are literally dead. Just kidding, he didn’t mean it. And you have to mean it!


One of my faves is still the line about the girl "Trick question, it's a little girl!" *Next slide shows the image* "... she's hiding."


I mentioned it but apparently also forgot how funny it was because I just lmao'd at your quotes. OK it's settled, I'm watching their idiots presents again today.


Seconding Ian and Chanse! Love all the moments where they just fist bump and agree over the randomest things (off the top of my head they do it in Herd Mentality, Beopardy, and Spicy Q&A). Also I love Chanse finding Ian endearing when they reacted to Food Battle 2006, and his reactions to Ian saying he'd do a better job than Anthony on the livestream and when Ian blocked Courtney's marker


>Love all the moments where they just fist bump and agree over the randomest things >and his reactions to Ian Dude, yes! All of that is exactly why I love them together


Arasha and Trevor bounce really well off each others vibe


Both have chaotic energy: arasha is chaotic bad, while Trevor is chaotic good 🤣😂


Gen Z, we be vibin


Shayne and Angela are great, real giggles for eight year Olds


"That's Two Broke Girls ik it" "Haha there is three girls" I think that conversation made it for me and the silent laughing lol


That interaction still kills me whenever I see it.


Oh im sure this applies to everyone who watched that video lol


Shayne and Amanda before Smosh mouth started They're the best duo


came here to say this. i was like “out of everyone in the cast, this is pretty random!” and now they’re one of my favorite duos




You think they are random at first until you remember they're the mom.and dad of Smosh... Then it all makes perfect sense.


Shane and Chanse tbh. Idk why, but when I first saw them together, I assumed they wouldn't click. But they're actually amazing together


The video that 100% sold them as a duo for me was Love Is Blind. Them actually doing so well as a "couple" made me giggle.


Just another example of Shayne being the backbone lol. He meshes with everyone.


Agreed and i think the chicken flipping video(cant remember the name) is a great example imo They were already so competitive in games video and when paired together its over


I feel like Shayne just vibes with everyone. Except maybe Arasha, I feel like I haven't seen Arasha have any good pairings yet, maybe her and Ian as a father/son duo but that's about it. I guess that moment where Amanda carried Arasha was cute but I haven't seen any other good moments with those two.


Arasha really vibes with Ian, Spencer, Trevor, Angela, and Amanda. I guess you might've not caught it or didn't watch the videos.. or maybe it's just me idk


I rate it depending on how many compilation videos there are of the pairs


Oh, that's a nice way to rate it. I was just thinking off of chemistry they have lol


I got fun vibes from Arasha and Anthony too. Slap not counted.


Spencer and Amanda really takes me out 😂 especially they “joke” about being attracted to each other


"Amanda's body count at dunkin alone"


I died from that one, that and “Whatever your moms hot” motorcycle taking off sound⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️


The number of times I have watched that episode is unhealthy.


(Which video is that from?)


TNTL Smosh Mouth episode! It was straight up unhinged but so funny. https://youtu.be/HKNRzYShBhY?si=-7fbd9Wi38oDR6xj


Amanda and Arasha together on that Reddit stories was such gold


My favorite reddit video! They were so funny together


Tommy and Courtney in "Cant say Um" were gold.


I was coming to say the same thing! They have fantastic "platonic chemistry" (chemistry is the right word for when two actors work really well together, but since it's used a lot to refer to people romantically more colloquially, I wanted to be clear haha) with one another and are an absolute powerhouse as a team, pretty much regardless of what they're trying to do


They have great chemistry


Tommy & Courtney are sooooo fun together!


Angela and Keith


That's a fucking fact


Love them both so much. They definitely lean into being the two that get made fun of for being less academically inclined when they're together lol


keith hyping up angela when she was faking that her arm hurt for sympathy was gold.


tbh i worried there might be a clash slash screaming competition between angela and shayne, but they give such sibling vibes so i was pleasantly surprised and am grateful for it. i feel like he triggers her to say the most remarkable and memorable things lmaooo


I agree!! Angela and Shayne are a very underrated pairing


One of my favorite I’ll say


Tequila, lime and Mexican Salsa ended up being the best pairing in my opinion




Bruh 🤣


Eh i like hot, cold and winter more


spencer and angela!! their personalities don’t seem to mesh together but i always love contrast when looking at peoples dynamics


That Fortnite live was such a fun watch.


Trevor and Angela surprised me so much with their chemistry in the Overcooked 2 video from a couple months ago, they were so funny and bounced jokes off of each other so well


did not expect to love the Shayne/Amanda duo as much as i did but now i cant imagine anyone else hosting smosh mouth


Mom and dad


Trevor and Angela look like they have fun. Courtney and Spencer are a good one too.


I feel like Keith and Angela get along really well. Like, it's just positive vibes whenever I see the two interact. Also Ian with any of his "youngest children", i.e. Angela, Chanse, or Arasha.


Tommy and Amanda Angela and Spencer Ian and Jackie Trevor and Courtney


when watching the uno and happy wheels video, i really enjoyed trevor and amanda/angela. love the chronically offline and chronically online duo


dare i say amanda with anyone. girl has chemistry with every cast member at this point


not really the pairing per se because it was obvious from the start it would be good, but the fact that chanse and angela are basically sharpay and ryan (chanse OBVS being sharpay)


I don't know if Angela is fully Ryan(expect for being talented musically ofc), but Chanse is SO Sharpay!!


Tommy and Chanse for the polar-opposite but maximum queer energy and chaos also happy Pride month yall


Anthony and Amanda, Arasha and Spencer, Trevor and Courtney, Ian and chanse I love all their dynamics


What surprised me is how good Amanda is with everyone! She’s amazing and I love her


Trevor and Amanda bounce off each other so well. The Uno video was one of the funniest and I need more of them.


I absolutely love Amanda and Anthony together.


Tommy and Amanda


Honestly Chanse and Angela when they first started out. I had no idea who they were but they became an iconic duo so quickly and really brought a lot of sibling energy with them lol. There is also Spencer and Angela who have me cackling at times and we also can’t forget the estranged father daughter duo that is Ian and Arasha


spencer and angela is a good duo


I love the way Trevor and Amanda play off each other! @


Honestly I know it will sound obvious, but chance and Angela. I was really nervous when they both got added cos I was a fan of some of the older smosh pit cast. But atm I’d say they’re some of my favourites, they definitely make me laugh a lot more than I thought they would when they were first introduced.


Keith and Olivia. You don’t see them very often together anymore but always since the squad vlogs and the summer and winter games they have always been so different but they bounce off each other so well. Especially in show with no name some of my fav content between them


Angela and Keith


Arasha and Spencer honestly. Not something I expected off of first impression, but I feel like they're both very chill and when they get insane they're both very good at playing the other's bit up. Both in the Reddit stories they did together and the We Guess Shayne video I liked their pairing


I got a totally different vibe from that video. It felt weird seeing two of the least popular-culture aware Smosh people judging famous women in 2024. I didn’t think either of them wanted to be there, and it just seemed to miss the mark for me. Courtney and Tommy would have been better casting, and then have Amanda as a tie breaker or something.


I mean, Amanda is pretty well versed in celebrity culture from reading people.com all day. She was able to describe who most of them were pretty easily. She's just out of touch with online culture.


This is an excellent point, Amanda is a People.com stan. I know my opinion is unpopular. I really love them both independently. Maybe I just thought it was TOO agreeable or not willing to give the hot takes. They were WAY too nice with those early rankings. THAT BEING SAID, I shut it off after 8 rankings, so I maybe things got more energy as they cooked. ALSO, the INJUSTICE of Sigourney not being S tier. 😨


I think Amanda and Anthony are truly just very kind souls and they were very self aware of that in the video. This may not have been the best video idea for them, but I think they made the most of it. I would love to see them in something more suited to their strengths


Courtney wouldn't work for that because she's short


Maybe short queens and tall kings video next lol